
Oct 25, 2017
Patch is up now (PC - 4.34GB XB1 - 3.71GB PS4 - 3.7GB - 3.808GB (depending on territory))

Here's a look at some highlights:

New Features
  • The Sunken Cell stronghold is now available to all players who have completed the main story (critical path).
  • Added the ability to select contracts from the start of expedition screen rather than going to the individual contract boards in Fort Tarsis or in the Launch Bay.
  • Added the ability to launch a new mission from the end of expedition screen without having to return to Fort Tarsis or the Launch Bay.
  • Added the ability to access the Forge during Missions, Strongholds and Freeplay. You can now change your gear without having to return to Fort Tarsis or the Launch Bay!
Full patch notes:

General Notes
  • Added additional cortex entries to explain combo, detonator, and primer abilities.
  • Added new Universal Masterwork Components
    • Extended Sniper Magazine: Adds specialized storage for enhanced sniper rifle ammunition. Increases damage by 30% of base damage. Increases maximum magazine size of sniper rifles by a large amount.
    • Rapid Hollow Points: Adds specialized ammo storage for machine pistols and autocannons. Increases damage by 30%. Increases weak point damage of machine pistols and autocannons.
    • Extended Special Arms Magazine: Adds specialized ammo storage for heavy pistols and grenade launchers. Increases damage by 30%. Increases maximum magazine size of heavy pistols and grenade launchers by a large amount.
  • Added primer/detonator icons in the cortex next to gear entries.
  • Fixed a bug where "Legendary Freelancer" Javelin challenge objectives weren't completing correctly in the challenge journal.
  • Resolved an issue where players were being kicked back to Fort Tarsis when loading into quickplay missions.
  • Fixed a problem where the "Arcanist Loyalty 3" trophy could not granted on Playstation 4.
  • Fixed an issue where notifications for challenges were not appearing correctly.
  • Resolved an issue where after respawning, you could be downed again prior to re-loading back in fully.
  • Added STT (Speech-to-Text) and TTS (Text-to-Speech) on all platforms.
Masterwork Weapons
  • Retaliation of Garretus - Trajector Machine Pistol
    • Increased bonus from 200% to 400%
  • Rolling Carnage - Vengeance Shotgun
    • Increased bonus from 50% stacking 3 times, to 83.33% stacking 3 times.
  • The Last Stand - Mauler Autocannon
    • Increased bonus from 200% to 225%
  • Fist of Stral - Cloudburst Autocannon
    • Increased bonus from 10% stacking 10 times, to 16% stacking 10 times.
  • Unending Battle - Fulcrum Machine Pistol
    • Increased bonus from 110% to 135%
  • Death From Above - Guardian Marksman Rifle
    • Increased bonus from 65% to 235%
  • Wyvern Blitz - Deadeye Sniper Rifle
    • Increased bonus from 40% to 185%
Masterwork Gear
  • Colossus:
    • Final Judgment - HE Mortar
      • Increased bonus from 35% to 55%
    • Fist of the Crucible - Flamethrower
      • Increased bonus from 12% *10 to 24% *10
  • Interceptor
    • Serpent's Veil - Venom Bomb
      • Increased bonus from 100% to 202.5%
    • Ruthless Stalker - Searching Glaive
      • Increased bonus from 60% to 110%
    • Bitter Harvest - Cluster Mine
      • Increased bonus from 60% to 110%
  • Ranger
    • Cold Blooded - Frost Grenade
      • Increased bonus from 235% to 270%
    • Avenger's Boon - Pulse Blast
      • Increased bonus from 210 % to 220%
  • Storm
    • Ponder Infinity - Lightning Strike
      • Increased bonus from 60% to 165%
    • Chaotic Rime - Frost Shards
      • Increased bonus from 125% to 250%
  • Friendly player projectiles should now be able to pass through Javelins in your squad.
  • Colossus' Firewall Mortar should now more reliably spawn the Firewall effect when directly hitting enemies, sloped surfaces, or next to walls.
Status Effects / Combos
  • Delay between when players and creatures are frozen and when the visual effect is applied has been reduced to improve readability of the status effect.
  • If a player applies a status effect that already exists on a target, but the new status effect has a higher damage than the existing one, the damage will now scale to that higher value.
  • Players who prime targets for combos will now also see the "Combo" text when detonated by another player.
  • Increased the damage of the Electric status effect when applied to creatures.
  • Fixed additional issues where the Titan fireball projectile attack was hitting players when they successfully dodged/evaded.
  • Fixed an issue where the Titan would not always use all of its available attacks.
  • Adjusted environmental lightning strikes to not target javelins directly as frequently.
  • Fixed an issue where the predicted gear score was inaccurate if you were selecting to equip a higher tier component than was currently equipped.
  • Fixed a bug where the Colossus shield wouldn't appear when deployed to other players in the squad.
  • Resolved several issues where status effects remained on the player far longer than the actual effect (e.g. the Frozen status effect appearing on the javelin after the effect has ended).
  • Fixed a bug where the Storm's shield did not get the intended 20% damage resistance increase while hovering.
  • Fixed a bug where the Interceptor Ultimate attack would not chain when holding the fire button instead of holding the melee button.
  • Bulwark Point now properly gets duration increases from utility duration bonus inscriptions.
  • Fixed a bug where Interceptor melee gear was not going on cooldown when used in air.
  • Fixed an issue where explosive projectiles were not affecting destructible combat objects (e.g. scar bunkers).
  • Fixed a problem where the Storm's Seal of the Open Mind Masterwork would incorrectly allow a player to fire 3 charges when the UI only showed 2 available.
