Are you planning to get No Man's Sky

  • Yes

    Votes: 535 41.2%
  • No

    Votes: 466 35.8%
  • I was always a fan

    Votes: 299 23.0%

  • Total voters


“Fuck them kids.”
Oct 28, 2017
I've come back for every major update since launch and start fresh. Doing the same for this one.


Oct 27, 2017
I actually waited until a day or two before release to pre-order. Did it despite the leaks and the disappointment, because I thought that the game seemed to be nice for what it was.

It turned out to be my favorite game ever. I am more excited for the update than for anything else this year.


Oct 29, 2017
I got burnt once when it launched but after hearing all the growing positivity since then and this new pretty cool update, I'll probably jump back when it's on sale or when I find it cheap.

Deleted member 16908

Oct 27, 2017
In a few years when it's dirt cheap on sale, sure.


Game Director at Moon Studios
Oct 27, 2017
Vienna / Austria
The core of the game was just never fun and just adding things on top won't make it more fun. Also, im allergic to Sean Murray after what he did to promote No Man's Sky.


Nov 21, 2017
So if you saw a trailer for a movie or show and decided you didn't want to see it then, you would never decide to watch in the future because one time you said you wouldn't watch?
Yes. Actually now you have said it, i just realized that's what i've been doing until now. I dont watch movies that i didnt want to watch. I remember back then i was in college, i really hated twilight. I havent watched it until now and i dont have any intention to do it literally. For a show it happens i dont like Revolution, i never watch it until now

Unless of course if they are kinda requirement for my work then it's a different story. In that case i have no choice but to watch it and it is of course of part of profession reason


Oct 27, 2017
I played for about 18 hours at launch and enjoyed it for what it was. Never fancied starting again after the updates. I saw the NEXT trailer earlier in the week and decided to start again. It's super chilled and a lot of QOL improvements are very welcome. The patch next week looks very promising.


50¢ - "This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017

I was disappointed with the game on release- I'm hoping that there's a little more to sink my teeth into this time around.


Oct 25, 2017
I only played for a few hours back at launch week so I have been thinking about it with all the good things I have heard.

How does it run on the Pro?


Oct 27, 2017
Nah these new updates seem to ruin the nice chill game that I played at launch.

I don't want to be minding my own business to be ganked by some teen

Deleted member 9305

Oct 26, 2017
This game should have been in "early access" for 1-2 years. It's shitty how misrepresented they've released it. Their ongoing efforts at least worked toward the initially sold vision. It doesn't excuse the misleading launch, but it's better than nothing. I think, they deserve a second change.


Restless Insomniac
Oct 25, 2017
I picked the collectors edition up when the game was at its worst, I think I got the collector's edition for like, 15 bucks or something. After the last couple of updates it's been a perfectly fine game, but I think I'm good.


Oct 27, 2017
No, but not out of any malice or hurt feelings or anything. I just feel like I got my fill of the game the first time around.


Oct 27, 2017
It was the only game in 28 years I returned for a refund. So I personally won't be giving them a second chance after the stunts they pulled originally.

Deleted member 2595

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
Not yet, they said they're still going to update the game so I'll wait until they actually finish the game.
Yeah because when a "complete" game comes out it never gets updates


Did they add meaningful content that is not only about exploration? On that depends my answer to the poll.
Yeah they did that with the last update. A 20-30 hour actual story/campaign mode and an Elite style procedural side quest system. The side quests are actually good and impact your faction status.


Oct 28, 2017
I'll try it. I don't know why it would be a big thing. It's an update to a game i own. It's whatever.


Oct 25, 2017
Also, im allergic to Sean Murray after what he did to promote No Man's Sky.

He promoted what he hoped to achieve. The studio ran out of money, and Murray took out a second mortgage on his house and put company bills on his credit card in order to keep the lights on long enough to launch something. Not what they wanted, but it was either that or shut down the studio and NMS would now be a sad footnote in gaming history. Did they make mistakes, did Sean handle it extremely poorly? No question. Was Sony pressuring them? We might never know. But I think it's clear from two years of tireless work on the game that their passion for this game was real, not a scam. I would think someone in the industry of all people would understand that things go south, lack of experience combined with contracts and corporations can result in things happening that are not at all what you wanted, and sometimes you just have bad luck like a flood destroying your office and months of progress.

This was a terribly ambitious game for 15 people to make in the best of circumstances, and they didn't get to the finish line. But even though Sean could've retired with $50 million in his pocket, the team kept at it despite the abuse and personal attacks to all of them, despite even Shu throwing him under the bus publicly. I have been in difficult development situations, but I can't imagine their crushing personal disappointment and the stress of people constantly hurling abuse on you and the people you work with, all while trying to work long hours every day in hopes that somehow you can make the game into something you can be proud of and something that lives up to the expectations of the community, and maybe eventually redeem the company's reputation.

You can say what you want about his blunders as a spokesperson or the things he said to desperately try to save Hello Games from imploding, but Sean and the team at HG has showed a level of perseverance and passion for this game and its fans over the past two years that has my utmost respect.

Deleted member 35011

User requested account closure
Dec 1, 2017
Totally. Thought the way the game was handled at the start was a bit of a dick move but everything since has been pretty rad. Life is too short to resent a video game, so since it looks fun I'll give it a shot and play coop with my broskis.


Feb 9, 2018
No. People who defend the launch of this game are such fanboys. If you watch interviews of Sean Murray on YouTube, he was straight up lying about the features in the game. It was never people who overhyped it. I dont care how much they update the game, i'm not buying some liars game...


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah because when a "complete" game comes out it never gets updates


Yeah they did that with the last update. A 20-30 hour actual story/campaign mode and an Elite style procedural side quest system. The side quests are actually good and impact your faction status.

Even he doesn't think it's done.


Oct 25, 2017
No, maybe if it's on something like PsPlus or Gold. I have too much games to play to go back to a game I remember quite negatively.

Cokie Bear

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
As far as I can tell they haven't done anything to fix my biggest problem with the game, which is that flying from planet to planet to harvest materials to fly to another planet to them harvest those same materials over, and over, just isn't fun.


Oct 27, 2017
I thought the game was great at the last update. I've kind of drifted away from playing on PC, but if I were to turn it on, that would be the game I booted up.

I like the idea of bases not being restricted to a certain location any more. Also big on the graphical updates. Not particularly fussed about multiplayer, but the subtle graphics overhauls are welcome.

Only thing I could really want is for some attention to the space aspects of the game. I understand that asteroid shooting is absolutely vital for traversal fuel, but space feels so UNTIDY. It's like flying through cereal.


Oct 27, 2017
I enjoyed it for a while at launch and then shelved it, I gave it a quick go when they introduced base buidling.

Depending on what games I have on my plate, I might give it another spin when the update lands, or maybe wait for the next one.

Seems to be pretty feature complete now. But there are two things I'd really like that would draw me to the game :

- Build your own ship. The pieces are already there, itnwould be a cool feature.

- A proper galaxy map, where I can zoom out and see where I am in the universe, and plan trips to specific planets that I have already visited. Last time I played it felt like I was navigating in a dark night lighting my way with a candle. That map is just useless, it gives no sense of your actual position, which should be the whole point of a map in the first place.


Oct 27, 2017
It is still really expensive for what it is. Its not a bad game, but I don't think including everything that was promised will make it a great game.

Game feels far too needy for a survival crafting game. I felt I had to spend every second looking for supplies or I would die.


Oct 31, 2017
No. People who defend the launch of this game are such fanboys. If you watch interviews of Sean Murray on YouTube, he was straight up lying about the features in the game. It was never people who overhyped it. I dont care how much they update the game, i'm not buying some liars game...

You're acting like they were promoting multiplayer days and weeks before launch. The comments about multiplayer were talked about over a year before launch. They obviously had the intention of having it by launch but ran out of time and funds.

Despite that one thing that never changed was his statements about the chance of seeing someone would be very small, let alone your group of friends. It's your fault for having expectations for it to be a game about exploring with your friends when that was never the intention of the multiplayer.


Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
The core of the game was just never fun and just adding things on top won't make it more fun. Also, im allergic to Sean Murray after what he did to promote No Man's Sky.

i was really let down how they handled the release. Hello Games and the media jazzed the game up to something it just wasn´t...
i abandoned the game after 15hours. technically it was a nightmare too with crashes every second warp...

that said i will give Next a chance just to see what they worked on.... haven´t played the game since launch, maybe it will present itself as a better, rounder experience this time


Oct 26, 2017
I already liked 1.0 even with it's clear shortcomings so put me in "always a fan" camp.


Nov 22, 2017
No, already wasted $80 AUD at launch and a few hours, not wasting anymore tbh, I prefer to give other games a chance...


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Jun 24, 2018
I always said I'd go back and play if they added multiplayer. Besides I bought the game digital so kinda stuck with it.


Oct 28, 2017
Raleigh, NC
Yes. 3rd person perspective is that big of a deal for me. I was never outraged over how NMS turned out though, just found it boring. Not sure if that will change but definitely worth putting more time in to it.
Oct 30, 2017
I picked it up again ridiculously cheap after the last major update, and was quite impressed with what they'd done. Considering the NEXT update is free, and a friend of mine is crazy enthusiastic about hanging out in space, I'll definitely give it a shot. Even if the core loop of 'point laser at rock' remains, at least I'll be doing it with a buddy.


Oct 27, 2017
Nope, NMS was one of gaming's biggest scams, how were they ever cleared of the deceptive and false advertising lawsuits?

The core of the game was just never fun and just adding things on top won't make it more fun. Also, im allergic to Sean Murray after what he did to promote No Man's Sky.
Yeah, the core gameplay is what's wrong with the game, it's just not fun. Was so excited booting it up, wanted to explore exotic planets and see aliens like they always showed in trailers. But I got booted into an empty, ugly planet with ugly creatures that barely resembled living things. "But what do you do in the game?" All I did was shoot rocks to get minerals and manage the smallest and most restrictive inventory in gaming. All the planets I visited were the same ugly shit with some slight variations on the last one. I couldn't even use my space ship how I wanted but wanted to visit the next system to see if the game opens up, after having to gather another resource to juice up my ship for galactic travel, I visited the same shitty planets and then quit. No point in playing a game that makes me repeat the same boring process to see a nonsense ending that wants to me start the same process over again.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Eventually after a sale. If Next had launched in say, May, I probably would have gone right back in. Right now it's launching right before an incredibly busy month for PC. Yakuza, Monster Hunter, Shenmue, Dead Cells, Deaths Gambit and WoW BFA are all going to be vying for my time shortly, and NMS just wouldn't make the cut.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm pretty psyched for it on xbox.

It's looking like a much more complete experience now to walk into fresh.