
The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017

For those unaware Brianna Ghey was a 16 year old trans girl from Cheshire, England, who was stabbed 28 times in broad daylight in the middle of Culcheth Linear Park. She was known by friends to be kind and someone who helped other trans youth safely and legally access trans healthcare. The attack on her was described as "extremely brutal and punishing". The police initially stated there was no evidence to suggest her death was a hate crime, and in the wake of her killing the UK media responded by deadnaming her and misgendering her several times and refusing to use the word girl in association with her.

The news shocked the trans community in the UK and her murder became a stark symbol of where the rising transphobia of the country was headed. This was reported on at the time:
A report by NBC News on the killing concluded that "the climate in the U.K. has grown increasingly hostile for trans people over the last few years", noting that the BBC had recently published the article "We're being pressured into sex by some trans women", which was accused of "[painting] all transgender women as sexual predators". American magazine Vogue connected the killing to online transphobia, writing that "there's a near-constant questioning of trans rights that reinforces the idea that trans men and women are trying to fool us, to trick us, that their deeply personal gender identity is an affront to the status quo and how we live."

There were vigils held across the country, one of which I attended and was, as you'd imagine, an emotional time.


She was popular on TikTok and her videos were just like any other girl her age; dancing, making jokes and having fun. She was young, living life as herself, and had every opportunity to live the life many of us transitioning later in life wish we could have but always hope for others. The pain of her loss is still felt here. November 7th would have been her 17th birthday and schools across Warrington organised fundraisers and many students (and people in general) wore pink in remembrance of her. Her murder also provoked calls to change the need to have a Gender Recognition Certificate in order to be recognised as your gender on your death certificate.

Warrington turns pink for Brianna Ghey's 17th birthday

Schools in Warrington donned pink clothing to mark what would have been the 17th birthday of Brianna Ghey, who was killed in February.


When reading all the court reporting it can feel pretty dehumanising, especially when it's the two complicit in her murder who we're hearing the most. Brianna deserves more than to be remembered for her murder or the snapshots of her life surrounding it. By all accounts she was an anxious and kind girl who helped others in the trans community. She cared deeply for her friends and was protective over them. Many over the past few months have shared messages from Brianna that meant a lot to them and many shared videos of her on what was going to be her 17th birthday. I know many here will only have seen her in the few photos they released and in descriptions from the thread, so thought I'd share one:


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The Trial

cw: Defendants fantasising about murder and torture, descriptions of their attempted and planned murder, and transphobia.

I genuinely find the description of her injuries from the link below too graphic to post. They are horrific requiring considerable force to inflict.
The suspects involved cannot be named due to their ages (15 at the time of the murder, 16 now).
They fantasised and talked about killing several people, of which Brianna was one.
The trial will not start each day earlier than 10am and will finish no later than 4.30pm.

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You can follow the trial from a variety of sources but here is one from Warrington:

Current day:

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- Notes from each day of the trial will be linked below and threadmarked -

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Sentencing of Scarlett Jenkinson and Eddie Ratcliffe for the murder of Brianna Ghey – 2nd February 2024
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Day 18 of the trial, 20th December session – The jury finds both defendants GUILTY
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Day 17 of the trial, 19th December session – End of closing arguments
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Day 16 of the trial, 18th December session – Beginning of closing arguments
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Day 15 of the trial, 15th December session
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Day 14 of the trial, 14th December session
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Day 13 of the trial, 13th December session
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Day 12 of the trial, 12th December session
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Day 11 of the trial, 11th December session
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Day 10 of the trial, 8th December session
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Day 9 of the trial, 7th December session
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Day 8 of the trial, 6th December session
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Day 7 of the trial, 5th December session
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Day 6 of the trial, 4th December session
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Day 5 of the trial, 1st December session
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Day 4 of the trial, 30th November session
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Day 3 of the trial, 29th November session
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Day 2 of the trial, 28th November session
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Day 1 of the trial, 27th November session:


There is no dispute that the male and female seen running away from Brianna's body were these two defendants, X and Y. Nor is there any dispute that in the days and weeks leading up to that day, they had discussed killing her. Indeed, it is accepted that Brianna Ghey was killed with a knife that belonged to Y - a knife which he told X he would be bringing with him that day and which he said was sharp enough to kill her.

