
Actually knows the TOS
Oct 25, 2017
Just hopped in a couple days ago on PC, and having a lot of fun. Question: Some rl friends and I formed a clan together, how comfortable is DERA with someone outside the clan hanging out in discord and jumping in for/requesting help? I'm gonna stay in the clan with my RL friends and playing with them most of the time, but once they get bored I still want people to play with.

That's what I do and nobody's given me trouble yet. There are lots of disparate clans on Discord anyway


Hopes and Dreams SAVE the World
Oct 26, 2017
I'm curious what fashion people are running. Anyone want to share their fancy or fabulous Guardian looks? .w.
Fashion is the real endgame!


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
How does faction rally work on pc atm? I Can't find anyway to do anything with the pvp vendors

The Faction Rally is an event that comes around once a month maybe? So far its only happened one time and that was back in September. We haven't had the 2nd rally yet, but I believe it will be across all platforms at the same time when it happens again. Bungie mentioned there would be at least one more Faction Rally before this season is up.


Fighting Lion
Oct 25, 2017
I'm curious what fashion people are running. Anyone want to share their fancy or fabulous Guardian looks? .w.
Fashion is the real endgame!


Dresstiny is life.

Wearing red, because I'm a socialist!


Oct 25, 2017
Is some from the PS4 Sherpa clan able to accept folks? My buddy (PSN SwiffySwaff) applied a few days back. He's raided a bunch and has two toons at 300+ now. Just wants an active group to run with and help!


Oct 25, 2017
Well I guess I should make a post in the D2 OT instead of using Discord all the time, good to see some familiar faces who aren't in the Destiny discord also make it over.

Good luck all those doing another 3 character run on PC, running through the story on my 3rd character on PS4 almost broke me...


Oct 25, 2017
Well I guess I should make a post in the D2 OT instead of using Discord all the time, good to see some familiar faces who aren't in the Destiny discord also make it over.

Good luck all those doing another 3 character run on PC, running through the story on my 3rd character on PS4 almost broke me...

Geezus, who let this guy in?


Oct 25, 2017
Up to 255 now on PC... Getting close to hitting that soft cap then can move onto the milestones and world quests.

Still loving the PC version :D The core gameplay is just so much more fun to me.


Oct 25, 2017
YEAH! :)

edit: i clearly don't know how to use quotes. i was hoping to quote that Hawkian was here.
Either just press Reply or press quote. Pressing quote allows you to multi quote as it gets added to the list of multi quote after which you just have to press "insert quote" underneath your profile picture next to the text box.
Sometimes when the server load is heavy the quote won't show up immediately in the text box.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Playing for the first time on PC.

This game is really gorgeous, and the gunplay feels great. I love Bungie's presentation. I can see myself spending a lot of hours with this game.


Oct 25, 2017
Kinda feel bad that I've already hit 269 on PC within two days

Hah yea I'm 252 now and I haven't turned in any powerful engram sources for the week yet. Feels kind of nice though actually having a solid game plan as to what gear to keep and how to best progress, as opposed to on PS4 when I didn't know how things worked and did things in very inefficient order. Though I am getting INCREDIBLY unlucky on PC, from my exotic engrams so far I have gotten Prosecutor 3x and ACD/0 Feedback Fence 2x, neither of which I actually want. Just got Uriel's though which makes me very happy, time to see if it is as good on PC as on PS4.

I think I'm gonna stick to one character on PC, too much to try to manage one of each class on 2 different platforms. Less chances for good loot though (since weapons from powerful engrams at least could be traded between characters for upgrade purposes), but I think I'll take it.


Oct 25, 2017
Is it still true that there's a talent for Hunters that is completely useless and in fact makes you worse off?

Is it only in one specific sub-spec or something? I'm not too familiar with the game yet.

Because they better fix that with a patch...

Otherwise I might just reroll as a Warlock to save myself the trouble.


Oct 26, 2017
Good to be back, DestinyEra. Good to be back.

Let's get back to complaining about this game, I suppose.


Oct 26, 2017
Is it still true that there's a talent for Hunters that is completely useless and in fact makes you worse off?

Is it only in one specific sub-spec or something? I'm not too familiar with the game yet.

Because they better fix that with a patch...

Otherwise I might just reroll as a Warlock to save myself the trouble.

Top skill tree for Gunslinger. Final segment is bad.


Oct 25, 2017
Any PS4 clans open for a newer player? I'm just 248 right now but would love to have some others to play with (wasn't social on GAF....would love to change that here on the new site).

Also, any word on when Discord will be open for those of us not yet in it?
Oct 25, 2017
I generally gravitate towards "nimble" player characters in games like these, so I went with Hunter, which I'm enjoying. I like running around with that Arc Staff.
Nice, as long as you know the only rule of a Hunter is to kill stuff and look good while doing so. Very fun and mobile class, when you unlock Nightstalker I'm just going to recommend choosing the perks which allows multiple shots, jumping over a tough enemy and just gliding while letting off arrows into them like Space Legolas. It ooozes style.

Have fun!


Oct 25, 2017
Is it still true that there's a talent for Hunters that is completely useless and in fact makes you worse off?

Is it only in one specific sub-spec or something? I'm not too familiar with the game yet.

Because they better fix that with a patch...

Otherwise I might just reroll as a Warlock to save myself the trouble.
For hunters some people suggest not unlocking the final talent in two trees:

  • Gunslinger's Six shooter perk - makes your golden gun fire 6x instead of 3x but reduces super duration dramatically. Many people prefer the 3x shot for PvP
  • Nightstalker's Moebius quiver perk which lets you fire multiple tether arrows. Unfortunately it breaks the Orpheus Rig exotic perk since your super energy can't recharge while you are still in your super
I doubt bungie will change either of these honestly. Also you can always choose the alternative skill tree to avoid it. I assume a future expansion will add at least one more skill tree on top of the 2 per element we have now.


Oct 25, 2017
Any PS4 clans open for a newer player? I'm just 248 right now but would love to have some others to play with (wasn't social on GAF....would love to change that here on the new site).

Also, any word on when Discord will be open for those of us not yet in it?
I hear discord will be opening up slowly tomorrow.
No word on how or what time to expect reopening, but it will happen.


Oct 25, 2017
No nerfs!

Just buff everything I like instead. Like start with hunters in general.