
Alt Account
Apr 2, 2020
I'm looking to lose a few KG and get my weight back under control with IF. The lockdown messed me up for a bit. I used the TDEE calculator and apparently i am still "normal" weight with a BMI of 23.4. I still feel like it isn't normal enough though. Still feel a bit bloated on the sides and i want to get the excess off. Just wondering how is everyone here on ERA doing with weight. Are you happy with your current state?


Oct 27, 2017
I am not overweight.
I exercise almost every weekday for about 30 minutes, in order to eat whatever I want, whenever I want.

Basic exercise 3 to 4 times a week, and keeping trash/junk food down to a minimal is all you need.

If you wanna look like Usain Bolt though, you do what Usain Bolt does.


Oct 25, 2017
lol I am definitely overweight and was on my way to "normal bmi" but am pregnant now, so that won't be happening anytime soon.

I think portion controlling helped me the most out of everything.


Apr 8, 2020
im 5'11 and was 97kg(213 pounds) about 2 years ago(and was overweight for a good 15-20 years even before that)

6 months of diet and exercise later i dived down to 57kg(125 pounds) which i realized was actually too low health-wise, so i slowly climbed back up the rest of the year to about 67kg(147 pounds).

and i've thus been cruising at 67-69 for a year now. pretty happy with how i look right now, not really exercising and eat whatever i want more or less. i think once you diet once properly the eating habits just stick with you naturally and you're fine, like i haven't held myself back in a long time now.
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Oct 25, 2017
Hovering around 67 to 69 😉 kg, which is a BMI of 22.5

I'm in pretty good shape, but i have to exercise like 5 times a week, because i constantly reach into the candy drawer. If i ever were to break a leg, i'd gain 10kg in an instant, i think 😭

Deleted member 2595

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
It's worth bearing in mind that you can still be "normal" weight and develop problems like high blood pressure and diabetes, etc, etc.

Even if you're normal, you need to eat with consideration and exercise plenty.

I'm looking to lose a few KG and get my weight back under control with IF. The lockdown messed me up for a bit. I used the TDEE calculator and apparently i am still "normal" weight with a BMI of 23.4. I still feel like it isn't normal enough though. Still feel a bit bloated on the sides and i want to get the excess off. Just wondering how is everyone here on ERA doing with weight. Are you happy with your current state?
Bloating and such can come from intolerances and such rather than actual calories and intake, FYI. For instance, I can eat under my calorie limit all week and be slim, but then if I eat too much gluten or some dairy on Thursday, I will look and feel bloated Friday-Sunday (longer if I keep eating it). Intolerances like that are very common and thought to be underreported.

It's worth doing some experimenting. Try cutting out gluten for a couple of days or dairy, etc, see how you look and feel. It can be transformative. Can even clear your mind (your brain can constantly be under "inflammation fog" and not realise it).


Jun 17, 2018
I'm literally 0.1 off a "normal BMI", due to some stress eating because of an exam last week.
Oct 27, 2017
No. I've always been very motivated to work out due to starting very early as a result of bullying in my childhood, working out for me is not a sacrifice but quite the contrary, and in fact feeling like I'm slacking off gives me a bit of anxiety. Guess I'm lucky in that regard.

In the past few years I had been eating too calorie heavy due to a lack of knowledge so I still had excess body fat, particularly in relation to how much I worked out. Introducing lots and lots of vegetables in every meal and keeping starchy carbs under control sure does wonders for keeping body fat down.


Oct 25, 2017
im like 20-30 (on a bad day) pounds overweight for my height supposedly. cant really see the weight tho

Deleted member 69573

User requested account closure
May 17, 2020
Melbourne, Australia
Apparently I'm at perfect BMI but I still want to lose another 2 - 3 kg (I'd still be in the good BMI range).

I've probably lost 1.5kg in lockdown, weirdly enough. I have been making more soups though...


Oct 25, 2017
Going by BMI? Yeah I believe so, but not by my build or activity level.

I'm 6'4 240lbs and I believe that is classified as "obese." The problem with that is that I'm a large human being and it's distributed evenly in my body (I have big arms and very built legs.) I work out every day along with going for daily runs so I may be obese on the BMI scale but for all intents and purposes I am fit.

Having heart conditions on my mom's side of the family, I have made a collected effort to lose about 20 lbs though to ease some of the stress on my body. This is not because I have to, but because I am 30 (turning 31) and I'm trying to be mindful of the future. I'd prefer not to have a knee replacement at 50.


Oct 26, 2017
Not usually, but the first stage of confinement fucked me up to slight overweight. Getting it under control now.


Oct 25, 2017
Not by a huge amount according to BMI, but still within the official range for it, so yeah.

