Dec 31, 2017
OP ruined the thread with his own take. Bernie can easily endorse Biden and still offer advice and voice concern.

I'm glad that Sanders helped shape Biden's progressive platform but looking at how poorly he did in the primaries gives me pause about the wisdom of taking his advice concerning campaigning.

HIs suggestions are pretty benign. These are things that Biden definitely shouldn't neglect. He has definitely been on a bit of laid-back run up until a couple days ago. And it really feels like he gets the energy going as a hit against Trump, which he does very well. But I don't really feel the energy coming from a policy platform. If the anti-Trump works, then I'm all for it, but maybe better to invest diversely.


Oct 25, 2017
Biden doesn't talk more about these issues, because any of the "concessions" he made are not ones he realistically plans on focusing on if elected. Anything that will cause a fight that powerful people have to worry about is going to be side-stepped and discarded for mitigated surface-level plans that put industry at ease.

They are ready to be walked back the moment any "external pressure" knocks on his door which they know is coming. It's why the soft approach of pushing Biden after he wins is not going to produce any meaningful fixes of the current system. Progressives already lost this part. People should vote for Joe Biden if they are contributing to Trump's defeat, but voting won't really do anything to tell Joe Biden to be more left. It doesn't work that way.

Sanders right now is seeing what people have been saying for awhile, but he really abdicated his power in April. He gave up when it was obvious he couldn't win. He then endorsed a man who is the anthesis of most of the reforms and policies he campaigned on. There were no concessions to obtain, because he lost already and he had no plan to do anything but fall in line with the Democrats which would have been his only ability to exert any real power.

It feels a bit late for Sanders to tell Biden things they should have learned in 2016. Biden will probably win as well, but he will win with the party thinking abandoning latinos and the working class was the most strategic thing to do since their winning coalition is upper middle class suburbanites who don't want the "riots" coming to their segregated neighborhoods.
Dec 31, 2017
that's because everything on this website is a stand in for rehashing the primaries. If we listened to the folks saying "who wants to listen to a loser", there would be nobody left to run any campaign anywhere.

Yeah, hate how everything Bernie and Biden related devolves into the same trash slinging that occurred in the weeks leading up to Super Tuesday. It's incredibly transparent to see.


Oct 28, 2017
Biden doesn't talk more about these issues, because any of the "concessions" he made are not ones he realistically plans on focusing on if elected. Anything that will cause a fight that powerful people have to worry about is going to be side-stepped and discarded for mitigated surface-level plans that put industry at ease.

They are ready to be walked back the moment any "external pressure" knocks on his door which they know is coming. It's why the soft approach of pushing Biden after he wins is not going to produce any meaningful fixes of the current system. Progressives already lost this part. People should vote for Joe Biden if they are contributing to Trump's defeat, but voting won't really do anything to tell Joe Biden to be more left. It doesn't work that way.

Sanders right now is seeing what people have been saying for awhile, but he really abdicated his power in April. He gave up when it was obvious he couldn't win. He then endorsed a man who is the anthesis of most of the reforms and policies he campaigned on. There were no concessions to obtain, because he lost already and he had no plan to do anything but fall in line with the Democrats which would have been his only ability to exert any real power.

It feels a bit late for Sanders to tell Biden things they should have learned in 2016. Biden will probably win as well, but he will win with the party thinking abandoning latinos and the working class was the most strategic thing to do since their winning coalition is upper middle class suburbanites who don't want the "riots" coming to their segregated neighborhoods.

Thanks for making me depressed today!

Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
Most of Biden's general campaign has been pocketbook issues and tacking left. Seems like your generic article saying "more".


Dec 23, 2017
Biden needs to stop with the Covid criticism 24/7. I suspect it just doesn't resonate with a lot of Americans.
Wait, what?

With the amount of cases I suspect most Americans know someone that had it or died from it. How is the global pandemic that's literally ravaging the country not a hot button issue?


Oct 25, 2017
No. People on the left will vote anti trump no matter what name is the alternative. He doesn't have to risk turning off centrists. Safe move is to play for the center.



