Anton Sugar

Oct 27, 2017
Haha, I figured it had to do with DNA refraction and all that but I didn't know if I missed some mention of a tattoo.


Oct 25, 2017
Is there a reason we've glimpsed as to why all five characters lost the same initial 6-days of potentially just walking and eating (no samples had been taken from that time or video recorded?). A loss of time didn't seem to happen again for any of these characters until post-lighthouse.
Oct 27, 2017
Is there a reason we've glimpsed as to why all five characters lost the same initial 6-days of potentially just walking and eating (no samples had been taken from that time or video recorded?). A loss of time didn't seem to happen again for any of these characters until post-lighthouse.

I assumed it was a subtle reference to the Psychologist's hypnotism from the books which, if I recall, was used to mask how the characters even entered Area X. Of course in the movie none of this is brought up, but she definitely seemed less frazzled by that revelation


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
It's a shame I'll never get to see this movie in a theater. Anyone knows when the move releases in Netflix internationally?


Oct 25, 2017
My brain feels like it just fell out of a clothes dryer.

I feel bad for the folks who can only watch this on Netflix. Seeing this in a theater was an overwhelming experience.


Oct 25, 2017
Walking away from this movie perplexed. Uh...that IS Lena isn't it? She killed her copy. What was even the message of this movie.

I'm glad movies like this are still getting released but I don't know what to say as far the actual substance this film had. And I'm not someone who normally complains about movies being inexplicable but this...I don't know
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The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Walking away from this movie perplexed. Uh...that IS Lena isn't it? She killed her copy. What was even the message of this movie.

I'm glad movies like this are still getting released but I don't know what to say as far the actual substance this film had. And I'm not someone who normally complains about movies being inexplicable but this...I don't know
how I took it was Kane was absolutely the copy, as shown by the fact he grenaded himself and the copy walked into the frame, and then confirmed at the end......and that Lena was Lena, however some of the alien or the shimmer had imprinted into her (eyes showing mutation/green/cell whatever) so although the base body was Lena Lena, now it is hybrid freaky Lena.


Oct 25, 2017
So what are all the major changes between book and movie? Some are no names for characters, the Shimmer doesn't get destroyed, what else?
Almost everything beyond the very premise of the story is different. Very few of the book's events have been adapted at all. It'd take 1000 words or more to really detail all the changes.

I am having a hard time thinking of another book-to-movie adaptation that strays as far from the source material as Annihilation does.


Oct 26, 2017
I didn't mind the changes. Sure, there are things that would've been interesting to see, but on its own, it doesn't make the movie any worse.

As for recent adaptions, I'd say Altered Carbon. Upcoming ones, might be The Terror, and maybe the Culture Series. But all three are TV series. Can't think of a recent movie.


Oct 27, 2017
I really enjoyed the atmosphere of the film it was very stiffling at times. Reminded me of playing Metro a bit. I will definitely need a rewatch soon, some of it was brutal.

I thought it was a great combination of science fiction and horror with above average acting. Im glad someone is merging the two best genres and doing well. Seems like forever ago it was just Alien.
Nov 27, 2017
I liked the movie. Great visuals, and I love it when writers and directors go hard into sci-fi. Like in most sci-fi, things from outer space are vaguely humanoid or at the very least analogous to things we have on Earth. Here, it just does its thing. No reason why. The bear voice and the human-shaped plants were pretty haunting.

I didn't mind the guitar, like others are saying. It actually reminded me of The Last of Us, with the fungi and everything. Portman was ok. I feel like she doesn't read sci-fi very well. Rodriguez and Thompson were the best ones.

In reading the book summary on Wikipedia, I'm glad it came together like it did in the movie. I didn't always know what was going on, but I didn't have to.


Oct 25, 2017
I almost want to say Garland was trying to make a statement about love given the focus put on her affair as well. But I don't know. There's still not enough substance in this movie for me.

And the guitar was most definitely a mistake. What even was that


Oct 29, 2017
The flower humanoids were something beautiful to me. Got the sense of these humans returning to nature. A sort of peaceful passing in contrast to all the violence that preceeded it. The film held these two emotional weights in equal measure.

I didnt mind the guitar either. At first I was put off by it and thrn it sort of was integrated into the scene by having the acoustic guitar be the music she was actually listening to as she was grieving. Then it clicked for me.


Oct 25, 2017
I almost want to say Garland was trying to make a statement about love given the focus put on her affair as well. But I don't know. There's still not enough substance in this movie for me.

And the guitar was most definitely a mistake. What even was that

It was to play into the theme of self-destruction. She clearly loves him and values their marriage, but is inexplicably drawn to destroying it just as self-destruction is hard-coded at the cellular level.

There's more to it from there as well. I'm sure there's a reason the alien stopped it's eco-cocoon after it had merged with Natalie in addition to Oscar Isaac.


Oct 30, 2017
It was good.
Arrival and Garland's last movie were better.

I agree with the guitar music in the first half - the fuck? Why not just lean into the sci-fi score for the whole thing?

The bear scene was fucking terrifying though.
Oct 25, 2017
the music that was playing in the lighthouse scene should've been throughout the film.

the guitar gave me "somber, depressing adventure" like Logan instead of terrifying but beautiful alien encounter. it felt like such a weird choice for garland after ex machina.


Oct 25, 2017
I'll parrot what I said in the other thread.

Movie was great, but the ending will put off a lot of people because it doesn't feel as if anything had weight, substance, or closure.
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Unlimited Capacity
Oct 26, 2017
Walking away from this movie perplexed. Uh...that IS Lena isn't it? She killed her copy. What was even the message of this movie.

I'm glad movies like this are still getting released but I don't know what to say as far the actual substance this film had. And I'm not someone who normally complains about movies being inexplicable but this...I don't know

It was not. The recount of the encounter was false. Wong mentioned that the lighthouse was nothing but ashes when they went, seemingly to cover her tracks. No evidence of the two actual people that were copied and made it out. Basically solidified when Kane asks if it is her and she doesn't answer but we see she is the same as Kane.


Oct 27, 2017
Rochester, NY
It was not. The recount of the encounter was false. Wong mentioned that the lighthouse was nothing but ashes when they went, seemingly to cover her tracks. No evidence of the two actual people that were copied and made it out. Basically solidified when Kane asks if it is her and she doesn't answer but we see she is the same as Kane.
I disagree. I realize that her narration is unreliable, but the film establishes that what we are shown is the truth (as opposed to what Portman says happened). I take the events of the climax at face value. Portman defeated the copy with a phosphorous grenade that then caused the lighthouse to burn down. So yes, the "real" Portman made it out, but she has been irreparably changed by Area X at the DNA level. She's not sure whether she's still herself, hence her hesitation.

I actually would have preferred MORE ambiguity as to which Portman made it out.


Oct 25, 2017
the screaming bear is one of the most unsettling things I've ever seen/heard. Man was that terrifying

YO forreal!

My friend and I were saying the whole time that was happening "man this some fucked up shit"

Also Gina Rodriguez and her death.

This was me that whole moment fam



Oct 27, 2017
how I took it was Kane was absolutely the copy, as shown by the fact he grenaded himself and the copy walked into the frame, and then confirmed at the end......and that Lena was Lena, however some of the alien or the shimmer had imprinted into her (eyes showing mutation/green/cell whatever) so although the base body was Lena Lena, now it is hybrid freaky Lena.
That's pretty much what I got from it. When they were talking about the bear, one of the characters speculates that it had absorbed part of their comrade when she died, her pain and fear, and it lived on. The way I see it, the alien copy of Kane took part of the real Kane - his connection to Lena, at least Lena managed to kill the being in the lighthouse, but part of it lived on in her.


Oct 25, 2017
the music that was playing in the lighthouse scene should've been throughout the film.

the guitar gave me "somber, depressing adventure" like Logan instead of terrifying but beautiful alien encounter. it felt like such a weird choice for garland after ex machina.

It reminded me of the last of us every time it popped up lol

And the setting in the woods didn't help either haha.


Jan 3, 2018
Just saw the movie a couple of hours ago. The premise of the film is very intriguing and I feel the execution was good enough, but I felt there was a lot left unexplained. Then I come here and see that people are saying its completely different from the book (s)? Makes me want to read them. The movie was stunning and the bear scene was just out of this world levels of tension. That was some seriously sad and sick shit! However what shocked me the most wasn't anything in the movie but rather the viewing experience. The movie felt like it was only 40-50 minutes long. When the credits rolled, I was in disbelief. I couldn't believe 1 hour and 55 minutes had passed. For me this is a positive as the movie clearly kept me engaged and yearning for what was next.