But each defendant denies that they are guilty of murder. Each denies that they participated in killing Brianna at all. Each blames the other. The prosecution case is that, whoever it was who delivered the fatal blows, both defendants are equally guilty. Acting together, they planned and executed their plan to kill Brianna Ghey.
They also discussed less innocent topics. The messages they exchanged show that they were preoccupied, the prosecution say, with violence, torture and death and record them discussing how they wanted to kill people.

If that was not an unusual way for two teenagers to speak to one another, the messages demonstrate how, over time, they encouraged one another to to think about how they would actually carry out a killing, and the messages show how they planned together to kill Brianna in just the way that she was in fact killed.

X told him that Brianna was "trans" and that she sounded just like a girl and looked really pretty. Y replied that they had different tastes and asked, again referring to Brianna as 'It', "Tell me what you feel when you interact with it". X said she got nervous and stuff but her heart felt normal.

Y responded, "I don't think you're necessarily in love but I think you're more curious and intrigued by its unnatural nature".
As Y was again searching for rope on the internet, X said, "If we can't get E tomorrow we can kill Brianna."

Y agreed, saying "yeah, it'll be easier and I want to see if it will scream like a man or a girl".

Initial attempt to murder her via overdose of Ibuprofen:
By January 18 2023, however, X's fascination with Brianna had turned darker. She sent Y some pictures of a pair of scissors and a tissue with blood on them saying that she was going to eat human flesh. These are shown to the jury.

On January 23 2023, X sent Y a picture of some tablets and asked, "Btw do you die from eating them… I got a plan if you do". Again, they are shown to the jury. Y responded, "It is dangerous yes but I'm not sure how much would be lethal".

X explained, "You know that girl I mentioned, Brianna, I'm still tryna kill her and the easiest way is pill overdose pls ppl already know she is depressed and s**t so nobody would get sus but for some reason she has a high tolerance like I gave her some today that should have been enough to kill her…". But, X went on, although Brianna had messaged to say she had felt bad and thrown up, "…she didn't die".
Until this point in the chronology, although the defendants spoke of wanting to torture or kill, there is no evidence that they had acted upon their words. However, when X told Y that she had given Brianna an overdose of ibuprofen tablets, it seems that she wasn't making it up.

Brianna was indeed on holiday on January 18 as X said, but by January 23 she had returned home. Her mother, Esther Ghey, recalls an occasion during that week when Brianna was sick. She recalls that Brianna was in real pain and thought she was going to die. Her mother was concerned enough to think it might be appendicitis. She recalls that Brianna was sick and that the vomit contained what she thought were grape skins but thinking back may well have been the remnants of the tablets.

Attempts to research a means of killing her through poison/chemicals or by spiking a drink with acid:
Conversation then turned back to Brianna. X said, "Brianna is still ill. Those tablets I gave her might slowly be killing her. She said "I was in so much pain in my stomach fr girl". Y replied, "If it gets worse she'll get taken to hospital but her liver should be done with it in a few days possibly by tomorrow". X said, "She feels a lot better than before tho but still really ill to the point she cant go to school".

Y then suggested that she should 'try mixing them maybe the different chemicals will make it more dangerous'. He sent a X a screenshot of a product she could buy at Tesco. He also suggested using a substance which he described as "very dangerous". He suggested that X could add it to Brianna's drink, saying that she "would have to drink it fast since its acid".

X said, "I want something to pour into a drink that's easy to get odourless and kills her quickly". Y's web history shows that he spent the next hour and a half researching these toxic substances on the internet, eventually telling X, "Unfortunately, I can't find how fast it kills but I think it kills fast".

Planning the murder including having code words for when to strike:
She said that the arrangement was for Brianna to meet them at the library in Culcheth at 1pm. From there they would walk to Linear Park. It seems that X told Brianna that they were going there to get high on cocaine.

She told Y, "Meet me at the wooden posts in Linear at 12 we'll go over plan again and I'll show you where I'm killing her and then we both walk to the library to meet her… And grab onto Brianna slit her throat when she starts to fall stab her in the back then pass me knife. I want to stab her at least once even if she's dead jus coz its fun lol".

When Y asked whether she would not have her own knife, she replied, "I got a chef blade". Y said, "Let's have two words: one for getting the knife ready and another to stab". The following morning X responded, "For get knife ready I'll look at you and cough and to stay [stab] I'll say gay".
The defendants continued to discuss killing Brianna on Monday January 30. X suggested she could kill Brianna by giving her an overdose of cocaine but then said, "…let's just stab her. Its more fun". Y replied, "Ok".

