
Dec 18, 2017
I find this incredibly funny and definitely worth pointing out.

Timestamped to 8:50:

When even the studio president calls their 30fps mode a slideshow, you know 30fps is not "good enough" at this day and age anymore.

They also confirm that Demon's Souls was always a 60fps game for them.

It's a great time to be a gamer. Look at the PS5 games so far -
When was the last time we had this many launch games run at 60fps?
It's evident that developers care about performance and for good reason:

If nobody pushed for better technology we would still be playing games in 240p - and I bet there would be people here claiming it was "good enough".

Now that consoles aren't bottlenecked by weak CPUs anymore I expect the trend of "performance modes" that started in 2016 with PS4 Pro to become even more widespread, to the point where 60fps will eventually be considered the baseline -
and 30fps the bonus mode on top, for people who like slideshows.

Big Kudos to Digital Foundry and Bluepoint Games.


Oct 27, 2017
Options are good and all I suppose, but I'm honestly a little confused as to why they included a 30fps mode in the first place.


Oct 25, 2017
I thinks that's prob more for the reason they could get what they wanted visually and have plenty of headroom for 60fps rather then having to be stuck with a. 30fps option

Praise the lord for the almighty zen processors


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
We know you hate 30fps and that's fine.
But there are also people who don't mind 30fps and guess what, that's fine too.

I think it is good to have options and to choose how a person wants to play a game


Nov 16, 2017
ND said "the same" thing when they remastered The Last of Us.
I think people falling for the 60 FPS conversation at launch will be disappointed in the next 2 years.
I also hope I'm wrong and the trend of Perfomance/Visual modes really becomes a norm...but I think it's too early to believe on it.

Deleted member 22750

Oct 28, 2017
It really is a slideshow

changing modes just to see if there were better graphics was brutal. You're met with exactly that.....a slideshow that you want nothing to do with.


Owner of YGOPRODeck.com
Nov 5, 2017
I felt sick with cinematic mode 2 minutes into playing. Performance mode is 10000 times better.


Oct 26, 2017
Well it's not a slideshow. It seems to be a good locked 30fps for the first time ever without framepacing issues. The game has so much fine detail that is just lost in 1440p mode, so I chose cinematic mode.


Oct 27, 2017
I prefer better graphics over 60fps. Ghost of Tsushima, TLOU2 and God of War are all amazingly looking games and still responsive and smooth. 🤷‍♂️


Visited by Knack
Oct 25, 2017
Options are good and all I suppose, but I'm honestly a little confused as to why they included a 30fps mode in the first place.
I think their intentions were to have the 30fps mode be more graphically enhanced, but time constraints and covid had them scratch that.


Nov 1, 2017
seems like going from 60fps to 30fps you can notice it easily...but I'm wondering if you just play it at 30fps without switching then will most people even notice...


Oct 25, 2017
While their dev environments are still hot they should add an option for unlocked framerate for cinematic mode... you know for inevitable PS5 Pro release, and so we don't have to beg them to update the game.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
ND said "the same" thing when they remastered The Last of Us.
I think people falling for the 60 FPS conversation at launch will be disappointed in the next 2 years.
I also hope I'm wrong and the trend of Perfomance/Visual modes really becomes a norm...but I think it's too early to believe on it.

Bluepoint have been pushing for 60fps in all of their releases - the Uncharted collection, Gravity Rush, Shadow of the Colossus, and now Demon's Souls. Its a safe bet that whatever they work on next will have a 60fps option too.
Oct 25, 2017
I wonder if Sony required them to add it or something, its funny to see the dev team's lead guy clearly not like a mode in his game lol


Nov 11, 2017
I'm never going to use cinematic mode because I value higher frame rates way more than resolution or ray tracing but giving an option for each audience is preferred and I'm glad it seems that we'll have those options for most games going forward. 30 fps is fine for some game, in my opinion, but any sort of action oriented game has to be 60+ fps.

