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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
This wattson on my squad really put her trophy system down where I threw my Gibby ult. At my feet because we were getting Rushed and surrounded by 3 enemies. The trophy took out every single one of my missiles AND we got rushed.

You really can't teach stupid.

Last ring, squad vs squad. I said I was gonna toss my Caustic alt, pop and toss, Wattson puts her thing down, gas grenade zaps into another dimension and we get rolled.

You hate to see it happen.


Oct 25, 2017
The Update took me more than an hour and a half to copy onto my PS4. For a Less than 200 MB Update. HOW


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I like Duos a lot too. Though it continued from a previous day win I had a 4 win streak going which felt good.

It has a different pace to the normal mode but still has a lot of interplay with other teams. I would much rather see permanent Duos over a Solo one given that's just Pathfinder: The Mode.


Oct 25, 2017
I got accused of being a wall hacking cheating fa**ot because I....drum roll please....shot a guy through a window!

There's a building at fragment where you can completely shoot through and vault through a window. I don't know why people think there's a screen there but there isn't.

I promptly uploaded the clip of me killing him through said window and he said he felt like an idiot for reporting me.

I mean. Which he is. Not everybody that outplays you and is AWARE of their surroundings is cheating. Absolutely embarrassing voice message from this clown and I'm gonna keep it just to come back and laugh at how much accountability people lack in these games.

You're not as good as you think you are, and not everybody is a cheater. Good grief that humble pie is worth it.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Jumped back into this a couple days ago. Hadn't played it since last February. Enjoying this a lot with all the QoL and connection fixes. Won 5 games in the last two days, one of which was in Duos.

I really like Revenant. I was mainly using Wraith the first month it released. I'm sure I'll be using both interchangeably when I spend time with the game more. If anyone wants to play Duos/Squads, hit me up on Origin. :)

o Tesseract

Oct 28, 2017
Finally got to play this last night. Been away from the world for over a week due to some life emergencies.

I feel like I LIKE Revenant, but his kit feels a little underpowered maybe? Not sure. Maybe I just need to learn it better. Death totem seems to be a crutch more than a safety to be honest.

Also, Sentinel needs a buff. It feels like they took the feedback from the Charge Rifle a little too close to heart and just threw in a pretty underpowered weapon into the sandbox. I don't think it needs a huge buff. Bolt speed needs to be faster for it to be viable. Also, it should use cells instead of batteries, with the caveat being a a shorter charge time for disruptors. In terms of look and feel though, wow, what a cool gun.


Oct 27, 2017
Having one of those days where my hands are too cold, my reactions are too slow, my decisions are too stupid.

I'm that potato on your squad today.


Fen'Harel Enansal
Mar 30, 2018
Having one of those days where my hands are too cold, my reactions are too slow, my decisions are too stupid.

I'm that potato on your squad today.

We've all been there, and we will all be there again. It's ok, it happens, tomorrow will be better!



Nov 2, 2017
yeap. i'm just glad for the extra flexibility when it comes to the jumping, crouching and using abilities tho. previously had jump mapped to l1, crouch on r3 and ability on X - which was good for jumping and aiming (i'll never understand why movement heavy shooters default jump to one of the face buttons) but crouching and aiming in a fight could get a bit awkward (still better than having it on O tho) and i felt slightly disadvantaged using some legend's abilities by having to relinquish aiming momentarily. it's just good for options really 🤷‍♂️
I brought it up in the Back Button Attachment thread but the best thing I've found for them in Apex is to put grenades and shield/health onto those buttons. It means never taking your left thumb off the stick, and the d-pad is already a pita to find the right direction on since they've always had a crappyish d-pad on the PS controllers. I have d-pad up on the left one and d-pad right on the right back button. I am sure it's made me a better player because I use grenades more and I heal/shield with more accuracy and more speed.


Oct 27, 2017
Just played against a guy who was level 400 and obviously aimbotting. So I'll take that as basically final confirmation respawn have given up on banning hackers.


Oct 25, 2017
Not a fan of how Sentinel is either garbage or amazing depending on whether you have a never-ending supply of shield batteries. Sort of a win-more type of mechanic.


Oct 25, 2017
Wraith players wouldn't be annoying if they didn't constantly spam enemy pings just to shadow step away leaving me hanging in the squad fight.


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
It's so satisfying when a super thirsty team rush you only for you to kill them

Like, I was solo as the other two players DC'd before the drop and I decided to carry on alone. Another team got the drop on me and chased me across the entire map, I tried everything to get them to leave me alone, grenades, Ults, running in and out of buildings, I even ran deep outside the circle , but they really wanted that kill. I finally got fed up and I was out of meds from all the shots they got on me so I span round and fought.....and I won, they probably had a shot at the W too if they had moved on because the final squad was just one other player.
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Feb 3, 2019
I'm not sure how to feel about the sentinel right now, not all weapons need to be the 99 or peacekeeper but it always feel a bit underwhelming to use? Especially when charging it up because I never feel that much of a difference between normal state

The animation and shooting mechanics are great tho, I love how it's essentially an hitscan from medium-low long range


Dec 23, 2018
Just got carried to a victory by a Smurf Wraith (literally had Smurf in the name as well). They ended up with 9 kills and 3635 damage!


