Oct 25, 2017

Biden Creates Legal War Room, Preparing for a Big Fight Over Voting

With two former solicitors general and hundreds of lawyers, the Biden campaign is bracing for an extended legal battle and hoping to maintain trust in the electoral process.

Joe's campaign is establishing a major new legal operation, bringing in two former solicitors general and hundreds of lawyers in what the campaign billed as the largest election protection program in presidential campaign history.

Legal battles are already raging over how people will vote — and how ballots will be counted — this fall during the pandemic, and senior Biden officials described the ramp-up as necessary to guard the integrity of a fall election already clouded by President Trump's baseless accusations of widespread fraud.

The new operation will be overseen by Dana Remus, who has served as Mr. Biden's general counsel on the 2020 campaign, and Bob Bauer, a former White House counsel during the Obama administration who joined the Biden campaign full-time over the summer as a senior adviser.
Nov 6, 2017
Probably a smart decision. However it's obvious no amount of legal scholars or experts can fight against the appointed lackeys of Trump.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Hope they are extremely proactive. As we've already seen attempts to crush mail in votes in some states they need to be on top of everything and play offense and defense and not delayed reactions that are too late to be effective.


What year is this?
Oct 25, 2017
I've already scheduled the day after the election off to hunker down for the bullshit.

And because I will be incredibly hungover regardless of the outcome.


Oct 25, 2017
Trump will point at this can call it a coup, and his dipshit supporters will think that's what it is too.


Lead Designer, Iridium Studios
Oct 25, 2017
Wise, but I probably would have kept it under wraps for obvious reasons.

The obvious reasons being morons.


Oct 26, 2017
Good. They need to do everything they can, because that's what the enemy is doing.

Jesus, the anxiety from this.


Oct 26, 2017
I wonder how much mail-in voting, Trumps belief of fraud, and if he'll accept mail-in ballot results will be discussed in the Presidential Debates. I want him attacked on this fallacy before election night


Oct 27, 2017
How much of this will it take for people to wake up and stop downplaying the seriousness of these concerns? We're about to go through an unprecedented time of civil unrest in only 2 months.

Stop thinking we have the "law' to protect us. Trumps stooges have infiltrated every facet of our institutions and there are multiple powers within working at odds with each other. We've seen police unions officially endorse Trump and have no reason to believe they will protect us from white supremacist groups that will undoubtedly be in the streets inciting violence.

Stop underestimating Trump and his cult. Protect yourselves.


Oct 27, 2017
I can at least be confident that this administration will be staffed by somewhat competent people and not unqualified weirdos at best.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean, Trump won't shut up about election fraud. You'd think his supporters would have no problem with Biden preparing the possibility too, right?


Oct 25, 2017
United States
How much of this will it take for people to wake up and stop downplaying the seriousness of these concerns? We're about to go through an unprecedented time of civil unrest in only 2 months.

Stop thinking we have the "law' to protect us. Trumps stooges have infiltrated every facet of our institutions and there are multiple powers within working at odds with each other. We've seen police unions officially endorse Trump and have no reason to believe they will protect us from white supremacist groups that will undoubtedly be in the streets inciting violence.

Stop underestimating Trump and his cult. Protect yourselves.



Oct 25, 2017
Trump's really going to do it, isn't he? He's going to lose the election but file a series of legal challenges that make him not lose. Of course, this would be in addition to using the feds to break in and physically steal/destroy ballots, claiming they're fraudulent.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
Good good, it's coming.

Trump and the GOP is going to challenge every single mail in ballot in every battleground state. Mail-in ballots get certified on election day (some states pre-certify like Florida, which is one reason why the Florida primaries went pretty smoothly in getting results out by the next day), and that certification is usually checking the name and address to match the records, and then checking a public signature for when you registered to vote.

Most ballots get certified, but this is a public process and parties/candidates can challenge the certification of a ballot, and generally what you'll have happen is that in Biden-heavy districts in a state like Florida, the Trump Campaign will challenge 100% of mail-in ballots to try to de-certify them and get them thrown out.


