Deleted member 23212

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Oct 28, 2017
So, I know there is often an argument on video games and their correlation with real life violence and desensitization. However, anecdotally speaking I love playing violent video games. Mortal Kombat, Soldier of Fortune, God of War, Manhunt, etc. don't bother me at all violence wise. In real life? A completely different story! I am pretty hemophobic, if I see blood I tend to get faint. When I have to go get bloodwork or get blood drawn, I feel like shit and sweat a ton, as well as having to lie down to recover and calm down. Are there others like this on here?


Oct 25, 2017
Blood doesn't really affect me(grew up for a while on my grandfather's farm. He raised livestock, shit got ugly). I generally speaking have no issues with violence in games. I even detach myself most of the time by playing music as I play games. I can't handle a lot of screaming tho. That's that indie game announced where you play as the monster and the trailer had nothing but screams. I couldn't finish it.


Oct 28, 2017
I have a colleage who gets dizzy at the sight of his own blood, no problem with videogame or other's blood though.

I am not disturbed by either, as far as I can tell.
Oct 25, 2017
Same. Parents taught us early on the difference between special effects, video games, etc. and the real thing. I like both my movies and games over the top in terms of violence and gore, but the real thing freaks me out. My gf is a nurse and I constantly have to remind her to tone down her stories because they make me nauseous lol.


Comics Enabler & Freelance Games Journalist
Oct 25, 2017
Yep. Just a totally unconscious thing, but certain situations where I see blood can cause my blood pressure to drop. Never happened while playing a video game, of course. Just one of those weird things.
Mar 29, 2018
I think it boils down to style and intent.

Style = Games are heavily stylised in most cases. So even if gore in games is high-fidelity, your brain knows it's "cartoon" on some level. Be it due to the unrealistic pixellation or rendering of the models, the unrealistic context of the action, the HUD on your screen, etc. You see blood/violence IRL and it's more uncanny because you're used to seeing real life as-is without this stuff in it, then it's there and you know it's real by the virtue of it being "out of place", as well as it being perfectly realised in your brain.

Intent = games typically don't imply any deeper malice in their violence. It's basically a mechanical exercise. You could replace shooting with bouncing balls off people's heads. You could replace the blood and dismemberment with daisies and paint and it would mechanically stay the same. In real life, seeing blood or dismemberment tells you something very grim about the universe we live in that your brain has to calculate as a real threat/risk. If you see someone being attacked or hurt, you know that either a person's true malicious intent caused it, or a nihilistic, uncaring universe did. In a videogame there's no such deeper meaning/intent behind violence (99.9% of the time).

There are few games that actually overcome these two factors - but I think we'll see more and more in future. I actually think visceral multiplayer action games tend to get the "intent" of violence more than other genres/styles.

I'll always remember when three other players in The Last of Us's Factions mode were chasing me. I ran out of a garage and stepped left behind the wall. The first two players came running out - they hadn't seen me, I'd lost them. They pressed ahead into another building. The third emerged from the garage and I grabbed him, tore into his throat with my shiv. I ran up behind the second, pulled my shotgun and blasted him in the back. Just as the third turned to face me I yanked him to the ground with my 2x4 with nails in it and then pressed "Execution" and watched my character pummel the person in the face with the end of the board until they were dead.

I was legitimately shaking after it happened. It felt like I'd really been hunted in real life and I'd truly, visciously murdered three people who were attacking me. This is one of the few instances of true "violence" I think I've ever experienced in a videogame. They had real malice for me, I had real malice for them, and the representation was just viscious and brutal enough to be like something you'd see in real life.
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Oct 27, 2017
I think this is pretty normal given we know one is fake the other literally is harmful or caused by some sort of harm.


Oct 27, 2017
Kind of the opposite, actually. I don't care to see gratuitous violence in my video games, but if there's a real life emergency I'm pretty quick to snap into triage mode.


Oct 27, 2017
My wife doesn't understand why I can play Mortal Kombat but can't handle the violence in Game of Thrones or the surgery scenes in Grey's Anatomy. Welp...