Oct 27, 2017
Latinos are not a monolithic block. In Florida, it is Cubans, who are mostly Conservatives, who are not responsive to Biden nor Democrats. Because they link liberal/progressive/socialist ideas with Castro communism that they fled.

It is not just Cuban American voters. Venezuelan and Nicaraguan voters have also been susceptible to the same Trump messaging that links Biden and Dems to socialism.

We shouldn't expect Biden to win the FL Cuban vote but he definitely can and should be making more inroads with the broader Latino community in the state.

love to see the Politics Understanders out in force with the extremely good "don't listen to anyone that's lost a primary, they're just HATERS AND LOSERS" take

you see, I thought "you should appeal to the voters I was popular with in the primary through the messages I appealed to them with, because right now you're not really doing that and it's showing up in the polls and I'd like you to win so That's No Good" was a pretty good suggestion, but, as always, I defer to the Eleven-Dimensional Chess Players among us. I, alas, think only in three dimensions, as it turns out
I agree that we shouldn't discount policy ideas or campaigning suggestions from someone who lost a primary; I don't think anyone would tell Inslee to stfu on climate policy just because he dropped out way back. At the same time, let's not kid ourselves that if the roles were reversed — Bernie winning the primary, Biden finishing a relatively distant second, and then saying "here's what I think Bernie should be doing to further strengthen his position in the polls" — many people here would also be going, oh yes, you should be listening to Biden here Bernie!! lol

madame x

May 15, 2020
No. People on the left will vote anti trump no matter what name is the alternative. He doesn't have to risk turning off centrists. Safe move is to play for the center.
gonna HARD disagree with that.

in a global pandemic with so much confusion going on about voting, you need someone that will inspire you to turn out, not just vote against the bad guy.


Oct 25, 2017
bernie's absolutely right
but also

"He has been in direct contact with the Biden team and has urged them to put more emphasis on how they will raise wages, create millions of good paying jobs, lower the cost of prescription drugs and expand health care coverage.."

biden's campaign isn't putting emphasis on that stuff because they have no real plans to do any of it..
Aug 12, 2019
Biden can go as far right as he wants and won't lose a single vote

What a lovely reminder that the Democratic party holds the entire left wing hostage to traditionally more right wing modes of thinking and away from having to commit to more bold and arguably more necessary than ever reforms (hello worst case scenario climate realities that keep accelerating and are objectively a positive feedback loop of destruction and hello to absolutely necessary medicare for all because of a massive global pandemic and economic depression being the perfect cocktail for further ruin) because all they have to do is be somewhat left of literal fascists.
Sou Da

Sou Da

Oct 25, 2017
bernie's absolutely right
but also

"He has been in direct contact with the Biden team and has urged them to put more emphasis on how they will raise wages, create millions of good paying jobs, lower the cost of prescription drugs and expand health care coverage.."

biden's campaign isn't putting emphasis on that stuff because they have no real plans to do any of it..
I think the idea here is that they should at least lie in the general, like Obama did.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
use your words. This is a silly response.

I am left leaning but feel very much like a fish out of water on era at times as I see vast majority of posters as ultra left

Someone being to your left doesn't make them "ultra left." The vast majority of people here believe in liberalism and private property.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
We need to coddle Joseph Robinette Biden and not say criticisms or the right wingers will find out and use it against him.

It's sad how fragile his position is. Sign of a weak candidate imo.

Biden's position is anything but fragile. He is literally in the strongest position that any presidential candidate has ever been in, in the entire history of polling. That isn't considering the fact that he's not even the incumbent.

People are jumpy and responding poorly to Biden criticism for two reasons. One is 2016 trauma, and the other is the fact that the consequences are so catastrophic if Trump manages to defy all odds and win anyway.


Oct 27, 2017
He's completely right, especially the part about Latino voters. I'm shocked that Biden's struggled so much there but some outreach should absolutely be done.


