Oct 25, 2017
Clearly made after I hit quote. Don't be surprised if you come into a thread about a dude doing dark shit and people aren't here for you immediately shielding him. JCH's words above bear repeating.
Idk what you want me to say, dont go for snark off of outdated posts

And I didn't "shield" him, I just didn't take what seemed as over-the-top sexting as that he's literally raping and eating people. Like I said, him actually abusing people is troubling. The tweet in the OP says " tw cannibalism // armie hammer blood drinking cannibal sex kink dms " and the women in the messages aren't disapproving (or I should say aren't really beyond being nonplussed), so why would I automatically assume he was abusing someone?
Oct 27, 2017
So, I've read a lot of people going on about kink shaming. It's definitely okay to have a kink. This is more likely a paraphilia at this point, which again could be okay. There are soft and hard types of paraphilias and the hard ones are the ones you need to keep an eye out, because those usually involve coercing someone without their consent. So, someone that has a paraphilia (like, eating someone; which could obviously lead to someone feeling unease about their sexuality because, hey, I'm turned on about eating someone to death), they should get the help they need.

From what we're seeing here, there's obviously non-consexual sexual experiences. There's nothing wrong with dom/sub dynamics (like BDSM-K), but it has to be consensual and by the looks of it (from the experiences/photos shared by former partners), they were not consensual.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Remember when people wanted him to be the new Batman

Actually, it would've fallen in line with most of DC's screw ups...


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
What kind of a dude do you have to be to straight up text someone that you want to eat them? That's a flag for me. Like you're into some weird ninth level kink shit, that's not blowing my mind, but just going on about it with your face right there? Man I'm using fake emails to signup to a porn site, if I was sexually aroused by cannibalism I'd keep that shit triple quarantined.


Oct 25, 2017
Idk what you want me to say, dont go for snark off of outdated posts

And I didn't "shield" him, I just didn't take what seemed as over-the-top sexting as that he's literally raping and eating people. Like I said, him actually abusing people is troubling. The tweet in the OP says " tw cannibalism // armie hammer blood drinking cannibal sex kink dms " and the women in the messages aren't disapproving (or I should say aren't really beyond being nonplussed), so why would I automatically assume he was abusing someone?
If Disapproving cannabilsm is kink shaming, then call me a prude my Nigga, I'm fucking shaming that


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Cannibalism is wild, if the rumours are true. I've neve even heard of that being a fetish before
May 24, 2019
the women in the messages aren't disapproving (or I should say aren't really beyond being nonplussed)




The Fallen
Mar 13, 2018
I'm not one to kink shame... but his ex already showed evidence of abuse. This seems legit.

I can now say goodbye to The Man From UNCLE sequel. :(


My ass legally belongs to Ted Price
Oct 17, 2019
This is some Silence of The Lambs shit

Went from 0 to 100, to a million, in 3 seconds
Oct 25, 2017
If Disapproving cannabilsm is kink shaming, then call me a prude my Nigga, I'm fucking shaming that
I mean, you're not really talking to someone that will go to bat for 90% of kinks so lol

As for that top pic, if "nonplussed" means "surprised and confused so much that they are unsure how to react", and that person is surprised, confused, and using ellipses to communicate a pause, is that not nonplussed?

That second pic isnt even in the OP, its from his ex that he abused, which was posted later in the thread, which...helps my point about the tweet in the OP not really being a good dive into genuinely troubling things Hammer has done


Oct 25, 2017
My god if you read this and then feel like lecturing people about "kink shaming", it's time to log off for a while and go stare at a wall in absolute silence for a few hours and think about things. Jesus.
May 24, 2019
As for that top pic, if "nonplussed" means "surprised and confused so much that they are unsure how to react", and that person is surprised, confused, and using ellipses to communicate a pause, is that not nonplussed?

That second pic isnt even in the OP, its from his ex that he abused, which was posted later in the thread, which...helps my point about the tweet in the OP not really being a good dive into genuinely troubling things Hammer has done

I read into that first one that she's not into the topic and has probably told him so before. That combined with the other woman gives me the impression that he's not at all considerate as to what others are comfortable with and will more or less pressure people into enacting his rape fantasies.

I'm more genuinely concerned about him dominating people more than they agree to than the cannibalism thing cause I'm sure that's just a silly thrill that's never actually left his head into the real world. (edit: Or at least beyond some blood drinking)

Plus, who knows what degree of power imbalance there is between him and whoever he gets with.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, that is some weird shit. And I am assuming real, cause it is so absurd that if it wasn't real you would immediately put out a "LOL, what the fuck!?" message.

Baji Boxer

Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
Cannibalism is wild, if the rumours are true. I've neve even heard of that being a fetish before
I was thinking an indie game developer had made something where a cannibalism kink had something to so with the subject, which is where I think I first heard of it. Other than that, vampirism is the closest thing I was aware of. Some people are into the blood drinking, and some into having their blood drunk.

When I first started reading I thought it was just some extreme chat roleplay, but damn that escalated. He sounds like a danger to society.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't know what I expected strolling in here but JFC what's wrong with you Armie.


Top Mog
Oct 27, 2017
Idk what you want me to say, dont go for snark off of outdated posts

And I didn't "shield" him, I just didn't take what seemed as over-the-top sexting as that he's literally raping and eating people. Like I said, him actually abusing people is troubling. The tweet in the OP says " tw cannibalism // armie hammer blood drinking cannibal sex kink dms " and the women in the messages aren't disapproving, so why would I automatically assume he was abusing someone?

I'm not being remotely snarky, I feel deeply disgusted and disturbed seeing and reading this shit over the last day and discussing it with friends. The defense force whipped up around this guy whining about cancel culture got under my skin and your post seemed to invoke that when you voiced concern about his 'life being ruined' (in other words, his Hollywood career prospects?) He's from old money, who cares, he was born rich he'll die rich. I can't read your mind to know whether you saw the other DMs/posts that were above your comment and already disregarded them like so many others on social media have and continue to do. The way the OP is written is not as informative as it could be, and that is a problem. I said it earlier and I'll say it again, the focus on the cannibalism stuff is burying the lede and in the process, the women who are trying to be heard about his abusive behaviour are getting drowned out by sensationalism. If the tide doesn't turn soon I fear this will always be remembered as 'that weird time Armie Hammer said eating people is hot haha' and not 'that time multiple credible abuse allegations were made against him.'

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
Cannibalism is wild, if the rumours are true. I've neve even heard of that being a fetish before
There was a Japanese guy who ate his victims because he felt intense sexual urge towards them. I forgot which documentary it was, I saw it a long time ago. He was arrested, institutionalized and released thereafter.
Oct 25, 2017
I read into that first one that she's not into the topic and has probably told him so before. That combined with the other woman gives me the impression that he's not at all considerate as to what others are comfortable with and will more or less pressure people into enacting his rape fantasies.

I'm more genuinely concerned about him dominating people more than they agree to than the cannibalism thing cause I'm sure that's just a silly thrill that's never actually left his head into the real world.

Plus, who knows what degree of power imbalance there is between him and whoever he gets with.
I agree, I do read his messages as being really pushy and that pushiness has definitely crossed into the real world
I'm not being remotely snarky, I feel deeply disgusted and disturbed seeing and reading this shit over the last day and discussing it with friends. The defense force whipped up around this guy whining about cancel culture got under my skin and your post seemed to invoke that when you voiced concern about his 'life being ruined' (in other words, his Hollywood career prospects?) He's from old money, who cares, he was born rich he'll die rich. I can't read your mind to know whether you saw the other DMs/posts that were above your comment and already disregarded them like so many others on social media have and continue to do. The way the OP is written is not as informative as it could be, and that is a problem. I said it earlier and I'll say it again, the focus on the cannibalism stuff is burying the lede and in the process, the women who are trying to be heard about his abusive behaviour are getting drowned out by sensationalism. If the tide doesn't turn soon I fear this will always be remembered as 'that weird time Armie Hammer said eating people is hot haha' and not 'that time multiple credible abuse allegations were made against him.'
I should've paused before posting to update myself on all relevant info on the matter. I really do hope that enough people retweet messages from the women that he hurt and people start to take this seriously


Sep 18, 2018
Someone on twitter mentioned 'cannibalism dms' as a joke but didn't explain further and now I know.

He presumably wouldn't have dropped out if the dms were fake, I imagine?
Oct 26, 2017
Maybe someone can update the OP with the posts from his ex. It would help pre-empt all of the "kink shame" posts and bring the focus to him being an abusive manipulative fuck face.


The Fallen
Nov 16, 2017
The only part of the DM thread that really alarms me is the killing an animal and eatings its warm heart.

All the other shit - as off-putting as it may be for me - I'm not going to judge him on as long as he keeps it to consenting adults.

edit: just saw the stuff from the ex. Christ...


Top Mog
Oct 27, 2017
I should've paused before posting to update myself on all relevant info on the matter. I really do hope that enough people retweet messages from the women that he hurt and people start to take this seriously

No worries, I'm frustrated about these kinds of topics. The memeing and weird media coverage is definitely not helping. There are rumours that LA Times have something in the works, we'll see in time I guess.


Oct 25, 2017
Until there's more evidence and testimonies I just can't believe the DMs in the OP

edit: reading more of the thread. I'm scared now :|
It's just so hard to believe this kind of insanity, wtf
The OP should be updated with the messages from his ex. Or threadmarks, idk


Nov 7, 2017
Not sure on the exact timelines, but it sounds to me like he weaponised his celebrity status to facilitate more and more extreme verbal and physical encounters.