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
R-99 is such a terrible weapon right now. It feels great and seeing all those numbers come pouring out of your enemy is amazing, until you see they're all 11s...

Being melted by people packing an L-Star repeatedly has made me not even consider the gun anymore.

Solid Shake

Oct 28, 2017
Dude, I'm a pretty new player with maybe like 20 hours and for some reason the game gives me the shittiest teammates EVERY single time. Why am I the one carrying these dudes when I'm barely decent.

It wouldn't be so bad if it didn't happen every single match but holy fuck it's annoying and really makes me not want to play which is a shame because the game is fun to play when you actually have people with brain cells.


Nov 10, 2017
Yesterday was rough, I forgot how bad Silver was. Three games in a row where people wanted to land at Capitol city, dying right away. I also ended a game doing 0 damage - I can't even remember the last time that happened to me.
In the last game of the night I got to be jumpmaster and decided to drop in the second half of the map, we finished 4th with 10 kills and I got all my RP back and then some.

Now I simply hit "Drop solo" before the jumpmaster has the chance to hot drop, then rejoin if they agree to land on pretty much any other place of the map. No point losing 12 RP when you can recoup them by simply reaching round 2 lol.


Oct 25, 2017
How does Apex still not have a permanent solo mode? It's been a year. Give me some options, ffs...

Gonna try this new CoD BR and see how fun it is.


Oct 25, 2017
really can't handle ranked. None of these people i'm playing with should be higher than bronze wew


Mar 23, 2018
I had a really though time getting used to the ps4 back button attachement. I pressed random buttons constantly for no reason leading to a ton of missplays. But after a couple of hours of getting used to it I like it a lot now. I only mapped to right back button to crouch. The left one does not do anything as I accidently press it occasionally. I can finally comfortable crouch and remain a good aim at the same time.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
I had a really though time getting used to the ps4 back button attachement. I pressed random buttons constantly for no reason leading to a ton of missplays. But after a couple of hours of getting used to it I like it a lot now. I only mapped to right back button to crouch. The left one does not do anything as I accidently press it occasionally. I can finally comfortable crouch and remain a good aim at the same time.
Correct me if I'm wrong but this attachment uses the headphone jack as well right? I don't think I'd be able to use it then since I need headphones for this game. I was really interested in it too.

EDIT: oh I just saw that it has a headphone jack of its own. Hmm interest back on!


Dec 23, 2018
I'm pretty sure I have never in my life been more sick of a specific character in a videogame than I am of Caustic. As a teammate, as enemy, I just can't anymore.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
I'm pretty sure I have never in my life been more sick of a specific character in a videogame than I am of Caustic. As a teammate, as enemy, I just can't anymore.
I hate him too. So much. He's a fun character to play as, but he's a nightmare for his teammates unless in specific circumstances.
Getting knocks in overlook in the worse challenge ever. There is never anyone there. It's the most pointless place on the map.
I get people in Overlook all the time?


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
I really hope they make duo's permanent or have a solo event after this one, becuase I really can't see myself playing in regular mode again. I'm either with myself or one other guy and I'm always getting destroyed by 3 man teams running at me side by side while I'm either fighting them off alone or with just one other person at least in duo's I have a little bit of a chance.

I'll definitely be checking out the new Modern Warfare BR to see if that game has such uneven matchmaking. Hopefully they succeed where Respawn fail.

I Iet people in Overlook all the time?

I dropped there when it was the Hotzone, and no one was there.

o Tesseract

Oct 28, 2017
As always, randoms are absolutely terrible.

Everyone in ranked has that "tough guy" persona where they seem like they want to push every single fight and fire at people the second they see them. But when it comes to an actual fight, they're NOWHERE to be found.

They need to add solo queue ASAP because it's just insane that this is still the solo experience they expect people to enjoy. Don't know how many more fights I can take where I knock 2 guys and my teammates can't be assed to hit a single bullet and lose despite us having the advantage.


Oct 25, 2017
I just want to be able to play in servers that have 0 premade squads. Give everyone the same misery of having to deal with the chaff of the Apex playerbase.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't need Solos, never had much fun with it when it was around last time. Duos are great though, and I'd love if that became permanent.

Can't say I'm having tons of woes this season so far, though tbf I haven't had much time to play. I seem to get a pretty even spread of great and terrible games, which seems fine to me.


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
Oh man, I've just had one of my best games yet in duo's. 8 Kraber kills that were soooo clean. One was a hip fire shot too.

I managed to bag the W so hard that I got a couple of abusive PMs after the match calling me 'trash'

Fucking Delicious.


Oct 27, 2017
Dude, I'm a pretty new player with maybe like 20 hours and for some reason the game gives me the shittiest teammates EVERY single time. Why am I the one carrying these dudes when I'm barely decent.

It wouldn't be so bad if it didn't happen every single match but holy fuck it's annoying and really makes me not want to play which is a shame because the game is fun to play when you actually have people with brain cells.
Play Ranked. It's a much better solution to getting teammates at your skill level, especially once you get past the first few Bronze tiers.

