
Oct 27, 2017
It will take "six to eight months" to build up supplies of medicines for a no-deal Brexit, a leaked cabinet note says – undermining Boris Johnson's threat to crash out of the EU on 31 October.

The warning says the pharmaceutical industry needs that period of help from the government "to ensure adequate arrangements are in place to build stockpiles of medicines".

It also says that it would take "at least 4-5 months" to make traders ready for the new border checks that might be required, including incentives to register for fresh schemes.

The note was revealed by The Financial Times as Mr Johnson – the overwhelming favourite to succeed Theresa May – launched his campaign on a pledge to leave the EU on 31 October "deal or no deal".

It states that, while government departments had delivered around 85 per cent of their "core no-deal plans", many of those provided only "a minimum viable level of capability".

"They are prepared to talk up crashing out of the EU to further their chances in the Tory leadership contest, despite government documents showing this would lead to shortages of medicines and chaos at our borders."

Mr Johnson has drawn criticism for insisting the current Halloween night deadline must be met – regardless of whether he can strike a new deal with the EU.

At his launch, he said it was impossible to "unite this country" until "we have delivered on the primary request of the people; the one big thing they have asked us to do."

He added: "After three years and two missed deadlines, we must leave the EU on October 31."



Oct 25, 2017
I'm sorry fellow brits but: lmao. This gift keeps on giving. What an utter shit show.

I do feel sorry for the regular folks caught in the middle of all this BS.


Oct 27, 2017
Seriously, these fuckers in charge of government are monsters. This has to be one of the most cruel and humiliating ways to destroy a nation. And they are doing it so slowly.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Who actually, genuinely wants a no-deal Brexit? Are there really dead-enders in the UK who are that deluded? All just about the racism and damn the consequences?


Oct 25, 2017
Its no surprise. The entire government plan was to build up for a March exit. Once that got extended, then extended again, they were much less prepared.

I know for a fact that one main department has let go of hundreds of contractors because of the extension until the end of the year.


Oct 25, 2017
This is just disgusting. They know a no deal Brexit would be catastrophic and yet keep dangling it out as a viable option. The Conservative party is will do anything to cling to power just like the Republican party. It's a disgrace.


Jan 24, 2018
I'm both amazed and horrified at this whole Brexit debate. There have been so many damn extensions and concessions to England, I cant see the other EU leaders agreeing to have this much uncertainty going on past October.

Saying that, fuck Boris.

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
I can't if decide if Trump or Brexit is gonna fuck up their respective countries even more. Every day we get new info that swings the pendulum.


Oct 25, 2017
The people who support a no deal brexit should be revoked the right to vote. They're so willing to self harm that they should be put into a hospital and checked medically and mentally, because how can someone be so willing to make their lives worse for... nothing?


Oct 27, 2017
Who actually, genuinely wants a no-deal Brexit? Are there really dead-enders in the UK who are that deluded? All just about the racism and damn the consequences?

IMO, aside from people who were easily fooled by the Leave campaign, the ones who really want it are rich folks and likely politicians, looking to buy real estate on the cheap once it all goes to hell in the UK.


Oct 25, 2017
I can't if decide if Trump or Brexit is gonna fuck up their respective countries even more. Every day we get new info that swings the pendulum.

Genuinely, I've observed that once something really stupid happens in one country - something else occurs in the other that matches/exceeds it.

But yes, the fact that no deal is even being considered as an option shows how utterly farcical our politics have become.
Oct 25, 2017
He's bluffing for the leadership votes. Says a lot about his supporters that they believe him. Well we should all look forward to dining on their tears come Halloween.
Oct 25, 2017
The people who support a no deal brexit should be revoked the right to vote. They're so willing to self harm that they should be put into a hospital and checked medically and mentally, because how can someone be so willing to make their lives worse for... nothing?

Blame Theresa May for hammering "No Deal is better than a bad deal" into the minds of millions of Brits.


Oct 27, 2017
What!? Stockpiling Medicine?? Not for a War or a Zombie outbreak but for a problem of your own people's and their Government's making.


Oct 25, 2017
He's bluffing for the leadership votes. Says a lot about his supporters that they believe him. Well we should all look forward to dining on their tears come Halloween.

Bluffing aside, all I can think of at present is the quote from Donald Tusk after the last extension:

"Please do not waste this time."

Yet what do we have now? A Tory leadership contest in an attempt to save their party, with many of the candidates under the delusion that further magical renegotiations are on the table - all whilst presiding over a very split parliament.

I don't think the EU are going to turn down a further extension, but urgh, the whole situation is maddening.


