Salty AF

Oct 30, 2017
I don't think you need paddles necessarily. It's probably the call of duty drop shot set up where you map crouch to your analog stick so you can aim and crouch at the time. I have mine mapped similar but I can never consistently do it. I'd rather work on my strafe game rather than spam crouch 🤷‍♂️

Man. Right analog stick to crouch spam and shoot at the same time would be damn near impossible for me. LMAO. Also, I really like being able to slide at will with no issues.

My big problem with the right analog stick, in general, is that sometimes in the middle of a fight I'll press down and it pulls up my emote wheel.


Oct 25, 2017
This should have just been a skin you get with a heirloom instead of yet another scummy way to make large amounts of money
Yeah, it'd make a lot more sense if this was a benefit to having the bloodhound heirloom, since honestly they really should be doing a little more for those anyway (heirloom emote, holospray, etc).


Oct 25, 2017
Man. Right analog stick to crouch spam and shoot at the same time would be damn near impossible for me. LMAO. Also, I really like being able to slide at will with no issues.

My big problem with the right analog stick, in general, is that sometimes in the middle of a fight I'll press down and it pulls up my emote wheel.

Lol yeah it puts serious stress on your analog sticks. But I think the majority of people who crouch spam will repeatedly strafe until their target is in their crosshairs. So while you're crouching with the right analog stick, you are technically letting the left stick do the aiming for you when strafing left/right. Plus, you're more than likely hip firing, AND the aim assist is there to help out.

I'm not elite at it, but it's possible to pull it off.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
I had a match the other day where I had no teammates, so I found a person and stood still so they could kill me
but they (on console) were left-right strafing so hard they barely hit me at all even though I was literally not moving

I laughed very hard


Oct 27, 2017
Wigg going from "alright, these Ranked changes will be a breath of fresh air" to "fuck this game, it sucks" in a matter of 2 days, lmao


Oct 25, 2017
Spent more time in Control than ranked so far. It's a blast. I would never risk playing aggressively with a sentinel in BR, but this game type is perfect for it.


The Fallen
Nov 16, 2017
Played a game of Control where after 1 minute, 2/3rds of my side left. At that point I just used it as an opportunity to try to get better with taking on fights instead of hoping to make any in-roads with the game's objective.


They really need to make it so that if you quit mid-match, you can't join another game until the match you quit has ended.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah quitting is rampant in control. Though most matches I see already seem to start down one for some reason, and it snowballs.

Barometer is almost unplayable for me on series X, it's mad stuttery. Hope it gets fixed soon as hammond labs is fine.

Salty AF

Oct 30, 2017
I stopped playing Apex for months up until recently and I forgot how much fun this game is when you're playing with a coordinated team. I met a 2 stack last night who were on comms and every attack we made was like the Navy Seals because we were coordinating everything and attacking from different angles. We won 4 games out the 8 we played but the main thing was just how different the game played.

Deleted member 22750

Oct 28, 2017
Mad Maggie is great

When you get out in the open with a hemlock or any mid ranged and your opponent is hiding behind cover they made a huge mistake


Oct 25, 2017
I'm so confused by Maggie's ultimate. I can't tell how to aim it or what, like if it just explodes whenever it detects an enemy or it's a set location. So many times I've thrown it at a group of people in Control and it just does nothing.


alt account
Jul 27, 2021
Wigg going from "alright, these Ranked changes will be a breath of fresh air" to "fuck this game, it sucks" in a matter of 2 days, lmao

These guys play the game for 8 hours a day 6 days a week since release. Short of Apex becoming a completely different game, there isnt anything the devs can do to make them happy for long, it will always be short term highs. They are way past burnt out.

El Toporo

Oct 25, 2017
I'll say, if I had to play that much Apex I'd go nuts. Don't think Wigg even changes it up with anything else.


Oct 25, 2017
These guys play the game for 8 hours a day 6 days a week since release. Short of Apex becoming a completely different game, there isnt anything the devs can do to make them happy for long, it will always be short term highs. They are way past burnt out.
Idk how you can be excited for ranked changes outside of a fundamental shift in the way kp is earned anyways


Well, Tosca isn't for everyone
Oct 31, 2017
Control needs mid-match matchmaking, or, allow people to join a match in the middle of it, to compensate for people quitting.

Or auto-balance like BF had back in the day

Salty AF

Oct 30, 2017
These guys play the game for 8 hours a day 6 days a week since release. Short of Apex becoming a completely different game, there isnt anything the devs can do to make them happy for long, it will always be short term highs. They are way past burnt out.

It's a very strange and unhealthy existence and one that I'm glad I'm not remotely good enough to do. I love my gaming but I would go nuts being competitive and people watching me 8 hours a day. Fuck a bunch of that.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
Control needs mid-match matchmaking, or, allow people to join a match in the middle of it, to compensate for people quitting.

Or auto-balance like BF had back in the day
I'm very much enjoying Control mode but these things need to happen. If one side disproportionately has an advantage, take someone off the team that has more people and put them on the other team. Just flash them a screen informing them that they're changing sides for balancing purposes or something.


The Fallen
Nov 16, 2017
It's also not as fun when you're on the winning team stomping players. I mean... it's more fun than being the team stomped on, but the ideal scenario are teams that are similarly matched. Being on a team that's doing super well disincentivizes you from moving, and instead incentivizes hunkering down to defend the point. This sort of mode is ideal for games like Battlefield where character traversal has never been the main selling point, but it's less ideal for a game like Apex.

Agree with auto-moving players if needed. Hopefully Respawn is cognizant of these issues as of now.


Apr 22, 2019
I doubt they have the capability to code any sort of mid-match matchmaking or changes. They've already seemingly just pasted the normal squad matchmaking into control mode, that's why we have teams of 3. The mode is fun but would be better if there was more back and forth going on. I've probably done 10 matches and none of them were ever a back and forth, the result was set from the outset. They need more bonuses and help for teams that aren't winning and some sort of system for assisting when players leave, even if it's bots or whatever.

Salty AF

Oct 30, 2017
I have not touched Control since it launched. For me, it's clear that Respawn created the best Battle Royale ever made and they don't want to cannabalize their BR population with something that could be just as popular like a well thought out evolution of Team Deathmatch. Until they do TDM, I will stick to the mode that they are excelling at. If I want an amazing TDM, I'll jump over to Halo when I feel the need.

In short, I've given up on any side platter offering from Apex at this point. Going to stick to the main course.


Oct 25, 2017
I think I enjoy Control because it fills that "hot drop" feel from BR. Just constant action while having lower stakes. And it's no skin off my nose if I die because it's not like I'm out of the match. It's the best mode for just jumping in and playing. I've used weapons and legends I didn't bother using in BR mode because of the "one life" aspect. Now I feel like I'm somewhat comfortable with at least 2-3 more legends.

I'd like to see if they can implement some sort of ranked. I think this mode would be a lot more interesting if legends were restricted to one pick.


The Fallen
Nov 16, 2017
I have not touched Control since it launched. For me, it's clear that Respawn created the best Battle Royale ever made and they don't want to cannabalize their BR population with something that could be just as popular like a well thought out evolution of Team Deathmatch. Until they do TDM, I will stick to the mode that they are excelling at. If I want an amazing TDM, I'll jump over to Halo when I feel the need.

In short, I've given up on any side platter offering from Apex at this point. Going to stick to the main course.

Yeah, this pretty much sums up my time with Control so far:


And a part of me actually hopes that Control doesn't become a permanent mode because I feel like it'd only lessen the chances of them adding a TDM down the road.

I bought the BP this season with the assumption that I'd be all in on Control, but it's been a super mixed bag so far. And the moments I've enjoyed the most about it have been the TDM aspects. The most memorable positive moment was back in my first game where it was like 5 of us having a shootout with 5 of the other guys in a hallway. The control point-aspect is the least interesting part.

At the very least, they need to add a spawn-on-squad mechanic ASAP. Otherwise it becomes a game of 2-3 players reaching a fortified area that has 6-7 players, dying, then another 2-3 players reaching that same fortified area a few moments later, rinse and repeat.


Dec 12, 2017
If I download the PC version of this, will my PS4 progress (specifically unlocked characters) carry over? I just played for the first time in a while and it is unplayable on PS4, the framerate is all over the place, and sub 30 most of the time. I sear it never used to be like this.


The Fallen
Nov 16, 2017
If I download the PC version of this, will my PS4 progress (specifically unlocked characters) carry over? I just played for the first time in a while and it is unplayable on PS4, the framerate is all over the place, and sub 30 most of the time. I sear it never used to be like this.

Nope. Still no cross progression as of now.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
I doubt they have the capability to code any sort of mid-match matchmaking or changes. They've already seemingly just pasted the normal squad matchmaking into control mode, that's why we have teams of 3. The mode is fun but would be better if there was more back and forth going on. I've probably done 10 matches and none of them were ever a back and forth, the result was set from the outset. They need more bonuses and help for teams that aren't winning and some sort of system for assisting when players leave, even if it's bots or whatever.
It just dawned on me that the reason they stuck with the teams of 3 selection screen is to prevent the over selection of a single Legend. Can you imagine fighting a team of all of the same Legend? A bunch of Pathfinders? Gibby? Rampart? Caustic? Damn...


