Deleted member 17402

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Oct 27, 2017
Alien: Isolation released on October 7, 2014, almost five years ago. It opened to mixed reviews that leaned on the positive side but the one review that would be seen as disproportionately scored and would remain in the collective conscience going forward is IGN's 5.9 review.

Unfortunately the game went on to sell modestly and barely break even. Fans such as myself are most likely not getting a direct sequel, which is why I try to appreciate as much of this game as I possibly can.

The things I love about it:
  1. The atmosphere exudes character. I felt like I was in the original Alien movie. I've never experienced such a carefully crafted adaptation of source material before.
  2. The music does a fantastic job of building tension and elevating your paranoia.
  3. An enemy AI which, up until that point, I had never experienced. Despite the rubber-banding, I thought it was unique and allowed the game to be as tense as it was. Today my standard is Resident Evil 2's Tyrant, which I think refined the AI formula of Alien: Isolation.
  4. Balances feeling powerless, as you can't damage or kill the alien, versus empowered, as you can fend off Working Joes and other humans throughout the station. While the tension does die down by the time you get the flamethrower, it happens late enough in the game for me to welcome it.
  5. The sound design is SUPERB. Playing this with quality headphones is definitely a treat.
I can't mention the above without mentioning the two things I disliked the most:
  1. One or two many chapters that drag out the end of the game.
  2. Missions, such as the one where you walk on planet LV 426, where the pacing is completely cut in half. You can't move any faster than the scene allows you to. This really kills the momentum and I despise it.
Over all, I love this game, having replayed it many times over since its release. I find it difficult to believe that it's been almost five years since it came out. I still remember the road leading up to its release followed by the immediate reception like it was yesterday.

As for my favorite part of the game, it's when Ripley exits an elevator during one of the earlier chapters after having restored power to the shutters. As you descend the stairs, the shutters rise, the best music of the game cues and you're greeted with an awe-inspiring view of the planet below. I LOVE it.



Oct 27, 2017
One of the most tense games I have ever played. Absolutely LOVE it. With a darkened room and a decent pair of headphones, this is a fantastic experience

Oct 25, 2017
My favorite game from this generation and a game I keep going back to time and time again. Probably the most well realised adaptation of a film property in video game form. Everything is perfect outside of pacing issues and the ending being a little flat.


Oct 25, 2017
I've heard a lot of positive things about this game (with its fair share of negative ones ngl) but I'm looking forward to the Switch release later this year.
It'll be the first time I experience the game by myself so I'm excited


Oct 27, 2017
One of the best games this generation. Easily.

I don't care if it's 10 hours too long. I wanted it to be even longer.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
May 3, 2019
Must be awesome in VR.
Too bad they didn't care to port to PSVR.

Big G

Oct 27, 2017
My 2014 GOTY. It's one of the best horror games ever and still the scariest game I've ever played. Every single second was a stressful, white-knuckle experience.


Jan 10, 2018
this game is a masterpiece imo, while it's definitely too long (the middle section where you're just going back and forth fixing shit is tedious as fuck) the atmosphere of this game is just so fucking on point that at first I could only play this game for half an hour at a time because I found it so utterly dread inducing.
Sep 28, 2018
Most stressful game ever made: CHECK
Most authentic film adaption ever made: CHECK
Best sound design of this generation: CHECK
Best enemy AI this generation: CHECK
One of if not the best horror game ever made: CHECK

I appreciate.

Friendly reminder that it's coming to Switch.


Well, Tosca isn't for everyone
Oct 31, 2017
This game is fantastic. I sweated the whole game yet I still enjoyed it playing at night with headphones

Shame about the sells, it's excelent.


Oct 27, 2017
I love playing the LV-426/derelict mission every now and again. The atmosphere of the planet and ship is just so haunting.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Incredible game. Unfortunately never got to experience it in VR (whereas I did RE7) but it's the most effective on-screen horror game I've played this gen. Master of its craft in building atmosphere and tension.


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
My GotY 2014.
Amazing game, impeccable atmosphere, and I was tense the whole time. Original additions like the Working Joes were awesome.

I hate that we never got a sequel.

Deleted member 17402

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I love playing the LV-426/derelict mission every now and again. The atmosphere of the planet and ship is just so haunting.
I do agree that the atmosphere is haunting but I dislike the build-up to it. I really hate being held back by scripted events and being unable to progress any faster. It felt really egregious in that part of the game.


The Fallen
Oct 31, 2017
New York, NY
Funny this thread popping up today.

I bought AI a long time ago but never got passed a few hours into it. Not because I didn't enjoy my time with it but because other games were higher on the priority list. Well, I recently found myself with some more time on my hands I downloaded it off GamePass to give it another try. I plan to play it this weekend.

