
Nov 9, 2017
If you really hate someone teach them to recognize SSR artifacts.

It's always so, so distracting for me.
Jul 25, 2020
"From Japan Studio and Bluepoint Games comes a remake of the PlayStation classic, Demon's Souls. In addition to beautiful shadow effects and ray tracing, players can choose between two graphics modes while playing: one focused on fidelity, and one focused on frame rate."
From https://blog.playstation.com/2020/06/11/playstation-studios-first-look-at-9-new-ps5-games/#nnn
Strange that they don't mention it on the store page. RT or not DeS seems to be the best looking title this year.

chris 1515

Oct 27, 2017
Barcelona Spain
The same could be said about other graphical features we've seen over the years though. Technology improves. Graphics improve. Raytracing is still in its infancy and will only keep getting better while also becoming cheaper to use.

At the end of the day, yes it is just reflections and might not be something you immediately notice or care about (though raytracing can also be used for shadows, ambient occlusion, global illumination, and also audio), but it does add to the overall cohesiveness of the image. There was a recent example where Miles was in a shop, and seeing civilians walking down the street via the reflections in the window, to seeing Miles/the shop owner and items for sale on the door's reflection was pretty neat even if it's not exactly important. It just makes the scene feel more complete.

For example:

Guy walking down the street behind Miles.


Girl looking back at Miles waving at her as she exits the store.


The shop owner reflecting in the door as he mops. Miles is later seen reflecting in the door too.

Pretty small stuff but something I think makes everything feel more grounded. Some of this you can do with other techniques (but with varying results), but raytracing will make it easier.

Having said all that, part of me is thinking I'll play it in the 60fps mode instead and leave the high end raytracing stuff for my PC haha. We'll see.


arm reflection in the red part of the suit


Oct 28, 2017
What does that have to do with their brief, which is to do a tech analysis of the game footage?

They aren't speaking as video game oracles. Their expertise is in technical analysis.

They go way beyond technical analysis and editorialize quite a bit and often speak about the quality of the games they analyze in their videos. I liked them better when they were just tech analysis but they have gone beyond that so with that they get whatever criticism comes along with it.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 27, 2017
Even without RT etc SM looks so good for a current gen title. Boggles my mind what these studios can do. I cannot wait to see what PlayStation's output is going to be this generation.


Jan 4, 2020
Can you imagine how good Ratchet is going to look when it releases?! Insomniac are an amazingly talented group a next-gen only Spider-Man 2 is going to blow minds


May 17, 2020
They go way beyond technical analysis and editorialize quite a bit and often speak about the quality of the games they analyze in their videos. I liked them better when they were just tech analysis but they have gone beyond that so with that they get whatever criticism comes along with it.

Criticism of what, they didn't do anything. People just read too much into a statement by a person who was stumbling with some words, which people are allowed to do, and now we have more dumb conspiracy/bias posts.


Oct 25, 2017
This and CyberPunk within a week of each other. Going to be an insane November.
Great vid as always!


Oct 27, 2017
Can't watch right now, but wow, even the 60fps has ray tracing reflections? What are the downsides of the 60fps mode? Just lower resolution? Is it mostly stable 60fps?


Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania
Excellent overview as always Dictator and John.

I am also surprised by just how much ray tracing is being used for an open world launch game. I had put my personal expectations for ray tracing on next gen consoles pretty low, so this is nice to see.

Can't wait until I can see for myself on November 12th!

Beer Monkey

Oct 30, 2017
This is the third page and there's literally multiple posts that exemplify why Era gets cited as being toxic throughout so many of the Discords I belong to, many of which are run by active Era members and sometimes even an admin... Stop attacking DF, people.

Game looks damned good. I think cross-gen is helping us out here. Without the huge sales that cross-gen brings, I don't think we'd see anything this ambitious on PS5 for launch.


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
More scripted sequences is insane? I want more than pretty graphics from this generation, it looks nice though.

This is a Digital Foundry thread, you know, the outlet that analyses graphics tech behind games lol.

Also, you are getting more than just pretty graphics, you're getting rapid load times and more complex sequences with instantaneous indoor and outdoor transitions, more destruction, physics calculations etc.
Oct 25, 2017
I like these guys but what was with the guy not remembering the title of the game? They should have done that bit again and edited in because for a start, if you're about to speak as an expert, then it's not wise to forget the very title of the game, and also, seeing as a notable thing about this game is the element of representation that having MM as the main character brings, then it really feels a bit off to flippantly forget the characters name. There are people absolutely stoked that Miles Morales is getting his moment in the sun in the movie and this game, as it finally represents them in mainstream Spider-man media. This is important. Come on, guys, this feels a bit tone deaf.
I'm gonna give Alex the benefit of the doubt here. I think he was making a light joke about how "Marvel Spider-Man Miles Morales" is a mouthful of a title. I'm sure he doesn't mean any disrespect to the character.

