Oct 26, 2017
Mod Edit: Title Changed for clarity
As a nu-conservative.

From Majority Report w/Sam Seder:

Also says he's still a liberal by the 1750s definition of the word.

Not even the 1900s. He went back over two hundred fucking years.


I guess he had no other option now that all his IDW buddies are done with him and have moved on.

Fuck you Dave. I hope you rot.

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Oct 25, 2017
Ive only heard of this guy because of hasan piker videos. He seems like an idiot


Oct 27, 2017
Just watch him spiral all the way from telling mainstream media they always get everything wrong the night of the election to doubting everything in the days that follow:



â–˛ Legend â–˛
Nov 17, 2017
I've only seen him in a few videos, but I got to say I was impressed by how much of a dick head he was in them.


Oct 25, 2017
you guys have to watch the episode of his show with Marianne Williamson on it
just hilarious content


Alt account
Nov 1, 2019
What's a 1750s liberal lol? Charters for companies issued by royals?

I actually looked it up and YIKES

This is what he apperantly is talking about

" Most 18th- and 19th-century liberal politicians thus feared popular sovereignty. For a long time, consequently, they limited suffrage to property owners. In Britain even the important Reform Bill of 1867 did not completely abolish property qualifications for the right to vote. In France, despite the ideal of universal male suffrage proclaimed in 1789 and reaffirmed in the Revolutions of 1830, there were no more than 200,000 qualified voters in a population of about 30,000,000 during the reign of Louis-Philippe, the "citizen king" who had been installed by the ascendant bourgeoisie in 1830. In the United States, the brave language of the Declaration of Independence notwithstanding, it was not until 1860 that universal male suffrage prevailed—for whites. In most of Europe, universal male suffrage remained a remote ideal until late in the 19th century. Racial and sexual prejudice also served to limit the franchise—and, in the case of slavery in the United States, to deprive large numbers of people of virtually any hope of freedom. Efforts to extend the vote to women met with little success until the early years of the 20th century (see woman suffrage). Indeed, Switzerland, which is sometimes called the world's oldest continuous democracy, did not grant full voting rights to women until 1971. "


Liberalism - Individualism, Free Markets, Liberty

Liberalism - Individualism, Free Markets, Liberty: Although liberal ideas were not noticeable in European politics until the early 16th century, liberalism has a considerable “prehistory” reaching back to the Middle Ages and even earlier. In the Middle Ages the rights and responsibilities of...


Oct 29, 2017
He has to be the dumbest of all the right wing personalities, it's insane to me he ever even got early work with the Daily Show let alone the audience he has now


Master of Balan Wonderworld
Oct 25, 2017
He's whatever he thinks will make him money.

There's nothing but a "space for rent" sign in that head. Having a thought of his own is beyond his performance capacity.


Oct 27, 2017
Anyone got the clip of him talking about how he was so busy handling "big ideas" or some stupid shit? That was golden dumb moment.


Oct 29, 2017
Watching the clip I couldn't imagine the hell we would live in without building codes


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Jun 17, 2018
You know I was wondering earlier who the "intellectual" content creators are for conservatives earlier. I'm familiar with a good number of the popular ones, like Rubin, Shapiro, Dim Tool, etc but the thing is all these people are really fucking stupid do they not have someone who just isn't a walking talking collection of conservative memes and talking points, or is this really the best they can muster? It's obviously effective, don't get me wrong, but it's also presumably a lot less effective on people who aren't idiots.


Oct 30, 2017
He's not exactly unknown in politics. He along with Tim Pool are probably the two biggest conservatives who pretend to be liberals as part of their grift.

I recently had a huge argument on Facebook with some idiot who insisted that Tim Pool was a liberal.

America has somehow managed to push its idiots so far to the right that Tim Pool appears liberal to them.


Oct 28, 2017
Yup. Deplatforming works. Really need to have that become more common.
His platform is YouTube and he's apparently got 1.4 Million subs.

Era may not know him, but the reason he gets attention on the left is that his grift gets a lot of air by being a centrist and calling himself a liberal while constantly spouting right-wing opinions.


Oct 26, 2017
Of all the right wing personalities the general conception seems to be he's legitimately and idiot as opposed to just grifting.

Quad Lasers

Oct 26, 2017
Sam's been showing clips of Rubin's copium for a bit these past couple weeks and I was genuinely surprised about how he straight up wasn't even pretending to be a centrist anymore.

It's pretty refreshing to see him go full MAGA given how full of shit he's been for years about his both sides horseshit.


Dec 4, 2017
I recently had a huge argument on Facebook with some idiot who insisted that Tim Pool was a liberal.

America has somehow managed to push its idiots so far to the right that Tim Pool appears liberal to them.

Recently found out one of my coworkers is a Pim Tooler. Tried to casually recommend I watch "some videos by this guy called TIm Pool" (trying to present him as some small time niche creator despite him being one of the highest patreon accounts) and when I told him I knew who he was and that I was probably the opposite, he responded with "oh no dude, he's left leaning".


Oct 25, 2017
I wasn't familiar with Michael Brooks prior to this thread but ended up watching the 20 minute video with Marianne Williamson and thought he came across as both smart and pointed, and now I also learned he passed away this year in the same thread. Ugh.

I also learned Dave Rubin is a turd, which is much less sad.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
No Dave Rubin discussion is complete without these:

I don't recommend 3 hours of video lightly, but if you are unfamiliar with Dave, these videos are a must watch, they go into detail just how much of a moron grifter he is.


Oct 27, 2017
The only good thing Dave Rubin ever did was provide the late Michael Brooks with considerable amounts of joy and laughter.

He can fuck off into the void with Glenn Beck