Oct 25, 2017
Bernie Bernbaum
Oct 25, 2017
I'm really happy that the NBN got overly politicised and we now have garbage internet that may takes years and millions of dollars to fix.


Oct 25, 2017
nah if it happens it happens over the weekend imo
gov is probably sad footy is over

bomma man

Oct 25, 2017
Hope Dan and Eugilphon (terribly misspelled) find us.

And A More Normal Bird, whatever happened to him.


Oct 25, 2017
Elaugaufein handled the AusPoliGAF discord when the shit all went down, so he'll be here no doubt.


Oct 25, 2017
hey hey
yeah it blew up alright
I actually watched a bit of the senate question thing on ABC today, first time I ever watched any of that usually boring shit but everyone was going hard.
Then question Time came on and I couldn't stand the cringefest more than 30seconds


Oct 26, 2017
Just a reminder to anyone who hasn't filled in their marriage equality survey that you have until the end of today to send your forms off to be counted!

Make sure you have your say!
Bernie Bernbaum
Oct 25, 2017
Arksy said "marriage equality" and not "same sex marriage" so that means he is fiercely in favour of radical sex education programmes in Aussie schools.


Cheering your loss
Oct 25, 2017
I assume radical sex ed programs are much like normal sex ed programs, just delivered wearing ray bans, day glo t shirts, jnco jeans, a backward facing baseball cap and carrying a skateboard.
Bernie Bernbaum
Oct 25, 2017
Sex education at our Lutheran college was basically that you shouldn't ever have sex except for one sex per baby.

Dad's sex ed was much better. He picked up a six pack of midstrength beer and a VHS video from the library. We watched the video, drank the beer, he asked if I had any questions, I said no and then we went and practised shooting free throws.
Bernie Bernbaum
Oct 25, 2017
And the Turnbull government loses majority.

I mean, the Nats will win the by-election but Malcolm has got to be pretty nervous right now.


Oct 26, 2017
Elsewhere for 8 minutes
The Joyce and Nash decision opens a massive can of worms. There are at least 3 members of the House of reps hiding in plain sight with the same issue. George Christensen all but admitted he is British through his mother, his seat would likely be lost. Ann Sudmalis from Gilmore is also British and has only supplied a completely nonsense document only furthering her issues, her seat is very marginal and 100% would be lost and finally Justine Keay from the ALP made an effort to have her British citizenship removed but was very late and only a token effort was made before nomination. Her's would likely be safe.

Also, Nash, a Nat will very likely be replaced by a Liberal in NSW resulting in the Nationals losing a place in the cabinet.


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
So just to recap:

- Turnbull has started an expensive and stupid vote on gay marriage that caused thousands of young people (Labor-leaners) to register to vote instead of owning the issue by allowing a conscience vote in Parliament.https://www.reuters.com/article/us-...e-australias-youth-gets-serious-idUSKBN1CB07D

- His government just lost its majority, and if/when they win the by-election, there are others in his party in more marginal seats that are completely winnable for Labor.

- Julie Bishop made a complete idiot of herself with the Joyce situation and now that NZ Labour has formed a government, has a complete egg on her face.

- In the two-party, Coalition is polling poorly, making any elections in marginal seats a tenuous affair.

I'm an American, but did I get that all right?


Oct 26, 2017
Elsewhere for 8 minutes
Pretty much though they haven't quite lost their majority, it's hanging tenuously though. On the floor it's now 74 for the Government and 74 on the crossbench made up of mostly Labor and 5 others and a least one of the others has stated she won't allow a vote to bring down the government, she has a supply and confidence agreement, though she reserves the right to make legislation negotiations harder! If something does come down 74-74 the speaker, a member of the government, will get a deciding vote.


Oct 25, 2017
There have been some unsavoury rumours about Joyce going around that could cause him to lose if true and if someone wanted to sling mud about it. Windsor might have had a chance as a result. Minor party or Independent conservatives still might, but most of the likely contendors are wackier/worse than Barnaby from my POV.
Oct 25, 2017
Wait, what did Barnaby do to abortions?

So just to recap:

- Turnbull has started an expensive and stupid vote on gay marriage that caused thousands of young people (Labor-leaners) to register to vote instead of owning the issue by allowing a conscience vote in Parliament.https://www.reuters.com/article/us-...e-australias-youth-gets-serious-idUSKBN1CB07D

- His government just lost its majority, and if/when they win the by-election, there are others in his party in more marginal seats that are completely winnable for Labor.

- Julie Bishop made a complete idiot of herself with the Joyce situation and now that NZ Labour has formed a government, has a complete egg on her face.

- In the two-party, Coalition is polling poorly, making any elections in marginal seats a tenuous affair.

I'm an American, but did I get that all right?
Keen to see if any close votes in parliament are now disputed


Oct 25, 2017
Up until the point where it was clear eligibility was in doubt votes cannot be disputed (that's settled law).

It is unlikely the court would find otherwise for latter votes because the reasoning was based on the need for certainty.

Ministerial decisions are an as yet untread area , any decisions made by Joyce and Nash after they were aware of their ineligibility are potentially challengable if someone wishes (actually potentially any decision after the first 3 months of this term from either of them , but that would be a weaker case)