
Oct 25, 2017

Rotten Tomatoes : 63 (164 reviews)
Metacritic: 53 (42 reviews)

IGN: 8

Entertainment Weekly
As the wisecracking voice of Pikachu, Ryan Reynolds deserves some sort of special citation for doing the best he can without Deadpool's f-bombs (or a decent script) to lean on. But the main problem is that the film's gumball-mayhem plot is so frenetic that it's impossible to determine if it makes a lick of sense. Maybe that was the point.

It seems that this particular game of Pokémon needed more time at the gym. Yes, that's a "Pokémon Go" reference, and if you can't follow it, don't bother.

Beneath the predictable story, Detective Pikachu isn't about much, and if you need Wikipedia to explain who Mewtwo is, most of the jokes will go right over your head. The whole thing is a bit too childish for adults, and a bit too convoluted for kids. It absolutely deserves an Oscar nomination for Best Visual Effects however, even if the subject matter makes me think it's unlikely to receive one.

If you have waited your entire life to see this world brought to life, and to watch humans and Pokémon occupy the same space, then Detective Pikachu may well be everything you ever wanted. But for those of us who don't know a Jigglypuff from a Charizard, this film scores low on wit, coherence and engagement.

The Verge
Detective Pikachu's writing isn't exactly strong or thought-provoking, but honestly, it doesn't have to be. This isn't a timeless work of cinematic genius. Instead, it's a chance for Pokémon diehards to spend two hours inside a universe many of us have invested years in. It's a hilarious, carefree, fun romp through a familiar place, and it's just different enough to add a much needed twist to a formula that was growing tired.

Will update as I get more or people post them.
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Shit Shoe Wasp Smasher
Apr 3, 2018
really hoping for a good video game movie from this one. high hopes.

EDIT: Seems the common consensus from the somewhat mediocre reviews is that if you're not a fan of Pokemon then it's hard to enjoy the film.

So does this mean, even if a video game movie is good, it just ends up too niche for the wider audience? Still hoping for the best.
Oct 28, 2017
Early reviews are middling, which is what I expected. I'll probably still end up seeing it out of sheer curiosity.


DF Deet Master
Oct 25, 2017
the movie looks to be split between fans and people whom are open to become fans, and those who won't/don't care about Pokemon


May 1, 2019
Expect it to be a middling movie with tons of great worldbuilding that will make fans overlook the flaws. If you aren't a fan, then obviously the issues will be more glaring. Something like Alita.


One Winged Slayer
May 22, 2018
I'm guessing that your ability to enjoy this movie will in part depend on how much hype you get just from seeing live-action Pokemon.

In which case, its absolutely made for me.
Oct 25, 2017

Detective Pikachu's writing isn't exactly strong or thought-provoking, but honestly, it doesn't have to be. This isn't a timeless work of cinematic genius. Instead, it's a chance for Pokémon diehards to spend two hours inside a universe many of us have invested years in. It's a hilarious, carefree, fun romp through a familiar place, and it's just different enough to add a much needed twist to a formula that was growing tired.

Avada Kedavra

Jan 23, 2019
Seems like it won't beat Mortal Kombat on Metacritic at least. It has to beat Rampage and Tomb Raider on RT.


Oct 27, 2017
Looks like the thing I was worry about the most (Script) is the biggest problem. Wasn't a huge fan of the director either but seems like he did a good job.

Honestly tho, seems like it's going to be a decent film overall. And has the potential to have a wonderful sequel.


Oct 27, 2017
I want a good movie. I saw the live action Pokemon in the trailers....

Could see this coming a mile away once they started showing more stuff after the first trailer. That first trailer is classic made by amazing editors shit.


Oct 27, 2017
I maybe proven wrong yet but it looked middling to me from the beginning. Didn't get the hype about it being the first good video game movie on here. The design and world look good but the story conceit and humour completely lost me on the trailers.
Oct 28, 2017
Noooooooooo, Pikachu was supposed to destroy bad videogame movies not join them.

But seriously, the reviews aren't as scathing as I thought it would be. Is the Pokemon world really convoluted to understand?


Oct 25, 2017
These reviews are about in line with what I expected. Pokemon is the sort of thing where you needed to be there on the ground floor to get it, otherwise it's just colorful cartoony monsters. I'm sure I'll enjoy it because I've loved Pokemon since I was a kid.


Oct 25, 2017
I never expected it to be gold. The trailers relied a bit too much on Pokemon jokes.

The question I've always wonder was whether it will end up being rotten or fresh on RT. I was thinking maybe something in the 60s?


Oct 25, 2017
Can it break through Endgame hype? Or is Avengers the equivalent of Whitney's Miltank?


Nov 15, 2017
Shaking out about how I thought it would: the people who like it really like it and those that don't are just kinda meh on it.

Impressions from early screenings suggest audiences might like it a bit more than critics.

Kinda feel like this movie would be received more positively under a better director.
Sounds like the script is more the problem than the director.


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 15, 2017
Holy shit, what is with some of these reviews? They seem upset simply with the fact that it's Pokemon?!

The movie is great.

Edit: Don't read into the Metacritic too much yet, I'd say. Only 11 reviews thus far.


Oct 27, 2017
Just sounds like much of the films humor and fun is inside baseball, and that's not going to work for a lot of mainstream critics.


Oct 28, 2017
I was hoping for better reviews but sounds like some of these critics were just simply lost with regards to pokemon


Oct 25, 2017
I like how you can pretty much tell whether the reviewer hates it based on whether they include that tired old line "if you don't know a Krabby from a Crawdaunt" or some such variation.

Sounds like if you're a Pokemon fan it's awesome which is all that really matters. Screw dumbing it down for the masses, let's finally have a video game movie for the fans.