For US politics and election threads

Chaos Legion

The Wise Ones
Oct 30, 2017
Why it matters: The administration's move to block the arms sales has drawn backlash from pro-Israel lawmakers in both parties.

  • Most recently, Rep. Brad Schneider (D-Ill.) said in a statement on Thursday he is "deeply concerned" about the decision "as well as the President's comments about withholding security assistance to Israel."
Driving the news: Rep. Beth Van Duyne (R-Texas) introduced the Immediate Support for Israel Act on Thursday, which would require transfers of some weapons to Israel to occur within 30 days of procurement.

  • "Israel is currently engaged in a war with a terrorist organization that is still holding over 100 civilian hostages. There is simply no excuse for this delay," Van Duyne said in a statement.
  • The bill would only apply to weapons approved in the $95 billion foreign aid package that Congress passed last month, however. The shipments Biden has paused were authorized and appropriated by earlier legislation.
Zoom in: Rep. Cory Mills (R-Fla.) is taking things a step further, telling Fox News he is drafting articles of impeachment against Biden for withholding the aid.

  • Several GOP lawmakers have floated impeachment as the ideal legislative route, with Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) saying the House "has no choice but to impeach Biden."

Democrats largely support Biden's tactics, although some of the more vulnerable congressmen have raised concerns.

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Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
Sucks. This might work considering the GOP, despite being the diet Nazi party white replacement theory by the (((elites))) and all, has been able to sell that American teens are being indoctrinated into being Anti-Semites (and has nothing to do with I dunno, a genocide and general US war fatigue of the last 20 plus years).

It's why the last six months of collegiate dog and pony show has now lead to protests and something for the GOP to latch on to avoid abortion even though guaranteed their planned post Trump win mandate includes making all public school children recite the 14 Words.

Dems had to get dragged pushing and screaming to get to this point, will buckle like a plastic toy being sat on.
May 10, 2019
You want to go down this road with impeachment, okay. Then every one of those Republicans better add their name to be impeached as well. Since you know, Republicans have held up aid to not one, or two but 3 countries for months because of the orange turd and his Russian mouthpieces.

Also, fuck Lindsey Graham and his bs stage performance trying to flip shit around now.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
Graham is an idiot.

Senate can't impeach without the House, and they don't have the votes there. This is just theatrics.


Oct 25, 2017
I can see why this would be catnip for the GOP members that have been champing at the bit for an opportunity to impeach Biden. If you're looking at things only superficially, it resembles the thing Trump was impeached for: withholding congressionally mandated aid funds. The difference is, Biden does have the authority to halt these transfers if he thinks they'll be used to violate international law.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
Are you high? The house GOP would absolutely impeach if they knew they even had a single Dem vote.
Um, you misread me. They just tried already and failed.

Not happening right now due to the even lower margins they had before.

I didn't say they wouldn't try. Of course, they already tried! They can't. Realistically.

On top of that they don't that Senate margins either. Again, theatrics. Of course they will try if they had the votes. But I never said that.

Impeachment is a useless mechanism in 2024.


Oct 25, 2017
Biden does the bare minimum way to late and still republicans have a meltdown over it.

At least this does give clear examples to point towards that somehow Republicans will be worse on this subject then even Biden is.


Oct 27, 2017
I can see why this would be catnip for the GOP members that have been champing at the bit for an opportunity to impeach Biden. If you're looking at things only superficially, it resembles the thing Trump was impeached for: withholding congressionally mandated aid funds. The difference is, Biden does have the authority to halt these transfers if he thinks they'll be used to violate international law.
If we get really lucky this will force the administration's hand regarding sitting on that report


Oct 26, 2017
I think people forget that the Dems themselves don't feel that differently towards the Israeli government. They want Biden to send the weapons.


Oct 25, 2017
Why didn't Republicans impeach Reagan when he did the same thing? Strange.


Oct 28, 2017
Biden is still permitting Israel to starve Gaza so the GoP and Dems that are pro-genocide can still find solace in that. Kirby already said they are still getting armaments to defend themselves and I'm sure this halting of one shipment will resume with even the slightest give by Bibi.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Please proceed Republicans. What a winning issue, considering impeachment over holding back some weapon shipments for what will probably be a month at most. Surely that's something the American people will be up in arms about


Oct 27, 2017
"Hey, don't stop now. The mass culling of brown people was just getting good."

We're just surrounded by psychopaths..


Oct 27, 2017
Um, you misread me. They just tried already and failed.

Not happening right now due to the even lower margins they had before.

I didn't say they wouldn't try. Of course, they already tried! They can't. Realistically.

On top of that they don't that Senate margins either. Again, theatrics. Of course they will try if they had the votes. But I never said that.

Impeachment is a useless mechanism in 2024.
They have not yet tried to impeach him over this and it is likely this would have unanimous support within their caucus along with one or two Dems which would hence make the impeachment bipartisan and therefore viewed as more legitimate.

