Mr. X

Oct 25, 2017
Edit: If you never been to Chipotle, here's how ordering works

They make the food in front of you, put it in a container and then a bag, slide it next to the register (on their side) and you pay for it.

Aka cafeteria style service.

Watching them drag the whole staff while recording is great
Masud Ali (@Masudaliii) posted a video which showed himself and his friends being refused service at a Chipotle in Minnesota unless they pay first. Chipotle said: "What happened here is not how our employees should treat our customers. We are committed to treating all of our guests fairly and with respect." The manager has been "terminated" and the staff has been "retrained."

They record them serving a lady who comes in during this lmao

Update: this is looking like it'll backfire soon lol

Deleted tweets about dine and dashing

Update 11/20

She's been rehired

The company had earlier said it was aware that one of the alleged victims who claimed that he and his friends were racially profiled had previously boasted on Twitter about dine-and-dash incidents specifically targeting Chipotle.

"Based on our review, we have offered our manager her job back," Laurie Schalow, chief communications officer for Chipotle, said in a statement to ABC News Monday afternoon. "While our normal protocol was not followed serving these customers, we publicly apologize to our manager for being put in this position. We will work to continue to ensure that we support a respectful workplace for our employees and our customers alike."
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Deleted member 42

user requested account closure
Oct 24, 2017
How does that even work

Chipotle literally just keeps the food at the cashier spot until you pay anyways
Oct 25, 2017
Serve my Somali brothers, you goddamn racists.

EDIT: I believe I've been bamboozled.
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Deleted member 835

User requested account deletion
Oct 25, 2017
A manager at a St. Paul Chipotle was fired this week after a video went viral of employees refusing to serve five black men and asking them to prove they could pay before taking their order.

Masud Ali, 21, said he and friends were told they couldn't be served Thursday night at the eatery on Grand Avenue and were accused of being customers from an earlier night who weren't able to pay for their meal.

"It sounded really racist — the way she said it was racist," Ali said Friday. "She asked for proof of income as if I'm getting a loan."

In a statement, Chipotle said it conducted a "thorough investigation," and talked with police officers who were called to the restaurant, as well as employees.

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When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
Add "Risking your intestines while black" to the list.

But seriously, why weren't the employees who did this also fired along with the manager?


Oct 25, 2017
How can you be so goddamn stupid. Like you see them recording you how do you think this is going to go from here? Fucking idiots.

Deleted member 16657

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
The fuck? You order, they make it, you pay them, you take it. Unless this is some weird Chipotle where you order, eat and then pay an actual bill? Seems like they just wanted to fuck with them. Even made it worse by serving a white customer on video as well. Corporate must be cringing hard.

Deleted member 2802

Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
How does that even work

Chipotle literally just keeps the food at the cashier spot until you pay anyways
Yeah, this makes no sense on their part. If they can't pay, just don't hand them the food.

Then again, racism is never intelligent.
In addition to being racist there might have been some kind of quota for wasted food that the manager was trying to hit for promotions/weekly goals stuff.
If you have a custom food like subway or chipotle you can't serve that to a new customer once it's made so either you "waste" it and eat the cost or you give it to your employees or eat it yourself.


Oct 25, 2017
Knew exactly who it'd be before I even opened the thread. Fucking horrible. should've canned every single one of those employees


User requested permanent ban
May 29, 2018
Proof of income! Right, you should only be able to order a burrito with a perfect credit score!


Oct 25, 2017
How can you be so goddamn stupid. Like you see them recording you how do you think this is going to go from here? Fucking idiots.

Yeah that's the shit that still gets me about how dumb people are. Like, my man you remember that the internet exists right? People are gonna see this video of you being blatantly racist and that probably won't be good for you. More often than not it makes people double down instead of taking a second to re-evaluate. I dunno if it's just a human nature thing or what, but man people do love to fuck up on camera.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The fuck? You order, they make it, you pay them, you take it. Unless this is some weird Chipotle where you order, eat and then pay an actual bill? Seems like they just wanted to fuck with them. Even made it worse by serving a white customer on video as well. Corporate must be cringing hard.
How does that even work

Chipotle literally just keeps the food at the cashier spot until you pay anyways
Yeah, this is what confused me. I thought the article meant that the other people ordered food, didn't pay, and just left the food there, but based on the video they give you the food and then let you do whatever until you pay?


