
Completely non-threatening
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I weep for my generation and the next. It turns out our political and financial education is just as bad as the states!
I knew that when I got my first job as a teen and heard grown adults saying they didn't want to work overtime because it would push them into a higher tax bracket and would result in them taking home LESS money. lol


Oct 27, 2017
I weep for my generation and the next. It turns out our political and financial education is just as bad as the states!

The argument is that already-short doctors will leave, businesses owned by the wealthy affected will raise their prices to make up for extra tax and of course inheritance will be affected. Not to mention Canadians who are relying on real estate as income lol. At least that's what I gathered from our conservative media that would explain that particular poll result. High taxes "always bad" lol


Oct 27, 2017
I weep for my generation and the next. It turns out our political and financial education is just as bad as the states!
Worse, because we just follow their lead with a lag of a few years, while ignoring all of the takeaways we could learn from their fumbles.

I knew that when I got my first job as a teen and heard grown adults saying they didn't want to work overtime because it would push them into a higher tax bracket and would result in them taking home LESS money. lol
This is so rampant in construction that I go back and forth between educating people and just hoping for my head to explode.

The argument is that already-short doctors will leave, businesses owned by the wealthy affected will raise their prices to make up for extra tax and of course inheritance will be affected. Not to mention Canadians who are relying on real estate as income lol. At least that's what I gathered from our conservative media that would explain that particular poll result. High taxes "always bad" lol
I'm pretty sure I heard some spokeswoman for some doctor's association in an interview saying that physicians are highly educated and skilled individuals who can just stop practicing and do something else. Like… sure, Jan. Just give them higher fees and stop trying to make corporations people, it's fucking ridiculous.

They can also miss me with all the talk about how their capital gains are to make up for their lack of a defined benefit pension plan. These mythical public sector pension plans that get pointed to in these situations aren't something the average Canadian has access to either. If they think the average person at a grocery store or driving Uber is getting the MP/Senator treatment upon retirement I have a real big fucking bridge to sell them.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, she's the leader of the opposition, so of course is going to have to have an opinion on it, but it's a real "hoisted by your own petard" when you realize the rest of the context around the situation. Sure, she was booted from caucus for "insubordination", but the optics are fucking terrible, and optics are everything.


Oct 27, 2017
Man it's fucking wild seeing it laid out like that. God damn. I didn't even realize "trans leagues" were a thing that Smith had promised. What a clown.


Oct 28, 2017
Just working the way through the checklist that leads to most everyone being paranoid, insecure and living in fear... then the country will be ripe for reshaping.


Oct 25, 2017

It's an odd situation. Americans who are upset with rising inflation tend to blame President Joe, not Trader Joe. But here in Canada, it's Weston who has become the object of scorn and derision, rather than Prime Minister Justin Trudeau — a man who touts his inflationary policies as a feature, rather than a bug.

The scapegoating of Galen Weston was made possible by a concerted campaign on the part of left-wing politicians and activists to harness public anger over rising inflation and economic uncertainty during the pandemic.

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh has spent years trying to pin the blame for inflation on captains of industry like Weston, who he accuses of "ripping people off." And Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has channelled Singh's anti-capitalist campaign to divert attention from his own policy failures.

Our political leaders have been spurred on by the liberal press, and fuelled by youngsters on social media, who revel at any opportunity they get to flip the bird at Weston and other supermarket CEOs. Quite literally, in fact.

An actual "article" by NP


Oct 27, 2017
Sigh. Do any of you know much about Local Coin? It's a bitcoin ATM thing… I don't know a thing about bitcoin lol.

Can you remove money from bitcoin or is it like, you have to cash it back out?


Oct 27, 2017
What do you mean exactly?

You wanna use the atm to withdraw money from a wallet you have?

I guess I'm mostly wondering if once you put something into one of these Local Coin ATMs, is it like cash, could I just withdraw it, or do you have to like, buy it out like a stock or something?

My dad got taken for a riiiiide yesterday, and put some money into bitcoin, so wondering if he can easily get it back.



Oct 27, 2017
The "coins" he bought would be in his crypto wallet and he could sell them on an online exchange or just use the ATM to cash them out at a later time. I think that company even offers their own online exchange to cash in or out on their website.

There may or may not be transactions fees, haven't used one in years but they definitely had them the last time I did.

Apart from the transaction fees, he could easily cash out if he wants to.


Oct 27, 2017
The "coins" he bought would be in his crypto wallet and he could sell them on an online exchange or just use the ATM to cash them out at a later time. I think that company even offers their own online exchange to cash in or out on their website.

There may or may not be transactions fees, haven't used one in years but they definitely had them the last time I did.

Apart from the transaction fees, he could easily cash out if he wants to.

Okay, good! I guess he needs to talk to them on Monday when they open, but I'm glad the possibility is there.

Thank you :)


Oct 27, 2017

In case anyone wondered if the UPC wasnt' the reigning champion of dipshit useless provincial governments.

Ottawa doesn't know Alberta, so shouldn't meddle when Albertans know what they need more than Ottawa does, but a legislature in Edmonton knows what municipalities should do better than the municipalities do.

The UCP doesn't have any issue with vote tabulators, but some Albertans do, so more people involved in the process manually doing shit is important to make Albertans feel like their elections are safe, because people don't make mistakes but computers do. Also, spending money thoughtfully and being efficient are important. Sometimes.

Oh, and also corporations can donate directly to candidates in elections now. Because they're people, of course! Also, unions can, so that's okay, because there isn't any imbalance in the numbers of corporations vs unions, no sir, that's just fair and them's the breaks.

