Oct 28, 2017


Release Date: February 8, 2018
Developer: Firaxis Games
Publisher: 2K Games
Platforms: PC
Price: $29.99


Golden and Dark Ages
In history, civilizations went through dark ages and golden ages. Previous Civilization games made golden ages a mechanic that would happen occasionally, but Rise & Fall is making it a primary gameplay mechanic. As you progress through the ages, you'll create historic moments. These moments are things like building a wonder, clearing a barbarian encampment or building certain units for the first time.

As each age comes to a close, the historic moments will tallied up into Era Score and your civilization will enter a dark, normal or golden age depending on how you've performed. If you've made great progress, you will enter a golden age. If history has not been so kind, a dark age awaits. Each era begins anew for scoring, with civilizations in a dark age needing less score to leave it on top of a host of unique dark age policies that can change the path of your civilization for a time. If you come out of a dark age and into a golden age, you'll be taken one step further and enter a heroic age with even greater rewards.

Cities now have loyalty and are affected by loyalty emanating from other nearby cities. If a city's loyalty goes too low, there is a chance it will revolt, leaving your empire and becoming up for grabs. A city in revolt can stay neutral, but not barbarian, or even join or rejoin a civilization if nearby loyalty pressure is strong enough.

In effect, players will now need to consider city placement and distance from the empire. No longer can you start your second city nearby an AI empire to capture their potential resources - it's likely you won't have the loyalty to keep it. Likewise, conquering and holding an empire far from your own will test the bonds of loyalty. If you cannot ensure your loyalty is high enough, you'll lose everything you've gained.

Players can now recruit up to seven different governors and place them to rule over cities. The governors are their own characters and each has its own unique skill tree that you can invest in with points earned through gameplay. Alternatively, those points can be spent to unlock a new governor to rule in a different city. The governor's skills can be essential to your civilization's development. For instance, one might provide science bonuses while another focuses on war. Additionally, governors can generate loyalty to make holding cities outside of your empire a bit easier.

To compliment the new governors, there will also be a new governmental district to encourage development of your governors.

Enhanced Alliances
The alliance system has been completely revamped. In the base game, an alliance was essentially a stronger declaration of friendship. In Rise & Fall, you can declare specific types of alliances to focus on certain mutual benefits such as science. If the alliance matures and stands the test of time, the benefits will continue to grow, giving incentive to maintain strong, permanent bonds with your allied civilizations. There are three levels of alliance with increasing benefits.

The alliance types are: Research, Military, Economic, Cultural and Religious.

Civilizations who grow strong will trigger emergencies for the other civilizations. Those civilizations will have the option of joining a pact against the stronger civilization. The pact will contain and objective they will all work toward. Success gives a boost to all the civilizations who joined it. Failure, however, will give a bonus to the civilization on which the pact targeted.

New Districts
The Governor's Plaza can be built in only one city and provides global bonuses for your civilization on top of city bonuses. There are nine possible buildings that can be built within a Governor's Plaza divided into three tiers. A civilization can only build one building in each tier, for a total of three possible buildings. Mixing and matching the bonuses to suit the needs of each civilization and game will be key.

The Water Park is an alternative to the Entertainment District that can only be built upon coastal tiles. It provides amenities and tourism, primarily.

New Wonders
There will be a total of eight new wonders.

Map Updates

There will be three new resources available:
  • Amber - Adds culture to tile and can be found on land and water tiles.
  • Olives - Adds production and gold and can be found on land tiles.
  • Turtles - Adds science and can be found on water tiles.
There will also be two new terrain improvements your workers can construct. Fisheries are built on coastal tiles and reward food. A city park gives appeal, culture and amenities.

A new terrain feature exists - a Reef. A reef has added production and water resources can spawn on a reef tile. However, a Harbor cannot be built on a reef.

Finally, there will be seven new natural wonders to discover.

Other Assorted Improvements
Of course, the base game itself is not left alone. There will be changes to the various systems such as the science and culture trees. There will be new Casus Belli, new hidden leader Agendas to mix up the gameplay, new policies. There will also be changes to city states, though the total number will remain the same. Existing districts will also see changes, such as Monuments providing loyalty in addition to culture and Neighborhoods gaining buildings that can be once per city which add food and tourism.

The most impactful change to note is regarding trade routes. Instead of a Commerce Hub or a Harbor to unlock a new trade route, you will need to build either a market or a lighthouse.


There will be eight new civilizations with a leader each. Additionally, India will gain a second leader, bringing a total of nine new leaders in Rise & Fall.

