
Oct 27, 2017
January was great, February has been fun too.

I already beat Crackdown, Far Cry, and Jump force lol

They're all fun but flawed games. And yet people talk about them like they're unplayable, broken messes that no one should bother with...

And it's okay to submit criticism of course, but I've noticed a trend of other users getting trashed for enjoying any of these recent releases. The hate is growing too strong around here.

Well I've played just about all of the big releases thus far and none of them were terrible. Some elements of them are, but even Metro reviewing better has a bunch of hate in its OT. The negativity vortex is only growing.
That's not good if true. Everyone should be allowed to like a game and talk about it in a positive way even if a lot of people don't like it

I think I'm just disappointed with 2019 so far.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I guess we should all just wait for the free content updates? Just like Battlefront 2 got what, 3 new maps in over a year?


Oct 30, 2017
Pretty interesting that you're still talking to me after claming that I "knew what I was doing" when at least 5 replies before yours I very, very clearly mentioned that I didn't notice his 10 seconds of whining about the characters in his otherwise quite normal 16 minute video. You started off the conversation in a wholly dishonest way and continue to do so for what reason I couldn't say. It's not bothering me because I know better than that as does everyone else, but if you have your own agenda, fire away. I'm good, friend. I'll spend my focus on people like Matherian who can read and comprehend.

So yes, you are pretty interesting indeed.

Ignorance is not a defense. Five seconds of looking at his list of videos tells you everything you need to know. I posted screenshots earlier. Understanding the source of the media you're posting (and no, it doesn't matter if you weren't "the first person to post it") is a bare minimum expectation for this forum.

//edit: and you STILL haven't removed it from your post, so...


Jun 9, 2018
We had Kingdom Hearts 3 and Resident Evil 2 in Jan.
I inmensely enjoyed RE2 and especially Kingdom Hearts 3 tho.

Edit: Oh and Apex Legends might be my favourite so far, and I'm not a fan of multiplayer games.
Well, we had RE2 (january). What are the next big releases the upcoming weeks?
And Kingdom Hearts 3 :)

The rest of the games this year have been complete disappointments imo. I'm almost finished Metro too and meh

Don't forget about Ace Combat 7!!!!
Oct 25, 2017
Ignorance is not a defense. Five seconds of looking at his list of videos tells you everything you need to know. I posted screenshots earlier. Understanding the source of the media you're posting (and no, it doesn't matter if you weren't "the first person to post it") is a bare minimum expectation for this forum.

I click on videos sometimes and don't see who the source is or search to see if they're upstanding people. It happens. I had no clue who they were or he is or whatever when I heard the comment in the video I turned it off, but I watched most of the vid already. Now I know not to watch that content.


Oct 25, 2017
Might want to rethink that unless you want to give shitty GamerGaters support & clicks.

also...it just wasn't a very good video

the framing it went for was too limiting. I mean, the dude just regurgitated criticism that has been going around for awhile, and the thing that's supposed to make that interesting is it somehow subverts harmful trends across the industry and media (note: it doesn't). couching Anthem as an example of the industry's decline, cherrypicking articles and giving them the most uncharitable readings possible, the general angry tone...

one of the problems there is that there's a whole range of possible criticism (in this, I don't just mean negative criticism, but criticism as a whole) that would be so much more interesting but isn't useful to his narrow and idiotic agenda. he ends up repeating basic points that have already been made again and again, doesn't actually add anything to the discussion, and ends up just perpetuating the most shallow conception of what games criticism should look like ("this game is technically flawed and doesn't have a ton of content, therefore bad")

that's the thing with this genre of video. tends to be trite as hell (in fact that triteness is structural to the genre), doesn't actually advance the discussion at all, but somehow these people convince themselves and others they're edgy truth tellers


Oct 27, 2017
Brooklyn, NY
OP should definitely update their post once the majority of the reviews roll in, doesn't seem like the big outlets have dropped theirs yet.


Oct 26, 2017
that's the thing with this genre of video. tends to be trite as hell (in fact that triteness is structural to the genre), doesn't actually advance the discussion at all, but somehow these people convince themselves and others they're edgy truth tellers

Yeah but who else could tell the world about those FUCKING SJWS

Lol we have way more over rumors of Nintendo Direct announcements. This is nothing

What the hell is up with those threads anyway. Is it just people whipping themselves into a frenzy?
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
Ignorance is not a defense.
I'll wait for you to acknowledge that your comment suggesting that I intentionally posted something with a fleeting moment of questionable content as I "knew what they were doing" was some of the lamest, hottest, grade-A bullshit you could have ever typed with your keyboard keys, then we can discuss the matter further.

