
Oct 25, 2017

Searched and didn't see a thread.



The lead hard-core gang prosecutor in the San Bernardino County District Attorney's Office is under investigation for a series of offensive rants on social media, triggering demands for his dismissal.

Deputy District Attorney Michael Selyem, who joined the D.A.'s Office 12 years ago, targeted outspoken U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters, former first lady Michelle Obama, Mexican immigrants and the victim of a police shooting in Facebook and Instagram posts labeled by one critic as "hateful rhetoric."

Of Waters, Selyem said: "Being a loud-mouthed c#nt in the ghetto you would think someone would have shot this bitch by now …"

In an online argument with someone over the police shooting of a civilian, Selyem wrote, "That s—bag got exactly what he deserved. … You reap what you sow. And by the way go f— yourself you liberal s—bag."

It was unclear which police shooting Selyem was referencing, and whether or not it was an open case in San Bernardino County or had occurred elsewhere.

Selyem also posted a doctored picture of Michelle Obama holding a sign saying, "Trump grabbed my penis."

Selyem, a 50-year-old resident of Placentia, is the lead attorney in a unit tasked with cracking down on criminal gang activity that surged as members moved inland from Los Angeles County in search of more affordable housing. Many of those gangs are predominantly Latino. One of Selyem's posts showed a man in a giant sombrero with the words, "Mexican word of the day: Hide."

The District Attorney's Office has been aware of the posts since June 25, when someone in the office complained. Since then, Selyem has been the subject of an internal investigation, sources said.

In a statement Friday, outgoing District Attorney Mike Ramos said: "We have been made aware of the negative comments and they do not represent the views of the District Attorney's Office. Since this is a personnel matter I cannot comment any further."

District attorney's spokesman Chris Lee would not say whether the office has an official policy on social media postings, or, if not, whether it is now considering implementing such a policy.

Selyem apparently is an ardent supporter of President Donald Trump. Beneath a Facebook post offering free tickets to Trump's presidential inauguration, Selyem wrote, "I love that all of you liberal f—–g p—–s are so filled with hate. Gonna be a long 8 years for you scumbags. choo choo trump"


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
Something something civility something something economic anxiety something something men tall illness

There. Now no one try to come up with a dumb defense
Oct 27, 2017
Chances fucker colluded with police to make share PoC got the harshest convictions? 100%

Every case this garbage has touched now should come under review.


Oct 25, 2017
besides being a black female democrat, why is she the target de jour for conservatives right now?


Oct 26, 2017
Liberal shit bag... man America is never going to be unified in any way whatsoever is it.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I continue to be confused why racists call Black women, usually michelle or venus and Serena Williams men


Jan 5, 2018
The Pool
The thing that's hilarious about Trump supporters is how up in their feelings they get about how people don't respect them and how being a conservative is oh-so-hard but then do everything humanly possible to earn marginalization.


Oct 25, 2017
He is basically asking for her to be murdered. Is there really no law against this in the USA?
Last edited:
Mar 10, 2018
Ooooof course he's from San Bernardino.

Imagine being fifty years old and behaving like this. He sounds like your average Youtube commenter. Pathetic.

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
They need to review every single case this prosecutor worked.

Much like police officers, prosecutor positions sometimes attract a certain type of person who wants to wield authority over those they deem 'lesser' with impunity.

Rad Bandolar

Oct 25, 2017
He's part of Ramos' team, which was one of your stereotypical "tough on crime" DA offices that touted their accomplishments against gang activity and what-not. I wish I could say it's surprising, but this little shart is typical of the Ramos era.

Ramos fucked up and went after wealthy white dudes who were involved in a shady land development deal in Upland, and lost. Those dudes then financed a campaign to vote Ramos out of office last month and were successful.

I'm not sure how rabid the new guy will be, but getting this little prick out of the DA's office will be an easy decision that'll play well.


Oct 27, 2017
Think about this, that motherfucker has been a prosecutor in that office for 12 years. Just think how many "criminals" he put away for lengthy sentences because of his bigoted ass views.

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Think about this, that motherfucker has been a prosecutor in that office for 12 years. Just think how many "criminals" he put away for lengthy sentences because of his bigoted ass views.
This is a widespread, systemic issue across the entire justice system. Police forces have gotten the most scrutiny lately because they are more visible and are responsible for more direct violence against the populace, but if you examined DA offices across the country you'd find a lot of prosecutors like this. Depends on the political makeup of the area, obviously, but it's a big problem. "Tough on crime" is as much of a dog whistle as the word 'thug'.


Oct 25, 2017
Good ol' San Berdoo. What a dumb hole that place is so it's not surprising a piece of shit fell out that hole to become a DA.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Calling for deadly force against a member if Congress, isn't this illegal? Did they all forget gabby Giffords so quickly. Wasn't there a Republican congressman shot just last year?

Book One

Oct 25, 2017
Some people wonder how so many others tend to associate racism, intolerance, bigotry, fear and/or hate with voting for Trump


Oct 29, 2017
I enjoy watching these shitstains talk themselves out of their careers. Big mouths saying small words with large consequences. Everyone who steps up that plate has struck the fuck out, except for dear leader.
Oct 25, 2017
Is...is that comic sans?
It looks a little like Mistral without the ligatures, but I don't know what face it actually is. Definitely makes reading that tripe a little weirder.

My dad's always been saying that confirmation hearings are gonna get weird when my generation is running for office, but the old people were not willing to be beaten on the 'your social media betrays you' path.