The Fallen
Nov 16, 2017
It just dawned on me that the reason they stuck with the teams of 3 selection screen is to prevent the over selection of a single Legend. Can you imagine fighting a team of all of the same Legend? A bunch of Pathfinders? Gibby? Rampart? Caustic? Damn...

They could have just made a separate queue system where 9 players choose their characters instead of 3. Would also have been nice because it'd mean I could get a party of more than 2 other friends to hop into this mode. As is, you're basically still just limited to a max of 3 players for pre-made parties.

Of course, I imagine for queue times it's easier just to keep the current 3-person system and then just stitch them together than risk having multiple pre-made parties of odd numbers try to connect.


Oct 25, 2017
It just dawned on me that the reason they stuck with the teams of 3 selection screen is to prevent the over selection of a single Legend. Can you imagine fighting a team of all of the same Legend? A bunch of Pathfinders? Gibby? Rampart? Caustic? Damn...

this is how Overwatch used to be and tbh it was pretty hilarious. Gimme a triple rampart meta, please.

Considering this map is bigger than KC you'd think third partying wouldn't happen as often yet every single fight is just that. Its so damn open and slow people are sure to hear your gunfire. If that's the case then just give me constant action via KC.
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Oct 27, 2017
Saw a tweet replying to one about how people hate Olympus saying that in reality, we're just putting up with shit maps and buggy nightmares because the gunplay is the only thing that's actually fun. Yeah, I think that's it. Just a miserable experience most of the time, really.

You're either fighting 15 fucking teams in one spot or don't run into a single team until the last 3 minutes of the game.


Oct 25, 2017
Saw a tweet replying to one about how people hate Olympus saying that in reality, we're just putting up with shit maps and buggy nightmares because the gunplay is the only thing that's actually fun. Yeah, I think that's it. Just a miserable experience most of the time, really.

You're either fighting 15 fucking teams in one spot or don't run into a single team until the last 3 minutes of the game.
3rd partying is part of battle royale. There are things they can do to help mitigate that (like removing balloons, which they did as part of the map update), but it's always going to be there in some form.

There is always room for improvement but calling them all shit maps seems a tad hyperbolic.


Oct 27, 2017
3rd partying is part of battle royale. There are things they can do to help mitigate that (like removing balloons, which they did as part of the map update), but it's always going to be there in some form.

There is always room for improvement but calling them all shit maps seems a tad hyperbolic.
Dunno, maybe it's the fact that the game's been in Hyper Ultra Vomit mode with its frame rate 90% of the time and just feels like an all around fucking mess, but I'm having zero fun. Should probably just step away for a while, even if I was already swindled into buying the battle pass.


Oct 26, 2017
I played with a mixed party in unranked tonight…bronze(my son), plat, and me a Diamond. The lobbies are so god damn sweaty. Every champion group was master level, like what the hell? Last night we matched against a pred with 26K Wraith kills and 6 million damage.

It's always hilarious when you first come back to the game and they let you win like 8 matches in one night and then you're lucky to win 8 in a week, lmao.

Salty AF

Oct 30, 2017
I'm really enjoying Olympus ranked personally. Maybe it's because I'm in a Series S and it's never run this smooth before. Also just really enjoying not seeing WE, too. I still like Olympus way more than WE.

Salty AF

Oct 30, 2017
I played with a mixed party in unranked tonight…bronze(my son), plat, and me a Diamond. The lobbies are so god damn sweaty. Every champion group was master level, like what the hell? Last night we matched against a pred with 26K Wraith kills and 6 million damage.

It's always hilarious when you first come back to the game and they let you win like 8 matches in one night and then you're lucky to win 8 in a week, lmao.

I wish my son was old enough to play Apex. Still a few years off. He enjoys watching me get wrecked, though. "Hey Dad. How come you got no kills but both your teammates got 7?" 🤣


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
Had my first few games of control today. This was my best one from the 5 or so that I played.

The prowler is the best gun in the game in my opinion. It's extremely rare that I'd lose an even gunfight while carrying a Prowler. I'm just B doorways with Wattson and farming here.

And a part of me actually hopes that Control doesn't become a permanent mode because I feel like it'd only lessen the chances of them adding a TDM down the road.