This is not the same as impeaching him over the border or Hunter.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
They have not yet tried to impeach him over this and it is likely this would have unanimous support within their caucus along with one or two Dems which would hence make the impeachment bipartisan and therefore viewed as more legitimate.

This is not the same as impeaching him over the border or Hunter.
I doubt it.

I think Biden will give the weapons aid eventually and this will be a non-issue soon.

Not happening. Not in an election year.


Oct 27, 2017
So Ukraine waited 3 months while GOP members mulled "why are we giving them weapons? make thek pay for it" and with Israel it's suddenly "THINK OF THE POOR ISRAELIS, THEH SURELY DON'T HAVE THE WEAPONS TO KILL CORNERED ARABS FAST ENOUGH!"

Fucking pathetic, and I KNOWZ there are dems that feel the same way. Israel won't lose a single foot of land without these weapons.

Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
Impeachment is a fool's errand, and will be impossible to sell. But Republicans have been threatening to impeach Biden over anything and everything.

Let 'em complain. It's another good indicator that the parties aren't quite as similar as some folks like to pretend.


Nov 20, 2017
Israel is popular with Republicans, and suport for Israel is causing Biden's polling numbers to dip among Democrats. This is nothing but an election season move and it's gross.


Oct 25, 2017
Conservatives are trying to work Biden in to being anti-Israel, so they can take some of the Zionist votes away from him.

Liberals are labeling Biden as pro-genocide because he was originally sending weapons to Israel.

Biden is in a lose-lose situation thanks to Hamas and Netanyahu. Whatever he does, he loses support.


Oct 29, 2017
Conservatives are trying to work Biden in to being anti-Israel, so they can take some of the Zionist votes away from him.

Liberals are labeling Biden as pro-genocide because he was originally sending weapons to Israel.

Biden is in a lose-lose situation thanks to Hamas and Netanyahu. Whatever he does, he loses support.
He's really not

Biden has a very clear path on this but it requires him to do what he has refused so far and that is to hold Israel to account and be firm, if not aggressive in breaking with Bibi and forcing his hand.

This is the last ditch effort of a tenuous Israeli coalition and leader that basically has no moves left and is finally being told no and they are throwing a temper tantrum. And Republicans, who are one in the same in terms or grotesque mentality, are trying to capitalize, but there is no path where this works out for them unless Biden weakens out and ends up in a place where he walks back his stance, lets Rafah get slaughtered, and then wants again share the blame and gets the ire of actions that are now a majority unpopular with Democrats and Americans as a whole(and will accelerate if Rafah is destroyed and the famine truly takes hold everywhere).

Bibi agrees to a ceasefire and his right flank will potentially dissolve the government and force an election and Bibi will assuredly lose and face criminal prosecution for his corruption. If the US stands firm on the ceasefire and Bibi explicitly turns down a deal for getting back all the remaining hostages, he risks the same thing happening from his left flank. Because hostages are #1 in the eyes of that wing and the public, even if there is majority support for the continued genocide(unfortunately).

If Biden stands firm and doesn't waffle and forces Bibi into the ceasefire by making clear we are not backtracking and will not be bullied(which TBC I have major doubts), Biden has the opportunity to turn this issue completely around and actually do some triangulation that isn't just attacking the left and capitulating to right-wing reactionary nonsense. Cause ending this war, getting Bibi out of office, negotiating a rebuilding effort, and mediating what other Axios reporting indicates is already a framework to start up accelerated two-state solution talks(that once again only Bibi is refusing on) is very much turning this issue into a win for Biden and a huge L for the Republicans and Trump if he plays the angles right and shows a backbone to be stern and firm.


Oct 25, 2017
They have not yet tried to impeach him over this and it is likely this would have unanimous support within their caucus along with one or two Dems which would hence make the impeachment bipartisan and therefore viewed as more legitimate.

This is not the same as impeaching him over the border or Hunter.

Jeffries has strong control of the House Democrats. I do not foresee them breaking ranks over this.


Unshakable Resolve
Sep 27, 2019
Was clear as day this was going to happen if the admin decided to withhold security assistance in any way. Biden needs to play hardball with Netanyahu here and his own party won't let him.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
After seven months of funding a genocide, Biden does the absolute minimum of morally correct actions and Republicans lose their god damn bloodthirsty minds.

It's almost as if the entire party is evil to their very core and that's the entire point of their platform.


Oct 28, 2017
Biden is in a lose-lose situation thanks to Hamas and Netanyahu. Whatever he does, he loses support.

He currently might be in a no win but had he acted months ago he could have shifted the narrative and rhetoric with the bully pulpit and the media would have helped him. The problem is his state department and the media have been providing endless political cover for Israel through really aggressive spin for 7 months. This has created a situation where a lot of the American public that only watches mainstream coverage and his administration's statements see Biden's recent arms pushback on Israel as kind of "out of nowhere." He hasn't spent any time setting the table for criticizing Israel even with his statements on the protests he appeared as though he doesn't understand the reasons for them.

