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Oct 27, 2017
Any high-silver, low-gold players on PC here looking to play some casual or ranked matches? I'm Triscuitable on Origin. Reply to this post or DM me with your Origin username if you send me a friend req there, so I know who is who.

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Oct 28, 2017
Was alternating some games with my son on his account for some laughs together and launched with only two in our squad. Jump straight to the train and happen to grab a blue shield and a gold prowler. Good night two squads who went train and then I picked up a gold devotion as well. My two favourite weapons back to back. Wife and son were cheering along the whole game. Looked at the post game stats and the other squad mate didn't really gather any steam either.

What a freak game by me. If only I could do that on the regular.



Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
KC loot feels awful, did they change something? I really don't remember it being this bad.

Had some really annoying moments today, like this.

Literally played specifically to have him shoot the door and get whacked for most of my health. -_-

Followed it up with a win but it had a bangalore that took a zipline right behind me with a PK that had no noise at all. I really hope they fix a lot of this crap, dunno if the tick rate will ever get improved but the sound issues are getting old.

another ash

Feb 12, 2020
KC loot feels awful, did they change something? I really don't remember it being this bad.
You probably remember season 2's KC. I feel like the main problem of looting is not only is there not enough of it but everyone lands together anyway making it even harder to distribute the loot to everyone. Like I often have only 8 - 10 squads left when the first ring starts closing, meaning that like 10 squads already died in the first few minutes cause they all land together and fight instantly.


Dec 23, 2018
This is a new one for me. Just finished a match and everything is falling apart. I now get this everytime I try to log in:


Oct 25, 2017
These bastards really show their ass in quick play. Steal the gold armor I cracked and downed, while you DC as soon you get knocked, and can't even break triple digit damage by the endgame. What impression did you leave for the team aside from being a greedy loot goblin that couldn't return fire?

Give me a break.


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
Iv'e actually had a really good experience over the last couple of days. Been matched with some decent players, had a few PMs with nice messages of 'GG' and 'Unlucky, well played'. Also been added by around 5 new people. Had a few games with my newly found friends this weekend one of which is a funny chap who constantly talks about how great the p2020 is!

I still get matched with the odd fool in random Solos (shoutout to lifeline who boosted my golden body shield, wouldn't drop her drone when i was low without meds and called me a prick when i subsequently got downed.) , but overall, im enjoying chatting to new people.
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Apr 22, 2019
The BP loot tick distribution is garbage. You get a pack at level 31 with the free system, and then the next BP apex pack is level 60. For actual BP packs, it goes from level 22 to level 60 before you get another pack. C'mon Respawn, that's atrocious. You have to level up 38 times before getting a BP pack? That's like 3-4 weeks maxing out challenges each week. You wait all that time for a pack and then it's two whites and a blue 9 times out of 10.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
King's Canyon was not good to me. My K/D dropped from 1.6 to 1.47, lol. I kept having horrible luck in combination with the fact that the lobbies are filled with SUPER sweats.

Every time I wasn't the jump master and they pinged Skulltown I groaned on the inside because I know half the lobby will be there. I dunno why that place was so popular in the first place. You're literally fighting half the lobby with crappy loot (it has horrible loot distribution). I MUCH rather drop Thunder dome and then head into Skulltown afterwards with adequate loot.

Also, I actually prefer a lot of the changes made to KC in Season 2 than what it was in Season 1, but that's just me. KC was a nice throwback and change of pace though. Only thing that it made me think about is if the second half of the ranked season is on Season 1 KC, I'm not sure if I'll be playing it that much.


Oct 27, 2017
It was fun returning to King's Canyon, the the loot was so bad I ended up going back to World's Edge. I love the current version of World's Edge, and it was nice not spending a whole match with only grey armor and barely any ammo to fight with. The loot was so barren on Kings Canyon I thought I was playing Armed and Dangerous


Oct 27, 2017
Been getting back into this after quite a long break. I'm having loads of fun on the new map and got 3 victories in a row with randoms!

Only trouble is, and I think it's why I dropped it a while back, is the lag. It's not massive but its here and there in every game. Is this the same for everyone?


Oct 25, 2017
KC loot feels awful, did they change something? I really don't remember it being this bad.

Had some really annoying moments today, like this.

Literally played specifically to have him shoot the door and get whacked for most of my health. -_-

Followed it up with a win but it had a bangalore that took a zipline right behind me with a PK that had no noise at all. I really hope they fix a lot of this crap, dunno if the tick rate will ever get improved but the sound issues are getting old.

Yeah the netcode is brutal. Feels like half my shots just disappear into thin air despite good aim.

