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Oct 27, 2017
To disseminate Trump propaganda up here where there is not even a phantom of "mass migration" let alone a real one to pied piper the racist cunts out of the woodwork. Fucking hell.
Worst part is that the Conservatives are doing the same thing.
The Conservative party pulled an attack ad from its Twitter feed Tuesday that depicted a black man carrying a suitcase walking over a tweet from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

The tweet is rolled out as a carpet entering a broken fence, and the words "faith" and "diversity" are visible.

The Tories have argued that a Trudeau tweet from January 2017 is partly to blame for an influx of asylum seekers crossing into Canada from the United States.

Both are 100% following the populist playbook.


Oct 27, 2017
Halifax, NS
I can't speak for all of Nova Scotia, but I don't really get the feeling there's a heavy anti-immigration sentiment out here. If someone willingly wants to come to Nova Scotia and live here, ESPECIALLY if they're willing to live and/or work outside of the HRM, I don't think we're really in a position to turn them down.

Can you imagine a Halifax without the Greek immigrants, who have forever doomed us to our fixations with donairs?


Oct 27, 2017
Every Canadian needs to do everything in their power to prevent the Cons from forming government. No whining about purity tests, no complaining about not finding the perfect candidate, no boohooing because you feel unmotivated. Tough shit. Suck it up and make sure Canada doesn't join the other parts of the world turning our planet into a literal dumpster fire. The Liberals must win this fall. I don't care if you hate them. So whether that means voting for the Libs, or the Greens, or the NDP, in order to block every Con seat possible, do it, and tell everyone else to do it too.

P.S. Anyone who votes for the Cons are bigots and morons. That includes grandmas!
This is the hard truth. Quoting for others to see.

I think Trudeau knew that changing FPTP would negatively affect the next election because of how many conservatives there are out west, because right now it looks like the current system is working in his favour.


Oct 25, 2017
This is the hard truth. Quoting for others to see.

I think Trudeau knew that changing FPTP would negatively affect the next election because of how many conservatives there are out west, because right now it looks like the current system is working in his favour.
Given that 30 percent are dead set on being Conservative, and let's be generous and say that 10 percent of Liberals are Blue Liberals that would rather not vote than to vote NDP (exactly what happened in Ontario), that's still a big chunk of the country that is naturally to the right of center.

Both are 100% following the populist playbook.
To be fair it was pretty stupid to send a Minister to the United States to tell Haitians to stop coming and that Canada is actually closed to them. But it's just another one of those things where the Liberals get to say something for the soundbite and then have policies that do the opposite.


Oct 25, 2017
Edmonton, Alberta
When does early voting start? Unfortunately my riding is Pierre fucking Poilievre.
He has a legit shot at losing his seat at this point if you look at some federal polls in ontario.

Also I predict a small liberal majority because they win around half of the seats required to form a majority in Ontario, do okay in Atlantic Canada and BC and do well in Quebec. PP and Raitt will probably lose their seats on election night. The CPC never recovers in Ontario and they lose that province by about 10 points.
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Oct 25, 2017

Checks off the "Liberals adopt a NDP policy" square on the Election 2019 Bingo Card.

Parties can come to similar policies, but it doesn't mean they were copied. NDP think they are the only ones who can think forward. Hell, the libs haven't even released their plan. If it's better/worse the NDP still going to claim they stole it?


Oct 28, 2017
Been living abroad for more than four years but I just put in the online application to vote early. Not that it matters — London Middlesex will go PC as it always does.

Still, matter of principle. Throwing it to the Libs. Haven't had confidence in the NDP since Layton died.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm so glad that NDP is dropping in general in this go-around. Not because I dislike them (though I'm not a huge fan), but more because of how pivotal this election is, we really can't afford any split voting. Need as many to go to the Liberals as possible so fucking Justin can do whatever he does and hopefully cons get their shit together before the next one.
Been living abroad for more than four years but I just put in the online application to vote early. Not that it matters — London Middlesex will go PC as it always does.

