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Oct 25, 2017
I can't truly judge until I play the first game.

Square Enix says Part 1 is akin to a regular mainline Final Fantasy. So if it's a fulfilling experience and the length feels justified and not just like padding, then I'm totally cool with a trilogy (or however many games). I already know I love the visuals and the basic gameplay based on the demo, so now it just comes down to the pacing and structure.

However, if Part 1 feels stretched thin and the Remake's additions don't work, then I'll of course be skeptical about the future games.


Oct 25, 2017
I guess I didn't see it like that, it's a remake of a game thats not a trilogy

the original hobbit movie was 1 movie. Peter Jackson's reimagining was 3. That's what this is. If you just want to play one game, the original is available on nearly everything. Knock yourself out. And hey, Square may totally bungle this new FF7, in which case no, it won't be worth $180. Nobody is forcing you to put up a dime right now. You are free to wait on impressions and see if it is worth your time. Hell you are more than free to wait until the entire thing is out and probably get it all for $60 if that's your thing. The idea that reimaginings of existing works can't stray from the original in terms of story or pace or format and doing so is inherently bad, which is what seem to be presenting, is silly. If they don't pull it off, sure go ham. But nobody needs to feel that way now.


Jan 14, 2019
San Jose, Costa Rica
Assuming ff7 is broken into 3 parts, and that's not counting all the special editions, and what's likely a complete edition after all parts are out.

Why? Just cause it's ff7? It also doesn't help that marketing is misleading, and I wouldn't blame you if you thought you got the full game in April.

I would gladly pay them $100 PER episode if each set-piece, dialogue, scene, area, in the whole thing has the same level of detail shown in the Demo. So YES.


ā–² Legend ā–²
Oct 25, 2017
I guess I didn't see it like that, it's a remake of a game thats not a trilogy
Tbf there are aspects of Ff7 that could easily point to a trilogy/more games in a whole story . Having just played that game for the first time, that game speeds through a lot of story beats that could (and should) be given more time to breathe which I think the remake could very well enhance with this method. So many towns that you spend 20 minutes in to never care about afterwards.
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Oct 25, 2017
I feel like the stories of games such as Mass Effect and FFXIII were always meant to be told in multiple parts, but they never tell consumers that. Otherwise, we'd get threads like this asking why it wasn't all one game to begin with. That's not even taking into consideration development costs to tell the story they want to tell in the way they want to tell it.
Mass Effect was absolutely sold as the beginning of a franchise. The only difference with FF7R is that it's drawing from existing source material. It's not even a remake in the traditional sense, it's an adaptation within the same medium.


This Guy Helps
Oct 27, 2017
I'm not paying $180 for it. I'll pick them up in 5 years or so for $20 or something.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I wish every "cash grab" that's trying to "milk the consumers" for so much money had the obvious love, attention, craft, and skill thrown behind a product as apparently quality as the first part of this remake appears to be.

I'm in for like 360 bucks, though, or however much it comes down to after buying on console and PC.

K' Dash

Nov 10, 2017
Here's a hot take, I don't think they're going to finish the game, and if they do, it won't be like the original at all in terms of scale.


The Fallen
Jan 11, 2018
That's how I always viewed it. Just being honest.

It might help to note that I didn't grow up with ff7, so I don't have that nostalgia

I feel like it's pretty easy to understand how the tools available today would allow developers to do a lot more with the framework of a game from 20+ years ago. Especially when they have explicitly said they are adding new content and expanding old stuff.

I Don't Like

Dec 11, 2017
For FF7? Abso-fucking-lutely.

I mean if I hate part 1 then I won't get the others but that's - not gonna happen.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Wouldn't you rather one full game? Why the special treatment here? I only see greedy money signs

And funny enough, I'm sure there will be a complete edition to further cash in after all parts are out
I mean yeah, but looking at how long it has taken them, I'd imagine they're large games and have a lot of effort poured into them... I really don't care at this point lmao

If they were releasing these things every few months, yeah I'd be annoyed. If it's like once every 3 years, I'll do it. Maybe I'm a fool.


Oct 27, 2017
Here's a hot take, I don't think they're going to finish the game, and if they do, it won't be like the original at all in terms of scale.

This is certainly the big fear. I hope internally they have something of a plan. 'Cause if not, I can see this not getting finished when the third game is halfway through the originals plot, and if sales start to drop like they did for the 13 trilogy.

Short of that massive fear, I hope every game feels like a complete game. Make whatever changes they want, I am fine with it. But, I don't want the first installment to feel like it ends with a big "to be continued". Each piece needs to feel complete.


The Merchant of ERA
Oct 28, 2017
It's not like it's just an uprezzed 1:1 port of the original so... yeah? If each part feels like a worthwhile experience then that's all that matters.