Last night was the last time I will use the spitfire. I don't know what the fuck they did to this weapon. I picked one up because I need headshots with LMG's for a challenge (at this rate I will never complete it) and jesus christ. I got the jump one someone and held down the trigger. Felt like my reticle was perfectly on them and it just did NOTHING. I had a good stock and golden stabilizer on it too. The flatline and even the prowler is better. I don't understand why anyone would willingly choose to use this gun. I used to like it but it feels like its been nerfed to oblivion.


Nov 3, 2017
What are everyone's thoughts on the energy weapons currently? I've been messing around with running L-Star/ Havok with to some success.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah the netcode is brutal. Feels like half my shots just disappear into thin air despite good aim.

Last night was the last time I will use the spitfire. I don't know what the fuck they did to this weapon. I picked one up because I need headshots with LMG's for a challenge (at this rate I will never complete it) and jesus christ. I got the jump one someone and held down the trigger. Felt like my reticle was perfectly on them and it just did NOTHING. I had a good stock and golden stabilizer on it too. The flatline and even the prowler is better. I don't understand why anyone would willingly choose to use this gun. I used to like it but it feels like its been nerfed to oblivion.

Thank god, I am not the only experiencing this. I was shooting a wingman as at a caustic that was crouching and still and could not get my shots to register for the life of me. I finally managed to down him after emptying two clips into him.

The spitfire is one of the worst offenders when it comes to shots that seemingly whiff for no reason. I'm completing the challenge by using the L star. It is much more consistent for me.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
What are everyone's thoughts on the energy weapons currently? I've been messing around with running L-Star/ Havok with to some success.
Havoc (if you can control the recoil) has consistently been one of better weapons IMO. And you see what they did with the Devotion. Fully kitted, that thing was so powerful they turned it into a care package weapon. The LStar shreds but the muzzle flash is insane for me.


Nov 2, 2017
Yeah the netcode is brutal. Feels like half my shots just disappear into thin air despite good aim.

Last night was the last time I will use the spitfire. I don't know what the fuck they did to this weapon. I picked one up because I need headshots with LMG's for a challenge (at this rate I will never complete it) and jesus christ. I got the jump one someone and held down the trigger. Felt like my reticle was perfectly on them and it just did NOTHING. I had a good stock and golden stabilizer on it too. The flatline and even the prowler is better. I don't understand why anyone would willingly choose to use this gun. I used to like it but it feels like its been nerfed to oblivion.
I dropped the Spitfire too. It's Mozambique Tier for me right now. I always get outgunned when I use it. Even hitting every shot it seems like I get melted way before I'm even through their shield. It's just not dealing enough damage over time. You'd think each bullet would hit for MORE from this gun since the rate of fire is so low for a light machinegun. LMGs are meant to spit heavier caliber high damage over a slightly longer period of time per bullet compared to an assault rifle or SMG.

As for King's Canyon, I enjoyed one night of it. I think it's fine to make cameos now and then and I'll play it for ranked when that starts of course, but I'm hoping we'll get a new map at the end of this Season. It will be time for another addition. I also think either randomizing the map or offering both just splits the playerbase at the time. They're better off maintaining one map for a season or half season. Limited Time Mode use is ok too of course, same as Duos or Solos or whatever else people beg for... because the game is clearly designed and balanced for Trios. Battle Royales are so different from standard deathmatch games because if someone doesn't like the map in a BR, given the option to re-queue for the one they want, they'll just quit, leaving teammates hanging. That's never good for long term success of the game.


Oct 27, 2017
What are everyone's thoughts on the energy weapons currently? I've been messing around with running L-Star/ Havok with to some success.
Havoc is a monster early game when people don't have great gear, big mag by default and high damage. Sadly it begins to get outclassed later due to the long wind up. I think the Volt SMG needs to be added sooner rather than later, Energy weapons just feel pointless to me at the moment.

L-Star is theoretically good I guess but kind of bad in practice for me. The muzzle flash makes it nigh on unusable ADS and against the smallest characters like wraith and lifeline, it's nearly impossible to hit someone with good ADAD movement, even moreso than when you're using a spitfire.

Had some really annoying moments today, like this.

Literally played specifically to have him shoot the door and get whacked for most of my health. -_-

Doors specifically have felt absolutely turbo fucked since day one in my experience, I get shot through them all the time while they're closing.


Oct 26, 2017
Didn't realise King's Canyon was back but managed to get 3 games in and a win before it disappeared again. Was fun. Prefer it to World's Edge still.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
Ended my King's Canyon run this weekend with a win, so all is right in the world.