Empire History
: Historical Korea is most famous for the Three Kingdoms of Korea. These kingdoms emerged in the 1st Century BCE as the primary players on the Korean peninsula. These three existed independently for just over 700 years until the southwestern kingdom, Silla, allied with China and was able to conquer the entire peninsula in the late 7th Century AD to create Unified Silla. This empire was shortlived however as oppressive taxes on the poor and extreme corruption among the aristocracy lead to revolt and the empire split into three kingdoms once again by the 10th Century AD, though the new kingdoms were less political entities than they were lands ruled by armies. The kingdoms warred and were eventually unified one more time before a Mongol-Chinese invasion turned the peninsula into a vassal state in the 13th Century AD.

Leader: Seondeok of Silla
Biography: Seondeok ruled as queen of Silla during the end of the first Three Kingdoms period. As the first female ruler of Silla - and the second in all of recorded history in East Asia - the faced considerable opposition based on her gender. She consolidated power by gaining the support of the people thanks to welfare policies to help the poor and needy as well as an entire year of tax exemption for all. Her rule was characterized by increased philosophy, thought, arts and literature. However, it was also a military disaster with the other Kingdoms conquering much of Silla's territory. She was eventually killed during a rebellion sparked by the idea that a female ruler could not be a ruler.
Historical Agenda: Cheomseongdae - Likes Civs with Science, hates those without it
Leader Ability: Hwarang - Additional Culture and Science in all cities with a Governor
Capital: Gyeongju
Civilization Ability: Three Kingdoms -- Mines receive Science and Farms receive Food if built next to a Seowon
Unique Unit: Hwacha
Unique District: Seowon - Replaces the Science District; Always earns 4 Science but decreases for every nearby District (except Governor's Plaza); Must be built on Hills

Empire History
: The Mapuche are a group of indigenous people who originated in what is now Chile and Argentina. The Mapuche culture can first be found around the 7th Century BCE and was ultimately bound together from loose tribes due to a collective resistance to Incan invasions. Their first contact with Europe came when the Spanish entered Chile during their Peruvian conquests in the 16th Century. The Spanish founded cities in Mapuche territory and the conflict sparked a war that would last over 300 years called the Arauco War. The Spanish cities were under nearly constant siege for fifty years until the Mapuche won the Battle of Curalaba and almost all the Spaniards in Mapuche land fled or were slaughtered. After those initial fifty years, the conflict was relatively low intensity and the Spanish never regained a foothold. Modern Mapuche live in Chile under dire circumstances surrounded by racial violence - you can look up more on that by searching for the "Mapuche conflict."

Leader: Lautaro
Biography: Lautaro was captured during the initial Spanish invasion but escaped imprisonment in 1551. For half a decade he served as commander of the Mapuche forces. In 1553, he led 6000 warriors against Fort Tucapel in the Battle of Tucapel, earning a decisive victory. A year later, he led 8000 against a Spanish attack at the Battle of Marihenu. As the years went on, his forces dwindled until a surprise attack by the Conquistadors at the Battle of Mataquito saw Lautaro fall on the battlefield.
Historical Agenda: Spirit of Tucapel - Focuses on loyalty in his Civilization, hates those with little loyalty
Leader Ability: Swift Hawk - Loyalty penalty to Civilizations when Lautaro defeats an enemy in their territory
Capital: Ngulu Mapu
Civilization Ability: Toqui - Combat bonus against Civilizations in a Golden Age; Bonus Expirience for Units created in Cities with a Governor
Unique Unit: Malon Raider - Combat bonus near friendly territory; Costs less movement to Pillage a Tile
Unique Tile Improvement: Chemamull - Grants Culture and Tourism based on Appeal

Empire History
: The Kingdom of Scotland formed during the Dark Ages around the 9th Century AD after centuries of war and invasion by the Vikings. The Kingdom remained largely intact and even expanded until 1286 AD at the death of King Alexander III. Alexander's death left 14 claimants to the throne and, to prevent civil war, the aristocracy allowed England to mediate on the condition that Scotland would submit to status a feudal holding of England. The peace would not last and Scotland would be ravaged by war for centuries, including two wars for independence.