Oct 26, 2017
Dallas, TX
I mean, most of what Biden is doing seems to be working, but something really does need to happen on the Latino outreach. That's a real soft spot for them right now. I don't think he needs any policy overhaul to do this stuff, and really couldn't do any major policy rework without alienating the white suburbanites and elderly voters who are keeping him on top for the moment, but a renewed focus on the stuff he already has — $15 minimum wage, spending on decarbonization, public option on healthcare, and immigration reform — would definitely help. None of those are as far as Bernie voters would want to go, but also none of them are things that can be hand-waved away as nothing or as empty platitudes. All would appeal to young leftists, and minimum wage and immigration reform should help with Latinos.

Deleted member 4346

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
No. People on the left will vote anti trump no matter what name is the alternative. He doesn't have to risk turning off centrists. Safe move is to play for the center.

This is just patently not true. Biden has lost my vote with his lack of progressive policy platform, and I'm far from the only voter he has lost. Betting on the centrist voters is risky. It might work. But these voters are very unreliable.

If Biden loses in November he will look like an absolute fool for not safeguarding his actual Democratic base.


Oct 28, 2017
I think Biden could afford to get more policy specific in his ads/speeches, but I honestly wonder how much of an effect it would have. He's given multiple speeches about his economic plans and they don't really gain a lot of traction. His biggest speech was at the DNC and that seemed to get great reviews, without much specific policy talk.


Oct 25, 2017
This is just patently not true. Biden has lost my vote with his lack of progressive policy platform, and I'm far from the only voter he has lost. Betting on the centrist voters is risky. It might work. But these voters are very unreliable.

If Biden loses in November he will look like an absolute fool for not safeguarding his actual Democratic base.

Are you hoping Trump will give you your progressive policy platform?


Oct 30, 2017
I agree that we shouldn't discount policy ideas or campaigning suggestions from someone who lost a primary; I don't think anyone would tell Inslee to stfu on climate policy just because he dropped out way back. At the same time, let's not kid ourselves that if the roles were reversed — Bernie winning the primary, Biden finishing a relatively distant second, and then saying "here's what I think Bernie should be doing to further strengthen his position in the polls" — many people here would also be going, oh yes, you should be listening to Biden here Bernie!! lol

so I mean, I do think that's true - but also I think that, if it were a question of "emphasizing policies" rather than "changing policies" those people would also be wrong. every candidate with a clear constituency should be consulted on how to win that constituency and any usable tips should be implemented, because they've demonstrated they're able to do so. especially inside the democratic party, coalition building is a serious issue, and needs to be taken a lot more seriously than it has been by biden's team. base turnout matters! it's how the republicans win!

(note here that I don't think policy changes are the same thing - if sanders came out and said "well I appealed to latinos through m4a, so I guess it's time to pick that up" it'd be very justifiable for biden to ignore him. similarly, in bizarro 2020, if biden said "get rid of m4a and start talking about how much you love cops" I wouldn't expect sanders to listen either. it's all about communicating the parts of your platform that appeal to certain voters. everybody's got something.)

unfortunately, we don't live in that mirror universe (and believe me, I wish we did), so I'm stuck calling the people in this universe wrong instead


Oct 25, 2017
This is just patently not true. Biden has lost my vote with his lack of progressive policy platform, and I'm far from the only voter he has lost. Betting on the centrist voters is risky. It might work. But these voters are very unreliable.

If Biden loses in November he will look like an absolute fool for not safeguarding his actual Democratic base.
Vote Biden for the Supreme Court, you are not going to see progressive policies go into effect if the SC is fucked for our generation.


Oct 25, 2017
I think Biden could afford to get more policy specific in his ads/speeches, but I honestly wonder how much of an effect it would have. He's given multiple speeches about his economic plans and they don't really gain a lot of traction. His biggest speech was at the DNC and that seemed to get great reviews, without much specific policy talk.

