Nov 6, 2017

One of the facial recognition databases that the Chinese government is using to track the Uyghur Muslim population in the Xinjiang region has been left open on the internet for months, a Dutch security researcher told ZDNet.

The database belongs to a Chinese company named SenseNets, which according to its website provides video-based crowd analysis and facial recognition technology.

Yesterday, Victor Gevers, a well-known security researcher that made a name for himself in the past few years by finding leaky MongoDB databases did what he does best and found one of SenseNets' MongoDB databases that had been left exposed online without authentication.

Gevers told ZDNet that the database contained information on 2,565724 users, along with a stream of GPS coordinates that came in at a rapid pace.

The user data wasn't just benign usernames, but highly detailed and highly sensitive information that someone would usually find on an ID card, Gevers said. The researcher saw user profiles with information such as names, ID card numbers, ID card issue date, ID card expiration date, sex, nationality, home addresses, dates of birth, photos, and employer.

For each user, there was also a list of GPS coordinates, locations where that user had been seen.


Apr 4, 2018
User Banned (5 Days): Inflammatory generalizations in the China thread; accumulated infractions
But China is good that's what the people in the Tomorrow I leave for China thread told me.
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Oct 27, 2017
Have there been any updates since the last thread on what is going to happen with this?

Fucked up that this is going on and yet people don't even care about it.


Oct 25, 2017
The existence of this alone is absolutely insane! What a terrifying prospect. I'm surprised this is the only place I've read about this as the repercussions are staggering. Can't even begin to imagine how scary it must be to be Muslim in China right now.

Ogami Itto

Oct 25, 2017
Have there been any updates since the last thread on what is going to happen with this?

Fucked up that this is going on and yet people don't even care about it.

People do but most of us are not Chinese so there is nothing we or the Muslims in China can do about it, let them live in their dystopian paradise.


Feb 12, 2019
God damn stop torturing these Uyghur people. Deeply saddens me to see a tribe very closely related to my own persecuted this way.

Monkey D.

Oct 31, 2017
This is scary.

If you want to be freaked out... the US government has access to the same data via gps phone tracking from apps/cell providers, social media, and the various credit rating agencies.
People willingly post their pictures on Facebook or Instagram, and provide employment records to LinkedIn.

WILLINGLY. The key word here. I dont think the people in china have a choice.


Oct 25, 2017
This is scary.

If you want to be freaked out... the US government has access to the same data via gps phone tracking from apps/cell providers, social media, and the various credit rating agencies.
People willingly post their pictures on Facebook or Instagram, and provide employment records to LinkedIn.

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
The only one who has stood up for the Uighur is fucking Erdogan. What a world we live in...
Imran Khan stood up and backed down immediately. It was pathetic. It's because of enemy of my enemy thing - India and China are not the best of friends, and Pakistan needs China's business in railroad.

The Gulf kings are corrupt dictators in USA's pocket. Trump admin itself is probably wondering how they can set up a Muslim database in US. Erdogan himself is accused of human rights violations but someone has to stand up to China. This has gone for too long.


Dec 4, 2018
I feel like the Chinese government doesn't get as much flack as say others like Iran, North Korea, Russia, Syria etc.. but is is absolute top tier human trash and has been for close to a century and barely any pressure by the international community is put on them.


Oct 25, 2017
This is scary.

If you want to be freaked out... the US government has access to the same data via gps phone tracking from apps/cell providers, social media, and the various credit rating agencies.
People willingly post their pictures on Facebook or Instagram, and provide employment records to LinkedIn.



Oct 25, 2017
Of course the thread is slow compared to Bill Maher hot takes #77

In serious Fucking hell this is borderline dystopian


Oct 25, 2017
People willingly post their pictures on Facebook or Instagram, and provide employment records to LinkedIn.

And people willingly get driver's licenses and passports and willingly renew those with updated pictures!

Those same people create all sorts of official tax documents when getting a job or getting paid by a job.

The US government doesn't need Instagram or LinkedIn to know who and where you are.


Oct 27, 2017
I feel like the Chinese government doesn't get as much flack as say others like Iran, North Korea, Russia, Syria etc.. but is is absolute top tier human trash and has been for close to a century and barely any pressure by the international community is put on them.
it's mostly internal politics, they generally stay out of other countries' business. much less so with the foreign military adventures. any international conflicts they are often reactionary. iran had death to america/israel, nk wants to nuke washington, russia is blackmailing trump, syria is a civil war wrapped in a proxy war. chinas got the scs going but are checked by american and allied naval containment. they mostly play defense. their main threat is economic, but things may change, you may get the boogey man you're looking for! but i rue that day.


Dec 4, 2018
it's mostly internal politics, they generally stay out of other countries' business. much less so with the foreign military adventures. any international conflicts they are often reactionary. iran had death to america/israel, nk wants to nuke washington, russia is blackmailing trump, syria is a civil war wrapped in a proxy war. chinas got the scs going but are checked by american and allied naval containment. they mostly play defense. their main threat is economic, but things may change, you may get the boogey man you're looking for! but i rue that day.
Bar Russia, every other country I listed also does "internal politics". Difference is no one fucks with China or tells them what to do. Not the same for Iran, Syria or NK so it's no wonder they're disliking of interfering countries. Do you think if the US sanctioned China to the extent of crippling it, interfered in their internal politics and relationship with neighbouring countries, told them what they could and couldn't built military wise and deployed troop in on their soil etc.. that they wouldn't be chanting "death to america" and wanting to "nuke washington"?

China is 100% just as shitty as those countries I listed, in some case even worse. But they get a free pass because unlike Iran, Syria and NK they're too big and too strong to bully around. Make no mistake, the "respect" the US and European nations have for China is not based on shared moral values, it's based on power.


Oct 27, 2017
E: Stopping the detail.
Have there been any updates since the last thread on what is going to happen with this?

Fucked up that this is going on and yet people don't even care about it.

The reason isn't that no one cares about it. It's because we feel powerless to change anything. It's like how for decades people internally know that Climate Change is real.
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The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Have there been any updates since the last thread on what is going to happen with this?

Fucked up that this is going on and yet people don't even care about it.

Fair assumption is that it'll continue to be used as a weapon of ethnic cleansing. This company contracted by the Chinese government to track this segment of the Uighur population will probably continue this "work," unless they were fired for being sloppy and letting this leak. The Chinese gov't will continue to systematically detain and torture a million+ people from this community in re-education camps - not to mention all the other arbitrary and unjust levers of oppression the govt wields against "dissenters" - both real and imagined - both within and without the Uighur community.

Vox article outlining China's campaign of oppression against Uighurs.

"Many Uighur-majority regions have been ordered to detain a certain percentage of the adult population even if no fault was found. Detentions frequently occur for no discernible reasons," Zenz said of the detainees.

Though Chinese government officials might try to paint these "reeducation camps" as enriching experiences, a report published in October by the French news service Agence France-Presse undermined that narrative.

The report described camps where thousands of guards carrying spiked clubs, tear gas, and stun guns surveil the detainees, who are held in buildings surrounded by razor wire and infrared cameras. AFP journalists also reviewed public documents that showed government agencies overseeing the camps purchased 2,768 police batons, 550 electric cattle prods, 1,367 pairs of handcuffs, and 2,792 cans of pepper spray.

Inside these camps, detainees are reportedly subjected to bizarre exercises aimed at "brainwashing" them, as well as physical torture and deprivation.
Oct 25, 2017
There's no choice in America of participating in the credit scoring program.

There's virtually no choice of having phone locations being sold by providers because not having a phone is not realistic.

Having a credit or a debit card means that all those purchases and location of purchases are recorded.

It's like Person of Interest without the AI.

The reason isn't that no one cares about it. It's because we feel powerless to change anything. It's like how for decades people internally know that Climate Change is real.
Stop equivocating the two. When the US government starts a cultural genocide over said data, then you can talk. As of right now, you're belittling Uighurs who are literally in concentration camps, have government strangers living in their homes sent to spy on them, and having their children abducted by the state. Just what do you think you're accomplishing with these posts. (Don't answer that.)
Oct 31, 2017
The only one who has stood up for the Uighur is fucking Erdogan. What a world we live in...
On November 15 2018 said:
Canada stood firm against Chinese criticism Thursday after the Trudeau government rallied more than a dozen countries in expressing concern to Beijing about its jailing of hundreds of thousands of its Muslim minority.
A Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman accused Canada's envoy and 14 others of going beyond their diplomatic roles by sending a letter that expressed concern about the incarcerations of China's Muslim minorities in re-education camps in the northwestern region of Xinjiang.
Spokeswoman Hua Chunying told reporters the letter violated the terms of the Vienna Convention governing diplomatic relations and that the envoys should not "interfere in the internal affairs of other countries."
She noted the letter, which was spearheaded by Canada, was based on hearsay, despite widely distributed reports from detainees, relatives and officials documenting the sweeping and seemingly arbitrary detentions.
A well-placed source from one of the 15 signatory countries also confirmed to The Canadian Press that Canada led the effort to send the letter.
"Canada is deeply concerned by credible reports of the mass detention, repression and surveillance of Uighurs and other Muslims in Xinjiang," said Adam Austen, a spokesman for Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland.
Canada called on China to release all "arbitrarily" detained Muslims earlier this month at the UN where China's human rights record was under review. Freeland also raised their plight with her Chinese counterpart at the UN General Assembly in September, said Austen.


Oct 29, 2017
I feel like Narendra Modi (Indian PM) is gonna see this and excitedly call Beijing, "Oh my goodness! We hate Muslims too! Can we have this app please? We will send Salman Khan (famous actor) to visit your country!"


Oct 30, 2017
Amazing technology used for an incredible stupid, racist and Xenophobic reason. The Poo bear must be put on trial for genocide.

But China is good that's what the people in the Tomorrow I leave for China thread told me.

People here say don't judge Americans for what Trump does, yet you said China as a whole, but this is the ruling party, not the regular people.
Nov 16, 2017
Amazing technology used for an incredible stupid, racist and Xenophobic reason. The Poo bear must be put on trial for genocide.

People here say don't judge Americans for what Trump does, yet you said China as a whole, but this is the ruling party, not the regular people.
Because there's a large resistance movement in the USA and trump is highly unpopular. Is the ruling party highly unpopular in China?


Oct 27, 2017
But China is good that's what the people in the Tomorrow I leave for China thread told me.
Oct 25, 2017
The Communist Party of China has to be in the top 3 evil organizations right now, its a shame people dont care tho.


Oct 30, 2017
Because there's a large resistance movement in the USA and trump is highly unpopular. Is the ruling party highly unpopular in China?

Highly unpopular is a reach, when millions still support his horrible views regardless.

China of course is not a democracy and talking bad about their ruling party is dangerous. Don't get me wrong, I am not defending their ruling party, but I can reckon there is very little the normal folks can do to oppose them.
If given the chance I would remove the poo bear instead of trump, because I acknowledge Americans can vote that ass from the Whitehouse without exposing their lives in the process.


Oct 28, 2017
You act like the Chinese government and the Chinese people, lifestyle, culture, etc are all the same thing. You have no perspective or knowledge.
What about the Chinese students protesting in Canadese university because the student president was Tibetan? And the news that they are snitching to Chinese consulate if they hear talks about Uyghur protests. If we are gonna defend their actions now they are going to be like Israel.


Apr 4, 2018
When you literally can't meassure a populations approval/disapproval with their ruling party because there aren't any elections to vote in and any mass demonstration is violently suppressed I'm pretty comfortable in saying that that country is completely fucked.

I feel bad for the people in Hong Kong who never asked for this but are going to see their liberty and autonomy gradually stolen from them over the next couple decades.


Oct 25, 2017
The existence of this alone is absolutely insane! What a terrifying prospect. I'm surprised this is the only place I've read about this as the repercussions are staggering. Can't even begin to imagine how scary it must be to be Muslim in China right now.
Oddly enough, China's Hui Muslims aren't treated the way the Uighurs are. There's a layer of hate directed at Uighurs that stem from their ethnicity on top of their religion (Hui are essentially Han Chinese who converted to Islam centuries ago). Historically Hui Muslims were used to subjugate Uighurs, so there's been conflicts between the two Muslim groups as well.

Dr. Mario

Oct 27, 2017
Although their repression of Uyghurs is something else, it's not just muslims, all houses of worship are forced to install face tracking cameras at their doors.