
Oct 30, 2017
So I'm reading the article about the uncle of the infant who's parents were killed in El Paso and his brother seemed happy to meet him and said his family was full of trump supporters?

Did the killer know he was shooting trump supporting Mexicans? Do the trump supporting citizens of El Paso know they hate him?

Most of the small business owners I know were doing better under Obama so I don't even think the tax cuts helped them that much.


Oct 30, 2017
Everyone needs someone to shit on. It makes people feel better about themselves.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Some Hispanics are super religious, so they'll support anyone who opposes gay marriage and abortions.


Oct 25, 2017

In short: There were Jewish people that sold out their friends to the Nazis.

Johnny Blaze

Oct 29, 2017
Just because someones a minority doesn't mean hes a good person, its not just hispanics but every other race has Trump supporters.


Oct 25, 2017
hispanics/latinos are not a monolith.
we come from a bunch of different countries all with different politics and histories


Aug 18, 2018
I know that in my father's case, it was a mixture hyper-religion, which obligates him to support anyone with an 'R' next to their name, and the fact that Trump, at the time, was shitting largely on Mexicans, not my dad's "people". His feelings changed post hurricane Maria, although he's still loath to admit it.


Oct 26, 2017
Hispanic Americans have their own cultural hierarchy and being part of the upper crust (white looking, "european") is important to some of them.

It's like how German Americans considered themselves superior to Irish Americans back in the 19th/20th century.

Bigotry doesn't have to make sense. Bigots don't go around trying to make sure their bigotry is consistent. If they were capable of this level of self reflection they wouldn't be bigots.

Deleted member 46493

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Aug 7, 2018
Latin America has about 700 million people from different ethnicities, colors, and income. It's naive to think that they all vote the same or at the same political opinions. Doesn't help that a lot are very religious.

Here's an example. I come from Peru. I grew up in a majority white upper-middle-class to upper class society of white people. In Peru at least back then, white Peruvians do not consider themselves to be the same race as the brown or native people. If they come to the United States they're more likely to associate themselves with white Americans than American Latinos as the latter is largely immigrants from native/poor regions.
Oct 25, 2017
They're getting in line early for when the whites officially welcome the light skinned Latinos into the fold.

A lot of families are gonna end up reckoning with their African ancestry the hard way.


Oct 25, 2017
People vote against their interests all the time, if they didn't a conservative would never win power anywhere on earth.


Jan 8, 2019
any race can be bigoted. even against they're own race. ignorance and hate is just a human thing.

Lunar Wolf

Nov 6, 2017
Los Angeles
A mix of white Latinos thinking that Republicans will let them into the fold, hispanics thinking that Trump is only targeting illegal immigrants so they're safe, conservative views(especially first generation Hispanic Americans) and greed.


Oct 25, 2017
It's complicated.

There are:

White Hispanics that identify as white and are often treated as white since they may also be white passing. Think somebody like Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz. I've seen it theorized that this portion of the population may potentially prevent or significantly delay the future demographic shift from a white majority nation that's expected to happen later this century.

Old Hispanic families that have been here for a few hundred years that also may not like immigrants.

Religious Hispanics who are against abortions and such.

Cubans who have a complicated history that can cause them to lean conservative.

Upper class Hispanics who like Republican policies.

The old Republican plan (notably under W. Bush) was to incorporate as many Hispanics as possible into the party until Trump kinda fucked that up. So it's possible that there are some holdout Republican converts as well from less than a couple decades ago.

My only previous experience with Hispanics prior to living in Texas were the mostly Mestizo immigrants working the chicken plants in Arkansas. It's easy to think of those individuals as a united voting bloc but after living in Texas and seeing the much wider spectrum - it's actually really complicated.


Apr 1, 2018
Mexicans hate on Central Americans. They think they're better and blame a lot of problem on new immigrants.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Very often hispanics(those born in the US) and those that have US citizenship think they're better than Mexicans. They find themselves to be superior because they're here legally. They're racist against those who share their blood and their culture. They want to "fit in" with the whites.

It makes no fucking sense.
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Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
There are no monolithic groups, OP. Though the near universal experiences of the past tend to make black folk and jewish folk in particular vote pretty consistently and reliably, even our groups have at least some percentage that vote against most of their best interests.

Deleted member 10908

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Oct 27, 2017
So I'm reading the article about the uncle of the infant who's parents were killed in El Paso and his brother seemed happy to meet him and said his family was full of trump supporters?

Did the killer know he was shooting trump supporting Mexicans? Do the trump supporting citizens of El Paso know they hate him?

Most of the small business owners I know were doing better under Obama so I don't even think the tax cuts helped them that much.
Lots of hispanics are very religious and conservative, they dont magically change their beliefs the second they come to the US. If you've travelled to countries in latin america you would realize that a lot of peoples views on homosexuality and women is very problematic to put it lightly.

Deleted member 5127

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Oct 25, 2017
That's a pretty ignorant thread title.

Anyways, it's because there are people that don't vote with their identity, there are LGBT, PoC, etc all kinds of people who have voted for Trump, simply because they find alignment with other aspects of the right I suppose. I'm not from the US, but I don't always vote with my gayness in mind.
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Oct 26, 2017
I live in Texas and from my experience Religion and homophobia are some of the big reasons.


Dec 18, 2017
Dummy's Guide to Hispanic Stuff

Spanish - a romance language
The Spanish - people from Spain; Spaniards
Hispanic - people from Spain or a nation colonized by the Spanish
Mexican - people from Mexico
Mexican-Americans - Americans from Mexican culture
Latino - people from nations in the Americas originally colonized by Latin countries (Spain, Portugal)


Oct 28, 2017
Pretty much everyone has stated at least one of the many reasons that make up the larger picture of Hispanics largely voting against their own interests.

The GOP have done wonders historically in courting the growing population of Hispanics. And it's that stubborn faithfulness that has lead to many having difficulty accepting how the party has silently shifted under Obama and loud & proud racist under Trump these past two years.

Crazy but acceptance takes time. Should this shitshow last another 2-6 years, along with a good supporting campaign by Democrats, you could start to see a shift of Hispanics from right to left.

I agree it is mind boggling. My wife's family are Cuban and business owners. They are adamant republicans and, as such, Trump supporters. But they are shifting from the Trump brand back to just general GOP. Democrats still not an option due to Fox News brainwashing that paints Dems as being all the things the GOP has actually become.

It'll be interesting to see how this shit goes. Has Trump poisoned the GOP's well and irreparably shifted their politics too far right to the detriment of the party's long term sustainability? Or is this just a bump in the road, so to speak, and, post-Trump, the GOP is successfully able to transition back to being openly welcoming, silently "against your own interests"?

Deleted member 40797

User requested account closure
Mar 8, 2018
Dummy's Guide to Hispanic Stuff

Spanish - a romance language
The Spanish - people from Spain; Spaniards
Hispanic - people from Spain or a nation colonized by the Spanish
Mexican - people from Mexico
Mexican-Americans - Americans from Mexican culture
Latino - people from nations in the Americas originally colonized by Latin countries (Spain, Portugal)

It's probably import to note that Latinos, not Spanish or Portuguese people, face discrimination in North America.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Some of them consider themselves to be white, so the same reason as everyone else voting for Trump I imagine.


Jun 10, 2018
Catholicism, being white-adjacent, and machismo are usually the things that tie them to the Republican party/Trump.

I see it all the time here in Texas.