Still, matter of principle. Throwing it to the Libs. Haven't had confidence in the NDP since Layton died.
you never know, my riding has been conservative for most of my life I believe, and just went red last election.


Oct 28, 2017
you never know, my riding has been conservative for most of my life I believe, and just went red last election.

Maybe. But in 2018 the cons had 20% over the runner up (NDP) in my riding. Same the election before that. No matter what the results, my vote will be nearly worthless. Just doing it because it's easy to vote from abroad.


Oct 25, 2017
Parties can come to similar policies, but it doesn't mean they were copied. NDP think they are the only ones who can think forward. Hell, the libs haven't even released their plan. If it's better/worse the NDP still going to claim they stole it?
Well the Liberals take progressive ideas and use them as PR pieces rather than policy pieces so I guess that's how we end up losing.

That is to say, I expect a cap on mobile plans to come around the same time as universal pharmacare.


Oct 25, 2017
Parties can come to similar policies, but it doesn't mean they were copied. NDP think they are the only ones who can think forward. Hell, the libs haven't even released their plan. If it's better/worse the NDP still going to claim they stole it?

The main thing to note here isn't the NDP being butthurt about their idea being 'stolen'* but rather the significance of a part of the NDP platform being coopted and a point of differentiation between the NDP and the Liberals going away. We saw some of this in 2015 but I wouldn't be surprised to see even more of it this election as the Liberals shift left to really push the NDP out.

If the Liberal Pharmacare plan ends up being the same universal plan that the NDP has, then the NDP is really cooked because then there's no differentiation at all. At that point the only thing the NDP would have to campaign on is the fear that the Liberals are being disingenuous, which is a pretty weak platform to stand on.

* Ideas are cheap if not worthless, it's the implementation that matters

On the topic of the NDP, is this their first ad?



Oct 25, 2017
Wow, that's a lot of growing Green support for the Atlantic provinces. Shame that it seems to be mostly Liberal support bleeding over.


Nov 4, 2017
I listened to a radio interview witch new CPC star candidate, Sylvie Fréchette, and I almost had to turn if off because of second-hand embarrassment. She's about on Trump-level of ignorance on any political issues but has not talent for BS, so she got angry and hung up.

I have no idea why a public figure who's well liked and has a good reputation would sacrifice that for a political campaign that is deemed to fail (her riding would be very hard to win as a conservative). She seems to be completely out of her depth (ha!).


Oct 27, 2017
Wasn't she the one that was under the impression that the CPC wouldn't raise abortion as an issue?


Nov 4, 2017
Wasn't she the one that was under the impression that the CPC wouldn't raise abortion as an issue?

Yep. She doesn't seem to have any political convictions aside from platitudes like "things have to change" and "stop corruption". So far, she sounds like the run of the mill suburban mom who doesn't care about politics and while she catches a glimpse of the news while preparing dinner, she doesn't really have any idea of what's going on. Nothing wrong with that, but why are you getting into politics exactly?
Very weird candidacy. I wouldn't be surprised if she drops off after a few weeks.


Oct 25, 2017
Wow the Green party is jumping over NDP. I also won't be surprised if the next New Brunswick Government is Green. It's been trending here for sometime.

IIRC, PEI's Green Party expanded their platform recently to not be so single issue, adopting many NDP planks and it helped them significantly in the election. Wouldn't be surprised if the other provinces took notice of that.

Gunny T Highway

Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I am voting Liberal, but I feel this time around it is going to be a toss up minority government either Liberal or Conservative. Hopefully I am wrong and the Liberals maintain a majority.