Oct 27, 2017
I'm the same as you OP. I've actually become more sensitive to IRL violence and movie violence the older I got. In games, however, I can't have enough xD


Alt Account
Oct 27, 2017
Depends. I hate blood but I don't mind it when it is drawn like in anime but when it's a movie or realistic blood in a videogame I get a little grossed out. I also depends of the amount of blood it is shown.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm one of those guys, but that's pretty much because I know all the violence I see on TV/Cinema/Games is fiction, and nothing else. Is fabricated, and most of it is designed to look fake in bombastic manners that cannot be reproduced in real life (ie. Mortal Kombat fatalities, the silly deaths on Final Destination movies). Of course, if I see a clip of a shooting or real life accident I'm gonna freak out, lol.

Deleted member 51845

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Jan 10, 2019
Not just video games but movies as well. I love the most overly grotesque and never shy away from anything fake. Then if I watch one of those real life sugerical shows, I'll feel sick.

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Not blood per se, but I'm a weird one when it comes to body interiors. You see, I have 0 issues watching people get decapitated, mutilated, blown to pieces, shot to death, beaten up, etc. etc., neither in movies or games. For some reason though I feel sick with prolonged talk about how the inside of the body works: lengthy talks about the heart pumping blood, how the brain operates and shit like that and I get a bit sick. I even fainted due to this once.

It's ironic because the Saw series is probably my favourite horror franchise. I sat through all 8 movies multiple times without the slightest issue. You know the only scene that has ever caused me issue? One that isn't even a trap: a brain surgery on a live brain, where they first opened up the skull and such. I had no issues watching bones breaking, bodies being torn apart, but a brain surgery made me feel sick. Fuck is wrong with my head, lmao.


Oct 26, 2017
Definitely. I'm one of those people who could never be a doctor.. whenever it's one of those surgery hospital shows I can't look for even one second. And gore IRL... nope.

But I've been de-sensitized to videogame (and movie) violence since the early 90s. Don't even flinch or react.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Game violence is very very heavily stylized like in action movies. However, disturbingly realistic depictions of blood will elicit the same reaction as in real life.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't mind violence in videogames or movies, as it's all just fake and I've known that since I was 7.
But real violence or blood on TV News or in front of me is a whole other story, makes me feel bad instantly, not fainting but still it's not even comparable imo.

Torture porn shit like Martyr is pretty bad too though.


Feb 20, 2019
I have a colleage who gets dizzy at the sight of his own blood, no problem with videogame or other's blood though.

I am not disturbed by either, as far as I can tell.
This is me. I'm not bothered by virtual violence or most IRL gore that I have unfortunately seen more off than I would like but the second I get a nose bleed or a papercut and see my own blood? I nearly pass out. It took me years to be able to get my blood drawn without having to lie down for a decent period of time afterwards if I didn't want to collapse. I don't know what causes that intense reaction to the sight of my own blood but it's damn frustrating at times.


Nov 1, 2017
Games are very cartoonish by natural design, so in game violence has never bothered me.

In movies, they look realistic, but I know it's fake so it doesn't bother me at all.

Having to see real life violence while scrolling up a newsfeed on Facebook or a Youtube video? No way, it turns my stomach. I can't watch that at all.
Mar 29, 2018
Everyone saying "I'm not bothered by blood IRL" etc - note that it's something you can develop. I was absolutely fine with blood - had lots taken out and even seen a fair bit IRL without any issues - then had one nasty experience when I was 27 and ever since then seeing blood made me feel faint.

I've recently had to get tons more bloods done and think I'm getting over it - but yeah, this shit can change, come and go etc; please note.


Oct 27, 2017
Absolutely. I don't mind any form of extreme violence in media. Even some surgery videos are fine to me, but put me close to anything real life and I start to get weak in the knees.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 28, 2017
I can't do real life gore but in game gimme all of it. This same extension exists in anime violence vs. live action. I had to leave Logan because of the violence.