There is proof of their intent:
If there was any doubt that the defendants meant what they said in these messages, we know that in fact they did meet in Culcheth on Saturday, January 28 2023. Having checked the bus timetable, Y arranged for his mum to give him a lift but at 11.25am X sent him a message saying, "I'm f*****g pissed Brianna just last minute said she cant come… she said she might be able to past 5".

Y arrived at Sainsburys, Culcheth at 12.22pm and met X, and by about 1pm they were in Linear Park together where X filmed Y underneath a bridge located about 2 – 3 minutes' walk from the site at which Brianna would eventually be killed. Jurors are shown a series of maps showing the location. They are told that CCTV footage from the area will be shown later in the trial.

They remained together until sometime after 3pm when Y got the bus back to Leigh. As he waited at the bus stop, X sent him a message saying that Brianna had just said she couldn't come out that day at all after all but could meet after school on Tuesday.

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Justice for Brianna.
This must be understood as the hate crime it was.
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Oct 25, 2017
God this whole thing was absolutely disgusting to hear about and really did a number on me mentally. Hoping she and her family get some semblance of justice, but I don't have much faith in our justice system.

Rest in peace, Brianna.


Oct 27, 2017
User banned (2 weeks): sexist rhetoric
Fucking cunts. Did they do this just because she was trans? My mind just can't comprehend even caring about anybodies sex or sexual preferences unless I'm dating them.

Those messages are so, so horrible 😔
Nov 2, 2017
Justice for Brianna.

May the transphobes in this world never know a moment of peace until they reckon with and understand the horror they've brought into this world.


Dec 22, 2017
On the morning of the start of the trial, which was attended by Brianna Ghey's family, Cheshire Police and the Crown Prosecution Service reminded everyone that the criminal proceedings against both defendants are active, and they have the right to a fair trial.

Justice Yip addressed the potential jurors before sending them to complete a questionnaire. Yip reminded all that the two defendants charged with Ghey's murder were 15 at the time.

She added: "There was quite a bit of press reporting and social media coverage at the time, one feature that was given some prominence was the fact that Brianna was transgender.

"If you did see things you may have even formed some initial uninformed views about the case.

"It is perfectly natural to feel shock when you hear of the killing of a young person."

She said people should concentrate on the evidence when they sit on a jury, not the press or social media coverage,
and she noted that there were vigils and a crowdfunded for Ghey – two matters asked about on the jury questionnaire.

Both defendants also have the option of participating in the trial via a video link from their secure accommodation, a decision which Justice Yip made.

This almost sounds like they wanted to bend backwards for the killers and downplay the hate-component. But that luckily seems hard to do with how heavy the evidence seems already on the first day.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I hope this poor girl and her family get the justice they deserve. Just reading portions of the excerpts of the court documentation is absolutely harrowing. I can't fathom how human beings can act this way.

Brianna deserved a chance to live her life and grow up just like the rest of us. The killers need to be held to account for their actions.


Oct 25, 2017
They need to get the max possible sentence and more. There is no words to describe the absolute evil here. I can't really even talk much about this without feeling sick.

Rest in loving peace and power, Brianna.🏳️‍⚧️💙🤍💜


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
I read a few of the excerpts earlier and I couldn't keep going. Ontologically evil.

Justice for Brianna.


Oct 27, 2017
Those excerpts are a tough read. Fuck these two, and absolutely fuck this country's media and political class for the hostile environment it's created for trans people over the past half decade


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
What a horrific story. Hopefully the massive amount of evidence is enough to convict them.
Jan 27, 2019
Fuck off
Really hoping they get convicted and the usual transphobia that infuriatingly is very prevalent here in the UK doesn't rear it's ugly head when the jury hands down the verdict

Poor girl had her whole life ahead of her and it was taken away by these hateful killers.
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Unshakable Resolve
Nov 21, 2019
Could only read the excerpts provided in the OP.

Churned my stomach.

Rest in peace, Brianna....


Oct 25, 2017
This was so vile that I admit I couldn't even get through all the details shared in the OP.

Rest in peace, Brianna. I hope to god you see justice.


Oct 24, 2022
i believe in rehabilitative justice to a fairly distant point but these two aren't going to grow up to be anything good. i'll probably be in ban territory if i finish the thought.

