
Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017

I know what you're thinking: it's Gwent and I don't like card games. But trust me on this one, because Thronebreaker is really, really good.

Where Thronebreaker succeeds is in taking the basis of Gwent and reconstructing it into a full adventure video game experience, providing a framework for Gwent to operate alongside more traditional role playing and adventuring content. There are several maps to explore, each interacted with via a classic isometric perspective, point-and-clicking through locations to unravel secrets, meet NPCs, and progress the story. Context is always given, the game rich with interactive dialogue and visual set pieces to draw you into the story. Meanwhile Gwent itself is used as a backbone for puzzle solving and combat.

The magic is in how inventive the use of Gwent is. It's not as simple as building a deck and having every match play out the same way, but instead battles often having contextual requirements, gimmicks, and scripted sequences that give them context to their place in the world and narrative. Stories aren't just told outside of battle, but during battles, cards and sequences shifting as the narrative does. It erodes all sterility from the risk of repetition and makes every battle feel fresh, engaging, and driven by narrative.

And rounding out the whole package is CDPR's trademark production standards, breadth of content, and attention to detail. What could have easily been a phoned in effort is everything but. It has a unique soundtrack on par with The Witcher 3's work, dialogue is well written and performed, choices with far-reaching consequences ripple throughout missions, there's a ton of optional side content and stuff to discover, and the enormity of the main quest makes it more than worth the relatively cheap price of admission. I also thought it looked super gorgeous.

As far as I'm aware it didn't perform all that well. And I get why; no matter the production standards a Gwent specific game was only ever going to appease a minority. But if you enjoyed Gwent in any way from The Witcher 3, and want more "The Witcher" stuff, I cannot recommend Thronebreaker enough. Give it a chance because it's fantastic.




Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
what resurgence? people haven't stopped talking about this game as if it simultaneously blows them while baking cookies since release day

edit: i'm not editing the above out out because i'm not a coward but holy shit i did not realize this thing almost doubled it's launch playerbase today. goddamn!
Last edited:
Mar 23, 2019
I played this last month, I agree with everything you say, fantastic game......only negative for me is that game is really long- I think I went over 25 hours. I guess what else do you expect from CDPR, huh? But for me the last two acts- I zipped through just the story stuff, a few puzzles and I skipped every standard battle. Looking back, I wish they had slimmed it down to more like 20 hours overall.


Oct 26, 2017
what resurgence? people haven't stopped talking about this game as if it simultaneously blows them while baking cookies since release day
More people are playing it now than ever before, even at launch! (On Steam at least).
With it just being added to Gamepass I'm sure it's seeing crazy numbers on consoles, too.
The Netflix series gave it a huge bump and many are replaying it right now.

Anton Sugar

Oct 27, 2017
Hell yeah, this thread is what I needed. Had always been curious about this but never really tried it out. I'm back on that Witcher train, post-show, babyyy!


Oct 25, 2017
Thronebreaker continues to feel like one of the most underappreciated gems of recent years. It's very nice to see this thread.

It's a tremendous game from start to finish, full of classic Witcher quality storytelling, choices, consequence, great characters, etc., etc. It's also really neat to see all the ways in which they are able to use Gwent and Gwent battles to mirror the story. There's still obviously that disconnect as it's a card game, but they do so much with such a small scope. And it's a good 30 hours with only the very ending battle being the one part of the game I didn't absolutely love.

And it was a pleasure to see/learn more of the world. It was the game that finally sold me on reading the books too.


Oct 25, 2017
Also if you really and I mean really hate gwent, the easiest difficulty setting lets you choose to skip battles.

You can basically play it as a kind of visual novel with some cyoa elements.


Prophet of Truth - Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
Played a lot of Gwent but stopped right before Thronebreaker released.

Will give it a try after I finish Witcher 3, glad its good.

Man, imagine if a new Witcher game would've been announced amidst all this hype for the series.


Oct 26, 2017
It's good but it got so repetitive and boring that I didn't end up finishing it despite getting over 60% of the way through. The over world stuff in particular is so bland and unrewarding (a lot of the chests contain items for the multiplayer thanks) that I almost wonder if the game would've just been better with a mission/level select interface while keeping the camp to interact with characters and get upgrades/cards and such. Also unlike TW3 where you can pick from multiple decks that have their own themes and gimmicks, you basically just get one faction/deck and slowly add more cards to it over time. Granted there's way more depth in the core game here than in TW3, but I still felt the lack of variety when it came to deck building. Because of that and the game being really easy regardless of difficulty (which fortunately I think they patched by now), the regular battles didn't really feel like they were playing out any differently.

The puzzle-like encounters are great, as are the characters, stories, and the decision-making scenarios that impact the game, but they didn't make up for everything else imo. If you're desperate for more Witcher stuff after playing the other games I'd probably still recommend it though.


Oct 25, 2017
Started it yesterday. It's gorgeous and polished as hell, but I really miss classic Gwent. The overhauled version they have in this isn't bad, but at times it feels more like some other card games than it does Gwent. It's still really fun though!


