
Classic Anus Game
The Fallen
Jul 14, 2018
Embargo just lifted:

- ProgressBar - 9/10

Blasphemous successfully manages to carve out it's own place among the pantheon of fantastic modern indie Metroidvanias like Hollow Knight, Ori and the Blind Forest and Guacamelee, with consistently stunning enemy and environment design, wonderfully paced exploration, deep and challenging combat and a tone that is all it's own.

Gamerguides - 3/5:
Blasphemous is a great addition to the genre and it truly feels like a unique creation able to stand fine on its own without taking too much from other games out there. The world and lore are fantastic and enough to keep anyone with a passing interest engrossed to the very end.

- IGN - 7/10

A creepy and unsettling action-platformer, Blasphemous has an eery atmosphere, gorgeous pixel art, and intricate animations that never fail to impress. The combat can be satisfying, but relies too heavily on memorization, which makes backtracking through its non-linear world eventually turn stale. And while the visual variety at least keeps things looking fresh, superfluous and poorly implemented upgrade mechanics keep Blasphemous from having the amount of depth seen in many other games across the genre. It's still an enjoyable Metroidvania, just not an all that memorable one.

-CGMagonline - 10/10

A brilliantly realized, brutal and bloody Metroidvania that is the next best thing to reading up on Catholic Martyrs while you whip yourself with a barbed cat-o-nine-tails.

- Vandal - 8.2/10:

Blasphemous es una más que recomendable aventura de acción, plataformas y exploración con una ambientación muy atractiva, y que cogiendo elementos de fórmulas muy conocidas, como los Souls y los metroidvania, consigue construir algo propio, que tiene mucho encanto. Un juego muy absorbente y desafiante, que aunque con sus fallos, tanto técnicos como jugables, si os gustan este tipo de aventuras seguro que lo vais a disfrutar muchísimo, es sorprendentemente adictivo.

- IGN Spain - 8.5/10
Llegados a este punto damos por cerrada nuestra aventura por Albero. Una aventura que empezó con un Kickstarter exitoso y ha acabado con un metroidvania excelso y de magnífica ejecución. Es cierto que goza con una sobrada influencia del From Software más emblemático, pero eso lejos de ser un defecto se convierte en una de sus mayores virtudes. Pretender estar a la altura de las obras del estudio japonés y de un peso pesado de la industria como Hidetaka Miyazaki es ya un acto temerario, pero si lo haces con la seguridad de realizar un trabajo a la altura estamos ante un acto de valentía y de orgullo. Esto es lo que ha conseguido The Game Kitchen, rendir tributo a una nueva forma con la que tanto hemos disfrutado de los videojuegos durante la última década, y que convierte a su Blasphemous en el mejor metroidvania que hemos probado en los últimos tiempos.

- 3Djuegos - 7.5/10

La épica de muchos de sus combates y su gran puesta en escena convierten a Blasphemous un videojuego de acción metroidvania de lo más interesante. Su combate es desafiante y por momentos también emocionante, pero no termina de sacar provecho a todo su potencial. Lo mismo ocurre con la exploración de un mundo de juego tan interesante que duele que no sea capaz de generar mayor interés para descubrir todos sus secretos. El potencial está ahí, y tiene calidad de sobra, pero Blasphemous se ha quedado algo lejos de cumplir con las altas expectativas que había generado.

- Cubed3 - 8/10

For an action-adventure title, inaccurate hit-boxes and level-design that's even slightly off can be a deal-breaker. Rather than get dragged down by its deficiencies, Blasphemous rises above to create a uniquely engaging experience. Exploring the dire realm of Cvstodia is a treat in itself. The lore is intriguing, and the few characters you meet weave compelling narratives. Still, there remains an unshakeable thought that this game is a beautiful painting, but with an askew frame. Then again, maybe it's because of the imperfections that players start to question everything around them. Whatever the case, you'll definitely want to give this a look.

