
Dec 15, 2018
Fuck me I finished it.

Really glad they didn't kill Bojack. Felt like that would be too cynical for this show and almost antithetical to the whole message. Hoillyhock never wanting anything to do with him was a punch in the stomach, funny how the one bright spot in Bojack left him towards the end. Really hammers in the idea about people coming and leaving you throughout life. Kind of wished we had an episode covering that one year skip when Bojack was in prison but I know they had behind the scenes issues thanks to Netflix. Ultimately it was still all pretty good. I'll always remember this show. It really helped me through some tough spots.

The ending scene though was perfection


Oct 26, 2017
Really mixed on the season as a whole. Episode 15 was a masterpiece. Each of the main characters coming to terms with their relationship to Bojack was great writing. It just all felt drawn out. Really fillery. But I guess that describes Bojack Horseman in general. Like a book that has great ideas in it, but really needs a better editor.


Oct 25, 2017
And that's a series wrap on Bojack Horseman
The way things played out with Bojack's turnaround felt right in that while he finally got over his addictions controlling him, he never saw the actual impact on those, especially the women, around him. Whether he's finally worked through that after his final bender and near death experience is still up in the air, but I think we end with an actually changed Bojack.

It did suck to see Hollyhock put so much distance between her and Bojack, but that makes more sense to me when put in context of the power he did have over the women in his life and she didn't her or her friends to end the same way. It would have been nice to see her one last time at the end to wrap things up, but I'm fine with how things ended there.

Lastly, I'm glad that Bojack is alive and actually paying for his past mistakes and actually making amends, a bit in the back of my brain goes back to episode 15 and finding peace. Maybe this isn't actual life and maybe this really is the peace Bojack finds in the last moments before his death. Maybe...but that's my dumb brain being dumb.

Also, was episode 15 at least a partial reference to All that Jazz? The show in the second half definitely felt like homage to that. It was wonderfully done regardless and probably one of the best episodes of the series. I actually could have used a full week to digest that single episode and I really wish Netflix wasn't so goddamn hungry to feed you more instead of just letting the moment breathe.
Overall a fitting sendoff to a show, though it could have easily been spread out over two 12-episode seasons instead of the 16 we ended up getting.

Both of their plots are wrapped up via billboard in the finale. When Bojack and PB are in the diner, there's a billboard for the superhero movie Kelsey was directing with Gina as the star in the background.
I need to go back and see that myself I totally missed that and am actually glad that's how it turned out.

Deleted member 9100

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
4 episodes into part 2 and I'm enjoying it a bunch. Only misstep for me is the journalist characters. The old timer journalist thing was a little funny at first, but it's gotten old now that they've been in probably 6 or 7 episodes.


Oct 26, 2017
South of San Francisco
4 episodes into part 2 and I'm enjoying it a bunch. Only misstep for me is the journalist characters. The old timer journalist thing was a little funny at first, but it's gotten old now that they've been in probably 6 or 7 episodes.
It took me a while to figure out what they were doing with Paige and Max. I think they were trying to encapsulate the season's theme of expectation vs. reality.


Oct 25, 2017
Bit of a wet fart of a final (half) season.

Bojack makes the same mistakes, confronts the same memories/people from his past, learns the same lessons. It all felt like a rehash that didn't push the show forward any - it just gets it back to places and themes the show has already been multiple times. Even the purgatory imagery wasn't as effective as past seasons.

There wasn't really anything actively bad here, and I did really like the conversation Bojack had with Diane at the end. The season was enjoyable, even. But the show has been better, and probably should have ended sooner.


Oct 25, 2017
I think you can make the case that the show needed more time because there's something that definitely feels very rushed about the final episodes.

At the same time you could probably say that the show should have ended sooner, since if this was going to be the ending then they might as well have ended it a couple years ago. Feels like we've been sifting through the same repurcussions from the same awful decisions for years now.

Dusk Golem

Local Horror Enthusiast
Oct 25, 2017
I'm against the grain and I thought Bojack relapsing once again after everything wasn't repetitive, but in his nature and would spring up then even with all the progress. I really liked the back-half of Season 6 (and Season 6 as a whole), I think it may be my second favorite season overall (but need some time to chew over it, and I'll probably cement my final thoughts when I do a complete series rewatch later).

Rogue Blue

Oct 27, 2017
Just finished it, and I feel the strangest mixture of depression and happiness.

