
Oct 25, 2017
I was watching a Let's Play of the game recently (I've already played through it like 5 times myself), and it's fun to put some distance between one of the most critically acclaimed games EVER and see ways it's become ...bad-retro. So I dunno. Air some grievances about it, or get creative with it!

It's still an incredible game, but I think after putting so many hours into it, you kinda wanna see some changes too.


I want a cutscene that has Saria's Ocarina break during the whole escape sequence (before you get Zelda's Ocarina in the water). I hate that the boy basically drops his BFFF's flute for the new model as soon as he gets it, it's weird to think about lol.


OoT's map is not especially huge, but I think it would be SO cool to have one big seamless map like BOTW had. It'd be such a fun way to recontextualize locations.
(...And maybe make Hyrule Field a little more interesting while we're at it)
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Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I would want all of the temple guardians to have more development. They all only have a small handful of lines, despite being pretty important characters, some even having a personal relationship with Link.

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
The game could keep equipment within dungeons and having themed dungeons in general, but the linearity of one event to the next is something I would want to see immediately removed. Let players explore the world in the directions and the terms that they want. Ocarina is legendary, obviously, but Hyrule Field needs to have more meaning than to be a big empty green square with exits on each end. Reward player curiosity in the overworld to balance out the poking around dungeons in the sub-worlds.


Oct 25, 2017
I think I'd want a Demon Souls style remake for OoT if it were up to me (or going by Nintendo's own standards, Link's Awakening on Switch) as opposed to a full blown total remake that changes the mechanics and design. Give me better UI, better controls, better visuals/sound but keep the structure the same.

Castor Archer

Jan 8, 2019
Controls need a complete overhaul. I'd want the Shadow Temple to be more interesting gameplaywise, and the bottom of the well for the same reasons. More choices and cause and effect between child and adult worlds.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think we need to remake Ocarina of Time, because the same basic skeleton is in all Zelda games and the plot is bare-bones enough that you may as well just make a new Zelda game.

BUT, if we're stuck with that skeleton and fiddling things around:

- A sixth adult dungeon for the Light Medallion, always felt kind of cheap that they just hand it out
- Maybe some mini-dungeons to get the goddess items?
- Unfreeze Zora's Domain after beating the Water Temple
- Some more side-quests for important lore characters, probably a child, giving you more reason to go back and forth
- Make the magic arrow enhancements more useful, particularly the ice arrows; maybe make platforms like in Majora's Mask?
- Let me wear different books/tunics as a child


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
  • Modernized graphics
  • Modernized controls, especially with regard to item usage
  • Modernized combat
  • Additional character progression elements
  • More choice of which order you can do the dungeons in
  • Additional side quests
  • Voice acting
  • Expressive animations
  • Orchestrated soundtrack
  • 60 fps
  • Majora's Mask post-credits scene
Oct 28, 2017
A playable prologue that shows Links mother escaping the civil war and bring the baby to the Great Deku tree.

I would also extend the adult ending showing the rain starting to fall 100 Years Later...


Feb 18, 2024
I'd improve the graphics but change absolutely nothing otherwise, a touched up OoT 3D would be enough for me. Orchestrated OST would be a nice addition though, but with a toggle to switch to the original one available as an option.
Oct 27, 2017
Option to turn Navi off for the most part, seamless map without loading screens would be nice too. Revamped music but with the option (not paid dlc) of the original. 4K HDR support to if next gen


Oct 25, 2017
I'd go wild and make it a massively bigger game with many more dungeons (mostly optional), a bigger overworld, a second quest/NG+, and more simulation and persistent elements. Basically all the Ura Zelda stuff that wound up in Majora's Mask and Master Quest.

I don't really want a straight remake of OoT because it's nearly perfect as-is, apart from some of the small QoL tweaks addressed in the 3DS version.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 13, 2017
OOT3D with touched up graphics and camera control is all I'd really want, don't think there's a whole bunch I'd like to see changed.


Oct 25, 2017
Ocarina's Hyrule does not need to be the size of BotW.

At most, make the world more seamless so there's as few loading zones as possible.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
Make Hyrule Field more interesting than a pretty empty hub. Give me some reason to be out there beyond getting some Big Poes.

Unfreeze Zora's Domain after you've saved it.

Camera control.

But honestly, the game is the game, and should be allowed to remain as such. There aren't meaningful content changes I would want beyond some QOL updates. P3R is a good example of an update that revisits an older game and cleans it up without undermining its core.