Deleted member 17402

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Funny this thread popping up today.

I bought AI a long time ago but never got passed a few hours into it. Not because I didn't enjoy my time with it but because other games were higher on the priority list. Well, I recently found myself with some more time on my hands I downloaded it off GamePass to give it another try. I plan to play it this weekend.
Would be interested to know what you think.

Do you have any particular affinity for the Alien IP? Alien and Aliens are my two favorite movies of all time and I think that's what helps me appreciate this game so much more.


Oct 27, 2017
Amazing game. The Evil Within released within a week of it too if I'm not mistaken. That was a great October for horror games.


The Fallen
Oct 31, 2017
New York, NY
Would be interested to know what you think.

Do you have any particular affinity for the Alien IP? Alien and Aliens are my two favorite movies of all time and I think that's what helps me appreciate this game so much more.
Yeah, I bought this game basically sight unseen because I'm a huge fan of the Alien IP. I may even run through the Alien movie collection before I play it for maximum immersion.


Oct 29, 2017
It's the scariest game of all time and the art style is literally perfect. I have yet to finish it because of the anxiety it gives me but I plan to soon.


Oct 27, 2017
Another one here for the appreciation thread. I love that game so much. I'd really like to see them make a The Thing game.
Oct 27, 2017
God, it was amazing. I loved it, what a game. I really need to get it again and play through again, it was such an atmospheric experience. I can't recall a game where I crept through with such trepidation. I thought I had it sussed and that the xeno would only appear in certain levels so I was clomping about making a racket in what I thought was a sort of loading/transition area and it came busting out of a vent and got me and I nearly died of fright. Or that time I wandered under a vent that was dripping something, what's that I thought, OH LAWD nom nom nom.


Oct 26, 2017
Perfect timing for the thread as I have the game in my basket on PSN, as it's only about $16 for the collection

I've been really hesitant to buy and play it though as I'm not much a fan of the Outlast 2 style of horror, but I'm really dying to play a good horror game. And I'm a huge fan of the Alien franchise.

How difficult is the game? The manual save system has me a bit worried. If there's one thing I hate most in games, it's losing a ton of progress due to dying and having to replay large portions of the game to make up for the loss.


Jul 6, 2018
I absolutely loved it! Played with headphones in a dark room sitting very close to a big screen and just immersed myself from beginning to end.
Oct 25, 2017
Plus One

Great game
Truest Alien game
Could be released today and would still be considered visually impressive

Deleted member 17403

User Requested Account Closure
Oct 27, 2017
I would love a sequel that retains the same level of anxiety and dread, but allows you to kill the Xenomorphs. Endow them with the ability to learn and recognize player patterns, behaviors, and tools and use cunning to outwit the more heavily armed player.

Deleted member 17402

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Perfect timing for the thread as I have the game in my basket on PSN, as it's only about $16 for the collection

I've been really hesitant to buy and play it though as I'm not much a fan of the Outlast 2 style of horror, but I'm really dying to play a good horror game. And I'm a huge fan of the Alien franchise.

How difficult is the game? The manual save system has me a bit worried. If there's one thing I hate most in games, it's losing a ton of progress due to dying and having to replay large portions of the game to make up for the loss.
Advice I always give new players is to not stay in one place for long. Conventional wisdom with most horror games makes you think that you should wait until it is safe to pass. But since the alien rubber bands to your location, you increase the risk of being caught if you're not moving frequently. I'd say that the first few hours are very difficult because it's you adapting to the style of game and AI, but after that you'll realize you've learned how to approach it better and will find it easier than what came before.

Yes, you need to manually save and there have been times where I've lost progress, but here's the thing: Save stations are plentiful and the issue of having a lot to "repeat" should you die becomes less of a problem because you'll learn to progress through an area faster and faster if you die repeatedly, which in effect teaches you how to circumnavigate the alien undetected as well. It's a positive feedback loop.


Oct 27, 2017
Must be awesome in VR.
Too bad they didn't care to port to PSVR.

My first VR experience was a demo of Alien Isolation. It was awesome. Though the full game was never officially supported for VR, it was still an immersive experience as long as you did not move your head too much.

Virtua Saturn

Oct 27, 2017
I love this game so much. I wish it were a little shorter but I loved it. It also tramatized me. No movie scares me the way that game did.


Nov 2, 2018
Love this game to death. Double dipped on PC and PS4 just so I would have more places to play it. It's a crime it won't get a proper sequel.


Oct 27, 2017
Didn't have the balls to play it for more than 15 minutes but the setting fascinates me. Here's hoping the Switch version is good, I think I can tolerate it a bit more by playing it portable.


Jan 24, 2019
I've played the first few hours in VR.

I can see why they scrapped it: the world just isn't ready for it. We're not prepared.