I already eat pretty healthy, most of the time. Just need a more active lifestyle and see if that helps lower my recent stress levels.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm 5' 11 and sitting around 167 pounds, it is a good weight but I set a goal to hit 10% body fat so I am not happy yet. Not changing what I eat just how much and getting a lot of calisthenics and running in.


Apr 8, 2020
No. I've always been very motivated to work out due to starting very early as a result of bullying in my childhood, working out for me is not a sacrifice but quite the contrary, and in fact feeling like I'm slacking off gives me a bit of anxiety. Guess I'm lucky in that regard.

In the past few years I had been eating too calorie heavy due to a lack of knowledge so I still had excess body fat, particularly in relation to how much I worked out. Introducing lots and lots of vegetables in every meal and keeping starchy carbs under control sure does wonders for keeping body fat down.

man i never ate vegetables or any of that balanced stuff in my diet. always felt like just keeping the calorie number low in general was a lot easier and simpler. like "oh this food is 340 calories normally, guess i'll eat half of it", 1 pizza slice instead of 2, and stuff like that.

like i think it's actually easier to lower your intake instead of forcefully eating food that doesn't taste great


Oct 27, 2017
Yes, and I'm pissed because I was down ~30 lbs last year but a combination of holidays + the arrival of my kid + corona lockdown have conspired to bring it all back. This past couple weeks I've finally started to drop a couple lbs but it's very hard when I can't do my normal work (I typically hit 10k-12k steps just working, then come home and walk the dog and do some biking.) I've been trying to control my portions and snacking and am finally making some extremely slight progress this way. But it still hurts when there's a pair of shorts I bought last summer that are so far from fitting me right now.


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Oh yes I am. The sad thing is that I was always fat, then I got my shit together and lost a lot of weight (I'm 1,80 m and my absolute minimum was 77 kilos, I was proud), tricked a woman into being my gf and I gained all those kilos back no shame lol

I must be 105 or something now, I don't even want to know.


Oct 28, 2017
161cm/5feet 3inch
53kg/117 lbs

I weigh less than I did in high school. I've never had obesity, my fam has a history of high cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

I don't want any of that. So I ride my bicycle or run daily. I dance. I swim. I « box » with my roommate.

And I never over-eat. Like, I watch the rest of my fam - they're successful people but over-eating is pretty much everyone's past-time. At the same time, my fam members ostracize me cuz I don't eat seconds. Or I don't consume the copious amounts of sweet pastries or drinks they do.

I guess I just value my health and wellbeing. I'm not fit. I'm not trying to do whatever is trendy for body image. I just like being able to have very little health complications. I think tackling obesity does this pretty well.

Fright Zone

Dec 17, 2017
man i never ate vegetables or any of that balanced stuff in my diet. always felt like just keeping the calorie number low in general was a lot easier and simpler. like "oh this food is 340 calories normally, guess i'll eat half of it", 1 pizza slice instead of 2, and stuff like that.

like i think it's actually easier to lower your intake instead of forcefully eating food that doesn't taste great

I used to think like this, but eating like that will leave you hungry. 340 cals of veg/salad is a lot more food by weight than 340 cals of pizza so will keep you fuller longer. Not to mention the nutritional benefits.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I used to be, lost like 12kg during a weight loss thread on this forum (kicked off by me eating right and moving a lot while on holiday in Tanzania), and now I'm just out of shape. In BMI terms, I'm at like 23.5 or something.
Still aiming to change that, but at least I'm not overweight anymore, just very soft.


Nov 26, 2019
Yeah like 60 pounds overweight, I'm obese.
Kinda sucks because I was a healthy weight a few years ago but just stopped caring and now I'm finding it really difficult to start losing weight again


Jul 22, 2019
I'm 5' 11", 195lbs at ~18% bf, down from 235lbs & ~30% bf at my heaviest, so I would say I'm right on the healthy/overweight border.

I would like to lose another 10-15 pounds putting me in the 12-15% bf range which is pretty lean while still being relatively sustainable.


Visited by Knack
Oct 25, 2017
I'm somehow still within about 5kgs of my target weight. I really need to start exercising again though, I've been astonishingly lazy since the Covid stuff started.


Oct 30, 2017
Honestly, because of changing my eating habits in quarantine, I'm probably now only a little bit overweight, but at the start of this I was getting real close to that obese marker


Oct 27, 2017
I'm bobbing up and down at the upper limit of a normal BMI score from day to day. So depending on what day you ask me, there is a chance you'll get a yes to that question. But not consistently so.