RIP Brianna
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, England
Oh my god. Having read all that I feel sick and quite upset. They tried to poison her first if I am understanding correctly what I read above. Absolute monsters the pair of them. I really hope they never see freedom for what they did as they don't sound like the sort of people that it would be safe to release if I am honest.

Brianna I hope you get justice.

Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
This is horrific. I hope justice is served.
Rip Brianna.


Jun 3, 2020
Absolutely fucking despicable and vile.

May Brianna rest in peace and power, and some justice can at least be done here.

My utmost unconditional love and support to trans people and communities in the UK in particular here <3.
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Jun 29, 2019
Left the thread earlier because it was so hard to read the details. Hope Brianna gets justice and these two are locked away for a long time.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I'm finding it really difficult to hold back tears reading the excerpts and that's only the ones in the OP, just completely evil. Brianna and her friends/family deserve justice and that justice is hopefully a conviction + these monsters never being let out in their lifetimes.

Also, big fuck you to this countries horrific press and Government for contributing to an ever increasing hostile environment for trans people.

Rest in power Brianna.


Has got mad skills!!
Oct 27, 2017
I should have not read the story at work - I felt absolutely sick to my stomach.

Justice for Brianna.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Jan 25, 2018
Poor kid, I'm in tears

While I tend to try and view the best in people and support rehabilitation, the bastards who did this deserve stuff I won't type out here.

This murder had nothing to do with a lack of resources, education or other circumstances it was just plain hatred for a kid trying to live her life

All the fucking terfs (including media outlets) are complicit in this one. Fuck all of them and may they reap similar rewards as what they are sowing


Losing is fun
Oct 28, 2017
The obsessive hatred the killers felt for Brianna is really disturbing to read. I can't understand how they became so twisted at such a young age.

Android Sophia

The Absolute Sword
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'm so desensitized to the violence that trans people receive that I can only just sit here and read all of that while feeling numb.

I can only hope that Brianna receives the justice she deserves. Seeing as nothing can bring back the life that was stolen from her.


Oct 27, 2017
The obsessive hatred the killers felt for Brianna is really disturbing to read. I can't understand how they became so twisted at such a young age.
This kind of hatred is taught. When you live in a culture that so obsessively hates transness, this is the result.

Rest in peace, Brianna.
Jul 1, 2020
The obsessive hatred the killers felt for Brianna is really disturbing to read. I can't understand how they became so twisted at such a young age.
I knew that she was stabbed but I wasn't aware of the conspiracies to poison her and the premeditation of her murder. It's pretty twisted stuff.

The transphobia, especially in the media, in the UK makes it seem like a tragedy like this was inevitable. The worst part is that they will use some kind of mental gymnastics about impartiality to absolve themselves of any responsibility.


Oct 27, 2017
Just...insane that they thought texts and searches were private. Good thing they did though.

Brianna just thought she was hanging out with friends. Bullshit that they can't be named, 15 year olds know what they did.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
They way they talk in those texts is so calm and horrific. It sounds like they were going to kill others but unfortunate for Brianna, maybe because she got close and others didn't or just the opportunity presented itself. They sound absolutely disassociated with any norms, chilling. What they ended up doing, doesn't sound like it even phased them. How do you turn out like that, just pure coincidence they two people were psychos, internet rewired their brains.


Oct 28, 2017
New York
Such a horrible story/event and I hope she and her family get justice. And the murderers need to rot in jail for the rest of their lives.


Oct 22, 2018
Jesus Christ, those excerpts. What has to go through a person's mind to think this way?
This goes beyond "they're just kids". When it's premeditated, you're well aware of what you're doing. They should be charged as adults, full stop.

RIP Brianna.


Oct 28, 2017
Lancaster, CA
Can only hope those two transphobic murderers rot in jail for the rest of their miserable lives.

Justice for Brianna! She was just a kid and had a whole life ahead of her. :(


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
Yeah, big on prison reform and rehabilitation particularly in the states but if they fell into a pool of piranhas id kick their hands trying to climb out.

Her death is on these assholes but also those who know better but dabble in transphobia for clicks and political careers. May you burn in hell of whatever deity you worship.


Oct 29, 2017
The stuff coming out of the trial about exchanged messages is genuinely crazy. Hard read looking through the transcript.

The pictures of the parents going in to court and then having to listen to the evidence 😞