

Found the ultimate water hazard
Oct 27, 2017
my 5 year old (now 6) absolutely loved watching me play the alpha. i'm excited to show him the final version tonight (provided I can get out of playing MUA3 with him).

great impressions so far - can't wait to start in a few minutes!


Oct 25, 2017
Aaah. Each time I mess up I realize it like a second after I make my move! Gotta be more patient and use my brain.


Oct 25, 2017
Got my first finish with the robot. It was a blast.

This works really well with the Steam Link mobile app by the way. I set it so that touch acts as the cursor meaning that tapping is a click on that place on screen, then disabled the button overlay and voila. Perfect for getting numb legs on the toilet.
Ooo I have to try this


Found the ultimate water hazard
Oct 27, 2017
I beat the first quest. Feels like it's made to make sure you win your first, but that could be my experience with the alpha talking. There's lots of new equipment now and it's not as obvious to make a deck now. Music is better too - to be honest I used to just mute it because there was barely any and it was really repetitive over time.

Game is still great.


Oct 26, 2017
Uh I don't remember the music being this incredible when I played the alpha build like a month ago. The jazzy/funk-esque instrumentals are so good.

One minor gripe I had that wasn't changed since the alpha is you can't see what status effects do until they're applied to your character or the enemy - you can't mouse over them on your moves or enemy movies to see what they do.
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Oct 28, 2017
Fuck, I died at the boss when she had 1 health with the Robot. I fucked up my last turn as well, could've easily done it.


Jan 30, 2018
Okay it took me a minute to wrap my head around the Witch character, but wow, she's VERY fun to use!

This game is so creative in how it shakes up what you expect "The highest number does the most damage" and characters you have playing/wish for odd numbers, even numbers, low numbers, everything. Each character really feels different!
I love when a roguelike/lite actually differentiates its characters really well. Into the Breach and FTL are standout examples.


Oct 25, 2017
Got my warrior win after victory was snatched so rudely from me on my last run (by my own stupidity). Time to sleep.

Hope they'll implement achievements and at least cloud saves soon. Like someone else mentioned, a stats screen would also be nice!


Found the ultimate water hazard
Oct 27, 2017
I just tried that Steam Link thing. I didn't even know there was a mobile app for it! It works okay if I'm right near my computer but step away and my wifi coverage makes it not so fun. It's a cool option though.
Oct 27, 2017
Got my warrior win after victory was snatched so rudely from me on my last run (by my own stupidity). Time to sleep.

Hope they'll implement achievements and at least cloud saves soon. Like someone else mentioned, a stats screen would also be nice!
There are achievements unless you mean steam achievements or something. You just have to beat all the characters first.


Oct 28, 2017
Got my warrior win after victory was snatched so rudely from me on my last run (by my own stupidity). Time to sleep.

Hope they'll implement achievements and at least cloud saves soon. Like someone else mentioned, a stats screen would also be nice!
Yeah there's like Missions or something once you play one run with each character. You can die ASAP on the first battle and unlock them all in like 5 mins.


Found the ultimate water hazard
Oct 27, 2017
Okay, beat it with the Thief and Robot. My Thief run was tense. I got to level 3 with 1 hp, and to level 4 with 1 hp. Once I got there, Thief was all downhill thanks to Poison Needle+/Blight+/Detonate. I took out the boss in 2 turns.

Robot was easy once I got Heat Sink. Before that was.. also easy, because I had this incredible streak of hitting the jackpot early on. It wouldn't have mattered if I didn't (unless I got super unlucky) but it made the whole first half trivial. Both Thief and Robot are worse in the first half of their runs than the second so this was no big.

So far I've fought 3 bosses and all 3 have been Scathach, which kinda sucks, but oh well.


Oct 26, 2017
My initial impressions (after beating it with the first three dice today): it's a very charming, much much easier Slay the Spire.


Oct 27, 2017
Not done with my initial run yet (4th floor I think?), but you can tell pretty quickly that this is a good game. Fun enemy variety, I like how you can control your "loadout", and how your equipment is space-based, kinda like Resident Evil. All the upgrades seem really useful too. I do like that it's less intimidating than Slay the Spire, but we'll see how things progress. Getting the DRM-free copy plus the Steam key is a great way to do it too.

And don't forget that VVVVVV and Super Hexagon are both on sale right now too for quite literally peanuts.


Oct 27, 2017
Lol, once
becomes the end boss, he just quits and becomes a dice piece. He didn't even care about spinning the wheel.

The run-win cutscenes briefly become rather good after that point (before going back to normal).

Wiped my beta progress and did a big 10-hour stream of this, starting right at launch time. Surprised I only got 12 wins through in that timeframe, but I was dying more than I expected. Kraken got way tougher, it feels like.