User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Yea, because If it's something Chipotle definitely needs is more bad publicity.

Can I have a side of racism with that noro virus and rice burrito?
Oct 25, 2017
I was thinking "maybe they prepared the food and they couldn't pay so it went to waste" but then I rememebred Chipotle serves only uncooked food so....


Oct 25, 2017
My guess is that their objection is that they make a bunch of food, and someone can't pay, they have to eat the cost of that food, which is why a manager would care. Except only a stupid, incompetent goddamn manager would care more about losing the cost of a few burrito bowls over the cost of the negative PR from blatantly racially profiling a group of black men going viral.


Oct 25, 2017
Add "Risking your intestines while black" to the list.

But seriously, why weren't the employees who did this also fired along with the manager?

It sounds like maybe some of the other employees just took the manager's word at face value here, but I could be wrong. I'm not really about to give those employees the benefit of the doubt


Oct 28, 2017
I have never been to a Chipotle where I was able to get the food before paying. What the blue fuzzy fuck kinda nonsense is this?! AND peeps lost their jobs too, damn people are stupid
Oct 26, 2017
My guess is that their objection is that they make a bunch of food, and someone can't pay, they have to eat the cost of that food, which is why a manager would care. Except only a stupid, incompetent goddamn manager would care more about losing the cost of a few burrito bowls over the cost of the negative PR from blatantly racially profiling a group of black men going viral.
It's all right though. It's 2018, and these morons are smart enough to realize social media is nearly dead, nobody carries phones anymore with video recording capabilities, and that surely her refusal of service will be forgotten within the hour. /s

Deleted member 2145

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
hopefully they get fired immediately

also you'd think people would be smart enough at this point to see the phones recording and change their tune


Oct 27, 2017
So is she suggesting these guys come often and usually don't pay?
That's what it looks like.

I am a black man, and I'm gonna say this is one of those rare instances where I think I might have to look into it more. Only because she doesn't seem like the stereotypical racist right off the bat.

And because something about his caption looks like bait to me. Idk, this one just seems off.


Chicken Photographer
Oct 25, 2017
I have never been to a Chipotle where I was able to get the food before paying. What the blue fuzzy fuck kinda nonsense is this?! AND peeps lost their jobs too, damn people are stupid

It's about paying before they even start to make the food. Which never happens considering how their counters are set up


Oct 26, 2017
I have no idea what's going on. She's accusing them of coming in before, ordering food, and just not paying for it? If that's actually true, I can understand their refusal to serve them. Still poor optics in 2018. Otherwise, blatantly racist. Can't say either way without knowing more. I find it hard to believe anyone would order food and not pay at a place where you have to pay before you get your food anyway.


Oct 25, 2017
What, you never just go to a restaurant and order food, only to leave without paying and not getting the food? I used to do it every day after school with my group of friends!

This was years ago, but back when I worked food service we definitely had people do this. Either as a joke or try and get cheap/free food. Not as a one off either, but there really wasn't much point in arguing with them. Either they got the food or they didn't.


Oct 25, 2017
I have no idea what's going on. She's accusing them of coming in before, ordering food, and just not paying for it? If that's actually true, I can understand their refusal to serve them. Still poor optics in 2018. Otherwise, blatantly racist. Can't say either way without knowing more. I find it hard to believe anyone would order food and not pay at a place where you have to pay before you get your food anyway.

If that is really the case, and these people really did buy food once and leave the food without paying, you still don't change your entire company/restaurant policy for this one instance. That's just bone headed. Honestly, if I'm that manager and I think this group of men has done this before, I still serve them. If it happens, you eat that shit and call it a day. If it becomes habitual (more than once, and you are certain) you call the cops and try and have them trespassed or something, or formally refuse them service. You don't take it upon yourself to change your entire corporate policy just for this one group of african american young men, while allowing other white customers to follow the standard procedure (all while being recorded doing this, mind you). You have to be a moron totally incapable of your job and position to not be able to process how terrible the optics of that are.