That said, spent a bunch of time there with legends I don't normally play. Came with a healthier respect for Crypto (heavily underrated third partying machine), and total confusion at Reverant. I complained before, but wow, what a shitty character. He's the Moz of the character selection screen, LOL. Even if you find yourself in a situation where you could use his abilities to the max, it's not worth it in comparison to the mobility and defensive option of the other characters (id rather hav path's mobility, Gib's dome etc). Hell, his hitbox even feels easier to hit then some of the other low profile marked characters.
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Oct 26, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Yeaahhhh, Revenant sucks.

He been ass. I'm surprised Crypto has kinda gotten a resurgence in diamond. He's legit annoying but I guess that's just #cryptothings. His drone should be a one shot regardless of gun. That small ass hitbox combined with the omnidirectional movement you can do on a whim makes him the most annoying and loud characters in the game.


Oct 25, 2017
He been ass. I'm surprised Crypto has kinda gotten a resurgence in diamond. He's legit annoying but I guess that's just #cryptothings. His drone should be a one shot regardless of gun. That small ass hitbox combined with the omnidirectional movement you can do on a whim makes him the most annoying and loud characters in the game.
I think he is a response to wattson turtling in some final circles. Honestly the only buff I want from him is to reduce or remove some of the delays in going into the drone and going out of it.


Oct 27, 2017
What is it with my first game of any day? 2 rage quitting dumb shits and a level 8 with a 20 kill badge 😔


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
A lot of people play Crypto in ranked now for the assist change. He's able to drone around two teams fighting and get assist credit when they die, lol.

He's good to play if you have the 12 assist daily.

Milky Way

Oct 29, 2017
He been ass. I'm surprised Crypto has kinda gotten a resurgence in diamond. He's legit annoying but I guess that's just #cryptothings. His drone should be a one shot regardless of gun. That small ass hitbox combined with the omnidirectional movement you can do on a whim makes him the most annoying and loud characters in the game.
my thoughts exactly. I'm starting to play him more and he's definitely better after the buff so it's more enjoyable. But man I hate going against a crypto. The drone pisses me off to no end


Oct 26, 2017
The ranked experience is the worst this season.

First game, one teammate gets Logic error after we all ready up, so it's just two of us in a Pred lobby destined to lose points before we're even in the drop ship. Second game, we all load in and just as we're done looting up, my game freezes and I get the Logic error and get booted out. Then we had a few games with no errors where we got destroyed. And the last game on character select screen it's just a flashing screen, not letting us pick a character, we all get Code net and get booted back to the lobby.

Ranked is just not it this season. These errors are exclusive to ranked and have not happened once in 300+ regular matches in Season 4.

El Toporo

Oct 25, 2017
People that calmly loot instead of reviving teammates are the worst. Okay, maybe not, but it's super annoying.


Oct 27, 2017
In fairness it doesn't really matter since 4 full pred squads will show up in 3 seconds anyway.
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Oct 27, 2017
I think the Volt SMG needs to be added sooner rather than later, Energy weapons just feel pointless to me at the moment.
Yeah now that Charge Rifle and Triple Take are sniper ammo, and the Devotion is special weapon ammo, there's lots of room for more Energy weapons. I'm assuming that was part of the plan with the reshuffle, and I bet we see the Volt soon.


Oct 27, 2017
Got matched with a level 5, killed by a guy with 5k+ kills, SBMM is non-existent. Though I shouldn't be surprised at this point because they're focused on putting in LTMs of the shitty versions of old maps rather than fixing fundamental problems with this game


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
I decided to come back after a long, long time and it seems like people have completely abandoned using the ping system properly, dropping together or reviving.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah now that Charge Rifle and Triple Take are sniper ammo, and the Devotion is special weapon ammo, there's lots of room for more Energy weapons. I'm assuming that was part of the plan with the reshuffle, and I bet we see the Volt soon.
I think it's already in the files.

I take it back a little bit about the Havoc, it's capable of tearing through people even late game, but you really need a positional advantage. If you get jumped you're in big trouble.


Oct 25, 2017
I just don't know how to make the volt stand out. What would make it different from an Alternator/R99/Prowler?

At least the CAR had the functionality of allowing you to aim while sprinting (as clunky as that was)


Oct 26, 2017
I just don't know how to make the volt stand out. What would make it different from an Alternator/R99/Prowler?

At least the CAR had the functionality of allowing you to aim while sprinting (as clunky as that was)
It does have some overlap, but that's how it was in TF2 as well. It'll probably be something you pepper dudes with good hip fire and bullet drop. Aim while sprinting was just the gunrunner perk IIRC, not CAR exclusive.

I have similar thoughts for the CAR, since the Prowler full auto is functionally just the CAR. Same with my initial thoughts when the Charge Rifle was announced but not shown, the Havoc Single Fire was just that. So it could be a functional revision.
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