Leader: Robert the Bruce
Biography: After Scotland ceded control to England for the first time after Alexander III's death, Robert the Bruce lead a war of independence for Scotland and ultimately claimed the crown of the nation. The war for independence faced losses at first, but after a brief retreat to Ireland, Robert the Bruce returned and ultimately secured the crown against Scottish rivals at the Battle of Bannockburn. The war against England continued until the Catholic Church finally recognized Scotland's independence. When he died in 1329, he had fully secured the rights to the crown and his only remaining goal unfulfilled was to undertake a crusade.
Historical Agenda: Flower of Scotland - Will not attack neighbors unless they break a promise to Scotland; Likes Civilizations who make peace with neighbors, hates Civilizations who do not
Leader Ability: Bannockburn - Gets early access to War of Liberation; Bonus Movement and Production during first 10 turns of War of Liberation
Capital: Stirling
Civilization Ability: Scottish Enlightenment - Extra Science and Production in cities with positive Amenities; Bonus Great Engineer and Scientist Points
Unique Unit: Highlander
Unique Terrain Improvement: Golf Course - Adds Amenities and Gold; Extra Culture if next to City Center or Entertainment District

Empire History
: The Cree were a Native American society that rose to prominence in the 18th and 19th century. The Cree historically operated in smaller bands in what is now the Northern US and Southern Canada, unified by culture and language primarily. During their height, they formed an alliance with other tribes called the "Iron Confederacy," which was a major player in the North American Fur Trade.

Leader: Poundmaker
Biography: Known as Pîhtokahanapiwiyin in Cree culture, Poundmaker earned his name for his skills in herding buffalo into pounds, which were corrals. He did this using a special song, which was atypical. Poundmaker was known as a peacemaker, first making peace among tribes which ultimately led to him being adopted by the chief of the rival Blackfoot Tribe and second by preventing a massacre during the retreat of the Canadian army at the Battle of Cut Knife.
Historical Agenda: Iron Confederacy - Likes having many alliances, hates those who do not
Leader Ability: Favorable Terms - All Alliance types give shared visibility; Trade Routes grant Food in the starting city and Gold in the ending city based on Camps or Pastures in each
Capital: Mikisiw-Wacihk
Civilization Ability: Nihithaw - +1 Trade Route capacity; Earn a free Trader upon researching Pottery; Traders claim unclaimed tiles within 3 tiles of the city center when first moving through them
Unique Unit: Okihtcithaw - Replaces Scout; Has additional Combat Strength and free promotion
Unique Tile Improvement: Mekewap - Provides Housing and Production as well as Gold when adjacent to a Luxury resource and Food when adjacent to a Bonus resource

Empire History
: In the late 12th Century, Genghis Khan united the Mongolian clans and began a war of expansion during which the Mongol Horde was known for its brutal ferocity. Through Genghis Khan and his successors, the Mongol Empire became the largest land empire the world has ever known. At one point, it contained 22% of the Earth's total landmass and stretched all the way from the Pacific Ocean to Poland in Europe. During this time, commerce across Asia thrived under what is known as the Pax Mongolica. Eventually, China's Ming dynasty broke free from the empire and eventually contained the Mongols to their homeland. Mongolia was brought under Chinese rule fully in 1691 and the empire was no more.

Leader: Genghis Khan
Biography: Originally named Temujin, he began his career as an ally to a small scale Khan. He fought for a decade, slowly gaining power and bringing tribes under his rule. In 1206, he finally succeeded in uniting all of the tribes - an incredible feat considering their history of war and adversity. With all of Mongolia under a single political rule, he adopted the name Ghengis Khan (which likely means True Leader) and set his sights on other empires. He was absolutely ruthless and dealt constantly with internal politics while waging his wars. He developed an extensive spy network and was highly intelligent, quickly adapting and mimicing new strategies he faced. He died twenty years after his empire began to unclear causes. His burial place is unknown as his tribe's custom was to be buried in an unmarked grave and his burial escort slaughtered anyone in its way to conceal its location.
Historical Agenda: Horse Lord - Likes to build Mounted Units; hates Civilizations with more Mounted Units
Leader Ability: Mongol Horde - Increased Strength for Mounted Units; Mounted Units have a chance to capture defeated Mounted Units
Capital: Qaraqorum
Civilization Ability: Ortoo - Trade Routes immediately create a Trading Post; Trading Posts increase Diplomatic Visibility; Additional Combat Strength for each level of Diplomatic Visibility
Unique Unit: Keshig - Shares Movement with any unit in formation
Unique Building: Ordu - Replaces Stable; Mounted Units get extra Movement if built in this City

Empire History
: The Zulu Kingdom rose to prominence on the back of Shaka, who expanded the empire to span southern Africa. After Shaka's assassination by his brothers, one brother killed another to take the throne and then ordered the execution of the entire royal family save one weaker brother. This time period was characterized by violence and political strife, with every leader dying by assassination or in civil war until 1878 at the onset of the Anglo-Zulu War against Britain. At first the British suffered a savage defeat - the worst the British ever suffered against an African army - but they managed to come back and began winning victories despite inferior numbers and ultimately annexed Zululand into the empire a decade after the war began.