Oct 25, 2017
Here's a hot take, I don't think they're going to finish the game, and if they do, it won't be like the original at all in terms of scale.

It's probably going to be wildly successful. What reason would they have to not finish it? It's probably priority number 1 at Square. They have every incentive to finish it.


Oct 25, 2017
Quality >>> quantity everyday.

We know now that Part 1 is a full ass game and expecting the same quality for a modern game that retells the entire journy of FF7 is absurd. I can easily imagine how shitty the game would look like if they gave Midgard something like 20% of the time and budget like the original.


Oct 22, 2018
Mass Effect was absolutely sold as the beginning of a franchise. The only difference with FF7R is that it's drawing from existing source material. It's not even a remake in the traditional sense, it's an adaptation within the same medium.
Was it? Awesome. I only played part 2. :)


Oct 26, 2017
Sure if it's good enough. But if it extends to more than 3 parts I'm less ok with it. Not for the cost but I would like to finish it before 2030.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
It's probably going to be wildly successful. What reason would they have to not finish it? It's probably priority number 1 at Square. They have every incentive to finish it.
and people will want that last part a lot, it has some of the most wanted moments for fans i imagine

they'll wanna see those things all suped up


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta, GA
Yes. I'm so tired if people just feeling straight up entitled to get the full thing in one game. Their vision is to make the game they always wanted, even better. Let them do it.

K' Dash

Nov 10, 2017
It's going to be be finished, and it's going to be so successful we'll get more additions to the ff7 compilation.

Do you know how the game we're about to play came to be? I don't think Square got it in them to emulate the full FFVII, I personally think they shoot themselves in the foot (heh).

But hey, I'll take whatever I can.


Oct 29, 2017
What I'm really interested in is whether expanded FF7 lore will be in the games at all. I never experienced any of it besides reading wikis and watching Advent Children.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
It's one game tho, broken down to 3 cause.... Why pay once right, so old school, let's cash in on fans 3 times over lol
It's not though. Why are you making such a terrible argument? Is it on purpose? Even after people have corrected you and explained the reason.
Edit: You say you were not informed, should've at least looked up a bit before replying with very obtuse posts for a couple of pages.
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Sep 27, 2019
This isn't an interesting topic because there's like 5 of these every time any new info about the game is released. Everyone has their opinions set either way already and pretty much every discussion point is widely known now.

It's fine for you to not like it, but it's extremely disingenuous to frame it as paying 3x for the same game.

I feel the same way about this topic.. is not interesting and feels like is plain trolling instead of a real discussion.

Everyone knows already that each part is a Full Game with over 30+ hours of content.. OP must be bored in quarantine to make this kind of thread.

Ploid 6.0

Oct 25, 2017
Feels more like a reimagining to me, but I'm sure this wouldn't be the first time a developer set out from the get go to produce a trilogy of games to tell the overall story.

We'll just have to wait until the first part comes out to tell wether this is just a way to milk us, or it feels like a complete game of a series.
Yeah it's a reimagining, I just wish they'd call it that than remake. It's like calling GOW PS4 "GOW Remake" you go in expecting God of War 1 remade, not split up, made into a new series that consist of one game's story, and a whole reboot. You at least expect to at least face Ares at the end of the first game, not have a multi game chase to fight him like the old game.

Saying it's a reboot would even make sense as to why they won't even put a Part 1 on the cover to let people know it's not the full FF7 story. People that don't pay attention to stuff like we do on this gaming forum.


Oct 27, 2017
If people are okay paying $200 for shitty Nintendo online for 10 years which is what it'd take to release all 3 games, I think we'd be fine.


Oct 27, 2017
Yes. If It was a 1:1 remake then I would wait to buy it all together when it's priced at $60 or less, but this is it's own full game and everything they've shown has looked amazing so it'll be a day 1 for me.


Nov 2, 2017
Has it been confirmed that theres going to be three parts? I thought that even the developers have no idea how long the game is going to be or how long its going to take to finish the story. Could end up being more than three parts if they expand the story too much, especially considering the midgar part of the original was only a small part of the game.


Oct 25, 2017
Again. I can kinda see that reasoning now. But to me, this seemed like 1 game, broken down to 3. They aren't calling it a trilogy. Just episodic. Episodic games are not $60 each. And, the source material is 1 game, not 3.

Can you show me a Square Enix quote calling it episodic? I'm not talking about what IGN calls it, i'm talking about a direct quote from a Square Enix employee.
Oct 27, 2017
Come on OP it's FF7 split over probably a decade. It's not like you are going to be paying 180 upfront. This thread doesn't need to exist
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