Oct 25, 2017
No. I'm pretty thin.Though I do feel like I'm getting a bit soft and could use a bit more muscle.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm fortunate enough to have a spare bedroom in my house that i turned into a very nice mini gym. So my workouts have been unaffected, and the pandemic has kept from going out to eat, so it's actually been good for keeping my weight in check. I've actually lost a couple of lbs during the pandemic despite attempting a lean bulk.


May 30, 2019
No, but I was overweight before the quarantine hit lol I haven't had much to do so I've been working out at home a lot, plus I'm eating better. Honestly just cutting soda made me lose weight like crazy lol I'm 5'8 and I was at 90kg which was way too much so I've dropped it to 75kg, which feels much better. Hoping to drop some more though.


Oct 30, 2017
Tokyo, Japan
I'm not overweight, but I was getting chubby and changed my life around last year. Didn't take too much of an effort, just had to be strict and avoid temptation. I'm so happy with the results so far, I've never in my life looked in the mirror and felt "I look good" up until recently.

I am not overweight.
I exercise almost every weekday for about 30 minutes, in order to eat whatever I want, whenever I want.
Mind if I ask what you do? I work out high intensity strength then low intensity cardio twice a week but I want to fill the gaps with something.


The Fallen
May 9, 2018
6'1". I clocked in at 280 at the doctor's office roughly two years ago. I was probably heavier at my peak, just too scared to weigh myself. It wasn't a deliberate lifestyle change in order to lose weight, but cutting out sugars/snacking so that I could figure out what was causing my migraines made me shed a massive amount of weight. I'm now hovering between 190-205 and in the best shape of my life thanks to biking(recreation). Migraines are down to 2-3 a month rather than 2-3 a week (and they are SO much more manageable) so mission accomplished.
Nov 8, 2017
26.8 BMI. 5'10" 187 this morning so I'm considered overweight by the BMI. I pay. Sry little attention to the BMI personally. I'm trying to look like an athlete and most athletes that look muscular are considered overweight.

I workout 5 days a week. I start with the jump rope for 5 minutes. Then a 5K (under 21 minutes) or 4 miles (under 28 minutes) followed by 45-60 minutes of upper body work and abs. If "overweight" is where the BMI has me, then whatever.


Oct 25, 2017
187 lbs, 6'

Just a bit on the overweight side. People get in a huff when I tell them I'm technically overweight. I certainly don't look it


Oct 27, 2017
Yes, slightly. Just checked, and my BMI is 26.6.

Yeah, BMI doesn't account for cases like athletes having a ton of muscle. However....that's not me, lol. I'm in pretty decent shape for my age, still active and somewhat athletic, but could definitely stand to lose a few pounds.

Working on that. My brother in-law and I have a June health challenge going, and I've been sticking to it. Looking to lose 5 lbs by the end of the month, which is attainable and not an outlandish number.


Oct 27, 2017
After conscript service and getting degree place I really started gaining weight. Lot's of drinking and pizza. When I look my old university of applied science photos I see double chin.
After those years I have done many changes to my life style. I gave up car and really started to exercise again.

I try to keep my weight around 75 kg. Sometimes it may change few kilos especially during Christmas time when I go to visit my parents. :D


Oct 27, 2017
Mind if I ask what you do? I work out high intensity strength then low intensity cardio twice a week but I want to fill the gaps with something.
I personally do HIIT sometimes and some strength training, everything I do is extremely basic.
I don't even go to the gym, and do my stuff at home.

What I found is one of the absolute best things that works for me is, consistency.
Like everyone else, I can very easily make up any excuse to not do anything and slack off, but if I'm not consistent then I very easily put on the weight.


Oct 27, 2017
This is were I'm at right now because of the corona pandemic and it sucks. I have a date next week and don't know what to wear as you can see my belly in most outifts.
Yeah, suck it in. Though it's hard to suck in the sides and the fat on your back, haha. They are indeed Corona Kilos. And loss of muscle due to not being able to go to the gym. So everything is a bit blubbery. Feels bad. There is a flesh muffin starting to build above my belt.

Don't worry though. Most people have the same problem right now. There is plenty you can do before next week to feel a bit better.
Oct 25, 2017
Yes, but I've been on my own Muscle Quest for 10 years now and have more muscle than the average human. Muscle is much harder to build compared to losing fat. To lose fat, you just need to NOT do things.


Oct 30, 2017
Twente (The Netherlands)
Yeah, suck it in. Though it's hard to suck in the sides and the fat on your back, haha. They are indeed Corona Kilos. And loss of muscle due to not being able to go to the gym. So everything is a bit blubbery. Feels bad. There is a flesh muffin starting to build above my belt.

Don't worry though. Most people have the same problem right now. There is plenty you can do before next week to feel a bit better.
The problem is also that my running shoes are in the house where I live when I go to University and I don't want to pay another €100 for a second pair right now. :/