The Shape

Nov 7, 2017
Yeah, this video is old by now, there was even a thread about the video, and he said that jokingly. Don't see the big deal.


Oct 28, 2017
30fps-Mode in this game feels very clunky and sluggish with inputlag from hell. Booted up Watch Dogs 2 afterwards. 30fps in WD2 felt much better than they did in DeS.


Oct 26, 2017
Legend. I've been playing Miles in 60fps and when I first switched it to 30 to see what it looked like I thought it was broken because it looked like shit lol. Just took a few minutes to adjust to it. But then put it right back to 60 as god intended.


Oct 27, 2017
Demon's Souls just feels bad to play at 30 FPS but not every game is. There are some genuinely good performing games at 30 FPS but Demon's Souls is not one of them.


Oct 29, 2017
ND said "the same" thing when they remastered The Last of Us.
I think people falling for the 60 FPS conversation at launch will be disappointed in the next 2 years.
I also hope I'm wrong and the trend of Perfomance/Visual modes really becomes a norm...but I think it's too early to believe on it.

ps4 didnt have this many 60 fps game at launch.


Oct 25, 2017
Remember when The Last of Us got the PS4 remaster and Naughty Dog made such a big show of how 60fps is such a big deal only to not do that for their next game (made from the ground up for PS4)?
I am just saying, dont hype yourselves up with this kind of statements.

ps4 didnt have this many 60 fps game at launch.
PS4 didnt have backwards compatibility (which basically means you get the older gen version at higher framerates).


A King's Landing
Oct 25, 2017
Celle, Germany
Well, I want the full resolution/graphics power with this one and therfore will play it in "slideshow" mode. 🤷‍♂️


Oct 29, 2017
Remember when The Last of Us got the PS4 remaster and Naughty Dog made such a big show of how 60fps is such a big deal only to not do that for their next game (made from the ground up for PS4)?
I am just saying, dont hype yourselves up with this kind of statements.

PS4 didnt have backwards compatibility (which basically means you get the older gen version at higher framerates).

whats funny is that people seem to forget that UC4's MP actually did run at 60 fps. ND clearly put the effort in trying to make the game 60 fps all around but decided it wasn't gonna work. The PS4 had a dogshit cpu.

PS5 is much more balanced and flexible. 60 fps performance modes going forward will likely be in most titles. PS4 NEVER had this much of a push for high framerate.


Oct 25, 2017
whats funny is that people seem to forget that UC4's MP actually did run at 60 fps. ND clearly put the effort in trying to make the game 60 fps all around but decided it wasn't gonna work. The PS4 had a dogshit cpu.

PS5 is much more balanced and flexible. 60 fps performance modes going forward will likely be in most titles. PS4 NEVER had this much of a push for high framerate.
We heard the exact same reasoning back when the PS4 launched. And yes, there was a big push for "real 1080p-60fps" at the start of the previous gen. I am just saying, by the middle of this gen we will be back to the normal situation mainly because 4k and raytracing (even if hybrid) is gonna be a killer.


Oct 27, 2017
The Netherlands
I usually have little issues with a solid 30 fps, but having switched back & forth in Miles the difference is jarring, it really takes a few minutes to get used again to 30fps, heh.


Oct 25, 2017
It does indeed feel like a slide show in comparison. I've never purposely locked a game on PC to either framerate to compare, but switching between fidelity and performance in Spider-Man is just terrible. I do have hopes VRR and AMDs super sampling solution will help to achieve RT at decent fps even on console though. For now, the game still looks great and plays so much better in performance mode.

leng jai

Nov 2, 2017
Well it's not a slideshow. It seems to be a good locked 30fps for the first time ever without framepacing issues. The game has so much fine detail that is just lost in 1440p mode, so I chose cinematic mode.

Maybe if stand still the entire time, You lose far more fine detail in motion at 30fps compared to 60fps.