In case you wondered where this shit is stemming from, it's the far right running the province and they A) hate Edmonton because it votes NDP, and had a mask mandate when the province didn't, B) are conspiracy theorists who think dead people are voting for the NDP or some shit, and C) are corporate boot lickers and temporarily embarrassed millionaire stooges.


Oct 27, 2017

In case anyone wondered if the UPC wasnt' the reigning champion of dipshit useless provincial governments.

Ottawa doesn't know Alberta, so shouldn't meddle when Albertans know what they need more than Ottawa does, but a legislature in Edmonton knows what municipalities should do better than the municipalities do.

The UCP doesn't have any issue with vote tabulators, but some Albertans do, so more people involved in the process manually doing shit is important to make Albertans feel like their elections are safe, because people don't make mistakes but computers do. Also, spending money thoughtfully and being efficient are important. Sometimes.

Oh, and also corporations can donate directly to candidates in elections now. Because they're people, of course! Also, unions can, so that's okay, because there isn't any imbalance in the numbers of corporations vs unions, no sir, that's just fair and them's the breaks.

In case you wondered where this shit is stemming from, it's the far right running the province and they A) hate Edmonton because it votes NDP, and had a mask mandate when the province didn't, B) are conspiracy theorists who think dead people are voting for the NDP or some shit, and C) are corporate boot lickers and temporarily embarrassed millionaire stooges.
Unions/corporations can also donate to municipal parties outside of campaigns, in this new legislation's current form.


Oct 27, 2017
Unions/corporations can also donate to municipal parties outside of campaigns, in this new legislation's current form.
UCP longing for the days of company towns. Work for the company. Rent your home from the company. Buy your PPE and groceries and supplies from the company store. The "Good Ol' Days".

Also, funny hearing Ric McIver's defense of some of this municipal fuckery being "we already had this power, and we don't anticipate having to use it, but we'd hate to have to come back in the middle of summer holidays to do something". Get fucked, Ric.


Oct 27, 2017
UCP longing for the days of company towns. Work for the company. Rent your home from the company. Buy your PPE and groceries and supplies from the company store. The "Good Ol' Days".

Also, funny hearing Ric McIver's defense of some of this municipal fuckery being "we already had this power, and we don't anticipate having to use it, but we'd hate to have to come back in the middle of summer holidays to do something". Get fucked, Ric.
I live in a small town and some friends are UCP supporters. I asked them if they'd be ok if the NDP or LIberals won power, then used this bill to remove conservative-leaning people from council. Turns out that's 'different'


Oct 25, 2017

Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre says he would use "whatever tools the constitution allows" to pass criminal justice laws if his party forms the next government.

Speaking to the Canadian Police Association on Monday, Poilievre promised to implement more stringent requirements for bail and make it harder for convicted murderers to transfer out of maximum security prisons.

"All of my proposals are constitutional," Poilievre said.

"We will make them constitutional using whatever tools the constitution allows me to use to make them constitutional. I think you know exactly what I mean."

We are so fucked if this crypto goblin becomes PM


Oct 25, 2017

Alberta government announces master plan to expand rail passenger service | Globalnews.ca

Premier Danielle Smith says the time to move forward is now with record population growth and more crowded highways.

God, I would find it absolutely fucking hilarious if Alberta managed to get High Speed Rail going between Calgary and Edmonton before Ontario/Quebec or the Federal Government manages to get VIA Rails plan off the ground.

Especially because it's always Conservatives that are the worst haters for plans to build high speed rail in the region given they're always saying "Oh, we don't have the population" meanwhile the Windsor-Quebec City Cooridor is the largest Cooridor into the whole country, given that it contains over 60% of the countries population.
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Oct 25, 2017

What's even more terrifying, is under a Majority Government, he'd actually be able to start the process of initiating a Constitutional Amendment, using the Conservative Majorities inside of the Provinces to his advantage to do it.

The amendment formula doesn't say that the people have to vote on any amendments. Just that they get passed by a minimum of 7 Provincial/Territory Legislatures containing atleast 50% of the Population.

And we have enough nutjob premiers that they could absolutely kick off that process and get several easy votes in place right of the bat.


Of course there is also the threats that he just starts weaponizing the justice system. Trudeau has left an absolute shitload of justice seats unfilled, and PP would absolutely stack them with Far Right nutjobs. And there is always the threat they try to pull on our Supreme Court what the Replicans did to the USA's.
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It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Dec 7, 2017
note that I stayed polite and could just have said he will whine about it :D
will try to find what he said, I am curious


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Dec 7, 2017

Poilievre's day-long removal from the House of Commons came after he called Trudeau a "wacko" for supporting B.C.'s policy of decriminalizing some hard drugs in an attempt to reduce the number of overdose-related deaths.

Poilievre said it was a "wacko policy" backed by "this wacko prime minister." Fergus asked him to withdraw the "unparliamentary language."

Poilievre refused, saying only that he agreed to replace "wacko" with "extremist" or "radical." Poilievre's refusal prompted Fergus to remove him.


of all the points he could make to bash on Trudeau, he chose this one to call the PM names...

would love to see what he proposes ( jail for drug addicts i suppose) .....


Oct 27, 2017
He was removed for refusing to withdraw the comment. They gave him multiple chances and he refused them all.


I am so tired of all the times these representatives - from all sides - behave like children. The speaker is standing and talking, shut up.
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Oct 27, 2017
He was removed for refusing to withdraw the comment. They gave him multiple chances and he refused them all.


I am so tired of all the times these representatives - from all sides - behave like children. The speaker is standing and talking, shut up.

We import our politics from the US but our political decorum from the UK


Oct 28, 2017
100% this is turned in a fundraiser by the end of the week saying that free speech is dead in Canada or some similar reactionary nonsense.