For now, I see you as little more than perhaps a frustrated individual who is having a really bad day and feeling the need to accuse and attack to vent out some frustrations. And if that's the case, I'm sorry you're having such a bad day. Mondays do suck. But there was nothing intentionally done here, which is what you very directly implied about me (lol), and you did so seemingly unironically. This was a video that was posted in the OT. I watched a few minutes of it and saw his concerns which made plenty of sense to that point and echoed many of the concerns people had with the demo and I thought it would make sense to be here as well and was doing other things while listening to the rest of video. You can hop over to the OT and see (1) it was posted there first by others and (2) nobody else noticed it either, as nobody seemed to have notice his problematic commentary there either.

Sorry I phased out and didn't notice his comments before cross-posting the video, but making these straw men and attacking your fellow posters as if they fit some imaginary description you have in your head has to go. You've gotta cool your jets, friend. Not everyone is an enemy, but this is certainly a good way to make some. And for what? I guess I'm still trying to understand your agenda. Can you handle all of that? Any of that? It's so weird that any of this has to be explained at all, but this will certainly be my last time doing so.


Oct 28, 2017
Hmm...won't judge until I play but based on what I've played this year so far (Crackdown 3, Far Cry, Jump Force etc) 2019 isn't so great for gaming so far and it's weird how all of these February games are struggling to get an 80 on metacritic
What? Re2 and Kh3 are already game of the year contenders, the former being a strong front runner right now. I would have put Re2 over anything I played last year. 2019 is going to be incredible for gaming.
Oct 27, 2017
Been playing on Xbox (X and S) and I'm kinda stunned it's been released in this state. Especially on the S. I mean, as I noted earlier, it's in-line with older BioWare releases but these days? It's not acceptable. It's just abysmal.

Oh my... just as the leaker announced in november (when he has "guessed" that Sony will not be at E3... and that has proved to be true, too)...


Oct 27, 2017
I'm glad this genre of shooters is starting to get scores it deserves. Excusing light meaningful content due to it being expected you run the same missions 100x. And this is even lighter on content than Destiny.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah but who else could tell the world about those FUCKING SJWS

oh yeah, it was disingenuous of me to pretend his criticism was entirely technical when he also addressed the whiny NPCs that apparently Anita Sarkeesian herself wrote the dialogue for

clearly the man is on the cutting edge of games criticism and I apologize

Ploid 6.0

Oct 25, 2017
Guess I'll be grabbing it when it's dirt cheap, but who knows how Warframe will evolve by then. Melee 3.0 coming soon and the new animations look superb. Speaking of, I really don't like that melee in this game looks like a small and simple thing.

Please give Bioware one more game EA. I need at least one more full Dragon Age game. And don't try to stick a new Scifi game in front of it, dangling Dragon Age in my face, threatening it will not happen if said game isn't successful.


Oct 26, 2017
Really weird that the embargo has been lifted and we still haven't gotten any reviews outside the initial 3. What's up with this? Since when do reviewers take their time to get out their stuff lol.


Oct 30, 2017
20 pages over three reviews?

Maybe jumping the gun a bit with these early review threads. By the time reviews actually release, you have to skip dozens of pages to find any discussion of the reviews
Not a lot of reviews... but there are a LOT of impressions out there and "reviews in progress".


Oct 25, 2017
Gamecentral's review-in-progress sounds like the game is good but won't set the world on fire:


Really weird that the embargo has been lifted and we still haven't gotten any reviews outside the initial 3. What's up with this? Since when do reviewers take their time to get out their stuff lol.

The first bit of the above link:

Last week was, as you may have noticed, a busy week for new video games. But why Far Cry: New Dawn, Metro Exodus, Crackdown 3, and Jump Force all thought it was a good idea to come out on the same day is a mystery, especially as they're bound to cannibalise each other's sales. The only positive is that it did help raise the profile of all concerned, which means the fact that Anthem also came out on Friday – sort of – almost got ignored.

Thanks to the bizarre way that EA sells games nowadays, with multiple release dates depending on the format and whether you pre-order or not, it's easy to get confused as to when exactly Anthem is being released. Officially it's out on Friday, February 22 (except the PC is the 21st for some reason) but it is available earlier via both EA Origin and a 10-hour EA Access preview on Xbox One. The only review access EA allowed (slightly) ahead of time is for the PC, which we were able to get stuck into over the weekend.

Green Mario

Oct 27, 2017
I was watching a friend play on Twitch and the flying looks like fun, but I dislike the designs of the Javelins and how bullet spongy every single enemy is.