Apr 18, 2019
Game violence is very very heavily stylized like in action movies. However, disturbingly realistic depictions of blood will elicit the same reaction as in real life.
Not for me. The real thing is still way worse for me. Like, RDR2 is REALLY graphic with its dismemberment, yet it doesn't bother me like the real thing does. Same with that gif you posted

Classy Tomato

Jun 2, 2019
Yeah, I can handle gore in video games, while gore in movies, and oddly enough cartoon/anime, disturb the hell out of me.

Buff Beefbroth

Chicken Chaser
Apr 12, 2018
One is real, the other is fake.

Blood in person- especially my own - is hella gross and upsetting.

I also enjoy a bunch of hyper-gory horror movies.


The Fallen
Oct 31, 2017
Yes. I can also watch gore-y movies without too much of a problem. Video games have no effect gore-wise.

But one time I accidentally cut my finger with a knife (very small cut, required no medical attention) and I almost passed out. My mom still makes fun of me for that lol.


Oct 28, 2017
I close my eyes on violent scenes in movies, I look to the other side when I need to take an injection and I don't like gore imagery in general....

But DOOM and Mortal Kombat are among my favorite games.


Self-requested ban
Jan 11, 2018
There is no scientific study that has managed to prove a long term causal (or even correlational) relationship between games and desensitization to violence.

Anecdotally I have had more realistic violence in games actually cause me to become disturbed briefly. I still remember an execution in The Last of Us where the guy seemed to be begging for his life before having his skull explode into gory bits.

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
Depends on the definition of "disturb". I don't mind blood in "controlled" environments (e.g. getting blood samples), but of course if I or someone else cuts themselves badly and they bleed profusely it will disturb me.

I'm also pretty icked by footage of actual surgeries and almost always look away. My SO is the opposite, she can't stand e.g. zombie games, but has no problem looking at surgery stuff, (probably because she's worked as both a nurse assistant and vet assistant).

All of the above seems to point out to exposure and familiarity resulting in desensitization, I guess.


Mar 24, 2018
I loved splatter games and movies since I was a kid.
In real life blood and injuries make me sick.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Fontana, California
Violence and gore in person are very different. I've seen some very graphic gory videos, like really bad, that did nothing to me. But seeing a friend have a seizure in front of me shuck me something terrible.
Feb 16, 2018
Kind of, more so footage of surgeries make me feel queezy. I watch lots of gory horror movies too and I'm fine with them but when I see a real human body being cut open even in a medical context I feel sick.


Nov 4, 2017
As a rule I do not like games with realistic depictions of violence. However if it's extremely over-the-top like MadWorld or Bulletstorm then I will happily play all day.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
That's me in general for plenty of things: Dismemberment, spiders and zombies for example.
For some reason I can handle spiders in games with absolutely no problem, but show me a picture or a gif of a spider in real life and I freak the fuck out.


Oct 30, 2017
pip pip cheerio fish & chips
Kind of the opposite, actually. I don't care to see gratuitous violence in my video games, but if there's a real life emergency I'm pretty quick to snap into triage mode.

Same! I just don't like gratuitous anguish and torture in media, makes me uncomfortably when its used flippantly for people to feel edgy.
But in real life? Between periods, mild dermatillomania and a weird proneness to random nosebleeds for some reason, bleeding is an alarmingly frequent staple if i'm honest. I wouldn't have gotten far if it bothers me.


Oct 25, 2017
To me, it comes down to the realism of violence. As some members have said, games tend to make it stylized, or exaggerated. Realistic depiction of violence, though, is a whole different beast. I get the same uneasy feeling I get when movies or TV shows depict domestic abuse or rape, like I shouldn't be watching that scene happening.
To this day, games haven't managed to bring out the same reaction from be (maybe that one needle scene from Dead Space, but that's because eye stuff bother me a lot) but I think The Last of Us 2 might be the first one.


alt account
Mar 25, 2019
I used to appreciate SEGA going for semi realism. SEGA was kind of like the mature nintendo.

think this is why I lean more towards nintendo after SEGA's downfall over microsoft and Sony


Oct 27, 2017
I can handle seeing gore in games and movies, but real life is a different thing. Once there was this motorcycle accident near me. There was a lot of blood and I just felt weak around the knees when I saw that