But I do see where you're coming from, and yes this is absolutely important to people from a representation standpoint and people covering games should keep that in mind.


Nov 1, 2017
User banned (3 days): hostility against another member
I like these guys but what was with the guy not remembering the title of the game? They should have done that bit again and edited in because for a start, if you're about to speak as an expert, then it's not wise to forget the very title of the game, and also, seeing as a notable thing about this game is the element of representation that having MM as the main character brings, then it really feels a bit off to flippantly forget the characters name. There are people absolutely stoked that Miles Morales is getting his moment in the sun in the movie and this game, as it finally represents them in mainstream Spider-man media. This is important. Come on, guys, this feels a bit tone deaf.

It's pretty much a podcast with imaged edited in, stop being so sensitive to video game talk. Imagine being so small you can't see the humor in this or allowing an editorial outlet their own thoughts and impressions. Stop watching them then, they've been doing this for years and have never been just about the numbers.

Deleted member 44129

User requested account closure
May 29, 2018
I'm gonna give Alex the benefit of the doubt here. I think he was making a light joke about how "Marvel Spider-Man Miles Morales" is a mouthful of a title. I'm sure he doesn't mean any disrespect to the character.

But I do see where you're coming from, and yes this is absolutely important to people from a representation standpoint and people covering games should keep that in mind.
Considering the generally left leaning populace of this forum, I'm very surprised at the responses, rather than more of an "Oh, thats a good point about how that could be percieved that way"
Last edited:


Nov 1, 2017
Overly reflective reflections are going to be this gen's piss filter and bump mapping, isn't it? It's super awesome when done right, but I feel like the plastic bits in the suit and those windows are way to reflective and clean.
Oct 25, 2017
In before "downgrade scandal! PS5 can't do full RT, it's using SSR!"

But seriously yeah it seems clever and the perfect trick to have distant SSR. Especially when you consider, the techy folks at DF see and comment on things, sometimes, that 99% of people won't see in motion :p I know every time there is an example of SSR obstruction in a game, they have to pause to show it to us and we would have not noticed lol.
According to the video, it sounds like distant ray tracing is both extremely expensive and barely noticeable, making it a very bad investment of resources. I'd side-eye any dev who choose to go for ray tracing in that scenario unless their visual style and ambitions left them a lot of overhead.
Oct 25, 2017
Considering the generally left leaning opulace of this forum, I'm very surprised at the responses, rather than more of an "Oh, thats a good point about how that could be percieved that way"
I think a lot of us are just used to people covering games making flippant jokes that kind of put themselves above what they're covering. I don't like it in general, but I really don't think any harm was meant. It's very common on podcasts and other informal discussions that people don't remember everything accurately.

But again, I totally get how it could be perceived. I don't blame Alex for not necessarily thinking of that in the moment, though. Hopefully they can take this criticism to heart and at least consider whether they want to make jokes like that in formally produced videos.


Jul 3, 2020
This is a thread about pretty graphics, lmao
It's thread about the new spiderman game, the point I was making is that we've seen countless sequences
Well, better graphics is one of the most relevant aspects of a new generation, so...
Did I say different?
Lol, are you really saying this in a DF thread?
This is a Digital Foundry thread, you know, the outlet that analyses graphics tech behind games lol.

Also, you are getting more than just pretty graphics, you're getting rapid load times and more complex sequences with instantaneous indoor and outdoor transitions, more destruction, physics calculations etc.
Then show actual gameplay and not a heavily processed QTE sequence, lol.
Dec 9, 2018
New Jersey
Well John is Digital Foundry's PlayStation guy.
Assumptions like this are the reason why graphical technology breakdown discussions online are so unnecessarily hostile. Give these guys a break. John isn't a Sony guy or whatever. He just likes gaming tech, which is why he's at Digital Foundry. Try not to get carried away by concerns of corporate allegiance. None of that should exist here. Let's talk about the cool tech Insomniac is pushing in their launch title and have a good time while doing so.


Sep 3, 2020
More scripted sequences is insane? I want more than pretty graphics from this generation, it looks nice though.

Wow, you are well outside your comfort zone in this thread.

First, lets not label anyone .... especially with the fanboy nonsense John already deals with.

Secondly, DF are about graphics and we are talking about graphics.
