
Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
I mean, it's got everything.

It manages to pin down almost all of the quintessential aspects of the character and property in the span of 3 minutes.

- The pacing is just incredible. Not only does it do a good job at tickling you with the buildup, it firmly sets the tone of this iteration of Batman with it. It's practically a low-key horror scene all up until brawl, yet showcases the what Batman is now capable of with some calculated nuance as it builds to its climax. This especially stands out considering the state of mainstream superhero movies around this time which would really just rely on mindlessly busting some goons/saving a rando citizen and be done with it.

- Now as for that brawl, plenty of you will probably get pissy at it for the editing + Nolan's history of weird action in general, but I think it works brilliantly for this scene considering the context of this movie. Remember, Bruce has been trained to be a force of nature/more than just a man to the uninitiated. The disorientating nature works purposefully, not incidentally -- which is especially evident given the audio approach they went with it as well.
And combined with the first point, it's another dynamic way of translating the character's iconic traits on-screen in a grounded fashion AND summarizing what Bruce has learned so far in the movie alone.

- And on that note, all of it is done so in such a disciplined manner. It doesn't go over the top with that bleakness, which I think gets easily forgotten when trying to make something successfully feel gritty/"grounded" (I mean, just look at Snyder's approach to the character). In fact, you can practically apply this for almost the entire trilogy, but BB's effort is especially impressive considering how much whacky stuff is going on that needs to be balanced out.

- "I'm Batman." And that fucking music that accompanies it. That's how you land your inspirational, cinematic hero moment.

And then my personal guilty pleasure moment out of the entire damn thing.

I know it's a throwback to an earlier moment in the movie, but this shit-eating smile of a line is the perfect example of how you can still have stupid camp in this approach to superhero movies and get away with it when done right.

I still haven't seen any other cbm hero debut scene on film that's comparable since then. No, that doesn't mean they all automatically suck nor does it invalidate the approaches of some movies to establish their superheroes. But it just feels like it's been forever that I've seen a superhero movie establish a single hero's iconography and capabilities in such a well-paced and though-out manner for the medium that isn't immediately a VFX barrage to the senses.



Oct 27, 2017
It's pretty good. It managed to make Baleman's presence appropriately threatening, something I felt lacking in some scenes from the subsequent movies.

But Blade tho



Nov 15, 2017
it's the best film of the trilogy.
sure dark knight has ledger but batman begins is an overall more enjoyable film.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
That's not the airplane scene from Superman Returns!
That one's pretty good too, but there's a lot pf payoff that happens within BB in regards to everything prior to the scene in the OP.

As enjoyable as the airplane scene in Returns was, it's kinda just Superman going back to being Superman -- although that reaction pop montage once he comes back really sells it.

Everything about the prologue act is gold really in terms of introducing characters, so I see what you mean.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Despite the constant criticism about the lack of action in the film, there are a lot of quintessential Superman scenes in that film.
The problem is the perception that lack of punching something = lack of action/excitement.

You don't really need a lot of combat to make a good Superman movie.


Oct 27, 2017
Nolan shot the fights scenes that way in Batman Begins because he wanted to show how Batman would appear from a criminal's perspective. The many complaints about the editing made him pan the camera back and slow things down in the sequels so we could see the action. In hindsight, I appreciate what he was trying to convey with the character; as Batman should appear fast and animalistic in combat.

The Driver

Oct 25, 2017
That last half of that video makes me mad again that Nolan got lazy with Gotham and just used NYC and Chicago as stand-ins without anything that connected them to the version shown in BB.

Also outside of the sewer Bane fight in TKDR the best hand to hand stuff is still in Begins when he fights the League ninjas in the Narrows and then Ra's on the train.

Deleted member 6173

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I recently rewatched batman begins and that scene was nice. However, I thought the action scenes in it were atrocious. The quick cuts of the fight scenes took me out of it. Batman trained with the league of shadows and was the best student of Ras and yet you never see Batman in a clean fight scene. You never get a good feel of how much of a menace Batman is in terms of his fighting skill.

