
Oct 25, 2017

At this point, the bigger national scandal isn't the president's lawbreaking behavior - it is the Democratic Party's refusal to impeach him for it.

It is one thing for a sitting president to break the law. It's another to let him.

The integrity of our democracy isn't threatened when a president breaks the law. It's threatened when we do nothing about it.

The GOP's silence & refusal to act shouldn't be a surprise. Ours is.

is whistleblower/Ukraine situation changing Pelosi's view on potential Trump impeachment?

adviser tells me: "no. see any GOP votes for it?"
Oct 29, 2017
Pelosi has no skin in the game. Anything Trump does won't affect her or her family. She gives no fucks. The disconnect is beyond clear.


Oct 25, 2017
Fucking gross. "Republicans are always expected to act bad, so it's Democrat's fault for not controlling them better"


Oct 26, 2017
Toronto, ON, Canada
The "yas, qween, slay!" crowd over Nancy Pelosi doing basic 4-foot-net slam dunks while hogging for screentime over the shutdown continues to remind me that politics is all about appearances down south.

The fact that she's been dropping the ball ever since is nothing short of a travesty, and the fact there are some who criticized others for running against Pelosi's nomination for speaker of the house is disgusting.


Oct 25, 2017
East Lansing, MI
Pelosi's cowardice is a microcosm of the modern Democratic party. She's gambling on Trump losing so she doesn't have to do anything that could risk her standing. If anything she gets to fundraise off Trump for free.

Her attitude is the exact reason why Trump got elected in the first place and the reason why Republicans continue to wipe the floor in the majority of elections.


Oct 26, 2017
It's crazy the Mueller report was ~1.5 year process looking into if he ever directly asked Russia for election interference and then he just does it with Ukraine.


Oct 27, 2017
My two cent take on political strategy is that impeaching too soon would be a disaster. If the Dems had impeached six months ago, the GOP would've given him a pass by now and by the time Nov 2020 rolls around it would be considered old news, water under the bridge, sour grapes, etc. by moderate (read: ignorant) voters. If they time it right, though, with the hearings airing Trump's dirty laundry at the opportune moment, the proceedings still won't eject him but he (and the senators that back him) will do worse in the elections.

Ultimately the responsibility isn't on the Dems for playing politics, it's on the voters for letting the GOP get away with this shit. And arguably the media for failing to convince people that this is a big deal.


Mod of the Year 2006
Oct 25, 2017
There needs to be a way to charge people like Pelosi with negligence for refusing to do their job.
Oct 26, 2017
We are going to hand Trump an election on a silver platter because these dinos are too afraid of rocking the boat a bit

Spine Crawler

Oct 27, 2017
i dont get it. trump did the same with hilary and russia and nobody in his base or the GOP (aka the sovereign of the us) gave a flying fuck, why should it change now?
Oct 27, 2017
That's a stupid take from AOC. The failure to engage in a futile political gesture is not worse than the everything of the Trump administration.


Feb 11, 2019
Fucking gross. "Republicans are always expected to act bad, so it's Democrat's fault for not controlling them better"
Republicans will only get better if we drag them out of power (not just the Presidency,I'm talking state houses, House, senate,etc.) for an extended period of time and to be blunt IDK how to do that short of a second Great Depression with how entrenched racially motivated shit is in US right wing campaigns and how it can singlshandidly swing entire cycles and put us back to square one if the economy isn't breathing down WWC's neck.
Aug 12, 2019
Pelosi keeps standing so far in the center that it's almost comical (center for the US, which is considerably more right leaning than most countries).

She needs to be primaried and removed through election and replaced with someone who will actually up hold the constitution. I have tried to give her the benefit of the doubt over these past 9 months, but I don't think I have any sympathy left for her as a younger voter.


Oct 25, 2017
By the logic people spit out around here the Democrats should never have went after Nixon. The American People were completely against Impeaching Nixon before the Impeachment Process was started. Even then almost 35% of Americans Felt he should be acquitted by the time the Process was over and the House was getting ready to vote. Favorability for Impeachment had only reached 53%.

Impeachment is about doing the right then and standing up and showing people why it is the right thing. This bullshit idea that we have to have everyone all lined up in support before we even make a move is just that Bullshit.


Jun 14, 2019
People standing around with their phones out watching a bully pummel some kid are gross, but the bully doing the pummeling is much, much worse.


Oct 27, 2017
People standing around with their phones out watching a bully pummel some kid are gross, but the bully doing the pummeling is much, much worse.

You have a known bully beating up on minorities, and your student council runs on a campaign of stopping the bully.

The student council president does nothing while the bully cages children at the border.


Jun 14, 2019
You have a known bully beating up on minorities, and your student council runs on a campaign of stopping the bully.

The student council president does nothing while the bully cages children at the border.
Yeah, shitty, but the bully and his posse throwing kids in cages are obviously worse. Like how is this even a question?
Oct 27, 2017
The World
AOC got tired of not getting enough attention this week?

AOC has to care about AOC and Justice Dems a group that got 0 Dems elected in moderate seats. Pelosi has to think about the 20+ odd Dems that won in seats Trump won in 2018.

Boiled Goose

Nov 2, 2017
Democrats and their apologist defenders are so weak they've forgotten what's it's like to do the right thing.

And yet they keep taking Ls.

It's sooo soo pathetic.

They won't be convinced. They won't be appeased. Just like Republicans they are a part of the problem and an obstacle to progress. The only solution is to defeat them politically vote them the fuck out.

Deleted member 25600

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
There needs to be a way to charge people like Pelosi with negligence for refusing to do their job.
Something something checks and balances?

AOC got tired of not getting enough attention this week?

AOC has to care about AOC and Justice Dems a group that got 0 Dems elected in moderate seats. Pelosi has to think about the 20+ odd Dems that won in seats Trump won in 2018.

It's okay to ignore your duties because it's politically convenient? Ok, cool.


Oct 25, 2017
Here's an analogy: A serial rapist that the local prosecutor refuses to even try to bring a case against because the jury would be made up of his family members.


The Eggplant Queen
Oct 25, 2017
New York City
Eh... no It isn't worse or the bigger national scandal AOC. The Evildoers are the ones to blame even if enabled.


Oct 26, 2017
Democrats and their apologist defenders are so weak they've forgotten what's it's like to do the right thing.

And yet they keep taking Ls.

It's sooo soo pathetic.

They won't be convinced. They won't be appeased. Just like Republicans they are a part of the problem and an obstacle to progress. The only solution is to defeat them politically vote them the fuck out.

What are you actually suggesting here? That we try to prop up a third party and split the left?

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
Why do I suddenly suspect AOC might soon be (not so) politely the target of vehement and demonizing reprisals from the Establishment Dems? 🤔


Oct 28, 2017
Both, yeah. I mean Trump has lied so many times, and acted in the most heinous ways, and yet it is not reasonable to oust him. His government is the biggest roadblack to better action many global issues. Despite what the misled may think it is in the national and global interest. It is interesting seeing Pelosi claiming to play by the rules, while Trump does anything but...