Leader: Shaka
Biography: Shaka was born in 1787 as the illegitimate son of the Zulu king and was raised as a warrior, quickly becoming chief of the Zulu Kingdom in 1816 and of the entire regional alliance in 1818. Shaka's rule was characterized by military, political, social and cultural reforms where he consolidated power in his central government and, after a political battle with the tribal witchdoctors, made the Zulu's organized religion subservient to the state. Shaka would expand his empire by taking defeated warriors into his own army with full freedom to rise, with promotions in the army based on merit rather than birthright. As a shrewd tactician, Shaka also infused the Zulu army with progressive tactics and new weaponry. His army crushed the opposition and integrated new tribes into an empire that spanned the majority of the southern African coast. He was ultimately assassinated by his two half-brothers in 1828.
Historical Agenda: Horn, Chest, Loins - Likes Corps and Armies and likes Civilizations who create them
Leader Ability: Amabutho - Can form Corps and Armies early; Combat boost to Corps and Armies
Capital: Ulundi
Civilization Ability: Isibongo - Extra Loyalty in Cities with a Garrison; When you conquer a City with a unit, that unit is upgraded to a Corps or Army
Unique Unit: Impi - Replaces Pikeman; Gains additional XP; Requires less Maintenance and Production; Additional Flanking bonus
Unique District: Ikanda - Replaces Encampment; Additional Housing, Production to Corps and Armies

Empire History
: The height of the Netherlands' political power was the Dutch Republic from the 16th to 18th centuries. Throughout the 17th century the Dutch Empire grew to expansive proportions with colonies all over the world supported by a merchant fleet of 16,000 vessels. Settlements of North Africa, South Africa, East Asia and Indonesia were the highlights. The empire gained in riches until the 18th century when the Dutch entered into war against England, France and Germany and ultimately could never recover despite avoiding complete defeat on all three fronts. The Dutch Republic ended around the year 1800 thanks in major part to political revolution inspired by the French Revolution and a subsequent invasion by Napoleon.

Leader: Queen Wilhelmina
Biography: Wilhelmina ruled as queen of the Netherlands from 1898 to 1948, beginning at the age of 18. The highlights of her reign were the World Wars. In World War I, she guided the Netherlands as a neutral party, though she was targeted by an Allied blockade out of fear she would route supplies to Germany. During World War II, she led the Dutch government-in-exile from Britain. She served as inspiration to her people by speaking to them through broadcast on Radio Oranje and was, according to Churchill, the strongest leader among the governors-in-exile. She abdicated the throne to her daughter in 1948 due to old age, though she would go on to live another decade. During her life, she was the world's richest woman and the world's first female billionaire in USD.
Historical Agenda: Billionaire - Likes Civilizations with Trade Routes to the Netherlands, hates Civilizations without them
Leader Ability: Radio Oranje - Domestic Trade Routes get bonus Loyalty, Foreign get bonus Culture
Civilization Ability: Grote Rivieren - Campus, Theater Square and Industrial Zone get extra adjacency bonus from Rivers
Unique Unit: De Zeven Provincien - Replaces Frigate; Extra Ranged and Combat Strength; Bonus Strength when attacking defensible districts
Unique Tile Improvement: Polder - Can only be built on coast; Provides Food, Production and Housing; Additional Food for adjacent Polders

Empire History
: The Kingdom of Georgia reached its heights during the 12th and 13th centuries. Prior to its formation, the Kingdom was nothing but segregated feudal territory until it was conquered by David IV, also known as David the Builder. The consolidation of the feudal territory into the Kingdom of Georgia is known as the Golden Age of Georgia. During this time, Georgia saw huge military victories, territorial expansion, and a Renaissance-esque rise in culture and arts. The Kingdom ultimately saw its fall to the Mongol invasion in the middle of the 13th century.

