Jan 10, 2018
This is what we call sexually assaulted now? No, just no.

Honestly if the camera had not been zoomed in I wouldn't have noticed a thing. It's almost as if the person who noticed this was using a magnifying glass on their screen. That's not to say it was OK what he did though. Definitely seems he was aware of it though, but none of us can be 100% sure about that.

Has she spoken out about it at all?

What is really your problem? It is obviously not the assault, so what is it?


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Madrid, Spain
There's nothing wrong with playing devil's advocate. That way a counter-argument can be put to the test and you can see how paper-thin it is. It also prepares you if someone brings up that same counter-argument in real life (which will happen), you'll know how to respond.

If I were to guess, I think he was doing it unconsciously. He's probably gotten away with doing that type of thing for so long, it's almost involuntary. That's hardly an excuse though. What bothers me is that she was clearly uncomfortable and snapped him a few looks, yet he kept touching her inappropriately. As a preacher someone with supposed empathy, he should have picked up on that and subtly moved his hand/arm. The only thing that gives me slight pause is that he knew he was on national television with millions of people watching, I don't know if he had full conscious malicious intent because how could he think he could get away with it. But then again, maybe these old school guys think no one will notice or care even when it's in plain sight.
Well, this would be taking devil's advocacy to a whole new level that not even the worst lawyers could think of:

"Your honor, I hope you consider this as a misunderstanding: Only two kinds of people would do this to a woman in front of a large audience and cameras: A complete fool, or someone so used to doing this shit that it doesn't even register as sexual harassment to them... and my client isn't a fool! I rest my case."

*gives a thumbs up to the client*


Oct 25, 2017
Nah, it's because they have no empathy for women.
Yeah, wrote that on my phone and it took a bit to edit in sexism too when I thought about it.

You should see some of the comments on the Facebook page though. Him being a religious figure absolutely has a lot to do with it. Bunch of nutty old people on the page comparing the dude to Jesus.
This is what we call sexually assaulted now? No, just no.

Honestly if the camera had not been zoomed in I wouldn't have noticed a thing. It's almost as if the person who noticed this was using a magnifying glass on their screen. That's not to say it was OK what he did though. Definitely seems he was aware of it though, but none of us can be 100% sure about that.

Has she spoken out about it at all?

Sexual Assault covers a broad range of stuff but is by definition unwanted sexual touching, which this is. It doesn't have to be him sticking his hands down her top to be covered by the term. This is what I meant before and why she's not going to say anything because half the people don't even see it as sexual assault. Why bother when you're going to have to justify the 'fuss' you're causing.


Dec 19, 2017
This is what we call sexually assaulted now? No, just no.

Honestly if the camera had not been zoomed in I wouldn't have noticed a thing. It's almost as if the person who noticed this was using a magnifying glass on their screen. That's not to say it was OK what he did though. Definitely seems he was aware of it though, but none of us can be 100% sure about that.

Has she spoken out about it at all?

How would you like it if someone you've never met cupped your balls with his hand, just for a moment, infront of all your colleagues at work, and nobody said anything or acknowledged it. And he was smiling while doing it. How would you feel afterwards?

While reading that sentence I'd like to introduce you to a concept called 'empathy'. Google it for more info.


Oct 25, 2017
What a fucking creep. What's wrong with him? Not that it's okay in any setting, but doesn't he know he has cameras on him? And it's at a funeral no less. Fuck that guy
Oct 26, 2017
The hell are you talking about. You're not saying what he did is OK but you're saying "no, this isn't what we call sexual assault"? What is it then?

Or are you just saying it isn't sexual assault because you can't be 100% sure he did it on purpose?

err why do think it's wrong what he did then? How would you describe what he did?

What is really your problem? It is obviously not the assault, so what is it?

I obviously worded that poorly. There wasn't any reason to put his arms around her like that, he could have held her shoulder or just not at all. I would argue that he was invading her personal space a little too much. I don't think many people would like to be held that close and firm.

That being said..

Was he intentionally grabbing her by her/trying to feel the breast though? A 1 or 2 second clip is not enough for me to judge that. And that's why I personally doubt if we can call that sexual assault.


Oct 25, 2017
This is what we call sexually assaulted now? No, just no.

Honestly if the camera had not been zoomed in I wouldn't have noticed a thing. It's almost as if the person who noticed this was using a magnifying glass on their screen. That's not to say it was OK what he did though. Definitely seems he was aware of it though, but none of us can be 100% sure about that.

