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Nov 2, 2017
The Left
As this crisis continues the case for Medicare for all, a green new deal, a federal jobs guarantee, housing for all, building out high speed broadband, etc. becomes stronger. It's the bare minimum of what we need.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm a disabled, unemployed trans woman who can't afford medical care, and who has to make a phone call to a lawyer next week to try and convince the company they represent not to take my Chromebook in small claims court to cover debt I can no longer pay.

I'm not comfortable. I'm not safe. I'm sure as hell not well off.

All or nothing voting actively harms me. It's not a righteous position, it's not an ethical stand, it's simply moralistic masturbation. Something you do for yourself that makes you feel good and helps no one else.

Biden wasn't my candidate. He was at the bottom of my list of people I'm okay with and I didn't want him to run at all, but he's going to be the nominee. That's just a fact. I can't afford to sit this one out, 4 more years of Trump will probably kill me.

I don't usually post because I have anxiety issues and honestly confrontation sends me into a panic, just typing this is making me freak out because of how heated this conversation has become - but I keep feeling like people are talking over my experience reading this thread. I'm marginalized. I'm asking for help. Please vote out Trump.

Just wanted to say thank you so much for sharing. It is understandably very hard to post something personal amongst all the shouting.
Oct 26, 2017
I'm a disabled, unemployed trans woman who can't afford medical care, and who has to make a phone call to a lawyer next week to try and convince the company they represent not to take my Chromebook in small claims court to cover debt I can no longer pay.

I'm not comfortable. I'm not safe. I'm sure as hell not well off.

All or nothing voting actively harms me. It's not a righteous position, it's not an ethical stand, it's simply moralistic masturbation. Something you do for yourself that makes you feel good and helps no one else.

Biden wasn't my candidate. He was at the bottom of my list of people I'm okay with and I didn't want him to run at all, but he's going to be the nominee. That's just a fact. I can't afford to sit this one out, 4 more years of Trump will probably kill me.

I don't usually post because I have anxiety issues and honestly confrontation sends me into a panic, just typing this is making me freak out because of how heated this conversation has become - but I keep feeling like people are talking over my experience reading this thread. I'm marginalized. I'm asking for help. Please vote out Trump.
Thanks for sharing, a lot of people need to read this.


Oct 25, 2017
You really think its that easy really?

Public speaking terrifies people, but the honest truth is if you do it enough, almost anyone can become at least competent at it.

The thing is, most people don't have to, so people assume public speaking is this got it or don't skill.

This is a flat out lie, most people (and many politicians) aren't great public speakers. The thing is, if he gave a bad speech, a lot of folks would say he couldn't be President because of it, so it's only fair.

I don't know if you're really actually disagreeing with me here. Biden has giving bad speeches so far in this race. Said things even his supporters probably agree he shouldn't have.

The thing is, he gave a pretty decent speech today, and people are saying that one speech came off as presidential.

If giving one good speech can make people think you got what it takes, then yeah, I think literally almost anyone can come off presidential.
Oct 31, 2017
I'm a disabled, unemployed trans woman who can't afford medical care, and who has to make a phone call to a lawyer next week to try and convince the company they represent not to take my Chromebook in small claims court to cover debt I can no longer pay.

I'm not comfortable. I'm not safe. I'm sure as hell not well off.

All or nothing voting actively harms me. It's not a righteous position, it's not an ethical stand, it's simply moralistic masturbation. Something you do for yourself that makes you feel good and helps no one else.

Biden wasn't my candidate. He was at the bottom of my list of people I'm okay with and I didn't want him to run at all, but he's going to be the nominee. That's just a fact. I can't afford to sit this one out, 4 more years of Trump will probably kill me.

I don't usually post because I have anxiety issues and honestly confrontation sends me into a panic, just typing this is making me freak out because of how heated this conversation has become - but I keep feeling like people are talking over my experience reading this thread. I'm marginalized. I'm asking for help. Please vote out Trump.
Thank you for sharing this. Stories like yours show just how important this election is and how Trump being in office is literally a matter of life and death for many people. He has to be voted out, there are no excuses. It's why I get angry when people say they are going to sit the election out because Bernie isn't the nominee.