Depression from the fact that this show is now over, but happiness for how it turned out overall.

Love the very ending with Bojack and Diane talking with each other and looking at the night sky.


Oct 25, 2017
What a ride season 6 was. I want more but I'm pretty okay with how they wrapped everything up.

"Sometimes life's a bitch and then you keep living."

Out of all the moments in Bojack THAT one made me cry. Fucking hell.


Oct 25, 2017
So, that half-season felt very epiloguish in it's entirety since no new plotlines were introduced and it was all about wrapping up past storylines. In essence I think that I like the endpoints of all the characters on the show but I do agree with several users that for all the time they had to arrive there it felt weirdly rushed.

I do think that one of the problems might be that they really wanted to stuck to the usual pattern of second-to-last episode being the darkest one and final episode being the breather. It... kind of didn't work for me in this case. Could have benefitted from more breathing space.

Obviously the major thing that I liked is that they didn't kill BoJack off. It's better that way. And episode 15 is great, really great, so getting him to near-death (with heartbeat flatlining - AMAZING use of sound cues in the credits of episode 15) was good. And once he gets out of prison will he get better? Who knows, maybe, maybe he'll relapse and that's life, any sort of finality is unnecessary.

I do love in the final episode discussion how some people might be important to your life, but that doesn't mean that they'll stick around forever. Diane accepting that BoJack was a formative force in her life - but that doesn't mean she can't let him go - was really good. Just, really glad Diane could move on.

As for other characters, I just think that with increased focus on BoJack they got the end short of the stick. PC, Todd, Mr Peanutbutter all got their own endings but they were barely developed throughout this half-season. I'm especially sad (dog) we didn't get more Mr Peanutbutter, though he did deliver two best jokes of the half-season - the play on Pagliacci joke (But I am sad dog) and the string of references in final episode (Nolan films, somebody stop me, yes).

I could probably go on and I need some perspective to decide what I think of the ending, at this moment I think it's very appropriate for the show. It's good, but it's likely not great. Pulling off a satisfying ending is a challenge in on itself and writers of BoJack did that so kudos. I think it's fine that way and I think it's fine BoJack ended - maybe they had more ideas and I'm sure I would've loved a lot of potential future episodes, but it's better to leave BoJack while it's still great.

PS. Am I imagining things or were there far fewer background gags than usual? I understand they wanted to focus on finishing the story but I felt it wasn't as overloaded as it usually was.

True Underdog

Oct 25, 2017
Seattle, WA
Yep. Really dug it. That bittersweet empty feeling after finishing a good story hit hard.

I don't watch a lot of shows and this one really hooked me from the get-go. Happy where it lets off but super sad that I can't get to watch more.


Apr 4, 2018
It came to an end with the most realistic way. My beloved TV show has ended, and everything is confusing now.

P.S: I think I have to cut my obsession with this show, change my username and move on, just like BoJack. Gotta turn around. It was all about turning around, wasn't it?


Dec 28, 2017
I was honestly surprised the Penny stuff wasn't brought up that much in this latter half. It was a bit of a catalyst at the start but just seemed to turn to "Bojack drinks with underage girls? Weird huh" and moved on


Oct 27, 2017
They had their wings ripped off but they still sticked the landing. Bravo.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm against the grain and I thought Bojack relapsing once again after everything wasn't repetitive, but in his nature and would spring up then even with all the progress. I really liked the back-half of Season 6 (and Season 6 as a whole), I think it may be my second favorite season overall (but need some time to chew over it, and I'll probably cement my final thoughts when I do a complete series rewatch later).
I'm actually with you. Most of his relapses (or even just further spiraling out of control) was less his own neurosis and coping, but the
complete collapse of his support structure due to past mistakes. He actually hit his rock bottom, which he even hints at during the first interview that there's always farther he could fall. He lost the only family he ever actually cared about and that finally broke what little structure he had left. He could handle people being assholes, he could handle not being "loved" by the masses, he could even handle those he considered friends distance themselves...but Hollyhock, family, abandoning him is what did him in.


Jan 2, 2019
diane. diane diane diane. my favourite character. stupidly relatable. thank you for keeping her fat. love that girl to death.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
This is genuinely one of the best shows ever made. What a poignant ending.

Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
In a change of pace from the usual musings, as far as background/animal related gags go, the playing possum and cat in a tree ones got me so good.


