
Oct 27, 2017
Outside VR, not really.
In VR: 100 % yes. I am extremely afraid of heights so I forced myself to play climbing games in VR to kind of get used to it. Not sure how much it helped though. lol


Oct 25, 2017
I think dying light might be the only game that I ever looked down while climbing up high and felt uncomfortable. That includes VR games. Not sure what DL did right.


Nov 25, 2017
not a fear of heights, but there were times when I was playing monster hunter and I jumped from a high point on the map my stomach would get that flutter when I was falling. It was really strange


Oct 26, 2017
I've had that happen to me. Not the full on feeling I get in real life but a toned down sensation. But it usually only happens if I played a game for a very long time and it becomes second nature.

VR on the other hand has that feeling 100%. I can deal with it when I'm sitting because feeling that chair so it takes me out a bit, but standing (the Index knuckles controller demo comes to mind) can be brutal.


Aug 1, 2019
Sometimes. Climbing the radio tower in Tomb Raider sucked. Trying to peak over the edge of the platform in Beat Saber is a bad idea, too.


Oct 25, 2017
Heights? No.

My real life fear of the depths of the ocean? Yes.
This right here....

I don't care about hights but I have a weird fear about the unknown in the depths of the ocean.... which i funny because I love the ocean and it's animals.

I remember playing endless ocean on the Wii and i had a hard time in the beginning, diving in the darkness to the depths of the ocean


Oct 26, 2017
Voids and colourless or white infinite spaces trigger me.
Control. ABZU. Path of Neo. Tomb Raider Anniversary with textures off. Assassin's Creed. MK 11 Ultimate.
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Giga Man

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
My only fear of heights in video games is if I fall and I have to climb all the way up instead of respawning at a checkpoint near where I jumped.

My real life fear of the depths of the ocean? Yes.
Jumping into any body of water in Super Mario 64 really scared me as a kid. I used to be very afraid of Jolly Roger Bay, but the worst is Tiny Huge Island where there's a giant Cheep Cheep that swallows you whole. I still hate it.

I think that's the only game though.

Deleted member 8468

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I don't suffer from a fear of heights in real life, and have hiked and climbed in some pretty precarious places.

That said, games have definitely triggered some kind of height sensitivity in me and it's kind of cool when it happens. A certain moment in TLoU2 caused this, and sometimes if a jump glitches or something weird in Assassins Creed I can get the feeling too. I've always thought it had something to do with being more careless in the game than real life. It's way easier for me to accidently mash A too much than it is slip or make some mistake in real life, since I'm far more focused and involved on a full body scale. Always thought the difference in reaction to games was a little weird.


Oct 28, 2017
The only game that I can remember triggering vertigo in me is Xenoblade Chronicles. You can jump down from huge heights there and something about the way they do it feels real and weighty. The game does a really good job at creating a sense of scale.

Absolutely. Just had it a couple of days ago. It's a horrible feeling but that's to the game's merit of having a gigantic world.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
No issues in normal games, but i. VR it's absolutely terrifying to look down from a ledge into a big drop even though deep down I know it's not real.


Mar 2, 2020
Really bad fear of heights here, to the point I'll get lightheaded on a ladder. Never had it trigger in games. I think VR could get me though.


Oct 25, 2017
Happens in VR all the time and I love it.

The worst it hit me was playing Mario Sunshine on a TV though. The combination of extreme heights and absolute shit controls that could send me plummetting down to at any moment to have to spend 5 minutes to get back to where I was put the fear deeply in me.


Oct 25, 2017
I remember getting that weird feeling in your stomach when jumping from the Gerudo bridge in Ocarina of Time. Also some of the synchronasation stuff in AC can get me a bit haha.

Deleted member 179

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I've got a minor fear of heights and a certain moment in Last of Us 2 had my hands sweating profusely.

Though for me, its my thalassophobia. Going to the sunken treasures in AC Odyssey, the 15 minutes I played of Subnautica, and Jaws Unleashed on PS2 as a kid are the most terrifying gaming experiences of my life.


Oct 25, 2017
I have a pretty bad fear of heights but it's only sometimes triggered in games. Sometimes falling large distances will tickle my stomach but some examples in my mind are GTAIV where you're riding a window washer I believe up the side of a building. It started to give me anxiety that I was going to fall in game when I reached the top and had to move very slowly.

My anxiety triggers other times when I'm up high and have to make careful movements in an area or I might fall.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
When I jump off high buildings I do get that feeling in the pit of my stomach.


Oct 28, 2017
Mostly in VR, but my brain seems to have adjusted and knows it's fake now. It used to make my knees go weak though.
Nov 21, 2017
Actually the opposite. My fear of heights (or to be accurate, fear of falling and flattening myself against the ground) is absent in games; I'm currently going through Middle Earth Shadows of War and I love doing a sneak kill from the top of a building, while saying to myself "DEATH FROM ABOOOOOOVE!"