Ploid 6.0

Oct 25, 2017
I have been watching a twitch streamer that has been doing the grand master runs for a long while, mostly just listening and tuning in when he seems to talk about loot. It seems like the game is fully released in March for some interesting endgame update.
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
I click on videos sometimes and don't see who the source is or search to see if they're upstanding people. It happens. I had no clue who they were or he is or whatever when I heard the comment in the video I turned it off, but I watched most of the vid already. Now I know not to watch that content.
Indeed. If it's posted here, I just let videos roll. I assume it's fine. Outside of that 10-15 seconds of -- what is apparently quite normal for him -- unnecessary and ridiculous critique out of a 900+ second critique video, the video is a perfectly normal video featuring concerns that I would expect we'll see quite a bit more of going forward from people like Angry Joe. Clearly his channel doesn't deserve any support given his other videos, but you don't see people's other videos when you click play on a video in an Era thread. lol

Some posters, however, seem to feel the need to vent on others or better yet imply some sinister machinations and nefarious plans involved. I assume they're just having a bad day because it's the only thing I can think of for such attack. Alternatley, I guess I need to buy a Gargamel outfit or make an appearnce on Scooby Doo as the unmasked villain.


Oct 26, 2017
Anthem will still sell well, EA only expects 5-6 million by March, DA4 is still happening

isn't the main Bioware group moving away from Anthem and another moving in to do the post launch support?

I hope you're right. I ended up enjoying my time with DA:I when I adjusted my expectations a bit and would really like to see DA4 become reality some day.
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
User banned (1 day): posting an inappropriate video in multiple threads + antagonizing other members over a series of posts
I could use less bloviating about my mental state and a lot more of you just admitting you fucked up and removing the video from your post which has been universally been lambasted ITT, thanks!
Reduced to "blah blah blah." Well aren't you just a peach.

Hope your day gets better! And sorry it's been so bad, man. But don't take it out on others for what are obviously very unintentional mistakes. It's unhealthy for you and ruins the opportunity for good relationships with people.

I don't have one. :(

Well it looks like you might not be missing out on much at launch, and if that's the case it will be on a deep discount in a month or so.

Deleted member 1003

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'm hoping it does, but I'm not too optimistic about it tbh. I think a lot of Destiny's biggest problems are core design problems.
Many of Destiny's problems are because of Bungie. Activision provided a lot of support and money that Bungie will have to make up for now, but yes, Destiny has a unstable foundation in my opinion. I hope D3 would really shakes up everything we know about Destiny.


Oct 31, 2018
Agreed. It is absolutely stunning that the game is as bare bones as it is given the development time. The missions are pure copy paste garbage, the town is terrible, the enemy types and AI leave tons to be desired. The entire time I've been playing it (Access Premiere, 13hrs in) I've been wondering why I'm not just playing an actually good game. Destiny 2 (hell, even Vanilla Destiny 1) shits on this game from a great height, let alone better looter shooters like Borderlands. Why play this when I could play the Division?
What a colossal disappointment. At least I've got plenty of other games to play on Access, because I don't see this holding my interest much longer. The beta was fun, but when you realize that the whole game is just the beta, the luster wears off real goddamn quick.

When did some developers forget how to make good games? It's like they think that vague content roadmaps are suitable stand-ins for actual fucking content that I can play right goddamn now.
I got a fright when I seen you quoted me. I was ready to plead my innocent and claim I'm not a Troll :p

Anyway fully agree with everything you just said.
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
Many of Destiny's problems are because of Bungie. Activision provided a lot of support and money that Bungie will have to make up for now, but yes, Destiny has a unstable foundation in my opinion. I hope D3 would really shakes up everything we know about Destiny.
Destiny would be better off it there was just...Destiny. A generation-free game like Warframe or World of Warcraft (but without the sub, ofc). A single foundation that they could have been building off of since OG D1's launch. Releasing a sequel and jettisoning all of the content made over the lifespan of D1 is, IMO, a big no-no as far as GaaS games and looter games go.

Ideally, I'd like Destiny 2 or a Destiny 3 to have a 10-year plan. I don't know what Anthem's long range plan is, but hopefully it's something like that.


Feb 2, 2019
I was looking forward to this game. Man, I'm in a dry spell. Glad I didnt preorder this though. My spidey senses were tingling. We'll see


Oct 27, 2017
This game has been awesome so far. Success of the game long term is dependent on the content they push out. I do think the game is worth atleast premier access sub. The story is entertaining and the lore is really fleshed out.

The combat is also a ton of fun. Going from shooting a group of enemies from afar, just to fly in and unleash abilities in the air. All while seamlessly moving from one corner of the arena to the next.

People are saying the environment is bland. I love adore flying fighting enemies in this tropical environment.