
Oct 25, 2017
I'm looking for my first job here.... for the past six months. Lots of applications, many rejections, but I have a second interview for a financial analyst job on Thursday. I hope I snag it, because I really need to get a job soon.

If I don't, well, back to sending applications and waiting for the university's career fair. Looking for a job is exhausting.


Oct 25, 2017
The Internet
Been through this twice and it's absolutely soul crushing after awhile. Stick in there, the right fit will come along, don't get discouraged. Luckily, I'm switching jobs and moving this time under my own pretenses. Looking for a job while employed is much more satisfying.

John Marston

Oct 27, 2017
Agree with the thread title. It really is a combination of timing, contacts, and luck (plus the right credentials/background of course).

John Marston

Oct 27, 2017
Yeah. And sometimes, even if you're a match for an opening/opportunity, the sheer number of applicants can lead to HR ignoring your application or not giving it enough attention. So there's a lot of luck involved in there too.


Oct 25, 2017
Gonna be jumping back into the super great world of applications very soon as my internship is coming to an end. Switching fields is tough to start out


Oct 27, 2017
Simply stated, it sucks. When it comes to the job search, and especially when you're not finding much success, it doesn't become just a job search. If you live with family, you know what I mean. The amount of unsolicited advice I get has gotten ridiculous, and especially from older folks who are adamant on antiquated ways of doing things. It's good natured at first, but then you're either directly or implicitly called lazy, irresponsible, and eventually many of the relationships are damaged because you haven't landed a 'career' type of job... It's also a time of training, self-improvement, and when hobbies you previously were enthusiastic become are denied to you. Great stuff. Just gotta keep grinding until you land into a career job.

Deleted member 6233

Oct 25, 2017
In a sentence....complete hellish nightmare. From 2010 up till last December, I had a job at Kmart as a cart pusher. No, not the best job in the world and retail sure as hell wasn't where I wanted to be but at least I had a job. I had managers for the most part who gave me a LOT of freedom with me job and didn't constantly breathe down my neck..the only exception was the holidays which I understand. The rest of the year? As long as the job got done they didn't care how long it took. This group of managers were also incredibly lenient and very generous with time off! As long as it was outside the holidays I honestly could take off as much time as I needed. At the end I was getting 5 weeks....basically paid vacation a year I won't lie.

A year ago, on December 11th, that Kmart closed due to low sales so about 200 people lost their jobs through no fault of their own. I rarely use the word fuck but I will here-fuck Eddie Lampert, damn piece of shit CEO caused these closures to happen and now because of that some people may well be truly done with little chance to get back into the work force. Though I doubt it will happen, I hope all of this comes back to bite this jackass hard. A lot of good people par their damn jobs that day and he doesn't give a shit.

So for the last 11 months I've been applying where I can, with very little success. The Target by my house refuses to talk to me yet they hired an uncle last year. I smell shenanigans going on at this Target I don't want to get into here online but I may be contacting Target corporate about that. I tried to apply at a Sears thinking since I worked for the company for 6 years that might help. They interviewed me...and passed on me. Applied to Costco, they refuse to see me. damn dice. Even God damn Kohl's won't give me an interview it's like ffs come on this is getting ridiculous! I even have a friend that works there and they just won't budge.

I'm....scared shitless now...I have a 400 dollar a month health insurance plan, cell phone bill , I need some dental work done, eye check up..I'm just screwed with a capital S. I've been through this job search stuff 3 times now over the years and I've lucked out...usually at the 11th hour just when I needed it but there's no guarantees I'm going to luck out again. It's not leaving me soul crushed so much as it is scared. Really damn scared. If this gap in work goes out past a year it's going to be even tougher to explain for all this and my 2018 plans are probably about down the shitter.

Does anyone know anywhere in the Chicago area actually hiring right now where I'd have at least a decent chance for an interview? Or a national company that's really hiring? Shit I'll even work thanksgiving and Christmas Eve at this point. I'm gravely concerned at this point with no easy answers.
Oct 25, 2017
I've been unemployed since March after the vr studio i worked for closed down. Recently looked at the number of jobs i have applied for, 180+. I've had 30+ phone interviews and maybe 15 in person interviews. I got 1 job offer three months ago but it couldn't support me financially.
I have seen multiple people I've trained, mentored, and lead from different studios get offered the jobs I've applied for. It is humbling on one hand while depressing in the other. With 9 years in the game industry I'm trying to figure out if I'm too old,been blackballed, or i was lucky all these years at obtaining a job. I've tried other industries and even tried starting s new career path, but no dice. Just feels like the cosmos is against me.
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Oct 25, 2017
Time to rejoin the hunt. A contract ended earlier than I'd have liked. Let's see if my preemptive efforts to build and sustain a strong network will pay off now when I need it most.


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Oct 25, 2017
Waiting to hear back about the next stages of an interview for a VFX artist position out in California. Was supposed to hear back today but they said to email otherwise. Out here anxiously checking my emails every 15 minutes...