Alt Account
Dec 6, 2019
The presentation in Thronebreaker is top-notch. Some of the puzzles were hard enough that I had to look at some YT solutions in shame.

Long Live Queen Maeve!

Brodo Baggins

Oct 27, 2017
How is the progression in this game? I never really got into Gwent while play Witcher 3, because it felt unnatural to me for Geralt to bring up during in character interactions, and broke up the pace of the game too much for me to really want to spend time with, but I love card games like MT:G, Android: Netrunner, Pokemon TCG, and Slay the Spire.

Recently I've been reminiscing about how great the pokemon TCG game was on the original gameboy. Because you slowly built up your pool of cards and it felt just like playing at your LGS. Obviously the story is totally different, but if this one has a similarly good feeling of progression I'm really tempted to try it out. Any opinions?

Another thing that has made me hold off on this game is that I love the writing in The Witcher games, but I've wondered if this one is a little more political and serious? I love Geralt's personality and the wit in the series a lot, so I'm hesitant about a different MC.


Oct 25, 2017
This game has some of the best writing and character work in the whole series. Meve is such a great protagonist and I honestly consider this required reading for any Witcher fan. Even if you don't love the combat.

The part that people often take for granted is just how much of this game is about making really tough decisions in the story. It's very much like Banner Saga in this way. Thronebreaker does choice and consequence better than any Witcher game in the series IMO.

But Meve is such a well acted protagonist, that she sold every shaky decision I made with her incredible performance and conviction. I'd honestly rather have a spinoff game staring her than another Geralt game at this point.


Oct 29, 2017
i really really wan ted to get into it. I couldnt. i so desperately wished this game would have a "normal" combat system.
its so bizarre to think that a witcher related videogame came out last year - and it carries many strenghts of the witcher (writing, characters, presentation) but almost nobody seemed to bat an eye.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
I do have the first few Witcher books though. Should I at least read them first?

You can totally skip them if you want to. Thronebreaker tells a story that happened during one of the chapters of "Baptism of Fire" novel. Baptism of Fire showed some events from Geralt's perspective, Thronebreaker tells a complete story from a perspective of Queen Meve, main protagonist of this game. It's mostly standalone, though, so you don't need to worry about missing anything.


Alt Account
Nov 30, 2019
It's really good and I highly recommend it. The writing is especially impressive.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Is this only single player at all? Or does it have any multiplayer?

It's a weird thing, but Thronebreaker has a multiplayer of some sorts. It's essentially Gwent: The Witcher Card Game, a completely separate game. Both of them shares the same engine and were originally planned to be released in one package, but they decided to separate them. You can play it on PC via GOG or on iOS. There is a version on consoles as well, but it is apparently discontinued because of low interest.


Nov 10, 2017
Gwent is an excellent card game,but personally I didn't like the concept of combat through gwent in this game,that's why I never bought it. I might get it as a visual novel if the easy difficulty lets you skip gwent battles


Apr 7, 2018
Hell yes. It really is an amazing game, and from someone that didn't like The Witcher 3 (love the universe, though).

The design of the combats and puzzles is amazing, the story and side quests good enough and it is really good looking.

Give it a try people, you will be surprised.


Game Producer at MistWall Studio
Oct 26, 2017
I bought this after watching the Netflix show and indeed, is a very good game.


Oct 27, 2017
Buy this please. Maybe cdpr changes their mind and we will get a sequel someday. Its brilliant, second best game in the witcher universe.


Oct 28, 2017
Gwent is an excellent card game,but personally I didn't like the concept of combat through gwent in this game,that's why I never bought it. I might get it as a visual novel if the easy difficulty lets you skip gwent battles
It does, that's actually how I'm going through it at the moment. I really dislike all the changes and complexity they made and added to Gwent coming out of TW3, so I give the puzzle battles a couple of shots, but if it's a weird stipulation battle that it's clear I just don't have a hand felt for, I immediately skip it.


Oct 25, 2017
I personally could only play this in small bursts because I would get sick of endless rounds of Gwent (gimmicks or no), but the characters, music, voice acting and story are as good as anything from CD Projekt Red and it's well worth checking out if you're already a fan of the Witcher.


Jan 16, 2018
Bought. Thanks.
Fuck, I just bought days gone and Switcher 3.
Fun fact: whenever I play days gone, my mind is immediately like "I could play Witcher 3 right now".
And I already played W3 and all expansions on release.
Fuck you, Netflix.


Feb 9, 2018
I've played The Witcher 1 & 2 and wasn't super fond of either of them. Never got around to playing The Witcher 3 but Thronebreaker has seriously been on my radar since its release. I love card games and I always heard Gwent was cool so the idea of a Gwent campaign really appeals to me.

Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
You can totally skip them if you want to. Thronebreaker tells a story that happened during one of the chapters of "Baptism of Fire" novel. Baptism of Fire showed some events from Geralt's perspective, Thronebreaker tells a complete story from a perspective of Queen Meve, main protagonist of this game. It's mostly standalone, though, so you don't need to worry about missing anything.

Gotcha! Thanks