Pizza Dog

Oct 25, 2017
For some reason I thought this was coming out on mobile platforms at the same time, but alas. I'll pick it up when it's out on iOS, seems better suited for mobile play. I just don't bother loading up my laptop much these days to play games.


Oct 25, 2017
Unexpected interactions I came across: splitting a 1 gives you two 1s and using +1 on a 6 gives you a 6 and a 1.

For some reason I thought this was coming out on mobile platforms at the same time, but alas. I'll pick it up when it's out on iOS, seems better suited for mobile play. I just don't bother loading up my laptop much these days to play games.

You can give it a try on the Steam Link app. Unfortunately Link Anywhere (streaming remotely) isn't available yet on iOS though.
Oct 25, 2017
So I like the game so far, but I beat the warrior run on my very first attempt without ever being in any danger of failing, which is a first for these type of games (I've put like 30 hours into Slay the Spire and have yet to have a successful run there). I'm assuming that was something of a tutorial and the other classes present more of a challenge?

Also, can you exit mid run and then pick up where you left off?


Oct 25, 2017
So I like the game so far, but I beat the warrior run on my very first attempt without ever being in any danger of failing, which is a first for these type of games (I've put like 30 hours into Slay the Spire and have yet to have a successful run there). I'm assuming that was something of a tutorial and the other classes present more of a challenge?

Also, can you exit mid run and then pick up where you left off?

I beat the "first" end boss of STS on my second run with The Silent so I guess YMMV. There's an unlockable hard more IIRC and the challenge also ramps up once you get into the different episodes each class has. Each character is also progressively more complex mechanically but overall I don't think it's quite as complicated as STS gets. I lost my run with the warrior but I aced it on my third once I had a more sensible build.

And yeah, you can close out the game and you'll be able to continue from where you left off. Though when you close it mid-battle, you'll return to where your character was pre-battle, like STS.


Oct 26, 2017
Oh wow, so on my very first run with Thief
I randomly copied an alchemist's spell early on that turns you into Bear form and heals you if you use it. I thought this would be a one turn thing but no, you literally become a completely different character ("Bear") for the entire run, complete with his own unique spells, level ups, and dialogue from NPCs. That was really awesome.
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Found the ultimate water hazard
Oct 27, 2017
That part is so cool that I think you should spoiler tag it. Everyone should experience that moment organically.


Oct 26, 2017
Played through the first warrior and thief levels. Definitely will avoid comparing it to StS because the deckbuilding aspect isn't quite there. Honestly, I don't find it nearly as engaging as a result. The only decision making that carries between battles is your equipment, and i haven't seen enough variety there for replayability. Just feels much more like rng simulator, rolling dice and slotting them. The thief was more complex for sure, but it did just feel overwhemingly underwhelming. Will keep playing though because I see a spark there still.


Oct 25, 2017
Haven't played this since the early days of the browser alpha. I really love all the additions they've made, the music in particular is crazy good and made me immediately go buy the OST.

Robot is easily my favorite class, Buster Sword+ is so broken. Thief is probably my least favorite, I've lost every run with him so far but we'll see if I can't turn that around. Haven't gotten the last class yet but I have a pretty good idea what it is based on a certain character who always has new dialogue when you fight him.

Played through the first warrior and thief levels. Definitely will avoid comparing it to StS because the deckbuilding aspect isn't quite there. Honestly, I don't find it nearly as engaging as a result. The only decision making that carries between battles is your equipment, and i haven't seen enough variety there for replayability. Just feels much more like rng simulator, rolling dice and slotting them. The thief was more complex for sure, but it did just feel overwhemingly underwhelming. Will keep playing though because I see a spark there still.

If Thief and Warrior are too straightforward for you then you'll probably like Inventor and Witch, you're frequently using different equipment with those two.


Oct 26, 2017
That part is so cool that I think you should spoiler tag it. Everyone should experience that moment organically.
Yeah I did. I'm curious if there's other things like that playing with the Thief but after another run I'm guessing that's the only one.

Playing Robot now, really unique design.


Found the ultimate water hazard
Oct 27, 2017
I think Thief's two star difficulty rating is just wrong. Robot is way easier and Inventor probably is too. It used to be true in the alpha but they've nerfed poison needle to the point that it's almost not fun to play as him anymore. I don't like the changes because Terry is very outwardly against balance for balance's sake. I think he's trying to make Crowbar viable and it was easier to nerf poison needle than try to strengthen that option.


Oct 25, 2017
In my experience, robot is indeed easier than thief, but I think the inventor is definitely more difficult then thief. I might just not be any good with the inventor though.