Oct 29, 2017
To be honest it really felt like Mr. P got the short end of the stick during the second half. After the first episode they kind of focused on Princess Carolyn, Todd, and Diane more.

Sputnik Sweetheart

Oct 31, 2017
Wasn't sure what to feel at the end of the final episode, but I guess that's kind of the point. I've loved season six.

I'm so happy Princess Carolyn got almost everything she could have wanted. She has worked so hard and for so much and to see her efforts take her to such a good place was so fantastic. I love the speech about BoJack not being the one to save her, she could do it on her own, and BoJack accepting as much. If anything BoJack's narcissism seems to have receded (...a little ...it's still very much there) as he seems to accept this event isn't about him and is instead about Princess Carolyn. Hopefully he keeps working on it.

I'm sad there was no clear final scene with Hollyhock but I'm glad BoJack seems to respect her wishes (assuming her letter is her wishing to cut ties). Again, it looks like he's accepted what she wants and isn't fighting to make it about him. Heck, thinking about it he also gives up his safety net in 'Horsing Around' for Sarah Lynn's legacy. It's the most 'him' thing for alotta the show.

Similar to Princess Carolyn, I'm so happy Diane has managed to get so far. I'm glad there's an acknowledgement she still struggles but still keeps going. Such an amazing character that's fantastic to see reach a level of contentment (for some of the time) with herself that she couldn't seem to find in earlier seasons. It'd be sad to think of her and BoJack not speaking again after that moment, but it's also fitting.

Both of their plots are wrapped up via billboard in the finale. When Bojack and PB are in the diner, there's a billboard for the superhero movie Kelsey was directing with Gina as the star in the background.
Thank you so much for this! I completed missed it and really wanted an answer to this!


Oct 25, 2017
Watched the second half with my housemate last night. After Episode 15 we just sat there in stunned silence. What a tour-de-force that was.

I'm satisfied with the ending. The last scene was beautifully poignant.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
May 25, 2018
Scenes where everyone is moving on after spending years together are always so sad to me. They remind me of those times in my life when I moved on from schools, friends, and people from my family. They also remind me that I will experience more of those times in the future. I try not to think of that and live in the now. It's always really sad when you fully realize times like that are happening. When everyone is moving on.

I really enjoyed this show. I don't think any show has hit me this hard as much as this did over the years. In truth, I could only really relate to the underlying themes but it certainly had an effect on me. I'll miss it a lot.
Oct 25, 2017
I honestly thought she was eventually gonna patch stuff up with Ralph. But, the more I think about it, the more I realize Judah really works at her speed.

Ralph was kind of too decent for the main cast, to be honest.
I think you can make the case that the show needed more time because there's something that definitely feels very rushed about the final episodes.

At the same time you could probably say that the show should have ended sooner, since if this was going to be the ending then they might as well have ended it a couple years ago. Feels like we've been sifting through the same repurcussions from the same awful decisions for years now.

I think what bugs me about
Bojack going to prison
is ultimately...
he went to prison for that? For a year? Yeah, they mention 'probably for the other stuff to' but it's still such a weak justification to toss him in. I don't get why they didn't just put him in jail for the Sara Lynn stuff since it would have been the actual criminal thing he really did that deserved the comeuppance. Drunkenly breaking into his own home and nearly dying just is nowhere on the same level.

I was honestly surprised the Penny stuff wasn't brought up that much in this latter half. It was a bit of a catalyst at the start but just seemed to turn to "Bojack drinks with underage girls? Weird huh" and moved on

Yeah I feel like they ultimately tried dredging up too many old threads that they ultimately just left hanging, rather than resolving or just feeling like leaving them hanging was purposeful.

Deleted member 2426

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I really liked the ending. Glad it's over before the show got more repetitive.

It's all about consequences. I liked how Bojack's actions had real consequences in his inner circle. Most of the important people in his life are gone and he deserves it, but he still gets a chance to rebuild.


Oct 25, 2017
The line from Todd about the hokey kokey being about turning around is so unbelievably dumb but so clever at the same time. For Bojack the hokey cokey is life and he thinks that life is the most important thing, but deep down its being able to turn around and keep on trying it over and over again. You may fuck up, but its about keeping on going and not giving up that's the important part.

What a great series and I'll miss the characters but I think the ended it perfectly.


Mar 9, 2018
Man, Bojack seemingly going back to being a movie star kinda irks me. Like I thought the horny unicorn plotline would be a commentary about how celebrities try to bounce back from controversy by trying to turn it into part of their brand,and I'm not sure Bojack would just go with that after all that has happened.