Deleted member 2145

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I have no idea what's going on. She's accusing them of coming in before, ordering food, and just not paying for it? If that's actually true, I can understand their refusal to serve them. Still poor optics in 2018. Otherwise, blatantly racist. Can't say either way without knowing more. I find it hard to believe anyone would order food and not pay at a place where you have to pay before you get your food anyway.

even still who cares? at places like chipotle you're gonna have to pay before receiving your food anyway. it's not like these workers will get less money in their paycheck if they have to throw some food away because those people didn't pay. hell, you can just eat the fucking food yourself or give it away to a homeless person or something.


Dec 1, 2017
Chipotle is garbage to begin with. I hope these guys never come back. Their bowels will appreciate it


Oct 26, 2017
If that is really the case, and these people really did buy food once and leave the food without paying, you still don't change your entire company/restaurant policy for this one instance. That's just bone headed. Honestly, if I'm that manager and I think this group of men has done this before, I still serve them. If it happens, you eat that shit and call it a day. If it becomes habitual (more than once, and you are certain) you call the cops and try and have them trespassed or something, or formally refuse them service. You don't take it upon yourself to change your entire corporate policy just for this one group of african american young men, while allowing other white customers to follow the standard procedure (all while being recorded doing this, mind you). You have to be a moron totally incapable of your job and position to not be able to process how terrible the optics of that are.
Well, it sounds like she is specifically saying this group( or at least one of them) does this routinely. I don't know why I would make the rest of my customers show proof of payment before hand if they don't have a history of that behavior. I wouldn't even ask for proof of payment myself. If they came in routinely and did that, it would be an instant call to the police for trespassing. You're right on that.


Oct 25, 2017
Well, it sounds like she is specifically saying this group( or at least one of them) does this routinely. I don't know why I would make the rest of my customers show proof of payment before hand if they don't have a history of that behavior. I wouldn't even ask for proof of payment myself. If they came in routinely and did that, it would be an instant call to the police for trespassing. You're right on that.

Obviously, she couldn't have been that sure, because she was wrong based on Chipotle's own internal investigation. She confused them for someone else. Racially profiling and discriminating customers in itself is wrong, doing it based on a "hunch" is fucking stupid.


Oct 26, 2017
even still who cares? at places like chipotle you're gonna have to pay before receiving your food anyway. it's not like these workers will get less money in their paycheck if they have to throw some food away because those people didn't pay. hell, you can just eat the fucking food yourself or give it away to a homeless person or something.
If its true, who cares either way how they handle it? Serve them or not? If they aren't planning on paying, its not a matter of race, its a matter of being a prick and making a low wage worker have to put up with your bullshit because can't be bothered to pay for a chipotle burrito. Of course, if its not true, then that completely changes everything.


Oct 26, 2017
Obviously, she couldn't have been that sure, because she was wrong based on Chipotle's own internal investigation. She confused them for someone else. Racially profiling and discriminating customers in itself is wrong, doing it based on a "hunch" is fucking stupid.
Well, obviously. Just assuming its the same guy because he's black is about as blatant as it gets. I haven't read the investigation so I wouldn't know.


Oct 27, 2017
If that is really the case, and these people really did buy food once and leave the food without paying, you still don't change your entire company/restaurant policy for this one instance. That's just bone headed. Honestly, if I'm that manager and I think this group of men has done this before, I still serve them. If it happens, you eat that shit and call it a day. If it becomes habitual (more than once, and you are certain) you call the cops and try and have them trespassed or something, or formally refuse them service. You don't take it upon yourself to change your entire corporate policy just for this one group of african american young men, while allowing other white customers to follow the standard procedure (all while being recorded doing this, mind you). You have to be a moron totally incapable of your job and position to not be able to process how terrible the optics of that are.
I'd have to go with this. It all did seem sketch at first like she's really seen these men before, but even if that was the case, then they still have to pay before you get the food. So she could've just held onto it until she received the payment. I worked at a pizza place in college and had to do this a few times. We just kept it and ate it lol