I never got a good feel for Batman in his fight scenes until the warehouse fight in batman vs superman.


Oct 26, 2017
Love Begins. In many ways the series never recaptured its atmopshere and world building. It was never expanded expanded upon, which is what initially really intrigued about imagining a Joker in that world.

Obviously we got a great Joker, but Batman Begins is the best film, with the best representation of that character's themes.

Textured Monk

Oct 27, 2017
It's cheating because it's not a movie, but I really like Daredevil's first appearance (in the Netflix show, not Ben Affleck).

The sound direction drawing attention to what he's hearing, and making it clear how his power works. The camera stays on the thugs as Daredevil, dressed in all black, moves around in the background, centres on one of the thugs he's fighting as he moves around the edge and bottom of the screen and you see the blows coming in. The thinly veiled rage in the blows, getting the girls moving, and ending the scene as he lays into an unconscious Turk. It shows exactly where Matt is at the start of the show.

Poor quality, or you can just watch the first ten or so minutes of episode 1:


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
i don't know why but i read this as batman beyond and was struggling to remember what terry looked like when he first stole bruce's suit


Aug 20, 2018
i agree Batman Begins is the best of the trilogy in terms of plot and character study of batman itself.

That being said, my few gripes:

1) That gruff voice is not working
2) The fight makes me dizzy
3) The Ducard -> Ra's Al Ghul twist reveal is meh...
4) Iffy on the Rachel character


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
That last half of that video makes me mad again that Nolan got lazy with Gotham and just used NYC and Chicago as stand-ins without anything that connected them to the version shown in BB.
If you squint hard enough, you'll actually see the BB monorails in establishing city shots in TDK. But that's as far as that goes in terms of connective tissue for Gotham.


Oct 28, 2017
They fights in the Nolan movies are poorly shot, but I like it in this scene. I think it works of you think about it from the criminals perspective. Those guys cannot keep up with Batman and so he kind of looks like a blur.


Oct 25, 2017
This is it for me.
I fucking LOVE this scene. Iron Man 1 remains my favourite MCU film. I hate how plasticy and CGI the Infinity War suit looks. I miss when he felt heavy and mechanical.

Yeah the armors evolved over the course of the films. I miss the heavy and mechanical feel.

My favorite is still the Mark V briefcase armor debut.



Oct 25, 2017
The "nice coat" scene completely ruins the film for me. Makes it completely unwatchable now. Nolan should digitally remove it and re-release the movie.


Oct 27, 2017
Sorry OP, I always thought Batman Begins was incredibly boring, I don't even remember most of it, when I can pretty easily remember the sequels. I don't know why, just didn't do it for me, even the cheesy 90's movies left a bigger impact.


very salt heavy
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The Negative Zone
Aside from Iron Man and Blade, Vision in Age of Ultron has a good one. Simple but so effective at setting the tone for the character and establishing how powerful he is.

I also like the Canada fight in X-Men. It's surely dated now, but I had goosebumps in the theater.

On the flip side, I think the Guardians movies are generally pretty bad at this.


Dec 11, 2017
And then my personal guilty pleasure moment out of the entire damn thing.

I know it's a throwback to an earlier moment in the movie, but this shit-eating smile of a line is the perfect example of how you can still have stupid camp in this approach to superhero movies and get away with it when done right.
I don't remember realizing this, but is this homeless man one of the crimelords in The Dark Knight?


May 26, 2018
I seriously have to give Batman Begins a rewatch.

Something that I feel like is really missing in superhero movies nowadays is showing the heroes from a civilian/ordinary perspective. Things like the scene OP posted, where it almost feels like a horror movie because of how increasingly terrified the criminals get of Batman.

Or even the first half of this scene from Spider-man 2:

You get the buildup of the civilians' amazement at the car being webbed up + the music hyping things up further, right before Spidey swoops in. It's so good.
Oct 27, 2017
The Iron Man 1 Gulmira scene is great, but stop linking that 60fps version. Looks like complete garbage.

Edit: A watchable version: