
Oct 28, 2017
This guy was really the type of "male feminist" women write articles about
Between his own body of work as a writer, and stories from his ex-wife and Carpenter, the guy really does seem like he has manipulative, toxic, misogynistic tendencies, especially behind closed doors.

The unfortunate thing is that there are probably lots of private attitudes around pregnancy not just in the entertainment industry, but in the workforce in general that pregnancy is an inconvenience and "selfish" on the part of the women for getting in the way of productivity, which really is an attitude that needs to change in our society, but the way that Whedon behaves sounds like the worse parts of those impulses, like her getting pregnant is some kind of personal attack on him and his career.


Aug 11, 2020
<-- Coast
I'm so proud of her for finally speakng up. What Joss did was horrible. You could see it on her face when asked about it previously. I really hope she survives this and comes out stronger. That she feels guilt about Ray Fisher is fucked up on a level that's hard to quantify, especially because I completely understand. I hope she feels some sort of relief from this because she deserves it after all these years.


Oct 27, 2017
I watched for the first time Buffy(incredible tv show) and Angel,no so long ago.(Angel saison 5 is better than Buffy season 7 imo)
Cordelia was my favorite character but yeaaah Angel season 4 was awful for her.

i am not really surprised unfortunately.
I was a fan of Angel back in the day but I came into the show pretty late. I just randomly started watching during S4, watched that and 5, and then it was over. (This was back when, unless you had tapes/dvds of past episodes, there was no way to just catch up, and you just started wherever you started.) So I only ever knew Cordelia as that character, wrapped up in whatever weird thing was going on with Connor and their pregnancy, and then being in a coma afterward. I had no idea of the change in her character from the first seasons to that, let alone the role that Carpenter's own pregnancy and Whedon's response to it played in the writing.


Oct 25, 2017
Good on her for speaking out. The way she and her character were treated was disgusting and it was clear Whedon was punishing her. I'll forever love her last episode but knowing how awful she was treated prior to that and how much Charisma loved playing Cordelia it feels shitty and Joss can go fuck off into the sun.

I think some others are starting to speak out too which is great.


Oct 28, 2017
The slow realization that Whedon is and has always been a toxic person has been really difficult for me to come to terms with since Buffy/Angel/Firefly were such formative works to my own experience growing up. I still think that Buffy is an important work and has done a lot to move forward female action protagonists as well as evolve serialized storytelling on television in general, but you can see the problematic elements in that show clearly looking back today. I value what those shows were to me then, but they are a stepping stone for people to do even better now.

I'm so glad Charisma (and Amber too it looks like) could come forward with her experiences. It's important that they are heard and that we don't idolize creators no matter how much their work has influenced us.


Oct 25, 2017
The actress who played Tara, Amber Benson has supported her account:

Amber Benson backing up Charisma

I remember watching Buffy when the episode aired that killed off Tara. It came from nowhere and definitely the first 'bury your gays' incident that I witnessed in media. The entire series left a bad taste in my mouth after that.


Oct 25, 2017
Terrible to hear this, especially given these credible accounts.

Justice needs to be served.

What is Whedon's thing with pregnant women anyway? Between this disgusting thing he said to Charisma Carpenter, the Buffy gets an abortion comic and the absolutely ridiculous Black Widow plotline in AoU about how she's a monster for not being able to get children, he seems to have some really odd issue with pregnancies.

Definitely thought it was just clumsy shit (which AoU has a lot of) but I mean, twice + more to seemingly come doesn't lend itself to being a coincidence. Poor form from him.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
I remember watching Buffy when the episode aired that killed off Tara. It came from nowhere and definitely the first 'bury your gays' incident that I witnessed in media. The entire series left a bad taste in my mouth after that.
It should have been Xander there.... his story was done anyway.


Oct 27, 2017
Fuck Whedon. Fuck Hamada and all the other executives that held a hand over his head.


Aug 4, 2020
Did Emma Caulfield ever say anything about Whedon? I always felt like her character was dealt especially dirty during the last season.


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
At times it sounds like she blames herself in part for what happened to Ray and others, and while I understand where those feelings come from, I hope she can come to the realization that this is all on Joss.

And I hope people realize Ray doesn't owe the public details. Those are his to share, and if he wants to only reveal them to investigators, etc, that's his place to do so. He was the victim. Speaking out at all has already cost him quite a bit.


Oct 25, 2017
Good on Charisma to tell her tale, shitty that it comes with weight of her having to fear for her career.

Trail of shit has followed Whedon for years now, I remember there having been some reveals around Age of Ultron's release about what kind asshole of an person he is. Amazing he has managed to keep his career this long, he needs to go away.


Oct 27, 2017
Did Emma Caulfield ever say anything about Whedon? I always felt like her character was dealt especially dirty during the last season.

Not as far as I know but she has replied to Charisma's Instagram post with the five heart emojis. Her character arc was strange because she was supposed to die at the end of Season 5 but was brought back for the final two seasons.


Oct 25, 2017
learning that xander harris is literally a self insert of joss whedon helped put a lot of things into perspective about that dude


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Is he responsible for the awkward scene where Banner falls on top of Black Widow's boobs in Age of Ultron? I recently rewatched it and it always such a weird thing to watch...
Fuck this guy!

dead souls

Oct 25, 2017
Scratch a vocal self-proclaimed male feminist and find a misogynist. It's a never ending pattern.

Hope this means his career is finally over.


Feb 17, 2018
He's literally the archetypal "nice guy"

He sucks, but most characters not Buffy also suck if you take them seriously. And even Buffy has her moments. Still, there's people who hate him the most, which I get, he's "real", vampires aren't.

Sorry to hear about all of this from Charisma, some stuff we had already heard about, she was fired in a very crappy way, but all the rest, oof.
Guess you need to be a star already if you want to work with Whedon and not get shit.


Oct 25, 2017
I still hate a lot of the buffy fandom for how Charisma was treated during Angel. The loser shippers bullied her because of the romance between her and Angel while the Whedon fans defended and excused the way she was written off as being "her fault for getting pregnant without telling Joss" and calling her a drug addict. There was a group of fans that knew he was punishing her for getting pregnant and defended her. I remember she kind of spoke up about it at the time but then retracted for obvious career reasons.

Also the way he treated her about gaining weight is so fucked when you look at David Boreanaz gaining a shit ton of weight during the final seasons of Angel and yet not a word about it. Whedon is just pure sexist trash.

Like I mentioned in my other post, You're Welcome was a wonderful episode that was actually true to her character despite the sad ending but looking back at her comments it's fucking evil that she asked Whedon not to kill Cordelia and he lied saying he wouldn't only to do it anyway.
hey i do like Xander actually !
I used to love Xander but rewatching the series and it's very clear he is a whiny sexist entitled asshole throughout the show. He is awful to so many women and it connects with Joss Whedons views.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
We have know for a while now that Joss Whedon is a piece of shit but it is good with more confirmation.

Brave of her, and I hope other directors with delusions of grandeur thinks more carefully about how they behave towards the people they work with.

Not because I have any illusions that they will suddenly become better people but simply out of self-interest.

This is not the take away.

She is speaking out because Warner killed the story and moved on without holding anyone accountable and discrediting the victims that spoke out.


Oct 25, 2017
Age of Ultron also had whole thing with Black Widow's backstory. It was made big part of her in the movie how organization that trained her forcefully sterilized her so she would be more efficient killer without distractions.
May 19, 2020
wild that joss whedon was once celebrated online for being like a hollywood good guy and "ally", dude always came off as a weirdo to me


Freelance Market Director
Oct 25, 2017
Age of Ultron also had whole thing with Black Widow's backstory. It was made big part of her in the movie how organization that trained her forcefully sterilized her so she would be more efficient killer without distractions.

The Red Room (the organization you are referring to) has been a thing for a long time in the comics and involves biochemical enhancements in order to create super soldiers. I cannot quite remember if sterilization was a part of that from comics or not, since its been awhile since I've read that story arc.

So that might not have been from Whedon at all.

With that said: HOW it was written, shot and everything else is absolutely on him, and that was more so the problem with those scenes.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah there had been rumors about this shit ever since Cordy got done dirty on Angel. With two people now speaking out it's really looking like it's true.


Oct 27, 2017
Sarah Michelle Gellar has commented

So has Clare Kramer who played Glory



Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
He sucks, but most characters not Buffy also suck if you take them seriously. And even Buffy has her moments. Still, there's people who hate him the most, which I get, he's "real", vampires aren't.

Xander is by far the worst outside of Willow season 6

And Xander is only not worse than that because he never got power.

Give him Willow's power and you'd see how bad Xander really is


Aug 4, 2020
Oh wow, that's a wrap. Didn't think SMG would come out and say anything but that pretty much puts the nail in the coffin.


Oct 27, 2017
The Red Room (the organization you are referring to) has been a thing for a long time in the comics and involves biochemical enhancements in order to create super soldiers. I cannot quite remember if sterilization was a part of that from comics or not, since its been awhile since I've read that story arc.

So that might not have been from Whedon at all.

With that said: HOW it was written, shot and everything else is absolutely on him, and that was more so the problem with those scenes.
To me, the point of that scene was not that Natasha is a monster because she cannot have kids, but that the ability to have kids was taken from her in the Red Room's molding of her into a monster (i.e. assassin). She brings it up to empathize with Banner, who starts the convo by calling himself a monster and acknowledging that his monstrousness makes him unable to have a future as a romantic partner, including the ability to have kids. So the "Black Widow is a monster because she can't get pregnant" stuff always struck me as an overblown and wrong way to read that scene. But obviously how he treated Carpenter regarding her pregnancy certainly colors that story beat differently. Dude clearly has some possessive hang-up about pregnant women.