Leader: Tamar
Biography: Tamar was the granddaughter of Georgia's founding king, David IV. Reigning for a total of about 30 years, she first gained power amidst strong opposition based on her father's questionable policies as King and her gender, of course. Tamar consolidated power by making alliances, betraying friends of her father, and engaging in a political marriage. Tamar maintained power by elevating loyal nobles and her rule marked the Kingdom's zenith in both cultural aspirations and territorial might. She died suddenly of a disease and her burial place is a modern mystery - originally, it was at a Georgian cathedral but later may have been moved to the Holy Land. Archaeological investigation of the cathedral has revealed no burial chamber.
Historical Agenda: Narikala Fortress - Likes Civilizations that build walls, hates those who don't
Leader Ability: Strength in Unity - At the start of a golden age, you get to make a special dedication
Capital: Tbilisi
Civilization Ability: Glory of the World, Kingdom of Faith - Double faith for 10 turns after declaration of Protectorate War; Bonus envoys to City States following your religion
Unique Unit: Khevsur
Unique District: Tsikhe - Replaces Renaissance walls; Costs less and grants faith


Leader: Chandragupta
Biography: Chandragupta was the first emperor in the Mauryan Empire for thirty years around the 3rd Century BCE. As he rose to power, India had just recently been ravaged by Alexander the Great. Chandragupta adopted new principles of statecraft which allowed him to quickly expand the empire. Rather than fight, Greek rulers would often form alliances through marriage and retreat to Persia. His legacy is one of prosperity. His empire was the largest ever to exist in ancient India.
Historical Agenda: Maurya Empire - Hates bordering Civilizations
Leader Ability: Arthashastra - Early access to a War of Territorial Expansion; Added Movement and Strength for combat units at the start of a War of Territorial Expansion
Capital: Patna



More videos available onthe official Civilization YouTubechannel.



Opencritic- 83
Metacritic- 82


Oct 27, 2017
How is Civ 6 lately? Gave it up a few weeks after launch as I had difficulty adjusting to the gameplay after Total War and Paradox games.
Carthago Delenda Est
Oct 28, 2017
PSA: GMG has a code that's 25% off pre-orders - EARLYBIRD25

There is a patch today for the game on Steam. It does not include the expansion. The expansion will go live and be available for download at midnight EST tonight worldwide. Europeans/Asia do not have a unique release time.
Oct 25, 2017
Looking forward to trying out a good many of the new Civilizations and systems. More Firaxis is always a good thing.
Carthago Delenda Est
Oct 28, 2017
How is Civ 6 lately? Gave it up a few weeks after launch as I had difficulty adjusting to the gameplay after Total War and Paradox games.

I gave up on it at launch as well but jumped back in this December and I've now racked up 50 hours of play in six weeks. In some ways it's not as good as Civ 5, but in others it is far better. The systems have a lot of depth and for once it feels "complete" at launch - at least more so than previous games. This new expansion is going to add further depth without making it overcomplicated it seems. It looks like a great addition. If you're interested at all, it seems now is the best time to jump in. The main problem veterans had was AI, and that has gotten better and supposedly is even more reasonable in the expansion.


Traded his Bone Marrow for Pizza
Oct 25, 2017
Anybody here play on a Mac? What's your setup exactly and does the game... run? Never picked it up because I was worried my June 2013 Air with 8 GB RAM wasn't good enough.
Carthago Delenda Est
Oct 28, 2017
I'm thinking Cree or Scotland. Or I might buy a DLC for Indonesia as I think they look very fun and I never got around to it. I'll be giving it some thought and picking on a whim tomorrow.


Oct 25, 2017
Incidentally, I love Scouts and I love unique Scouts. One of the best gameplay loops.


Oct 27, 2017
It is time to rule the world.


Can't resist a trade AND war focus. It's like the best parts of Civ6.

Also, excellent OP. Realy love how the civilization info is laid out, alongside the fancy gifs.


Oct 27, 2017
hmmm. would having adolf hitler as a leader for germany be inappropriate ? i think there's a mod for civ 5 with him.
Carthago Delenda Est
Oct 28, 2017
It is time to rule the world.


Can't resist a trade AND war focus. It's like the best parts of Civ6.

Also, excellent OP. Realy love how the civilization info is laid out, alongside the fancy gifs.

Thanks! I spent a long time learning about these Civilizations and the leaders to write the history stuff. I studied history in university for a while but only knew so much about some of them. Very fascinating. I hope you all enjoy learning about it as much as me!

Deleted member 18857

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I haven't played with all the DLC Civs yet, so that's going to be a huge package to explore. I'll try Georgia first, I think, to familiarise myself with Golden Ages.


Oct 27, 2017
Is there a sale on the DLC civs anywhere? I wouldn't mind expanding things a bit if they have a nice, deep discount.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'll probably end up playing Korea first, if only because it'll be cool to play as Korea while watching the opening ceremony in Pyeongchang. But honestly... I'll probably end up with Scotland. Never thought I'd see the day.


