Carian Knight

Oct 27, 2017
Everyone in the reboot is awful compared to the originals in both voice and design.

Gaz - slightly acceptable because he's really just a new character.
love the original Gaz but with MW2 he just turned into prototype Ghost.

Price - slightly acceptable because the original is like 70+ years old. But doesn't hold a candle to the original

Ghost - ruined because they don't understand what made the original cool.
his voice and layed back personality, same for Gaz. The skull mask and glasses where just an accessory to that.
(Reboot's overly Tacticool uniform and ultra serious gruff voice is awful and trying so hard)

Soap - just awful in both design and voice, they pulled some random guy off the street and gave him a Mohawk.

Worst offender might be Griggs though, just a generic Black Marine with no personality in a very limited role.
What also hurts so much is the original face and voice actor works at Infinity Ward.... He's the director of animation.


even weirder his MP/Warzone bundle had a different costume from campaign but everything in it was a COD4 reference.
if he had just had a version of

I probably would have bought it immediately.

I agree on everything except the MW19 version of Griggs looks much closer to Director of Animation Mark Grigsby. I do also prefer the CoD4 version of Griggs but at least it makes sense that he wants his cameo character to look more like.. him.