  • Fixed a bug where gear recharge progress could be lost if you used a charge while additional charges were being restored.
  • Fixed an error where the Masterwork Colossus Stock Augment had a lower base % increase than its non-Masterwork counterparts. (Increased from 5% to 35%).
  • Fixed the Ranger Grenadier Component text to properly display the stat value %.
  • Fixed a problem with the Special Arms Ammo component not properly increasing grenade launcher damage.
Status Effects / Combos
  • Fixed some instances where multiple players contributing to a single status effect would see incorrect floating values
  • Fixed an issue where you could receive a status effect from a creature attack while invulnerable.
  • Fixed a problem where the Legion of Dawn rifle disappears from the forge while in the Launch Bay
  • Fixed a bug where ammo pick-ups weren't restoring any ammo in the current magazine for the Devastator Sniper Rifle.
  • Fixed the Striker's Balance weapon so that the weapon accuracy and projectile trajectory should be corrected when the bonus is applied.
  • Corrected Torrent Autocannon description text to match current functionality.
  • Fixed a bug where Avenging Herald was incorrectly applying its bonus damage to secondary weapons while holstered. This bonus is now only active when Avenging Herald is the active weapon.
  • All Devastator Sniper Rifle weakpoint hit multipliers have been corrected to a 1.75 multiplier.
Text Descriptions
  • Updated "Critical Damage" to "Weakpoint Damage" in any text descriptions.
  • Updated "Impact Dmg" to "Kinetic Dmg" in any text descriptions.
  • Updated "Impact Resist" to "Kinetic Resist" in any text descriptions.
  • Corrected formatting on the inscription values for Overheat Delay Recovery, Thruster Delay Recovery, and Weap Reload Speed so they no longer have multiple +/- values.
  • Removed text from the Masterwork Flamethrower which indicated that it was a detonator when it is not.
Fort Tarsis
  • Removed the duplicate second pistol from Argentum Tran's Sidearm case after completing the Freelancer Reputation Rewards - Level 3.
  • Elysian Key marker over daily challenges no longer disappears on returning to Fort Tarsis.
  • Fixed an issue where Yarrow's final conversation could play too early in some scenarios.
  • Removed Dax from the background of a conversation where you are told she went out to get some tea.
  • Fixed an issue where Commander Vule left the frame during a conversation with Brin and the player.
  • Fixed an issue where Jarek Arnel's arm clipped badly into the wall.
  • Resolved an issue where you were told that your squad was waiting on you to ready up, when it wasn't true.
  • Resolved an issue where Faye wasn't shown in a cinematic scene that she is speaking in with Haluk.
  • Fixed various spelling and grammatical errors in the journal and library entries.
  • Fixed an issue where targeted creatures in freeplay would lose their target icon if you flew too far away from the arena and returned.
  • Fixed an issue where sentinels disappeared from the Sentinel Support World Event, making it impossible to complete the event.
  • Fixed an issue where you couldn't progress in the Tombs of the Legionnaires quest if one member of your squad had not unlocked that quest yet.
  • Fixed an issue where you couldn't interact with and enter the Tomb of Artinia when you had completed the requirements to unlock it.
  • Picking up some collectible archives were limited to the player that interacted with them. Now all players within 100m of the player collecting the archive will automatically collect the archive as well.
  • Fixed an issue where turrets could spawn too far away from the world event location.
  • Fixed an issue where being downed in the Arcanist Korox Study world event would not reset properly when you came back.
  • Downed players are now automatically revived when the stronghold boss is defeated.
  • Temple of the Scar: Fixed an issue where the fog wall visual effect remained, even though it didn't actually prevent the player from progressing.
  • Temple of the Scar: Fixed an issue where the player could escape the world near the waterfall.
  • Tyrant Mine: Prevented turrets from spawning in the second area before players were led there and the rest of the enemies had spawned in to fix an exploit.
  • Heart of Rage: Fixed an issue where enemies could be trapped behind a fog wall, preventing the player from progressing.
Critical Path and Legendary Missions
  • Heart of Rage: Fixed an issue where killing the titan without entering the arena would cause you to respawn backwards, making it impossible to advance and complete the mission.
  • Legendary Incursion: Fixed an issue where the plot wouldn't advance after listening to the recording.
  • Legendary Missions: Fixed an issue where the final chest would never appear at the end of the mission if you were too far away from the chest.
  • Legendary Fortress of Dawn: Fixed an issue for the second trial where the plot would break if one player was slow to load in and the other player ran ahead.
  • Legendary Freelancer Down: Fixed an issue where the plot wouldn't progress until all members of the squad had reached the specified point.
  • Legendary Finding Old Friends: Fixed an issue where enemies could be stuck behind a fog wall, preventing the plot from progressing.
  • Fixed an issue where the notification of Legendary Missions being unlocked after completing the critical path was not displaying.
  • Legendary Lost Arcanist: Fixed an issue where the Escari was teleporting around too frequently.
  • Legendary Freelancer Down: Fixed a respawn point that was very far away from the objective.
  • Contract - Freelancer Work: Fixed an issue where the step to protect the Arcanists wasn't working correctly when joining through Quick Play.