He's made himself a really uncomfortable bed to sleep in and it's primarily because he miscalculated the ability of Israeli pr and western media influence to effectively whitewash the offensive. It failed and now he is scrambling. Even if I was charitable and believed that he cared even one bit about Palestinian life then he also miscalculated Bibi's murderous intent which is complete incompetence because anyone with a google search can see how Netanyahu has been a bad actor for decades and can't be trusted.

What he needs to do now is take the lead of the western media and start a new narrative which I'm already seeing with pretty damning stories coming from some mainstream outlets that are finally painting Israel in a negative light. The media is only doing it because socials are forcing them to but he needs to flip the switch and be aggressive towards Bibi now or never. Biden is feckless though and Barak Ravid reporting yet more Israeli beligernace that also "doesn't cross a red line" but might cross a red line. There is still time before the election to reverse the narrative but he needs to be decisive. If he does this he can create an even starker contrast between him and Trump and that will help him. Shit like this though makes him frankly look very weak.


Also what Nola said lol


Oct 27, 2017
Israel is popular with Republicans, and suport for Israel is causing Biden's polling numbers to dip among Democrats. This is nothing but an election season move and it's gross.

Too little too late from Biden. His hands are already stained with blood that will never, NEVER, wash off.

It's disgusting how much sway the Israeli lobby holds in this government. There's so much rot top to bottom.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
After all their moaning over sending Ukraine aid? This party has no principles aside from bigotry and widespread suffering.

I agree mostly but there is political calculus here. First, they obviously rail against anything Biden does, but more importantly PA has a large Jewish population and is a critical state in the upcoming election. A lot of this posturing is to sway that population (though of course they are not a monolith).


Oct 27, 2017
This is a bad move and will definitely increase antisemitism in the Republican party. MAGA types like Greene are already upset that they haven't impeached Biden. But they'll do it for this? Really plays into tropes.


Nov 20, 2017
Too little too late from Biden. His hands are already stained with blood that will never, NEVER, wash off.

It's disgusting how much sway the Israeli lobby holds in this government. There's so much rot top to bottom.

Trump's past stances on Israel doesn't really suggest his administration will be any better on this front. Stripping support from Biden helps elect Trump and that's what the GOP is banking on here: continued division among the left.


Oct 27, 2017
Trump's past stances on Israel doesn't really suggest his administration will be any better on this front. Stripping support from Biden helps elect Trump and that's what the GOP is banking on here: continued division among the left.

I guess we should all just support the continued cleansing of Palestinians because Trump bad.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I live in a giant bucket.
I agree mostly but there is political calculus here. First, they obviously rail against anything Biden does, but more importantly PA has a large Jewish population and is a critical state in the upcoming election. A lot of this posturing is to sway that population (though of course they are not a monolith).

No, I agree -- it's just frustrating how transparent they are. (Not to mention Dems playing themselves with this whole mess.)


Oct 28, 2017
Well, if republicans want it so bad, they can negotiate putting it in a CR. Looks like they'll have to keep the government running and not have it shut down prior to the election.


Oct 25, 2017
I guess we should all just support the continued cleansing of Palestinians because Trump bad.

That is an entirely new sentence.

There are two options in this election, regardless of whether any voter takes part or not--it helps one reality get closer or the other reality.

In a perfect world no one should be a single issue voter, but even if one is, Trump is worse for the situation than Biden. It's not arguable on that front lol. It's a personal choice that everyone gets to make and has potentially understandable reasons far beyond those encapsulated in this thread/on this board, but we can be clear eyed about the consequences of those decisions.


Nov 20, 2017
I guess we should all just support the continued cleansing of Palestinians because Trump bad.

I'm not articulating my personal position or stance, I'm saying this is wht the GOP's strategy is: sew continued discord among the left to increase Trump's chances of election because they know Biden's support for Israel is supremely unpopular among the left.


Oct 25, 2017
Graham is an idiot.

Senate can't impeach without the House, and they don't have the votes there. This is just theatrics.
Um, you misread me. They just tried already and failed.

Not happening right now due to the even lower margins they had before.

I didn't say they wouldn't try. Of course, they already tried! They can't. Realistically.

On top of that they don't that Senate margins either. Again, theatrics. Of course they will try if they had the votes. But I never said that.

Impeachment is a useless mechanism in 2024.
A lot of people misunderstand impeachment. Impeachment is a house vote to make charges against a public official. For presidents, it has happened to Andrew Johnson, Bill Clinton & Donald Trump (twice).

The Senate can then hold a trial for the public official based on the impeachment articles, in which they can remove from office, acquit, censure, ect. But the impeachment trial is separate from the actual impeachment. Johnson, Clinton & Trump were all impeached, even if the Senate subsequently acquitted them