Oct 28, 2017
Boris Brother is a joker. This dude was all against a no deal brexit but now his brother could be PM his there right beside him regardless if Britain crashes out of the EU.

Deleted member 8593

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
During my studies I worked part-time at a hospital as a healthcare assistant. It was honest work and it paid alright with flexible times but for the most part I didn't like it because it was difficult and emotionally draining. The most enjoyable parts of that job were were the nightshifts. For the most part that involved checking in on patients every 30 minutes and usually they slept though the night. This meant that I could spend the entire night studying, reading, writing, watching movies and even playing games. Basically, I got paid for being there in case the nurses needed assistance. So night shifts were basically my favourites.

Except for my very first one. Night shifts started around 10:30 PM and lasted until around 7 AM. I was early, got my first intro to the shift and then basically kicked back, occasionally making my rounds to check on everyone and maybe help minor stuff here and there. At 2 AM our ward suddenly got this lady that had been brought in with a severe concussion. Unfortunately, she was even more angry and scared than she was disoriented and when my colleague tried to help her into her bed, she fought my colleague off and tried to do it by herself. As you might have guessed, this didn't go that well for our patient and instead of hopping into her bed, she fell and completely shat herself. We helped her up as well as we could, helped her undress, clean and gave her a nightgown. The moment she was in her bed, she started puking, making us repeat what we had just done.

What followed was five hours of constant changing and cleaning as our patient with the concussion alternatively fired puke or diarrhoea from her orifices in ever increasing frequency. As soon as we got her clean, it started from the beginning. There was shit and puke everywhere with no end in sight and it felt like we went through as many clothes as our patient. By the end of my shift I had gotten completely numb to the smell of this puke and shit fragrance hanging in the room and the hallway of our ward.

And that still wasn't as bad of a shitshow as this.


Oct 25, 2017

This is our country now

Wait, is this a real quote?

I saw this earlier and presumed it was satire.

What's worse is that I believe the article that quote is from was from him defending the right for women to wear whatever they want - yet it seems like he's happily using it (and the horribly negative connotations and racist statements that emanated from it ) as a populist point of pride.


Oct 27, 2017
During my studies I worked part-time at a hospital as a healthcare assistant. It was honest work and it paid alright with flexible times but for the most part I didn't like it because it was difficult and emotionally draining. The most enjoyable parts of that job were were the nightshifts. For the most part that involved checking in on patients every 30 minutes and usually they slept though the night. This meant that I could spend the entire night studying, reading, writing, watching movies and even playing games. Basically, I got paid for being there in case the nurses needed assistance. So night shifts were basically my favourites.

Except for my very first one. Night shifts started around 10:30 PM and lasted until around 7 AM. I was early, got my first intro to the shift and then basically kicked back, occasionally making my rounds to check on everyone and maybe help minor stuff here and there. At 2 AM our ward suddenly got this lady that had been brought in with a severe concussion. Unfortunately, she was even more angry and scared than she was disoriented and when my colleague tried to help her into her bed, she fought my colleague off and tried to do it by herself. As you might have guessed, this didn't go that well for our patient and instead of hopping into her bed, she fell and completely shat herself. We helped her up as well as we could, helped her undress, clean and gave her a nightgown. The moment she was in her bed, she started puking, making us repeat what we had just done.

What followed was five hours of constant changing and cleaning as our patient with the concussion alternatively fired puke or diarrhoea from her orifices in ever increasing frequency. As soon as we got her clean, it started from the beginning. There was shit and puke everywhere with no end in sight and it felt like we went through as many clothes as our patient. By the end of my shift I had gotten completely numb to the smell of this puke and shit fragrance hanging in the room and the hallway of our ward.

And that still wasn't as bad of a shitshow as this.


Oct 26, 2017
Wait, is this a real quote?

I saw this earlier and presumed it was satire.

What's worse is that I believe the article that quote is from was from him defending the right for women to wear whatever they want - yet it seems like he's happily using it (and the horribly negative connotations and racist statements that emanated from it ) as a populist point of pride.


Deleted member 12352

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
No fucking clue what they're doing. Not a single one. They just cannot see anything beyond the pound signs in their eyes at the thought of how they'll carve up the UK's carcass once there's nothing to keep them in check.


The Fallen
Feb 22, 2019
I'll be honest, if this eternal fuck up didn't effect me and my country (Ireland and the border) this would give me intense schadenfreude-ic pleasure to watch a load of old racists and rule britanias suffer. At least till I remember all the children and such whos lives are made worse by this


Oct 27, 2017
IMO, aside from people who were easily fooled by the Leave campaign, the ones who really want it are rich folks and likely politicians, looking to buy real estate on the cheap once it all goes to hell in the UK.

