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Oct 26, 2017
United States
Biden? Sure. Booker? Maybe - I like him a lot as a person but I'm afraid of how much he will appeal to others.

The others? I'm not sure I approve of any of them. I hope this is all speculation.


Oct 25, 2017
I like Biden because I think he can go to the Midwest and fight Trump but not sure how the Youth vote will take to him


Oct 25, 2017
Bernie and Joe will be the major contenders I figure with Joe likely winning. Kamala, Kirsten, and Elizabeth I figure will likely have better shots in future elections.

Deleted member 8860

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Oct 26, 2017
Let's focus on getting out voters for November 2018 (and primaries beforehand).

There will be time to discuss 2020 thereafter.


Oct 25, 2017
Bernie and Joe will be the major contenders I figure with Joe likely winning. Kamala, Kirsten, and Elizabeth I figure will likely have better shots in future elections.
That's not how Democratic primaries normally work. Only after a 2-term Dem President has there been an annointed successor (Gore/Clinton) and neither won. Every other open modern primary has been won by someone taking their first shot.


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Oct 27, 2017
Garcetti is white and also can claim minority status, speaks spanish, is young, looks the part, has a career in politics, seems forwards thinking about digital outreach, has billionaire friends, seems to have progressive ideas on race, environment and the role of government.

What am I missing? He seems tailored made to be the front runner
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Deleted member 2145

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Oct 25, 2017
loving that we have a large pool of people planning to run

let them duke it out and so whoever wins will be ready for the shit show that will be the 2020 presidential election


Oct 25, 2017
That's not how Democratic primaries normally work. Only after a 2-term Dem President has there been an annointed successor (Gore/Clinton) and neither won. Every other open modern primary has been won by someone taking their first shot.
Yeah. Truthfully, it's still too early to tell.

Boiled Goose

Nov 2, 2017
People think biden will win? Lol

As if he hasn't run for president before and completely failed.

Like it or not era, there's a front runner, and it ain't biden. Name recognition and established base goes a long way in primaries, especially early on.

Deleted member 40133

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Feb 19, 2018
Garcetti is white and also can claim minority status, speaks spanish, is young, looks the part, has a career in politics, deems forwards thinking about digital outreach, has billionaire friends, seems to have progressive ideas on race, environment and the role of government.

What am I missing? He seems tailored made to be the front runner

Plus 8 years in the Navy. Anyone remember that episode of Futurama where a perfect presidential candidate was sent from the future to stop Nixon getting elected? Lol

Deleted member 23212

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Oct 28, 2017
Is Bernie Sanders really going to run again? I think that he should probably server as an advisor rather than directly running for president.


Oct 25, 2017
Garcetti is white and also can claim minority status, speaks spanish, is young, looks the part, has a career in politics, deems forwards thinking about digital outreach, has billionaire friends, seems to have progressive ideas on race, environment and the role of government.

What am I missing? He seems tailored made to be the front runner

That's how I feel as well. I could see him running with Bernie/Biden as the VP. Honestly, Biden as VP again would be great because fuck me can that man speak and bring people together and pump up the energy.


Oct 25, 2017
Biden and Bernie will split the rust belt vote, Bernie and Warren will split the demsoc/socdem vote.


Oct 27, 2017
I like Bernie. But I dont think he would win against the Republican machine.

Biden has a good chance but young voters might not take to him but Obama can help with that.

Booker is awesome. He did some good work in Newark when i was a student up there. Not sure how he will appeal to the swing states in the age of Trump.

Warren might be better in a future election.


Oct 25, 2017
Bernie can fuck off.

I don't actually want Biden, but it would be pretty glorious to see him debate Trump. But yeah, I don't think I want him.


Oct 29, 2017
Garcetti or is it really Carcetti.



Oct 25, 2017
Hoping Mayor Pete ends up running but maybe waiting out this election is the better bet. I hadn't heard of Garcetti, he seems an interesting choice.

Deleted member 3542

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Oct 25, 2017
Top 2 are pretty bad but I dig the rest of the list. Biden is probably the frontrunner. Even midwestern/south folks like my family like him.

It looks like the media has finally discovered Eric Garcetti, I approve.

I like Garcetti but he hasn't been a superstar as mayor. I know he's busting his ass but stuff like the homeless problem and the lack of accountability on the various funds that have gone to fixing that is going to trail him. LA Times did a big piece on his use of taxpayer money for his travel around the country just last week as well (in other words, we're paying for his campaign despite him not officially a contender) and the Times are suing the city over getting the information.

If LA was in super great shape then I say he go for it, or at least consider a Governorship. But it's kind of not. But least he's not Villaraigosa. Talk about a dude that was sketch as fuck.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I like Bernie. But I dont think he would win against the Republican machine.

Biden has a good chance but young voters might not take to him but Obama can help with that.

Booker is awesome. He did some good work in Newark when i was a student up there. Not sure how he will appeal to the swing states in the age of Trump.

Warren might be better in a future election.

No way Bernie wins nomination. Warren and Biden are too old. If Warren doesn't run in 2020 she will be 80 during the next Primary season. She missed her time.


Oct 25, 2017
Bernie has good ideas, but no idea how to execute and so I don't believe he'd be a good president. He's also old which is a problem because you want whoever will hold office to stay there for the full 8 years since voting in an incumbent is almost always easier than a fresh face unless the incumbent massively fucks up

Indiana Jones

Oct 27, 2017
People think biden will win? Lol

As if he hasn't run for president before and completely failed.

Like it or not era, there's a front runner, and it ain't biden. Name recognition and established base goes a long way in primaries, especially early on.

The two other times Biden ran for president he had no national profile. Now he's a well-liked former VP to a popular ex-president. His biggest political weakness--the tendency to make gaffes, is actually a strength in the age of Trump. Trump's bullshit ramblings seems to beat traditional polished politicians like Rock beats Scissors. They come across as "inauthentic" to Joe America. Biden can take the fight to Trump like no one else in the field, and that's the reason why he's the frontrunner in all the early polls.


Oct 27, 2017
I would vote for Bernie if I had to, but he's literally the last person on that list I would want to become the nominee.


Oct 25, 2017
I prefer Harris, but Garcetti seems to be ok too. I will have to do some reading up on the others.

It would be very, very disappointing if Biden, Sanders, or Warren ended up getting anything more than cursory attention. We dont need another ancient person who barely understands what is happening in half the country or is half a term from dementia again.
Oct 25, 2017
If Bernie does run, his primary challengers won't treat him with kid gloves like Hillary did.

I can see it getting pretty nasty.


Oct 28, 2017
Arkansas, USA
Garcetti is white and also can claim minority status, speaks spanish, is young, looks the part, has a career in politics, seems forwards thinking about digital outreach, has billionaire friends, seems to have progressive ideas on race, environment and the role of government.

What am I missing? He seems tailored made to be the front runner

You aren't missing anything, he's being dismissed because he isn't a Senator or Governor. But that's fallacious thinking because the Democratic/Progressive seats of power are now located in cities. Garcetti won't be the last big city mayor to run for president, it's going to become a common occurrence.

The man also has a PhD in ethnicity and nationalism for crying out loud, he was born for this moment.
Oct 27, 2017
Make Biden VP again because then you get his feisty campaigning and debate performances (can you imaging Diamond Joe calling out Pence's malarkey?) but you can have a younger and more progressive President like Garcetti.
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