Please vote people, lives are depending on your vote and a non-vote is basically a vote for Trump. I am so sorry you have to be going through what you're going through, I pray we will be able to vote this despot out of office this November.

Shaun Solo

Oct 25, 2017
Bernie showing the type of leadership we need. Biden is inadequate for the crises we are facing and will continue to face.


Oct 25, 2017
Sanders speech was very good on the specific policy and plans we need.

Today has show us between he and even Biden what an actual response should look like. Instead we had Trump literally lie about policies and plans en masse to the public.


Oct 27, 2017

Why Are Women Less Likely Than Men To Support Sanders?

After a stint as the Democratic primary front-runner, Sen. Bernie Sanders’s revolution is rapidly stalling. After a series of surprising losses on Super Tuesday…

It's hard to pin down a single reason why men seem to be more attracted to Sanders's candidacy than women. There isn't really evidence, for example, that Sanders is especially likely to attract supporters who display hostile feelings toward women. In a recent analysis, researchers for Data for Progress did find that gender bias kept some voters from supporting Warren — but Sanders's supporters didn't hold more sexist views than Biden's. But there is evidence, according to an analysis by Dan Cassino, a political science professor at Fairleigh Dickinson University, that while support for Biden increases among voters with more sexist views, those with the most sexist views were disproportionately likely to favor Sanders. And sexism was higher, in general, among men.

"Educated Democrats who are quite sexist are disproportionately likely to be Sanders supporters," said Cassino. "To be clear, there aren't a lot of those people in the Democratic Party. But because of their education and social capital, they're probably more inclined to tell people about their views and express them online."

This doesn't explain all of Sanders's struggles with women. But his lopsided support among this group provides a window into some of the divisions that are roiling the Democratic primary electorate this year — particularly the limits of Sanders's lefty, anti-establishment message and the aggression of his supporters at a moment when many Democratic voters are laser-focused on finding a candidate who can beat Trump.

At a Biden rally in Detroit last week, Mary Mckenney, 69, said that she hadn't made up her mind about which candidate to support until the race narrowed to Biden and Sanders. Then, she said, her choice became very clear. "It's not even that I don't like Bernie's ideas, I just think they can't happen," she said. "And I think if he's the nominee there will just be more fighting and conflict. We need someone who can bring Democrats together."

Views like Mckenney's aren't universal among Democratic women. Plenty of women are enthusiastic about Sanders — including Mckenney's daughter Carrie, 43, who was standing next to her at the rally. But older women like Mckenney make up a much bigger share of the Democratic electorate, which makes them a disproportionately important group. So far, women over the age of 45 have made up 38 percent of Democratic primary voters, while women under the age of 45 only made up 19 percent. And the age gap that has emerged across the primary is almost certainly shaping women's support for Sanders too: older women tend to be more moderate than younger women, which means they may be less likely to see Sanders's calls to upend the status quo as feasible or appealing.

But generational fissures aren't the whole story. Women of all ages told us they liked Sanders's ideas but found aspects of his candidacy alienating. "I don't have the same aversion to the DNC and the Democratic establishment that a lot of Bernie supporters seem to have," said Tiffany Keane Schaefer, 31, who lives in Chicago and volunteered for Warren but is now undecided about who she'll support. Schaefer told me she's disturbed by some of the criticism Sanders allies levied against Warren for not endorsing Sanders after she dropped out. "Right now it feels like I am getting blasted every single day on social media about why Warren isn't doing enough to help Sanders." That antagonism makes Schaefer feel uncomfortable about the prospect of supporting Sanders, even though she's closer to him on the issues than to Biden.
Women are especially likely to say that being a Democrat is an important part of who they are. According to our analysis of a Democracy Fund + UCLA Nationscape survey of likely primary voters administered from Feb. 20 to Feb 26, 63 percent of Democratic women say that their party affiliation is somewhat or very important to their identity, compared to 58 percent of Democratic men. That's not an enormous difference, but it is statistically significant — it also lines up with other research that finds partisanship functions as a more important social identity for women than it does for men. Women over the age of 45 are especially likely (67 percent) to say being a Democrat is an important part of their identity.


alt account
Jan 25, 2020
I know I'm just getting my hopes up, but I wonder if this whole coronavirus thing will be enough to make people reconsider Sanders and his superior M4A plan. If he can really make a case for it in the next debate and do an amazing job at explaining why Biden's plan is insufficient, he might actually have a chance.