Deleted member 20852

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
I have a very bad fear of heights. Even at like the 6th floor of a building I need to stand far from the windows or I start getting dizzy.

The one occasion where I've felt it in a game is the sequence in TLOU2 that's been mentioned already.


Oct 27, 2017
I have absolutely no fear of heights at all, and never get motion sick in games (even VR) but for some reason the towers you climb in Dying Light really got to me. If I remember correctly they sway a bit the higher up you get... that may have been the reason

Dan Thunder

Nov 2, 2017
TLoU2, yeesh!



Oct 25, 2017

Its REALLY bad lol

But I still manage it cause it isnt as bad as I thought it would be...until....

I think my worst case scenario for this was when I played Dark Souls Prepare to Die Edition on PC with some friends.

Blight was a hassle cause my fear of heights triggered so bad it affected our playthrough lol.

Thankfully we got through it (had to at least 3 times cause we did 3 playthroughs lol).


Jan 14, 2019
In real life, I have a fear of heights, I hate walking across high up bridges and I'll lock up near high ledges. Sometimes when I'm playing games with a lot of climbing, like the Uncharted games or the Assassin's Creed series I will climb a very tall structure only for my fear of heights to be triggered, thankfully it's nowhere near as debilitating when it happens in real life. But I find my palms getting sweaty and my heart rate increases, I feel more nervous and I play much more cautiously.

Most likely the only reason I cope with it in gaming is because I am to process the information and know that there is no real risk, in real life you would never get me up those high up places I'd refuse to do it.

Anyone else find this happening to them?
So I don't fear the actual heights in the game, but if I jump my character off a really high place, I feel it in my stomach BIG time. Like I have to look away from the screen to do it.


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah, this is the worst. When jumping from great heights, I literally cant breathe, and it feels like an anvil on my chest and my stomach wants to pull itself inside out.


Nov 6, 2017
Dying light 2 when you try to climb the bridge, I've never ever felt butterflies in my stomach like that in a game.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 29, 2017
There is some vertigo but I love it when games put you really high up. Mirrors Edge has been a blast lol.
Oct 26, 2017
I have arachnophobia, and Metro Last Light triggered that a bit. Otherwise I've never really had an issue with phobias in games.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't have a fear of heights as far as I'm aware, but when I leap off a high spot in a game and fall down, a part of me is like "oh god oh god oh god."
Oct 26, 2017
I have that too and with bugs too but those never bother me in any game I've played.

Heights is something that has affected me in many games but Dark Souls was the worst lol.
Metro Last Light puts you in pitch black tunnels with a dim flashlight where giant armored nocturnal spiders can scurry around the walls and ceilings. Only way to kill them is to burn them with a light source, get them on their backs, and stab them. Bullets don't do much. It didn't "trigger" me to the point I couldn't play, but I was actually unnerved by it.


Aug 1, 2019
I have thalassophobia and submechanophobia, and games trigger those all the time. I think Super Mario Odyssey is the least bothered I've ever been by being underwater (Assassin's Creed Odyssey was the MOST bothered). I also have a fear of heights and yet no game, not even VR, not even a jet simulator has ever triggered my fear of heights...

...UNTIL The Last of Us Part II. Whoever was in charge of dealing with heights in the game clearly has an intimate understanding of a fear heights and vertigo. You know how I know this? Because the game triggers it through audio. You actually get the visual vertigo moment at the beginning of the game, and it did nothing to me. But later in the game when it ramps up the heights it's the sound of the wind that does it. I was as afraid of that moment as I was going deep underwater just to get the platinum trophy for Assassin's Creed Odyssey. It was brutal. I had to do it with the headphones off.


Linked the Fire
May 9, 2020
Nope I'm completely fine with game height as my fear of height stems from a fear of death.


Oct 27, 2017
Not exactly, but at some point in my life I started to feel a bit of vertigo an have an involuntary gasp any time my character would fall from a great height. Ever since I started playing videogames that had never happened before, and now it always happens.

That was my first "I'm getting old" moment for me.


Nov 18, 2017
I have a slight (I like to think of it as healthy!) fear of heights in any situation when I should be legitimately scared of falling. I have no issues in tall building looking out a window, but I have experienced those "edge of panic" moments leaning out over a railing on a tall bridge etc. (dumb things you do as a kid).
Only a few non-VR games have prompted that feeling - Half life 2 (ep2?) had a tall bridge that you could climb on and it made you feel like you would hurt yourself if you fell off, for example.
Superhot VR requires you to jump off a ledge to complete a level, and despite the stylized graphcs, in VR it is easily the closest thing to real fear instilled by a game I have ever felt. It felt it in my stomach when I jumped off the ledge, and I was sweating. Stayed with me for a while too. Quite remarkable.