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Oct 27, 2017
User Banned (3 days): trolling
Bernard should have dropped out last year and endorsed Warren. Dude is so full of himself


Oct 27, 2017
Steyer is the person in a group project that just writes everyone's name down and then just watches the others do the rest of the work.


Oct 28, 2017
I am confident bernie will win Iowa just as I've said for 2 years now. Despite what era tells you bernie is well liked by minorities and women.


Oct 27, 2017
Seems a bit of an outlier at the moment. Biden's lead is pretty resilient in the average.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
One poll isn't a trend so on so forth, and state polls are significantly more important than national polls.

But I do think this is a good indication he has a shot.


Oct 25, 2017
So this is why there's been so many hilariously transparent attempts to attack him in the past few days. Pure panic. You love to see it.

Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
Weird how we keep getting single poll threads for Bernie. Another data point.


Nov 1, 2017
As always mentioned, one poll doesn't mean much.

I thought this was interesting though.

Asked whether a woman can win the US presidency, a whopping 84% of voters say yes, but there is a notable gender divide here. While only 9% of men say a women could not win the U.S. presidency, that figure about doubles among women, 20% of whom say no, a woman cannot win the presidency. That figure stands at roughly 20% among women regardless of age, party, education level or race.

Men have more confidence in women being able to win than women do. It's likely because men don't realize the sexism women face.

but it also makes people saying Bernie is sexist for what they accused him of saying look even more stupid.
Feb 10, 2018
One thing that sucks, is if bernie warren or yang win, I don't think it's possible to get medicare for all or ubi passed through the house and the senate.


Oct 27, 2017
St. Bernard should have made room for the less popular candidates, that people don't like as much. How selfish.
Uh he will lose against Trump and cost us the house and of course the senate. And he probably wont care either, he will probably will make another excuse and go back to being an independent.

You really think someone who claims to be a socialist, someone old and feeble looking like Bernard has any change to win? We are toast in a general election if sanders is the nominee. At least Warren has a better chance in my opinion, also head to head polls right now mean nothing.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 29, 2017
This is super cool. Gives me a bit of hope but we'll see.


Dec 18, 2017
Holy shit wow. Biden's still leads among the average, but this is fantastic news. Gotta start somewhere :)

I expect more attacks in weeks ahead.

Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Uh he will lose against Trump and cost us the house and of course the senate. And he probably wont care either, he will probably will make another excuse and go back to being an independent.
Good point.

Here's another poll, since people keep saying "one poll thread" OP.

Note Bernie does extremely well with black voters here, further on in the thread.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 29, 2017
Uh he will lose against Trump and cost us the house and of course the senate. And he probably wont care either, he will probably will make another excuse and go back to being an independent.

He is leading in nearly every poll against Trump, so your assumption here really has no ground. Luckily we have a lot of "Vote Blue No Matter Who" folks by our side who definitely won't vote for Trump!


Dec 26, 2018
I am confident bernie will win Iowa just as I've said for 2 years now. Despite what era tells you bernie is well liked by minorities and women.

That's not what the criticism is, Bernie's had trouble appealing to older voters in all age groups. Including the Black voting bloc, he was constantly popular with their young voters.

Sanders has proven an unlikely magnet for younger white voters: His camp flatly predicts he will win Iowa if voters under 30 match or exceed their 22 percent share of the vote here from 2008. There's reason for that confidence. NBC/Wall Street Journal/Marist Institute polls released last week in the virtually all-white first two states on the calendar showed Sanders leading Clinton among likely voters younger than 45 by crushing margins in Iowa (70 percent to 26 percent) and New Hampshire (75 percent to 21 percent); in South Carolina, Sanders led Clinton by almost exactly two-to-one among whites younger than 50, according to figures provided by Marist. The Des Moines Register/Bloomberg Iowa poll released Saturday night gave Sanders over three-fifths of likely voters younger than 35.

Among older voters, the picture was very different: Clinton drew three-fifths of voters older than 45 in Iowa and two-thirds of whites older than 50 in South Carolina; in New Hampshire, she split older voters with Sanders. The DMR/Bloomberg survey put her at nearly two-thirds of Iowa voters 65 and older.

The contrasting priorities that separate voters along this spectrum are quickly apparent at rallies for the two candidates. Many middle-aged and older voters respond to Clinton's argument that she can deliver more practical change than Sanders, whose sweeping proposals she derides as politically infeasible. "For me, personally, it's experience that is drawing me to Hillary, because even though I like everything Bernie says, it's a little too idealistic and I'm a little more real world at my age," said Linda Erickson, a retired school counselor from Newton, as she waited for Clinton to arrive. Jennifer Kerns, a 41-year-old community college instructor, reached a similar conclusion: "My pragmatism is winning out over my idealism a little bit," she said. "I think it's very important we pick a candidate who can win."

Bernie Sanders’s real base is diverse — and very young

Sanders’s base going into the 2020 election, explained.

But in this poll, Sanders's support is driven by voters ages 18 to 44, more so than any other candidate in the race right now. The older, and wealthier, the voter gets, the less interested they are in Sanders. These results are consistent with five national polls between November 2018 and March 2019 — and with exit polls from 2016 primaries.

"It's younger. It's more diverse. It's people of color," Joshua Ulibarri, a partner with the Democratic research firm Lake Research Partners, said of Sanders's coalition. "It's still pretty Anglo, [but] he has made some inroads with African Americans."

A Harvard/Harris poll in November 2018 found Sanders polling favorably with Latinos and black voters by 58 percent and 66 percent, respectively. Forty-seven percent of white voters viewed him favorably in that poll. Among those 18 to 24 years of age, 59 percent supported Sanders. But in the 65-plus age range, his support dropped 10 points, to 49 percent.

That age gap had grown by January 2019, when another Harvard/Harris poll showed a 23 percent drop in favorability for Sanders between the oldest age group and the youngest. That poll again showed people of color liking Sanders more than white voters.

Congratulations to Bernie, we'll see how long this lasts.
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Oct 27, 2017
If you're polling in the single-digits you shouldn't be on the debate stage or on the primary ballot imo.

Serious candidates only please.


Mambo Number PS5
Oct 26, 2017
One thing that sucks, is if bernie warren or yang win, I don't think it's possible to get medicare for all or ubi passed through the house and the senate.

Well, there is also a major election for Senate seats during the 2020 Election, so as long as Democrats ACTUALLY go out and vote, we should be able to get some of the Senate back. Same with the Midterms in 2022.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
Philly ❤️
Uh he will lose against Trump and cost us the house and of course the senate. And he probably wont care either, he will probably will make another excuse and go back to being an independent.

You really think someone who claims to be a socialist, someone old and feeble looking like Bernard has any change to win? We are toast in a general election if sanders is the nominee. At least Warren has a better chance in my opinion, also head to head polls right now mean nothing.
Wait I thought you were joking with your original post.
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