Uzumaki Goku

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Like that is what scares me more than anything, what's he gonna do. The thought of him trying to take us down with him... terrifies me.


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Oct 26, 2017
Well he basically admitted today that if he does not get elected he will spend that two months letting the world burn and doing everything he can to make us miserable, all from the safety of his vacation home.

Deleted member 4874

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
He'll be too busy trying to extort as much money as possible. He'd have a garage sale on the White House lawn if he could get away with it.


Oct 24, 2017
If Biden wins and it's certified and done, he'll lash out like a child and probably try some shit but probably nothing that would put our national security at risk. With a new admin on the way, at least the military wouldn't go along with anything, domestically or internationally.
Uzumaki Goku

Uzumaki Goku

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
If Biden wins and it's certified and done, he'll lash out like a child and probably try some shit but probably nothing that would put our national security at risk. With a new admin on the way, at least the military wouldn't go along with anything, domestically or internationally.

Correct me if I'm wrong but the military hates him right?


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
this is also why midterms are important, the house is blue so less can be accomplished than if they were a trifecta lame duck.
Oct 27, 2017
He'll tweet out stuff and probably not even try but he won't actively do harm because it requires him to do anything.


Oct 27, 2017
I can see the interior of the White House getting trashed on the way out.

I don't think there's any need to worry about him starting a war or launching nukes, but I do worry about calls for violence by domestic terrorists.


Dec 17, 2017
He'll probably try to get and the Senate, FBI, DOJ, ect. to investigate "voter fraud" and then him and Fox News will spend the rest of his life sowing distrust of American democracy.

So ya know, the same shit he is doing now.

Deleted member 4874

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Remember how painful/surreal it was watching Obama and Michelle introducing Trump and Melania into the White House? Now picture Trump doing the same for the Bidens.


You know what that means
Oct 25, 2017
For sure he'll whip his supporters into a frenzy. It won't just be him kicking and screaming for months alone.


Oct 27, 2017
If it does get to that point where he accepts defeat he will make up a reason why he's resigning so Pence can pardon him because the "deep state" will be coming for him.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
It's fine. Republicans are the party of integrity. They know that a mandate from voters means that they don't want Republicans to pass any more legislation. It'll be smooth sailing.


Oct 27, 2017
He'll be focusing on fixing the clear foul play and cheating so no worries*!

*He's a fucking idiot.


Oct 25, 2017
Once he has definitively lost, and we're in the lame duck session, if he was smart he'd resign, and try to have Pence preemptively pardon him.

He's a moron and a narcissistic sociopath, so I generally doubt he would do that.

But who knows what he's willing to do to avoid the potential prosecution and jail time, once it is conclusive that he lost.

Cat Party

Oct 25, 2017
Just based on my observations, if the loss is more or less "clean," he may go through the motions of trying to sow chaos, but he has proven over and over that he doesn't have the attention span to accomplish much. Basically, you're going to have an administration full of people trying to save their own asses by covering up the insane illegal conduct that has been rampant for the last 4 years.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Am not worried about Trump. He can't do SHIT

Am more worried about the idiotic followers. I fear there will def be chaos in the streets this holiday season.

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
Trump is basically Jim Jones elected to the Presidency. So shit yeah he'll try to take as much of America down with him as possible.


Jul 6, 2018
Sydney, Australia
It'll be interesting to see what other countries do. Russia or China might try something in the knowledge that the White House is in a moment of paralysis and vulnerability.


Mar 10, 2018
Someplace Far Away
He needs to get destroyed in a landslide to prevent his attempts to subvert the vote having any meaningful effect.

What I really, really can't picture, is Trump showing up to symbolically 'transfer power' on Biden's inauguration. Either he will refuse to show up, which will be pathetic, or he will quit/get fired before January, leaving Pence to carry out the duties of transition. I definitely think the possibility of him being removed during the transition is somewhat possible, if his mental condition and popular support continue their downward trajectory. Pence can still get a ton of nasty shit done during the transition without a lame duck Trump, unstable and now disposable, gumming up the works.


Oct 27, 2017
The best thing about this is that he is lazy and his helpers are generally incompetent. I expect fuckery for a short time before he gets bored and fucks off to Mar a Lago, Qatar or Moscow.


Oct 28, 2017
It's just way, way too early to even think about this. I can't even begin to worry about things like this until after I'm done worrying about who is actually going to win the election, and what kind of insane election day suppression tactics he's going to try to use. It's going to feel like a year from now when we potentially have to worry about what happens if Joe Biden wins, even if it's just next month.

I'm so tired.


Oct 25, 2017
He will do anything he can to get out of his impending personal crises (financial, criminal, the Russians...) should he lose the election. Nothing is off the table for a man with nothing to lose and no morals to speak of.

Deleted member 22750

Oct 28, 2017
he will lose if the votes are counted

I don't think they're going to count every vote

they're gonna fight mail in and it can get ugly
Oct 29, 2017
It's just way, way too early to even think about this. I can't even begin to worry about things like this until after I'm done worrying about who is actually going to win the election, and what kind of insane election day suppression tactics he's going to try to use. It's going to feel like a year from now when we potentially have to worry about what happens if Joe Biden wins, even if it's just next month.

I'm so tired.

We all are.

But this is the hellscape we live in now. And while we need to get rid of Trump ASAP--preferably in big enough margins that he loses on Election Night--the social and institutional rot that put him in office will be with us long after he is gone.

The scariest part about all this is how it feels like it's just the beginning.


Oct 25, 2017
Him and McConnell will make sure to fuck things up as much as possible.
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Oct 30, 2017
I've long come to terms with the idea that Trump is going to try everything possible to stay in power. Is that worth not voting him out? Absolutely not. I view this election as the chemotherapy we need to eradicate this viscious cancer. Is it a slam dunk that we'll be cured on November 4th? No. Does that mean we don't take the treatment? Of course not. No use being scared just be prepared.

Version 3.0

Oct 27, 2017
This is a legitimate concern. WTF at everyone saying "oh, he won't do anything". I hope you're right, but he's spent 4 years trampling all the norms.

Sure, maybe he'll show his cowardly side as he often does, and just whine on Twitter.

On the other hand, this is the man who had to be told "no, we can't just shoot people at the border". And that was years ago, before everyone not in the cult left his administration. And he's proven what a poor loser he'll be. In that state of mind...who knows what's possible.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I am very afraid of what he's going to do. At best he just tries to quietly extort money. At worst, he tries to jump start a war that the Fox spin machine will hold Biden responsible for.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 1, 2017
After he loses spectacularly there needs to be people outside the White House for his entire remaining term with signs laughing at him and calling him a loser just to fuck with his fragile child ego.


Oct 30, 2018
If you can get enough Republicans to join in trying to distance themselves from Trump, you could attempt another impeachment or other paths to removal.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't think he lives two months past the election lol. Didn't it take 40 days for Herman Cain to die?


Oct 28, 2017
He wont lose. The mail in ballots will be invalidated and the US will scream and moan but nothing will change. America is Trumps bitch and will stay that way. Its 2020, the worst timeline.


Oct 27, 2017
he is going to spend that entire time contesting the result until the bitter end wherein he is dragged bodily out. expect rank and file republicans to slowly clam up with their vocal support until january 21 where they recommit to making Biden a one-term president


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 2, 2017
It will be 2 months spent mounting a legal defense. I doubt he'll have time for much else. Or, he steps down and has Pence pardon him, in which case he can't do anything for that two months.

I'm a lot less worried about Trump himself than I am about the radical right wing terrorist cells that he has been stirring up for the last 4 years, but I think we all understand these people are all talk, and they do talk loudly and publicly, and I have no doubt the FBI is keeping tabs on them.


Apr 7, 2019
If Biden wins and it's certified and done, he'll lash out like a child and probably try some shit but probably nothing that would put our national security at risk. With a new admin on the way, at least the military wouldn't go along with anything, domestically or internationally.
If He plays the wrong move he can end up on trial by the united nations instead since no foreign entity would attack us because of trump if he is on his way out and instead they bring their case to the UN they can and will try him as human rights violations have occurred under his watch which makes him liable to be hung.


Oct 25, 2017
Trump has already said in plain terms several times over that the only result of the election he believes is valid is if he wins. Anything beyond that he'll claim cheating and massive absentee ballot fraud despite no evidence. At that point it's not about him and more just the individual states making sure their results are properly certified.

Am not worried about Trump. He can't do SHIT

Am more worried about the idiotic followers. I fear there will def be chaos in the streets this holiday season.
I agree, this is the crux of my concerns too. I'm not all that worried really about what Trump himself does so long as the results of the loss are proven valid, but the real problem is going to be him inciting his mouth-frothing base to commit violence in his name (without him doing it directly enough to be legally blamed for it, of course). Tempers will be running hot and I unfortunately expect a lot of racial violence to unfold.