Oct 27, 2017
I'll probably end up playing Korea first, if only because it'll be cool to play as Korea while watching the opening ceremony in Pyeongchang. But honestly... I'll probably end up with Scotland. Never thought I'd see the day.
Those golf courses are irresistable, huh!

Though in seriousness, I have no idea what correlation there is between Scotland and golf courses. It just seems sooo random to me.
Oct 25, 2017
The extra movement from the unique building and the sharing that extra movement with any units in formation with the Keshig unit seems pretty goddamn deadly. Melee/siege/anti-cavalry units with 5 movement points, my word.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I mean, Scotland invented golf, but it's still a bit goofy. Like, if you only have 4/5 slots for "uniquely Scottish shit," golf can't rank that highly, can it?

But honestly I like it when Civ is a bit goofy so I won't complain. Can't wait to offset my war weariness by building golf courses.
Oct 25, 2017
I mean, Scotland invented golf, but it's still a bit goofy. Like, if you only have 4/5 slots for "uniquely Scottish shit," golf can't rank that highly, can it?

But honestly I like it when Civ is a bit goofy so I won't complain. Can't wait to offset my war weariness by building golf courses.

Well, Golf isn't #1 but Buckfast, deepfried Mars bars, Billy Connoly and Rab C. Nesbitt don't fit into a Civ game all that well.

It was basically a toss up between golf courses and whiskey distilleries.


Oct 27, 2017
Seattle WA
hmmm. would having adolf hitler as a leader for germany be inappropriate ? i think there's a mod for civ 5 with him.
Many world leaders have ordered some sick and/or inhumane things. Hitlers concentration camps and gas chambers, mass execution sites are still common knowledge are are still considered some of the worst atrocities in modern history. Maybe in a few hundred years people will compare him equally to other ancient rulers, but we're not there yet and won't be for a long time.


Oct 27, 2017
Many world leaders have ordered some sick and/or inhumane things. Hitlers concentration camps and gas chambers, mass execution sites are still common knowledge are are still considered some of the worst atrocities in modern history. Maybe in a few hundred years people will compare him equally to other ancient rulers, but we're not there yet and won't be for a long time.

that's reasonable. its not even a full century yet either. oh wells.


Jan 15, 2018
Sapporo, Japan
Going to start with Korea... love science based civs and I love having to design my city placement around district placement, something super important with their unique district. After that though, The Netherlands is next on my list because FLOWERS


Oct 25, 2017
Excited to start a game with Scotland and get those golf courses everywhere.

I'm just praying for some reasonable AI improvement.


Oct 25, 2017
Today's patch (to the base game) added a lot of good AI improvements: http://steamcommunity.com/games/289070/announcements/detail/1662261735494326654

  • Fixed an issue that was causing the AI to send multiple spies on the same mission.
  • AI will look at graphic change on spaceports, and can target their spies to spaceports that are performing their science victory projects.
  • Improved opportunity cost considerations for district placement.
  • Improve ability to place / use aqueducts.
  • AI knows to move builders back into their territory if they get caught outside.
  • AI will not complain about stealth units it can't see being too close to its border.
  • AI is much less likely to trade its cities away as part of a peace deal.
  • Improved resource trading, AI considers luxury resources it is currently importing.
  • Improved new city placement, also fixed issues where the settler would try to travel through hostile territory to get an escort.
  • AI prefers garrisoning ranged units over melee.
  • If the AI can capture, or significantly damage, a target city, it may ignore hostile units nearby to do that.
  • Fixed coordinating ranged attacks.

Loan Wolf

Nov 9, 2017
I can see the AI now

*Cree offers alliance and player declines*
*Cree denounces you rest of the game*


Oct 25, 2017
Thats all nice but I'm still waiting on the devs to do away with AI difficulty getting padded by artificial buffs and cheats and instead make the AI harder by making it play civ better.
Bit of a pipe dream. I get you, I play on Prince most of the time for that reason, but it's one of those hard problems of science to build a great generalist AI for a game of this scale and complexity. I think Firaxis would help themselves, though, to script in player-tested and proven strategies on top as something the AI can choose from a pile.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbus, Ohio
I think the problem with AI in Civ is that the tactics that humans employ to game the system would be really crappy and not fun if the AI employed them. They should continue working on stuff like combat/district placement/diplomacy etc. but shouldn't ever go towards something like trying to overflow chop out a professional army/GG/knight rush timing.