Oct 26, 2017
Yep. She doesn't seem to have any political convictions aside from platitudes like "things have to change" and "stop corruption". So far, she sounds like the run of the mill suburban mom who doesn't care about politics and while she catches a glimpse of the news while preparing dinner, she doesn't really have any idea of what's going on. Nothing wrong with that, but why are you getting into politics exactly?
Very weird candidacy. I wouldn't be surprised if she drops off after a few weeks.
Conservatives finished a distant 4th place in her riding in 2015

2015 results for Rivière-du-Nord
BQ 32%
NDP 30%
LPC 26%
CPC 8%

The Laurentiens region is Bloc Quebecois country


Oct 25, 2017
Yep. She doesn't seem to have any political convictions aside from platitudes like "things have to change" and "stop corruption". So far, she sounds like the run of the mill suburban mom who doesn't care about politics and while she catches a glimpse of the news while preparing dinner, she doesn't really have any idea of what's going on. Nothing wrong with that, but why are you getting into politics exactly?
Very weird candidacy. I wouldn't be surprised if she drops off after a few weeks.

Fairly obvious she has no idea what she got herself into. I don't think she understands the political parties well either. She's going to lose anyway. CON seats in QC are much closer to Québec than her riding. She's going to obviously make some big gaffes because she's one of the few ON noteworthy candidates in the province and she's definitely not politically smart.

Scheer flipflop around abortion and LGBT right is truly disgusting. Either you support people 100% or you don't. Don't try to hypocritically play both sides because you want to appeal the insane religious warriors that made you won the leadership.

Some of the current projections websites have pretty bizarre scenarios right now. Such as

On a statistical tie for voting percentage one party can still get + 48 seats?? Hopefully it's junk statistic because otherwise the system is fairly broken. On the bright side it might push us closer to the end of FPTP.


Oct 25, 2017
On a statistical tie for voting percentage one party can still get + 48 seats?? Hopefully it's junk statistic because otherwise the system is fairly broken. On the bright side it might push us closer to the end of FPTP.
The more fun statistic is going to be the Greens. Getting the same percentage or more than the NDP, but winning considerably less seats.


Nov 4, 2017
I, for one, can't wait for the CPC to start complaining about the electoral system being broken.


Oct 25, 2017
I, for one, can't wait for the CPC to start complaining about the electoral system being broken.

Maybe Trudeau dropping Electoral Reform was a long-con ruse to get the Conservatives to start bitching about our Electoral System as well, that way he could claim "All Party Support" and push through reform without a referendum!


Oct 25, 2017
Can't wait. Election time is always so much fun...

I'm already walking past a CPC ad, and a couple months ago it was a "Send Trudeau a message" ad saying not to re-elect Ralph Goodale.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
Funny since im a quebecois but i follow more from the US side than my own side. Im okay with Trudeau (i mean nobody will be perfect) i just dont want someone as bad as Harper/Couillard


Oct 27, 2017
Funny since im a quebecois but i follow more from the US side than my own side. Im okay with Trudeau (i mean nobody will be perfect) i just dont want someone as bad as Harper/Couillard
I'm in the same sentiment. And I have a feeling a lot of people at work are the same (federal sector).

Honestly, how can you throw your vote to someone who said in 2005 that people who can't have children can't be married. He hasn't even addressed whether or not he still believes what he said.
Oct 27, 2017
I'm in the same sentiment. And I have a feeling a lot of people at work are the same (federal sector).

Honestly, how can you throw your vote to someone who said in 2005 that people who can't have children can't be married. He hasn't even addressed whether or not he still believes what he said.
I hope he gets asked about this in every interview he gives.


Oct 25, 2017
He hasn't even addressed whether or not he still believes what he said.


Oh I don't know I see a resemblance.

Scheer has a perfect pro-life voting record as well.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
I'm in the same sentiment. And I have a feeling a lot of people at work are the same (federal sector).

Honestly, how can you throw your vote to someone who said in 2005 that people who can't have children can't be married. He hasn't even addressed whether or not he still believes what he said.
wow do you have the source for that? Im intrigued :O

Congo Jack

Oct 25, 2017
Candy Apple Island
Still haven't decided which ABC party I should vote for, NDP has the best chance in my riding (which is a conservative stronghold) but I think I like the Green Party better overall.


Oct 27, 2017

New Brunswick needs to pick it up!

Also, Lisa Raitt getting schooled by an economics prof. Thread.

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