Expect scenes like from Florida in 2000, where election officials will be comparing signatures and the Trump people will insist that any signature that is slightly different... For instance, maybe you used a maiden name when you registered in 2016, and got married in 2018 and you sign your name differently now but your'e the same person, or you include an initial now and you used to not, and so on. PEople forget, or they dot an I or cross a T differently as their signature evolves. This is especially true among young people who might not have a consistent signature. The Trump Campaign is basically going to try to invalidate every mail-in vote in Biden-heavy districts. There is a public process for challenging this, it's all public record.

Just get ready, mentally prepare yourself for the shit show.

This is going to get messy. In 2000, GOP operatives staged "The Brooks Brothers Riot," a staged political protest where they got dozens of volunteers to go to the Miami-Dade election recount office and just disrupt the general operation of business, make it as difficult as possible to do it easily. One of the heads of organizing that was none other than Trump campaign advisor turn convicted felon turn clemency recipient, Roger Stone.

Last edited:


Nov 2, 2017
Smart- because that's what its going to come to. Election night results likely skewing Trump, because mail ballots aren't all counted (mostly because of Trump fuckery with postal system, and polling places). Trump declaring victory and then when more results come in and it goes the other way, he starts suing every which way that the mail ballots are invalid, unconstitutional, people voted twice, illegally, and will do everything he can to get stacks of mail ballots tossed out, etc.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
So come the morning after we won't know who won?


Oct 25, 2017
Can he sic this army of lawyers on the people fucking up the mailing and voting system too?

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
So come the morning after we won't know who won?

We will definitely not know who won the election come Wednesday morning unless it is a crazy, unexpected blowout, or Democratic voters suddenly reverse course and vote in person instead of by mail.

The most likely scenario, even the one where Biden wins comfortably, will likely show Trump leading in Wednesday morning in key battleground states. And then as mail in ballots are certified and counted, those numbers are going to drop for Trump and go up for Biden.

Nobody's expectations should be that we will have a clear winner by Wednesday morning. That's not abnormal, either, the idea where we know all 50 states by the next day is a relatively new phenomenon in our lifetimes. December 14 should be the "Drop date" for when we will absolutely know, as that is the date that electors certify the results and officially vote for the president.

But set your expectations lower and also combat Trump's bull shit. Trump is going to try to tell his supporters that any votes counted after election day are fraud, invalid, stolen, cheating, etc. No, they're not. Any attempts to *not count* votes after election day is fraud and cheating. Mentally prepare yourself for the shit show of Trump declaring himself the winner on Wednesday because he's up narrowly in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Michigan, and then those numbers will slowly tick lower every day, and eventually hit a tipping point of Biden winning -- if polls and what we know about mail in voting is accurate.
May 26, 2018
Smart- because that's what its going to come to. Election night results likely skewing Trump, because mail ballots aren't all counted (mostly because of Trump fuckery with postal system, and polling places). Trump declaring victory and then when more results come in and it goes the other way, he starts suing every which way that the mail ballots are invalid, unconstitutional, people voted twice, illegally, and will do everything he can to get stacks of mail ballots tossed out, etc.



Oct 25, 2017
We will definitely not know who won the election come Wednesday morning unless it is a crazy, unexpected blowout, or Democratic voters suddenly reverse course and vote in person instead of by mail.

The most likely scenario, even the one where Biden wins comfortably, will likely show Trump leading in Wednesday morning in key battleground states. And then as mail in ballots are certified and counted, those numbers are going to drop for Trump and go up for Biden.

Nobody's expectations should be that we will have a clear winner by Wednesday morning. That's not abnormal, either, the idea where we know all 50 states by the next day is a relatively new phenomenon in our lifetimes. December 14 should be the "Drop date" for when we will absolutely know, as that is the date that electors certify the results and officially vote for the president.

But set your expectations lower and also combat Trump's bull shit. Trump is going to try to tell his supporters that any votes counted after election day are fraud, invalid, stolen, cheating, etc. No, they're not. Any attempts to *not count* votes after election day is fraud and cheating. Mentally prepare yourself for the shit show of Trump declaring himself the winner on Wednesday because he's up narrowly in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Michigan, and then those numbers will slowly tick lower every day, and eventually hit a tipping point of Biden winning -- if polls and what we know about mail in voting is accurate.