Prodigal Son

Oct 27, 2017
I know I'm just getting my hopes up, but I wonder if this whole coronavirus thing will be enough to make people reconsider Sanders and his superior M4A plan. If he can really make a case for it in the next debate and do an amazing job at explaining why Biden's plan is insufficient, he might actually have a chance.
bernie wont win. if he did somehow it would be because biden would have to shit the bed at the debate or afterwards harder than anyone ever has before.

The debate this Sunday is still happening?
yes. with no audience.
Nov 14, 2017
My biggest fear about Biden was always that he'd fall apart when set against Trump in the general. As bad as it is though, the coronavirus is a massive stick to beat him with over and over. He absolutely should make use of it if Trump screws it up, as is unfortunately looking likely.

It still sucks that he isn't support a full universal healthcare plan though.


Oct 25, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
Biden really about to go on a stage in front of all of America at home sick and tell us Medicare 4 All is unrealistic. He will look like a fool. This virus showed how fragile our "normal" is.

Ziltoidia 9

Oct 25, 2017
The debate is going to make for a very interesting dynamic. I hope it can turn into a Bernie and Biden bash trump fest for 2 hours. I really don't think Bernie is going to ask more than what he said in his speech yesterday. He was basically giving Biden the questions.
Oct 29, 2017
Biden really about to go on a stage in front of all of America at home sick and tell us Medicare 4 All is unrealistic. He will look like a fool. This virus showed how fragile our "normal" is.

Yeah, it is absolutely highlighting how fragile our society is. How fragile our economic stability is. It really should be an eye opener to EVERYONE, but we still have people calling this a media hoax even now.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, it is absolutely highlighting how fragile our society is. How fragile our economic stability is. It really should be an eye opener to EVERYONE, but we still have people calling this a media hoax even now.
I said it before, I will say it again. take the public option, its a major win. over reach and we get nothing. I get its not as fast as people want, but its still progress.
Oct 27, 2017
I know I'm just getting my hopes up, but I wonder if this whole coronavirus thing will be enough to make people reconsider Sanders and his superior M4A plan. If he can really make a case for it in the next debate and do an amazing job at explaining why Biden's plan is insufficient, he might actually have a chance.


He has a less than zero chance. Next Tuesday is going to be a bloodbath.

His policies aren't the issue. Democrats broadly support them. Him being the messenger of them and the lack of specifics and belief in him paying for them/getting the legislation passed is the issue.

So far he has not come anywhere close to convincing people that he'd be able to effectively implement the change the majority of Democratic voters want to see.

Demonizing everybody else and burning bridges with those who he needs to work with eventually (among other things like ignoring reliable coalitions that he would need to elect him aka black voters) isn't something that people are willing to overlook.


Nov 8, 2017
The debate is going to make for a very interesting dynamic. I hope it can turn into a Bernie and Biden bash trump fest for 2 hours. I really don't think Bernie is going to ask more than what he said in his speech yesterday. He was basically giving Biden the questions.

The purpose of Bernie's questions, unlike questions from Chucklefuck Todd or CNN, are that they are fundamentally and deadly serious. Unless Joe's going to craft the biggest, most beautiful bullshit sandwich to every one of those, the truth is that he has no answer to them. He's never had an answer to them because they expose the fraudulence of his entire political career. It wouldn't matter if he was asked now or 3 years from now.


Oct 26, 2017
Good speech from Bernie. That's what a real president sounds like. Contrast that to what the Orange Shit Stain gave yesterday. Sad so many people will happily settle for the status quo over someone who will actually fight like hell to make healthcare a right for everyone.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017

Why Are Women Less Likely Than Men To Support Sanders?

After a stint as the Democratic primary front-runner, Sen. Bernie Sanders’s revolution is rapidly stalling. After a series of surprising losses on Super Tuesday…
This is a good article, what the hell happen in Wash that caused women to say "Nah we won't be doing that today?"
Fucking called it.