Oct 7, 2020
Only thing I can think of is playing around more with the child/adult mechanics. I feel like only the Spirit Temple really did this in the original


May 25, 2021
-Revert the drab, grey colour of the Spirit Temple's opening room from the 3DS version to that of the rustic, brown hue of the N64's version.

That's literally it.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
I'd add a new optional area populated with Rito and a new dungeon where the reward is a purple tunic that does... something. And otherwise nothing else.

Mama Robotnik

Gaming Scholar
Oct 27, 2017
Firstly, it doesn't need a remake. But if it were to have one, I'd want something to make it worth it. The best remake Nintendo ever did was Metroid Zero Mission because it added SO MUCH around the framework of the original game, and Zelda could have fun with this approach:

-Extra dungeons - optional and REALLY hidden
-Real-time time shifting. As Link's powers with the Ocarina grow, I want him to be able to shift time periods at will.
-Give child-link a Final Boss. Maybe time-shifting in the final battle, as adult Link battles Ganon, child link battles Ganondorf?
-Sheik campaign
-Expand on the Sacred Realm. Perhaps opening the Temple of Time entrance opens up more entry points to that place, to be found across Hyrule, enabling otherworldly sections to enhance items or to provide new challenge?


Oct 25, 2017
Tough question because OOT is a perfect game.

I'd keep it mostly the same. Modernized controls and QOL stuff of course. Orchestrated soundtrack with the original as an unlockable. Maybe increase the size of Hyrule Field a bit and add some more stuff to do. The original was quite empty, you can re-implement some of the grottos. Instead of a random hole in the ground, it can be a cave sometimes, etc. It does NOT need to be BOTW size overworld. That would be a massive change to the overall game feel that I wouldn't dig. The OOT map as is, with all loading screens removed, is big enough.

Maybe implement some of the cut content. Throw an arwing in there as an easter egg. Maybe a Majora's Mask tease somewhere. that's about it.


Nov 20, 2017
I'd be happy with a modern remaster of the 3DS version. Part of what makes the game so enduring is that it isn't overloaded. It has exactly the right amount at basically all times. The only real warts are the original frame rate and the messy control mapping.

If I were nitpicking, I'd say that Hyrule Field can feel kinda barren and uninteresting in 2024, and the cookie-cutter treasure caves could do with some variety. But I wouldn't sacrifice the perfect servings of content in this game just to spruce up those things.

before TotK I'd have said I'd be more intrigued by a more thorough remake, but i no longer trust the Zelda team to be good stewards of this game's lore/story


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Ocarina of TIme doesn't need a remake but beyond the obvious(Modern Graphics, Orchestrated Soundtrack), I would:
  • Make a Light Temple for Rauru
  • Expand on and develop the sages more.
  • Make it so the Adult Dungeons can be done in any order/Take some cues from A Link Between Worlds item system.
  • Have more cutscenes related to ganondorf maybe.
  • More sidequests.
  • Maybe ty to make use of some of the Ura Zelda concepts.
  • Make the Ice and Fire Arrows more of a thing that matters(make getting hem mandatory? idk)
  • Have some of kind setup for Majora's Mask.


▲ Legend ▲
Sep 23, 2018
Make the final boss fight be in the dark again like in the N64, It really fits the mood so much better


Oct 25, 2017
Since we already got the straight graphical update remake/remaster, I'd go all in on this being the Resi style remake for Ocarina, generally a lot of the same throughline, familiar yet different.
I'd be cautious of expanding parts of the game too much since it has that rarity in 3D Zelda of being well paced, but even so....

- Bottom of the well becomes a full mini dungeon instead of a brisk walk to the lens.
- Second half of the sprit temple includes extra timey wimey stuff where you can change to young link within the temple and do a few puzzles to change the future so adult Link can progress further
- Central hub point to change water levels in the water temple so I don't have to keep dropping down and floating up to that one plaque, you know the one! that tektite jumping down the rising fountain room is too familiar with me
- Expand the mask shop, add some MM classics for funsies and a few new ones that can tie into the overworld exploration, which in itself would be improved upon with more meaningful grottos.
- Bombchu bowling ally, now with spin/drift, make use of bombchus for more puzzles with these expanded mechanics.
- Post game separate ways campaign as Shiek lol


Oct 25, 2017
Beyond making the world more responsive like Zora's Domain getting unfrozen, I'm not sure what I would want. In theory I'd like them to lean more into making the adult dungeons completable in any order, they need to make too many significant changes to avoid the LBW problem of all the dungeons being basic.