There is a developer live stream scheduled for today at 3 p.m., CDT and according to one of the devs, they will also give an update on the 90-day roadmap.

Edit 2:

Teaser video for new Stronghold

Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
That forge access fix has been my #1 request. Going to hope back in later tonight to play around for a bit.
Oct 30, 2017
Pretty substantial. Just got into the game this weekend. Seems like there's a long road ahead but these changes are welcome. Hooray for being able to continue expeditions without returning to Tarsis!
Oct 27, 2017
Sounds cool. Saw it was $20 on newegg and figured that was a good price to jump in but too busy now. Hopefully they keep it up

Hail Satan

Oct 27, 2017
Nice! Game's looking better and better. Haven't played for quite some time but plan to return to it after my time with Days Gone and really looking forward to seeing how its changed.


Oct 26, 2017
That's a juicy update. Forge access during missions is pretty huge by itself. Speech to text and text to speech on all platforms is very nice too.

Fleet of Foot

Oct 27, 2017
Springboro, OH
Unless an update can make it look like the original E3 presentation, I'm not interested.
I totally expected responses like this but we shouldn't stand for them here.

First, it's such an easy insult to throw out. Second, we all know the game isn't great. They're trying to fix it. It's not a fresh take to insult it at this point. Either you're with them for the long haul, or just move on and don't waste time with pointless insults.


Oct 25, 2017
I was just wondering how things were coming along. I played a bit when the game came out and could see big potential, but the longer I played the more glaring its flaws became. Glad to see things are being addressed. Probably wont' come back for at least a few more months though so the game can really mature.


Jan 3, 2018
Kudos to them for, little by little, marginalizing Tarsis, as other than NPC convos it's a design failure.

This will be a good game to rebuy for $10 next year with a bunch of these updates and content additions.


Oct 27, 2017
For someone like me who has been enjoying the game with my friends every weekend, these QoL improvements are fantastic! Excited to hop back in and play some more.


Dec 18, 2017
That's disappointing. A new Stronghold, but otherwise it's just balance and QOL changes. Nothing about loot and the timeline for their roadmap is pretty fucked. Can you even call it a GaaS when there's nothing being added. It's like they work in slow motion or more likely the team consists of one person.

Yeah looks like the game is going the same way as Mass Effect Andromeda... RIP.

lol imagine waiting 2 month for a big update and this is what you get.


Oct 24, 2017
The gameplay loop's super addictive to me so I'm still playing and just trying to get all my javs up to legendary status. Looking forward to playing the new stronghold.