Oct 25, 2017
man I thought there should have been like 4 episodes between 15 and 16. That montage was way too fast. If they didn't have time, they should have just left him dead. Would have been more satisfying of an ending then rushing through so much content like that. [\spoiler]

Gallows Bat

Nov 3, 2017
Just finished it. It was pretty good but nowhere near the best moments of the show. A little sad that the ending wasn't better, it just felt a little off but where the characters end up is fitting.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Man, Bojack seemingly going back to being a movie star kinda irks me. Like I thought the horny unicorn plotline would be a commentary about how celebrities try to bounce back from controversy by trying to turn it into part of their brand,and I'm not sure Bojack would just go with that after all that has happened.

I mean in a way it's also kind of true to real life

Not every celebrity actually "stays cancelled."
Oct 25, 2017
I don't know that I agree with

Many of the Hollyhock takes. I think it's perfectly valid and okay that she removed BoJack from her life, because he was obviously causing her distress. She needs to take care of herself, and in the process, she cannot do it with an overbearing, toxic person like BoJack, for a variety of reasons. She needs to be able to move on.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Man, Bojack seemingly going back to being a movie star kinda irks me. Like I thought the horny unicorn plotline would be a commentary about how celebrities try to bounce back from controversy by trying to turn it into part of their brand,and I'm not sure Bojack would just go with that after all that has happened.
What does it say about people that this almost constantly happens in real life?


Mar 9, 2018
I mean in a way it's also kind of true to real life

Not every celebrity actually "stays cancelled."
Yeah, of course. But I didn't find it believable that Bojack would want to go back to being famous after specifically searching for a life away from LA at the halfway point of the season and with what that female executive told him before his suicide attempt. Especially with him being in prison for a year and him losing all of his money, I just don't really like that as an end point for him.


Oct 28, 2017
This 2 parter really shouldn't have been 2 Seasons, there are so many things that needed more fleshing out
Yeah, of course. But I didn't find it believable that Bojack would want to go back to being famous after specifically searching for a life away from LA at the halfway point of the season and with what that female executive told him before his suicide attempt. Especially with him being in prison for a year and him losing all of his money, I just don't really like that as an end point for him.
well Bojack has developed to a point where he can take acting jobs without them affecting him, he's fully sober now and he did also mentioned going back to teaching acting so he did get a good end while dealing with consequences for his actions


Mar 9, 2018
well Bojack has developed to a point where he can take acting jobs without them affecting him, he's fully sober now and he did also mentioned going back to teaching acting so he did get a good end while dealing with consequences for his actions
I guess so, but him going back into acting with "horny unicorn", created while he was probably at the lowest point in his life and without any passion, just doesn't seem like a particularly healthy way to start his new life after prison.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh and also...

Man I never saw Judah and Carolyn loving each other. Am I crazy?
I've actually been hoping for this for the last season or two. I thought it was set-up pretty well.

I loved the ending. Every character got the end they deserved/needed. I might post more impressions later but as far as Hollyhock:

Think about it from her perspective. She's a teenage girl and her 50 year old brother has come into her life. Great until you realize he's a drunk and drug addict and has no boundaries with who he parties and sleeps with. Why would a teen girl want that in her life? He's not safe to be around and the stuff that he's done in the past (that she just learned about) is gross, creepy, immoral, illegal, kinda recent, and happened with a girl her age. And now he's on her college campus. Yeah, it sucks for Bojack but the show is telling us, it's not always about him. He's toxic and for some of the people in his life, they are simply better, healthier, and safer without him being in their lives. I think that's fair and realistic as much as I love Bojack from afar. I know he's the main character but the show has been as much about the "side" characters as well. The fact that every one of the women in his life have either left him(Diane and Hollyhock) or set strong boundaries (PC) is a positive ending to me.

edited for better words


The Fallen
Oct 5, 2018
Man, Bojack seemingly going back to being a movie star kinda irks me. Like I thought the horny unicorn plotline would be a commentary about how celebrities try to bounce back from controversy by trying to turn it into part of their brand,and I'm not sure Bojack would just go with that after all that has happened.
Seriously, he should have left Hollywoob when everyone hated him and started over in some random place like Oslo or Taipei. STOP trying to apologize to everyone jesus christ that got old. Leave them all alone and go away.