I knew Sanders bringing up establishment wasn't going to work.
I mean women are the DNC, they are the staffers and boots on the ground. Being told to eat shit would make them feel a type of way. And who makes up the cor of the Democrat base, women.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
I'm a disabled, unemployed trans woman who can't afford medical care, and who has to make a phone call to a lawyer next week to try and convince the company they represent not to take my Chromebook in small claims court to cover debt I can no longer pay.

I'm not comfortable. I'm not safe. I'm sure as hell not well off.

All or nothing voting actively harms me. It's not a righteous position, it's not an ethical stand, it's simply moralistic masturbation. Something you do for yourself that makes you feel good and helps no one else.

Biden wasn't my candidate. He was at the bottom of my list of people I'm okay with and I didn't want him to run at all, but he's going to be the nominee. That's just a fact. I can't afford to sit this one out, 4 more years of Trump will probably kill me.

I don't usually post because I have anxiety issues and honestly confrontation sends me into a panic, just typing this is making me freak out because of how heated this conversation has become - but I keep feeling like people are talking over my experience reading this thread. I'm marginalized. I'm asking for help. Please vote out Trump.

I'm still catching up with the thread but I just want to take a moment and say thanks for posting this. I'm disabled and have anxiety disorders as well. Biden wasn't my pick either but a public option and lower drug prices will help people a lot more than 4 more years of Trump, to say nothing of other policies like ending cash bail and overturning marijuana convictions. Thanks for your voice.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm still catching up with the thread but I just want to take a moment and say thanks for posting this. I'm disabled and have anxiety disorders as well. Biden wasn't my pick either but a public option and lower drug prices will help people a lot more than 4 more years of Trump, to say nothing of other policies like ending cash bail and overturning marijuana convictions. Thanks for your voice.
Oct 27, 2017
Saw both Biden's and Sanders' coronavirus speeches. Biden's was more of an "if I was Pres..." and Sanders' was more of a policy speech, but both were very good and obviously way better than anything we've gotten on this to date.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Saw both Biden's and Sanders' coronavirus speeches. Biden's was more of an "if I was Pres..." and Sanders' was more of a policy speech, but both were very good and obviously way better than anything we've gotten on this to date.

Starting with his speech the other night, Biden has definitely started his pivot to the GE.


User requested ban
Dec 13, 2019
I'm so happy I get to vote for a candidate that is rumored to put Michael Bloomberg and bank CEOs as other members of his cabinet. So proud of this shit party.

The Adder

Oct 25, 2017
I'm so happy I get to vote for a candidate that is rumored to put Michael Bloomberg and bank CEOs as other members of his cabinet. So proud of this shit party.
"Rumored to" meaning "Axios put his name on a list of guesses with a bunch of other people."

Not even in the sections that say "advisers expect" or "campaign officials say". Just literally Axios' guesses.


User requested ban
Dec 13, 2019
"Rumored to" meaning "Axios put his name on a list of guesses with a bunch of other people."

Not even in the sections that say "advisers expect" or "campaign officials say". Just literally Axios' guesses.

Oh I see so this is one of those things where I state it as rumored and you go out of your way to explain what rumored means without addressing how horrible this would potentially be.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh I see so this is one of those things where I state it as rumored and you go out of your way to explain what rumored means without addressing how horrible this would potentially be.

Bernie is rumored to select the preserved corpse of Joseph Stalin as his running mate. We must consider this in our evaluation of Bernie because it's rumored!


User requested ban
Dec 13, 2019
Why not wait for official information before dooming and glooming?

Because I'm without insurance because I lost my job and I'm pissed at this country going through a medical crisis and still thinking this stupid fucking ACA plan that Biden has is the way forward. I'm fucking pissed at the voters in this country thinking this man with his questionable history on race, social safety nets, gender, etc is the person that we want leading this country at this time.

Bernie is rumored to select the preserved corpse of Joseph Stalin as his running mate. We must consider this in our evaluation of Bernie because it's rumored!

Do you think this is clever? What an appropriate username.
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