- Destructoid - 8/10

On that note, I can't get Blasphemous off my mind. I may never fully grasp the opaque story even with the inevitable community-led theories and explainers lending a hand, but that's okay. Even taken as a fanatical fever-dream, this game delivers. Some aspects aren't as fine-tuned or ambitious as they could've been, leading to unevenness, but there's so much for metroidvania fans to latch onto here.

In the meantime, I'll be running laps in hopes of hitting that coveted 100% completion rate.
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Oct 25, 2017
The only real nagging thing for me is reading how some of the animations can be a pain in the ass.... If they fix that I'm all in I love the art style and the religious theme.


Oct 27, 2017
Lima, Peru
Dang, a 6, a 7, a 8, an 9 and a 10. Talk about variety.

It looks great tho, im happy to see spanish developers succeed


Oct 26, 2017
Not that I care, but that synopsis on the Gamerguides review reads more like a 4/5 than a 3/5 to me /shrug


Nov 12, 2017
Looks cool. Will definitely give this a go on the Switch.
It´s weird that games with this kind of atmosphere are few and far between. Excited to see if they pull it of.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm trying to decide whether I should get it on PS4 or Switch. I have a pro controller, but my left joycon is completely useless due to "The Drift", and really wanted to play this portable. If the PS4 performs better then I guess that's what I'm going with.

Herb Alpert

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Paris, France
I'm trying to decide whether I should get it on PS4 or Switch. I have a pro controller, but my left joycon is completely useless due to "The Drift", and really wanted to play this portable. If the PS4 performs better then I guess that's what I'm going with.

Try Electronic contact cleaner.
It's temporary sadly, but it lasts long and your joy con is brand new after that


Master of the Wind
Oct 27, 2017
I'm trying to decide whether I should get it on PS4 or Switch. I have a pro controller, but my left joycon is completely useless due to "The Drift", and really wanted to play this portable. If the PS4 performs better then I guess that's what I'm going with.

Switch does 1080/60 so I doubt any other platform performs any bad. My old as fuck pc did 720/60 no problem and didn't try for 1080 just because my monitor is lower than that and didn't try the tv. But I'm sure every version performs fine.

Deleted member 17207

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Reading this:

The combat can be satisfying, but relies too heavily on memorization, which makes backtracking through its non-linear world eventually turn stale. And while the visual variety at least keeps things looking fresh, superfluous and poorly implemented upgrade mechanics keep Blasphemous from having the amount of depth seen in many other games across the genre.

Right after complaining about almost this very thing in that Hollow Knight thread.....bummer.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
About as good as that other game that looks exactly like this one.


Oct 25, 2017
Memorization is completely normal in this kind of games. Don't see the problem.

You all got really spoiled with the passing of generations.


Oct 27, 2017
Try Electronic contact cleaner.
It's temporary sadly, but it lasts long and your joy con is brand new after that

I'll look in to getting that. Thanks.

Switch does 1080/60 so I doubt any other platform performs any bad. My old as fuck pc did 720/60 no problem and didn't try for 1080 just because my monitor is lower than that and didn't try the tv. But I'm sure every version performs fine.

I hope so. Apparently, River City Girls has some performance issues on Switch, so you never know.
Dec 6, 2017
superfluous and poorly implemented upgrade mechanics keep Blasphemous from having the amount of depth seen in many other games across the genre

Trying to withhold judgment until I read further opinions on the matter but this isn't what I wanted to read, ehhhhh

Also, despite their heavy cost, weapon skills are unlikely to see a lot of use. Winning regular battles is mostly just a matter of getting in the enemy's face, dodging or parrying their attack, and then responding in kind. There isn't much of an incentive in playing stylishly.

Similar criticism which quite a few posters picked up on in the demo thread as well as far as I recall right now. Hopefully they can balance some of these issues post-release.
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Oct 25, 2017
Trying to withhold judgment until I read further opinions on the matter but this isn't what I wanted to read, ehhhhh

Are they referring to the Metroidvania genre or the Souls genre? I'm not sure I was expecting mv-style ability-based progression gating in the first place. To me it's always looked like a game where you walk through the world, kill somewhat challenging enemies, and pick up new ways to kill the enemies, and that's it.