There seems to be some truth to this. I certainly know a lot of people with the financial means from former colonies like Hong Kong and Singapore who no longer have any love for the UK, but would certainly, as a form of revenge, I guess, like to just buy up UK real estate, just to own a piece of the country that once claimed to own them.

If the country goes to shambles and the property prices collapse, I couldn't see any of those people, with that motivation, hesitating on jumping in and snapping things up.


Oct 25, 2017
Seriously, these fuckers in charge of government are monsters. This has to be one of the most cruel and humiliating ways to destroy a nation. And they are doing it so slowly.
Watching the UK and America operate is a lot like a train crash in slow motion. Everyone is just screaming "PLEASE. STOP" and no one at the helm can hear them.


Oct 27, 2017
Watching the UK and America operate is a lot like a train crash in slow motion. Everyone is just screaming "PLEASE. STOP" and no one at the helm can hear them.

It's strange to me why the UK and US don't mass public riot. These are countries where you know you cannot get violently shot by governmental regimes for speaking your minds(though local police across the US is a different matter), so why not stop members of government from getting into their buildings? Stopping and protesting at every level and chance you get.

It sometimes almost feels like people just don't care at all. There are other countries where shit would burn, for less offenses experienced than the ones that occur in the US and UK.

Deleted member 4614

Oct 25, 2017
It's strange to me why the UK and US don't mass public riot. These are countries where you know you cannot get violently shot by governmental regimes for speaking your minds(though local police across the US is a different matter), so why not stop members of government from getting into their buildings? Stopping and protesting at every level and chance you get.

It sometimes almost feels like people just don't care at all. There are other countries where shit would burn, for less offenses experienced than the ones that occur in the US and UK.

When things go well for decades you lose the cultural knowledge about how to protest.


Oct 27, 2017
When things go well for decades you lose the cultural knowledge about how to protest.

I could somewhat see this for the UK, which explains why they are running around like a chicken with it's head cut off and no sense of direction as a result.

But the US? Things going well for decades? Maybe for a small class of citizens/groups, but the disparity between the rich and the impoverished has never really closed the gap, IMO. Especially for folks of minority backgrounds.

However, this still doesn't explain why two 1st world educated nations, cannot grasp how severely damaged they are making themselves, with the rot they have selected to lead them, decade after decade.


Oct 25, 2017
It's strange to me why the UK and US don't mass public riot. These are countries where you know you cannot get violently shot by governmental regimes for speaking your minds(though local police across the US is a different matter), so why not stop members of government from getting into their buildings? Stopping and protesting at every level and chance you get.

It sometimes almost feels like people just don't care at all. There are other countries where shit would burn, for less offenses experienced than the ones that occur in the US and UK.
black people in America tried to seriously and peacefully make social change and were arrested, killed, tortured, imprisoned, exiled, and more. Without the support of a large number of other (white) Americans, all you would see is a repeat of that history where the government slowly stretches out the protests, isolates the leadership, and picks the organization apart like vultures while imposing economic and legal sanctions on the livelihoods of any that they see are involved. In America they can still disappear you to, or find a way to kill you. Especially if you're not white.

People do care, but they're scared of crossing an invisible line because they know the smiling face of authority can become the blank face that condemns you to a living hell, or simply takes your life.


Oct 27, 2017
black people tried to seriously and peacefully make social change and were arrested, killed, tortured, imprisoned, exiled, and more. Without the support of a large number of other (white) Americans, all you would see is a repeat where the government slowly stretches out the protests, isolates the leadership, and picks the organization apart like vultures while imposing economic and legal sanctions on the livelihoods of any that they see are involved. In America they disappear you to, or find a way to kill you.

Your post was depressing to read. Damn...


Oct 25, 2017
Your post was depressing to read. Damn...
if the apparent authority can make the popular majority, silent or otherwise not care about a group of people, be they minorities, or millenials, or immigrants, or whatever. For whatever reason: they're rule breakers, they're criminals, they're anti-American, they're naive hippies (all real examples), then those groups can protest all they want, but they will not get support, and then the authority can just make the ground open up right under them.

subject them to the punishment of law, extreme sentencing for whatever dreamed up crimes, and problem solved. use the media to isolate them, use "reasoned debate" to minimize them or attack their credibility, use public opinion to create different "emotional facts" that block real ones, and the movement just takes hit after hit.