Oct 27, 2017
Its not as though the door to 60FPS games has suddenly been opened. Any game from the past two decades could have been 60FPS if they choose to make it that way - the second cross gen games go away and the boundaries of the newer hardware start getting pushed 60FPS will be just as (in)frequent as it was before. Also this comment is kind of nonsense given SoTC was 30FPS on base PS4 - not bothered about it being a "slideshow" for most of its target audience then?


Nov 2, 2017
Guy is right. If you start at 30 it's alright but if you play at 60 then go back down it feels jarring for a bit.

30fps-Mode in this game feels very clunky and sluggish with inputlag from hell. Booted up Watch Dogs 2 afterwards. 30fps in WD2 felt much better than they did in DeS.

The giant bomb guys even noticed the 30fps mode looked rough. Looks sub 30 compared to say Spider-Man. Not sure why that is.


Oct 25, 2017
Video Games
I love me a good 60fps game but this "30 isn't good enough anymore" elitism rubs me the wrong way

solid 30fps are absolutely "good enough" for lots of games still. 60 is obviously better but let's calm down a bit.


Oct 26, 2017
I honestly have no idea how you can pick 30fps mode. I switched over for a few seconds and i was shocked how awful it was. I thought it would be fine but my god...


Feb 20, 2018
The 30 fps mode in DS actually feels bad, even compared to other 30 fps games. For example look at Miles Morales, both the fidelity and performance mode are good options based on what your priorities are, but in Demon's Souls it's not even a question


Oct 28, 2017
60fps is better than 30fps, we get it.
But calling 30fps a slideshow, unplayable etc... is basically shitting on 30 years of gaming.
I bet in 10 years the fps squad will be calling 60fps "unplayable"
Oct 30, 2017
The games default mode is performance and uses their 4k temporal injection reconstruction technique that makes it smoother and sharper than a raw 1440p image.

Switching it to 30fps after a good amount of play is jarring. You have play for a while and then get used to it, but I really don't have a reason to go native 4k as the visual difference is just not that big and it's already gorgeous in 60fps mode.


Oct 27, 2017
He is right. The game plays, looks (not the resolution, but visual clarity), and feels better at 60FPS. Just like every other game.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Console gamers discovering 60fps is finally allowing them to tap into the hyperbole that pc gamers had monopolized for years.

Is 30fps objectively worse than 60fps? Yes. Is it an unplayable slideshow? No.
Last edited:


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I mean, he is right. Just wait until people experience 120 fps
Jun 13, 2020
I don't really get choosing graphics over framerate. Even on PC I just struggle to see any difference between the highest setting and high-medium. Maybe it's more noticeable at higher resolutions.


Oct 26, 2017
60fps is better than 30fps, we get it.
But calling 30fps a slideshow, unplayable etc... is basically shitting on 30 years of gaming.
I bet in 10 years the fps squad will be calling 60fps "unplayable"

Hating on 30fps isn't exactly new and so what if we find 60fps not acceptable anymore in the future? Standards go up. That's why we all laughed at Halo Infinite, i'm sure during the 360 times it would've been awesome.

Would you want a 480p game today?


Oct 27, 2017
whats funny is that people seem to forget that UC4's MP actually did run at 60 fps. ND clearly put the effort in trying to make the game 60 fps all around but decided it wasn't gonna work. The PS4 had a dogshit cpu.

PS5 is much more balanced and flexible. 60 fps performance modes going forward will likely be in most titles. PS4 NEVER had this much of a push for high framerate.
There are quite a few PS4 games with optional 60fps modes. Most online shooters, racing and fighting games are optimized for 60fps as well. It's not like the PS4 can't handle it.

But as soon as true nextgen games hit we will be back at 30fps in no time in many games because the shiny graphics race is real. 4k and RTX already feel like too much for a 3080, hence the new consoles. Maybe more games will offer 60fps modes this time, but we will see in a few years.