Has she spoken out about it at all?
You cracked the case! It's obviously the cameraperson's fault!
Oct 25, 2017
I obviously worded that poorly. There wasn't any reason to put his arms around her like that, he could have held her shoulder or just not at all. I would argue that he was invading her personal space a little too much. I don't think many people would like to be held that close and firm.

That being said..

Was he intentionally grabbing her by her/trying to feel the breast though? A 1 or 2 second clip is not enough for me to judge that. And that's why I personally doubt if we can call that sexual assault.
Wasn't "1 or 2" seconds though.


Oct 27, 2017
Was he intentionally grabbing her by her/trying to feel the breast though? A 1 or 2 second clip is not enough for me to judge that. And that's why I personally doubt if we can call that sexual assault.
Look I don't know about other people but if I accidentally touch someone's boob or arse I remove my hand completely instead of (let's be way too charitable) readjusting it down slightly.
Oct 26, 2017
Yes. And I wonder what your intentions are for not acknowledging the obvious.

Lol, intentions? No intentions at all. This is why I stay out of these threads mostly. I stand by what I said, the guy should have given her her personal space. She's clearly uncomfortable with how firmly he holds her. Was the breast touch/grope on purpose or accidental? I don't know.

And I'm gonna leave it at that.


Oct 27, 2017
I obviously worded that poorly. There wasn't any reason to put his arms around her like that, he could have held her shoulder or just not at all. I would argue that he was invading her personal space a little too much. I don't think many people would like to be held that close and firm.

That being said..

Was he intentionally grabbing her by her/trying to feel the breast though? A 1 or 2 second clip is not enough for me to judge that. And that's why I personally doubt if we can call that sexual assault.

Do you think that men don't know where breasts are located on a woman? Like he was just fishing around for her shoulder and whoops, a boob!


Oct 28, 2017
Lol, intentions? No intentions at all. This is why I stay out of these threads mostly. I stand by what I said, the guy should have given her her personal space. She's clearly uncomfortable with how firmly he holds her. Was the breast touch/grope on purpose or accidental? I don't know.

And I'm gonna leave it at that.
If you think it was an accident, is the rest of the clip playing out how you expect it would if he also thought it was an accident? Anyway if you think what you think based on that footage, guess I can't say much to convince you otherwise.
Nov 9, 2017
All I heard about this before today was people ripping on her performance. I hope this pastor gets exposed. Probably not the first time either


Oct 25, 2017
Edinburgh, UK
I think the breast groping was accidental, but honestly why grip so close, it's inappropriate even without touching the breast. I would not say "sexually assaulted", as I feel that's for more intentional and serious situations, but definitely not appropriate.
Oct 26, 2017
Well, this would be taking devil's advocacy to a whole new level that not even the worst lawyers could think of:

"Your honor, I hope you consider this as a misunderstanding: Only two kinds of people would do this to a woman in front of a large audience and cameras: A complete fool, or someone so used to doing this shit that it doesn't even register as sexual harassment to them... and my client isn't a fool! I rest my case."

*gives a thumbs up to the client*

Exactly. What he did is indefensible once you pull the thread of each possible excuse. That was my point of allowing space for some (within reason) devil's advocacy. It can make the overall argument stronger when you debate the points other people are bound to bring up.
Jan 10, 2018
Lol, intentions? No intentions at all. This is why I stay out of these threads mostly. I stand by what I said, the guy should have given her her personal space. She's clearly uncomfortable with how firmly he holds her. Was the breast touch/grope on purpose or accidental? I don't know.

And I'm gonna leave it at that.

This is what we call sexually assaulted now? No, just no.

Honestly if the camera had not been zoomed in I wouldn't have noticed a thing. It's almost as if the person who noticed this was using a magnifying glass on their screen. That's not to say it was OK what he did though. Definitely seems he was aware of it though, but none of us can be 100% sure about that.

Has she spoken out about it at all?

I obviously worded that poorly. There wasn't any reason to put his arms around her like that, he could have held her shoulder or just not at all. I would argue that he was invading her personal space a little too much. I don't think many people would like to be held that close and firm.

That being said..

Was he intentionally grabbing her by her/trying to feel the breast though? A 1 or 2 second clip is not enough for me to judge that. And that's why I personally doubt if we can call that sexual assault.

Your priority was downplaying the videomaterial with wrong claims and nonsensical detours about how you wouldn't have noticed anything without the zoomin.

The rest was a afterthought.

I feel that's for more intentional and serious situations, but definitely not appropriate.

Your feelings don't matter. He groped her.

#1 defender

Oct 27, 2017
Definitely intentional on his part, at best a subconscious habit from having done this many times in the past without any repercussions. As for having the gall to do it on live TV to a celebrity, wasn't there a similar case not too long ago, of a host or presenter at some event feeling up a celebrity's ass while they were posing for cameras? Must be a power trip or bragging rights thing for some people.