Oct 27, 2017
The demo did nothing for me.

It wasn't bad, but just more of the same game I've played elsewhere, with the same simple graphic style I've seen elsewhere. There was nothing there that made me want to play it.
Dec 6, 2017
Are they referring to the Metroidvania genre or the Souls genre? I'm not sure I was expecting mv-style ability-based progression gating in the first place. To me it's always looked like a game where you walk through the world, kill somewhat challenging enemies, and pick up new ways to kill the enemies, and that's it.

Based on my time with the demo, I took it as a reference to the weapon skills upgrade tree and the "special moves" feeling weirdly somewhere between cumbersome and useless to use in lieu of just continuing to mash attack. I played around with the available ones quite a bit and was hoping it was just me not getting the hang of it more so. It was weird, my initial impressions of the combat were good and I liked the learning curve but once I tried to get more stylish, fast-paced etc. with it, I felt like I was hitting many bizarre limitations and the special moves/abilities not really "fitting in" with that for the most part was part of it, though I did have bigger issues.

In short, I feel like that may be the issue that the new ways to kill just aren't terribly useful (balanced maybe) compared to just continuing on with the basics.
Oct 25, 2017
The demo did nothing for me.

It wasn't bad, but just more of the same game I've played elsewhere, with the same simple graphic style I've seen elsewhere. There was nothing there that made me want to play it.

"Simple graphic style."

Simple is a disservice, the pixel art and animation are some of the best I've ever seen. Some incredible craftsmanship.
Dec 6, 2017
"Simple graphic style."

Simple is a disservice, the pixel art and animation are some of the best I've ever seen. Some incredible craftsmanship.

This, the pixel art is absurdly good especially in motion, come on.

I wasn't all that impressed by the demo, but it was still much better than Death's Gambit. At least there's proper weight and feedback to attacks and damage in this.

Despite my gripes, the demo's combat was way, way better than my time with Death's Gambit right off the bat.


Master of the Wind
Oct 27, 2017
This, the pixel art is absurdly good especially in motion, come on.

Despite my gripes, the demo's combat was way, way better than my time with Death's Gambit right off the bat.

Exactly, yes to all. Even if combat upgrades end up being futile, the basic mechanIcs, feel, aesthetics and lore seem interesting enough to warrant a playthrough.

And one of the few upgrades I could get in the demo seemed useful to me. Actually two, the slide attack and the plunging one.


Oct 27, 2017
It looks so damn good that I'll likely get it either way, but the unever reviews are making me a bit less tempted.


Oct 27, 2017
I'll have to try the demo. Based on what's written in the reviews this sounds right up my alley.


Oct 27, 2017
Lima, Peru
sad to see the Deaths Gambit bashing :( I really enjoyed that game and its depiction of Death as a character was quite interesting
Dec 6, 2017
Exactly, yes to all. Even if combat upgrades end up being futile, the basic mechanIcs, feel, aesthetics and lore seem interesting enough to warrant a playthrough.

And one of the few upgrades I could get in the demo seemed useful to me. Actually two, the slide attack and the plunging one.

The slide attack was kind of emblematic of the issue I had with a few moves in general, they don't feel very "integrated" into the flow of combat. There seemed to be no real...follow-up...I don't know the term, maybe "cancel" out of its very elongated cooldown animation. It's a cool move and powerful but you can't even jump out of it once it finishes and he kind of stands there like an dummy. It feels awkward and made me choose a regular attack every time instead eventually.


Oct 25, 2017

I'm ready!


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I'll buy it even if I dont plan to play it soon just to support the devs and the spanish scene.


May 9, 2019
From what I've tried, this one's animation and feel is much better. Also artistic style and atmosphere are really nothing alike if you are familiar with Semana Santa (Easter in Spain). That makes this one fucking unique.
Other than HK this is the only 2d souls-metroidvania-whatever like with an artstyle that I enjoy. Deaths gambit probably being the most generic looking one