This election is primarily about Trump and probably has been for nearly four years. Attacking Trump and all the ways he has fucked up with COVID...with helping fan the flames of hatred and divisiveness are things worth focusing on and what Biden has been doing has been working. He enjoys a rather solid lead that I don't really see declining. I guess he can talk about his policies more but I don't think it's really going to make a dent as Dems are fucking ready to kick Trump out of the White House. That $350+ million he raised in August? That's enthusiasm for Biden + Kamala ticket that is bonkers.

But I do agree that Latino outreach could be improved.


Oct 27, 2017
Again, I much prefer an intelligent response. What does this mean?

lets compare era with other popular forums and social media. Would you agree or disagree that era leans significantly more left that vast majority of popular platforms?

That doesn't make Era "Ultra Left", tho. We have political compasses that are fixed and tell us where everything falls.

If you meant "left in comparison to..." that's a different argument altogether.
Oct 25, 2017
Again, I much prefer an intelligent response. What does this mean?

lets compare era with other popular forums and social media. Would you agree or disagree that era leans significantly more left that vast majority of popular platforms?
Compared to most gaming forums, sure I guess it's practically Karl Marx's Treehouse.

Otherwise? Very liberal, very capitalist.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
ResetERA, the hive and den of radical antifa cultural Marxists seeking to DESTROY AMERICA.

I wish.

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Again, I much prefer an intelligent response. What does this mean?

lets compare era with other popular forums and social media. Would you agree or disagree that era leans significantly more left that vast majority of popular platforms?
This place being slightly to the left of Reddit does not make it 'very left'. Your entire concept of political thought has to be exceedingly narrow if you think this place is 'very left'.

I'd guess there are around....100-200 vocal leftist users here, out of 20,000+


Oct 26, 2017
Again, I much prefer an intelligent response. What does this mean?

lets compare era with other popular forums and social media. Would you agree or disagree that era leans significantly more left that vast majority of popular platforms?
The center is the dominant ideology of internet social media. There is a universe of leftism beyond what you see on era.


I do not think this place even covers 2sd of the left. Even the socialism thread is mostly recently reformed liberals.


Oct 27, 2017
Vote Biden for the Supreme Court, you are not going to see progressive policies go into effect if the SC is fucked for our generation.


I get the frustration at Biden not being more progressive. But, another four years of Trump will have such a widespread effect on so many of our societal systems, you can forget about any progressive agenda for decades to come. Forget about the fact that they will continue fucking with our voting system to make it harder and harder for a leftist to ever win. Someone to the fucking left of Bernie Sanders could win the presidency next, and it wouldn't matter. The conservative courts will be there to kneecap them every step of the way. And by not voting for Biden, you're helping ensure that.

Lord Fanny

Apr 25, 2020
use your words. This is a silly response.

I am left leaning but feel very much like a fish out of water on era at times as I see vast majority of posters as ultra left

Then you aren't left leaning. You may think you are, but if you think this place is "ultra left" then you aren't nearly as left as you think

Deleted member 28564

User-requested account closure
Oct 31, 2017
I gave you a useful and effective method for winning elections since the right thing doesn't really matter.
The goal of campaigning is to win. You win by focusing on the issues voters care most about. As it stands, Biden's at around 9 points ahead of Trump. Biden is therefore campaigning the correct way.

Your focus during a campaign doesn't necessarily correlate to your primary focus during a presidency, and you're aware of that. So why are you fallaciously stating otherwise? Going so far as to state:
Kind of seems like he shouldn't have endorsed without getting Biden to definitely push for these things first.
My goodness. So Bernie shouldn't have endorsed the candidate trying to oust the corrupt, incompetent fascist?

If it needs to be explained to you why unity is important, or, more specifically, unity against the president stirring up racial division, knowingly putting American lives at risk in regards to covid and threatening America's democracy, you clearly aren't too concerned by the consequences of Trump's initial election nor a potential (but thankfully unlikely) re-election.


User requested ban
Dec 13, 2019
Era is as left as it gets. Average era user is very left

very left

Respectfully disagree. The way people speak about leftists on here makes me think otherwise. There are certainly more socialists on here than other communities but talking about the average ERA user that interacts in topics such as these I feel otherwise. An observation not just a judgment just to be clear.