Oct 27, 2017
Has this thread always been a constant parade of people saying it was wrong for mystery reasons but then also saying she was not groped?


Oct 31, 2017
Has this thread always been a constant parade of people saying it was wrong for mystery reasons but then also saying she was not groped?

What I find puzzling is how people can doubt the nature of the act when you can clearly see Grande's uncomfortable reaction.

It's honestly hard to watch. Look at the girl, that's all the evidence you'll ever need to understand these things aren't minor offences.
Oct 27, 2017
Definitely intentional on his part, at best a subconscious habit from having done this many times in the past without any repercussions. As for having the gall to do it on live TV to a celebrity, wasn't there a similar case not too long ago, of a host or presenter at some event feeling up a celebrity's ass while they were posing for cameras? Must be a power trip or bragging rights thing for some people.

It was Mel B.


SMH at all the people coming out of the woodwork to justify this shit.


Oct 27, 2017
It was Mel B.


SMH at all the people coming out of the woodwork to justify this shit.
It loses a lot of the impact when it's played at a faster speed. When played properly you can see that he slowly ramps it up over time, and takes a while to react once he's called out. Also the gif misses the ending where he laughs it off and chases after her.

He just didn't give a fuck about it (and I suppose why would he, he got off scot free).


Apr 16, 2018
The fucked up thing about the clip is if you watched the whole thing, when he first approached her on stage he grabbed her normally. (still too close) then his hand crawled like a spider to find the tit. I'm not bullshitting you. That fuck stain was on a mission.


Oct 25, 2017
This is the every day assault that women suffer through and get ridiculed if they speak up.

It honestly doesn't matter if she doesn't speak up about it, it's clear on video and needs to be called out.

Anyone defending this needs a reality check.


Oct 27, 2017
Not sure what there is to debate. It's pretty obvious when you're touching a women's breast.


Oct 25, 2017
Obvious as hell. Can even see she was uncomfortable. Not sure what ppl are saying when they say "accidentally"

Also the joke about her name is pretty terrible too... Imagine if Trump did this, The world would implode.

#1 defender

Oct 27, 2017
It was Mel B.


SMH at all the people coming out of the woodwork to justify this shit.

Yeah, that's what i was thinking of. Same type of shit and just laughed off if caught in the act.


No, I think it's the Taylor Swift incident this poster is referring to. She took the guy to court and sued him for $1 to prove a point.

You know what, you are both right, i remember both of these and must have conflated them.

Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
Even if you believe this wasn't sexual assault, people especially when it comes to men and women just need to keep their hands to themselves. Touchy feely people are annoying as hell at best.


Oct 25, 2017

So what, he's demoted or whatever right?

I don't understand even if there's no intentions, why would you hold a strange woman so close?


Oct 25, 2017
It loses a lot of the impact when it's played at a faster speed. When played properly you can see that he slowly ramps it up over time, and takes a while to react once he's called out. Also the gif misses the ending where he laughs it off and chases after her.

He just didn't give a fuck about it (and I suppose why would he, he got off scot free).

Holy shit, I've never seen this before. It's unbelievable that they just continued as if nothing happened, and boy was she restrained. Should've beaten the shit out of him.

When did this happen?


Oct 25, 2017
No, I think it's the Taylor Swift incident this poster is referring to. She took the guy to court and sued him for $1 to prove a point.
It was actually even worse than that: after he groped her, she told her mom and her security team, and they told his bosses, which led to him being fired. THEN he had the gall to sue her.


Oct 29, 2017
It loses a lot of the impact when it's played at a faster speed. When played properly you can see that he slowly ramps it up over time, and takes a while to react once he's called out. Also the gif misses the ending where he laughs it off and chases after her.

He just didn't give a fuck about it (and I suppose why would he, he got off scot free).

Whoa that's brazen.
Oct 27, 2017

So what, he's demoted or whatever right?

I don't understand even if there's no intentions, why would you hold a strange woman so close?
He's not a Catholic priest so that will quote doesn't apply to him.

But yes, even if it wasn't a titty grab (which it is), it's still pretty terrible. You don't wrap someone's body like that if you don't know them and know that they're comfortable with it.


Oct 26, 2017

Okay, that's an iron fucking grip. Dude could have moved his hand down or up as soon as he realized.

yeah when I take pictures with my female friends i really just accidentally grab their breast and drum my fingers trying to get a better feel

oh wait, no i don't do that, i'm not BiGBoSSMk23

Oh, you must have thought you were being so clever.

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