As for its reception, so many people left the theater kinda pissed. I'm guessing many felt the movie didn't go anywhere. I would guess they missed the theme of the movie.


Oct 25, 2017
Question from my girilfriend at the comments about hit being terrifying and what not, any jump scenes? She hates these.


Oct 25, 2017
Question from my girilfriend at the comments about hit being terrifying and what not, any jump scenes? She hates these.

There are 2-3 jump scenes, only one is really scary I'd say and even then its nowhere on the level of It! or horror movies. More just extremely discomforting.

I thought the movie was a tad bit above average, my wife really hated it though. She also didn't like Blade Runner 2049. She just doesn't like slow movies where people don't have happy endings, so ymmv on whether your gf will like it or not.

I didn't really think too much of the central concepts of the movie (spoilers), like I understand how the whole genetic blending thing, it-is-a-mirror-of-what-we-are, how we destroy the environment/ourselves, etc but none of those concepts seemed very deep or that interesting in this movie. I dunno, I keep seeing reviews saying how the movie is ambitious and philosophical but I didn't really get any of that, whereas I did REALLY appreciate the post-movie discussions around Arrival and Ex-Machina and BR2049 of course. Here it just doesn't seem like there is much to talk about and nothing really came together that well and the ending seemed kinda silly. I really disliked the prometheus vibes as well in how everyone is supposed to be a super competent scientist but they keep doing stuff like touching everything they see (I half expected NatPo to start licking everything) or going off alone at random.

Definitely gonna be a very divisive movie I think with a lot of people loving the eerie, weird world presented and others hating the minimal story and "twists".


Oct 25, 2017
Question from my girilfriend at the comments about hit being terrifying and what not, any jump scenes? She hates these.
There is prolonged tension that makes it seem like there's going to be a jump scare but there aren't any.

Ok somebody replied to your comment before me and said there was and I can't even think of any.


Oct 27, 2017
There is prolonged tension that makes it seem like there's going to be a jump scare but there aren't any.

Ok somebody replied to your comment before me and said there was and I can't even think of any.
The alligator was one, and the bear screaming could be one as it just came out of nowhere.

I just saw it a few hours ago, and it hasn't left my mind for even a second. I loved this film, and I'm going to see it again in a few days.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I didn't get the reviews claiming that the movie is deep, intellectual, or philosophical. It's thought provoking in the sense that we are forced to fill-in-the-blanks about what was going on and the true intent/nature of the monster/being at the film's end, but I didn't see it as a great jumping-off place for much deeper themes.

One blurb said that Annihilation is about "what it means to be human in the modern world" and I just assumed they were copy-pasting review text from Ex Machina or something.


Jan 28, 2018
The title and some of the posts in this thread are funny given author Jeff Vandermeer's general dislike of Lovecraft and his work. Lovecraft wasnt an influence on Vandermeer, and Vandermeer has been a vocal critic of Lovecraft and the need for weird fiction to move past him.


Nov 17, 2017
My brain feels like it just fell out of a clothes dryer.

I feel bad for the folks who can only watch this on Netflix. Seeing this in a theater was an overwhelming experience.
When the plant-girl looked at her arm and saw sprouts coming out, my friend instinctually said to herself: "GUH!" The whole theatre laughed. It didn't actually ruin the moment at all though, just made us all realize what a great film we were watching. The idea that a hundred strangers were so absorbed everyone could hear it is amazing.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
When the plant-girl looked at her arm and saw sprouts coming out, my friend instinctually said to herself: "GUH!" The whole theatre laughed. It didn't actually ruin the moment at all though, just made us all realize what a great film we were watching. The idea that a hundred strangers were so absorbed everyone could hear it is amazing.
The scene with the bear in the house felt like all the oxygen had been sucked out of the theater, everyone was so damn tense. There was an audible massive exhale from just about everyone including myself once the scene ended. What an incredible movie theater experience, just absolutely breathtaking (literally) and brilliantly written.


победитель победитель куриный ужин
Oct 25, 2017
I really really loved this movie! The score, the visuals... so good.
As a big fan of Michael Crichton, this movie genuinely felt like a Crichton novel-almost everyone dies, it's thrilling, and it's heavily laced with science.