I brought it up in the Back Button Attachment thread but the best thing I've found for them in Apex is to put grenades and shield/health onto those buttons. It means never taking your left thumb off the stick, and the d-pad is already a pita to find the right direction on since they've always had a crappyish d-pad on the PS controllers. I have d-pad up on the left one and d-pad right on the right back button. I am sure it's made me a better player because I use grenades more and I heal/shield with more accuracy and more speed.
Is that the only setup you've tried so far? I'm curious about that method versus what I'm using which is having jump and reload on the paddles so I never have to worry about taking my thumbs off the sticks in gunfights. I've gotten pretty good at clawing over to the d-pad for healing (also memorizing where items are on the wheel is a huge help).

I really hope they make duo's permanent or have a solo event after this one, becuase I really can't see myself playing in regular mode again. I'm either with myself or one other guy and I'm always getting destroyed by 3 man teams running at me side by side while I'm either fighting them off alone or with just one other person at least in duo's I have a little bit of a chance.
That's why I've stopped trying to be a "leader" and just be a "follower". Oh your dumbass is heading into a fight by yourself after tagging them a second before firing? Fine, I'll jump in because the chance of you/us surviving without working together is slim. Ignore the jump mark and head elsewhere? Asshole, but sure I'll go with you instead.

Yeah, it still ends up with a wipe in a lot of cases, but it probably would have happened either way, so why not just roll with it. If I know at the end of a round I at least made the best of a shit teammate decision, it definitely takes the sting out of a stupid and unnecessary squad wipe.


Well, Tosca isn't for everyone
Oct 31, 2017
I just installed Apex on PC for the first time. Need another shooter to play when I'm in the mood and Battlefield V doesn't fulfill the need

What advice and must-know stuff should I be aware of?


Oct 25, 2017
What advice and must-know stuff should I be aware of?

I am a new-ish player and these two lists of tips'n'tricks helped me immensely:

Apex Legends tips and tricks [Season 11]

Updated for Season 11, these practical top-tier Apex Legends tips and tricks will help you win more fights and matches no matter which Legend you play.

55 Apex Legends tips, tricks, and little known features

Apex Legends is looking to be a bit of a banger, and that's at least in part a result of developer Respawn's pretty ama…


Oct 25, 2017
I just installed Apex on PC for the first time. Need another shooter to play when I'm in the mood and Battlefield V doesn't fulfill the need

What advice and must-know stuff should I be aware of?

The only way you'll get better is stepping out your comfort zone. Playing passive to get into the top 10 is only gonna get you so far in this game and if you can't fight worth a damn you're a weak link to your team.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I'm probably gonna bow out of Apex for now with CoD BR right around the corner and it having a solo mode. The RNG of what teammates I'll get in Apex is just too stressful.

Maybe I'll come back for the event modes. I really enjoyed Shadowfall and Winter Express.
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Oct 27, 2017
Yeah I'm probably gonna bow out of Apex for now with CoD BR right around the corner and it having a solo mode. The RNG of what teammates I'll get in Apex is just too stressful.

Maybe I'll come back for the event modes. I really enjoyed Shadowfall and Winter Express.
If Apex had a constantly available solos mode, I'd play it far more often. It's frustrating to rely on two other randoms to make it to victory.


Oct 27, 2017
4 pred squads in my last casual game, nice skill judgement there as always apex. Then I got killed through a wall, quality.


Oct 25, 2017
Back in diamond for the third time. I'm gonna try grinding to masters instead of dropping the season like I usually do.

Deleted member 20284

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
For your viewing pleasure, went to get a drink and came back to being jumpmaster with my usual squad mates pinging where to go. I wiped the whole team in a flash, pretty sure the entire rest of the squads got a good chuckle out of this -



Fen'Harel Enansal
Mar 30, 2018
For your viewing pleasure, went to get a drink and came back to being jumpmaster with my usual squad mates pinging where to go. I wiped the whole team in a flash, pretty sure the entire rest of the squads got a good chuckle out of this -

I'm curious, had you pressed the button to jump or not yet? Cause honestly, this happened to people in one of my games and I don't think they had jumped yet either, which feels like a huge oversight from Respawn, and it should be fixed.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm curious, had you pressed the button to jump or not yet? Cause honestly, this happened to people in one of my games and I don't think they had jumped yet either, which feels like a huge oversight from Respawn, and it should be fixed.
It's a known issue, they're tracking it on their trello iirc. Kills you even if you haven't jumped yet.

Deleted member 20284

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
I'm curious, had you pressed the button to jump or not yet? Cause honestly, this happened to people in one of my games and I don't think they had jumped yet either, which feels like a huge oversight from Respawn, and it should be fixed.

In my case I had "just" hit launch at that exact moment, was out of my field of view as I turned left to go to mates land here marker. Last night we saw a team get wasted without ever having launch as well. I think there is already patch notes to fix the dropship from passing through the harvester beam altogether.

Still hilarious while it's there.
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