I bought the BP this season with the assumption that I'd be all in on Control, but it's been a super mixed bag so far. And the moments I've enjoyed the most about it have been the TDM aspects. The most memorable positive moment was back in my first game where it was like 5 of us having a shootout with 5 of the other guys in a hallway. The control point-aspect is the least interesting part.

At the very least, they need to add a spawn-on-squad mechanic ASAP. Otherwise it becomes a game of 2-3 players reaching a fortified area that has 6-7 players, dying, then another 2-3 players reaching that same fortified area a few moments later, rinse and repeat.

Why would you want a TDM mode? In a game with high time to kills the absence of an objective focus just helps encourage things to move a lot faster. This is basically TDM where it's essential to kill people to win the match, but if you don't move and play around particular spaces you will lose.

Apex TDM would be horrendously campy. People sat on rooftops poking and healing away at each other. The time to kill basically neccesitates something that pushes people together. Or perhaps very small, close ranged maps but that wouldn't be a good fit for many characters and weapons.
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Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
Also just regarding Crypto, I've seen Crypto mains complaining that the rework isn't all that impactful. This is Cheeky classic who is the number 1 console Crypto.

So long as Crypto EMPs himself and his team mates, he is likely to be pretty mediocre as the stun and damage prevent you from capitalising. Sure you can build your entire around Crypto to try and make this work but you spend everything just to make one push and sacrifice the ability to position yourself as effectively as a character like Valk.

Also the drone and its scans have very limited use because of how quickly it is shot out and the setup required is still very difficult. It requires good coordination from 3 players to get anything meaningful from an EMP.

Maybe a good buff would be to allow Crypto's drone scans to last for ~5 seconds, even if the scanned player goes out of drone range. That way deploying the drone to scan has utility even if it's immediately shot out. Other than that though I don't know, because if you make the EMP itself any better (e.g. no allied stun) then it becomes impossible to counterplay a well coordinated team.


Oct 25, 2017
LMAO. That would be hilarious. The question is if it wound kill the player or would they just run around spraying their teammates with it stuck to them?

You can actually do something like that with her wrecking ball ult. Throw the ball then stick it with the tactical and it just rolls around spraying fire everywhere lol

Salty AF

Oct 30, 2017
Why would you want a TDM mode? In a game with high time to kills the absence of an objective focus just helps encourage things to move a lot faster. This is basically TDM where it's essential to kill people to win the match, but if you don't move and play around particular spaces you will lose.

Apex TDM would be horrendously campy. People sat on rooftops poking and healing away at each other. The time to kill basically neccesitates something that pushes people together. Or perhaps very small, close ranged maps but that wouldn't be a good fit for many characters and weapons.

I look at Control as more of a running simulator vs TDM with objectives.It really does take forever to get back into the action between the long respawn times and then actually running back to the point you're trying to take. What I want in TDM is essentially what Team Slayer is in Halo. Smaller maps. Either 5v5 or 4v4 with less spawning and running far to get into the action. I think they could mitigate some of the long TTK with making shields and health kits very rare.

I also don't like the premade loadouts in both elimination and Control. To me, TDM should have the same system in the BR but with a baseline gun like a moz or p2020.


The Fallen
Nov 16, 2017
Why would you want a TDM mode? In a game with high time to kills the absence of an objective focus just helps encourage things to move a lot faster. This is basically TDM where it's essential to kill people to win the match, but if you don't move and play around particular spaces you will lose.

Apex TDM would be horrendously campy. People sat on rooftops poking and healing away at each other. The time to kill basically neccesitates something that pushes people together. Or perhaps very small, close ranged maps but that wouldn't be a good fit for many characters and weapons.

Ok: I'll rephrase it then - I want a version of Arenas where I can respawn. I want the non-goal-oriented aspect of arenas without the starting/stopping/buy phase.

Control works well when you're playing with friends who are rolling together as a squad, but I've found works much less well when playing with randos. And even when rolling with a squad, 2/3rds of your 9-person team will always be randos. If the mode allowed people to create custom teams up to 9 people (or backfill the remaining slots if fewer than 9) then I'd probably feel different about it. As of now, it's easy to fall into cycles where a team is fortified in an area, no one is pushing together as a team, and no one is choosing characters who can counterplay. Things get worse when your team is down in the first minute, and half your team drops out which I've seen happen. Making a game where it's just, "Hey, just get kills" may lessen the likelihood of people just quitting.

Make the TDM map small enough that it's hard to camp for long. If a couple of people still want to hang out as far as they can with G7s or Sentinels, fine - I'll take my chances with that.