Those QOL changes are huge improvements though, thank God. Still needs more content obviously so all I can say is keep doing what you're doing.


Oct 27, 2017
Those are some great QOL fixes, most of my main issues are in there. Now they just need more and better content and it'll be easier to recommend it.

Hyun Sai

Oct 27, 2017
No mention of improved loot rate or guaranteed legendaries on the harder difficulties rewards. Still not interested going back to waste my time again.


Oct 28, 2017
Those are some great QOL fixes, most of my main issues are in there. Now they just need more and better content and it'll be easier to recommend it.

The main issue has been with loot though and I don't think this patch addressed that. At least that is the sentiment on the subreddit. This is more a bug fix and balance patch with a little content. Does this cover everything in the April portion of the roadmap?


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
That Forge change in particular sounds great. I don't know that it'll be enough to bring me back to the game, as I find myself mostly uninterested in Anthem's loot chase--something about loot in Anthem feels less interesting than other games and I can't decide if it's just a lack of meaningful gear attributes or that I never got high enough to start seeing masterworks/legendaries, or what. (The Division 2 has been much much better in this regard, despite having a lack of endgame build diversity.) That's obviously not changing this patch, but I hold out hope that there might be a deeper examination of the loot issues at some point.

Have Bioware mentioned anything about the status of the roadmap? Are they on-track or falling behind, as the OT seems to imply? Should we expect major content/story updates anytime soon? That feels like the next natural chance to jump in for me.


Oct 26, 2017
Not a single mention of even a slight performance improvement? The game ran like shit most of the time lol

Still gonna leave it uninstalled.


Oct 25, 2017
Re: chrominance
There is a developer live stream scheduled for today at 3 p.m. CDT, and according to one of the devs, they will also give an update on the 90-day roadmap.



The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Is the loot (frequency/abundance, diversity and quality) better yet?


Oct 27, 2017
The main issue has been with loot though and I don't think this patch addressed that. At least that is the sentiment on the subreddit. This is more a bug fix and balance patch with a little content. Does this cover everything in the April portion of the roadmap?
No idea. I didn't really get far enough for loot to be an issue personally, was too frustrated by bad design decisions like not being able to change your weapons mid-mission or needing to load back in and out of the fort to start another mission.


Oct 27, 2017
Game is $15 currently at Amazon MX. Does it still turn offs PS4's? I am aware it's not a complete game and feel like trying it out but that thing is holding me back lol.


Oct 27, 2017
QoL fixes be damned, I want a new Detective Hops episode!

(I'm kidding. Kinda.)


Oct 29, 2017
Kansas City, MO
Way too late.

I only paid for a month of Origin Access, and even I feel ripped off.

I've watched the Anthem subreddit go from excited to in denial to outright pissed off.

This game doesn't deserve to succeed at this point.

Deleted member 55421

User requested account closure
Mar 29, 2019
it will never look like that because what you saw doesn't exist. Read Kotaku's article on it if you haven't already.

Others like myself, are happy to see this game starting to move in the right direction.

We shouldnt be though. Its not normal that so many games now launch, and arent like what theyve been hyping. We should get excited for whats next, and not if its finally going to be what they had initially promised. Thats a very low bar.


Oct 25, 2017
I may have to jump back in on PS4. I dropped out when the grind for gear just wasn't worth it.

Did they fix the Storm shield hover issues?


Nov 7, 2017
Hopefully the game is fixed well enough that Im able to get it at a discount at some point


Oct 28, 2017
All sounds like good improvements.

Still see no point in playing whatsoever without some kind of substantial end game activity or actual cosmetic armor rewards. Running the same 2 (now 3?) strongholds ain't it.


Oct 25, 2017
Zero mention of loot drops, legendary drop rates and error loading pilot data. I am just baffled here. how can a developer be so out of touch with its own community?

Deleted member 49438

User requested account closure
Nov 7, 2018
Lots of great improvements, but until they address the elephant in the room that is the loot drop rate, I'm not coming back any time soon.


Oct 29, 2017
ha great timing bought cheap on pc $20

I wondered when would be a good time to play. it seems now with the forge fix.


Oct 28, 2017
Well, I uninstalled this off my SSD to make space for MK 11. Probably would've logged on a bit to check the new stuff out, but can't be bothered to make space and redownload it again.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 22, 2018
I plan to buy and enjoy this game when it's cheap and had a year's worth of updates on console.