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
played this a lot in early alpha

i've stayed away for awhile since he stopped updating versions that work on mobile platforms. will jump in again when it releases for mobile for sure. i already own it on early access itch.io but i'm willing to double dip

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
i remember when the witch was bugged and allowed phantom already used dice at certain times and how ridiculously you could abuse that. good times


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Game is so much fun, and the music is incredible. I had to buy the OST after playing the game for a few hours.


Oct 26, 2017
Played several hours of this and had a blast. Game is impeccably tight.

Except for that fucking level 4 bird. That fight just takes three times longer than all the others for unexciting reasons.


Found the ultimate water hazard
Oct 27, 2017
I had some miserable Witch runs today. I was one round away from beating the boss with 9 HP and he hit me for 10. augh!


Found the ultimate water hazard
Oct 27, 2017
no, it seems like you unlock classes just by playing x number of games. I lost my first run with Thief and unlocked Robot anyway.


Publisher - Riot Games
Oct 27, 2017
santa monica
Posting to say how much I love this game. I'm a big fan of card games, rogue likes and puzzle games & this really scratched every itch. One of the best soundtracks I've heard since Shovel Knight - and the episodes feel like pretty worthwhile challenges.

Also, FUCK that loud bird. I hate that silence/dodge/weakness bird with every fiber of my being. I would pick any boss character over dealing with that horrible, horrible enemy & I haven't even ever died to it on a run.


Found the ultimate water hazard
Oct 27, 2017
Haha, Loud Bird doesn't bother me. You know who I hate? Snowman. I end up in these slow grind it out battles that takes most of my life, especially with Witch.


Feb 12, 2019
Not a fan of Loud Bird either. As for Snowman, I've had multiple runs where his Freeze All attack has greatly benefited me rather then impeding me! (Spatula might be the best equipment in the whole game.)


Oct 27, 2017
I gotta say, I was very excited for this, but after an hour and a half of play it feels too easy to be super engaging to me. I also wish there were more decision points--you don't really get that many choices in the map layer (in terms of routing or build) or in the combat layer. I think cards just work much better for games of this structure than dice do; playing with probability is much more interesting when what you draw has ramifications for what you might get on following draws. with dice, it feels like you just...try to get the right dice for your equipment, and then you do the best you can with the dice you're given. it's fast and snappy, but every individual turn feels very hermetic, and as a result I find it's hard to really get invested

I did three runs last night, won easily with Warrior and Thief, and got absolutely creamed with Robot (didn't, and don't, really understand the mechanic)

there's a lot of charm here, but it sort of feels, to me, like an object lesson in why card-based deckbuilding games are compelling


Found the ultimate water hazard
Oct 27, 2017
I would say to give some of the other classes a try. I do agree that Warrior and Thief are a little too straightforward since the game doesn't demand perfect precision like a Slay the Spire can.


Oct 27, 2017
yeah, I don't mean to say that that's the end of my trying the game, I'm sure that warrior and thief are intended as tutorialization. and there's a lot here that I find interesting--the adaptation of class flavor to gameplay mechanics is very cool and novel. I'm excited to try the rest of the classes, although I'm a little curious if my own interest will continue after I've gotten a chance to try them all. I hope it does!

was very surprised that the game was only 5 levels


Oct 27, 2017
The flee button ought to be fixed in the first patch. I feel like it got deprioritized because us testers never flee, but that doesn't reflect how most people apparently play. Bit of a shortcoming in picking testers from the dedicated fanbase.

And Loud Bird is such a meme at this point. It's still annoying, though Kraken is more threatening nowadays.

was very surprised that the game was only 5 levels

There are 36 character episodes, the game's just not very good at telegraphing that fact early on.


Oct 26, 2017
I haven't accidentally hit the flee button, but I have accidentally put dice into moves I didn't want when playing as Thief and I've amassed 2 rows of dice. Specifically I was trying to avoid using backstab until all other attacks went off.
What I like most about this game and what separates the roguelikes that I like from the ones I don't is that the moment to moment gameplay, the decisions you get to make, are fun throughout the game -- from start all the way to the end. I'm not waiting for that handful of drops so that my build will really start taking off. The core mechanics of the game are really solid. Splitting dice, choosing how to spread out your moves, balancing damage versus defense, etc. It's really fun. In comparison, Slay the Spire does have a bit of a slower early game compared to DD. Every time you start a new run in STS you kind of feel like you need to start all over to build up an interesting deck, whereas in DD it's as if you're going 60mph from the start. Very well designed. In this sense, its draw is very similar to something like Into the Breach which also has exceptionally strong core gameplay.
Just wanted to quote this because it sums up what I really like about it, especially in comparison to StS and other deckbuilding games which people are jonesing to compare it to. In general I really appreciate rougelites that are this tightly designed, briskly paced with very little "fluff". It also reminds me of Into the Breach as well as Monolith, both of which I love.

I also really like the different episodes and wish more rougelites did them. Reminds me of the challenges in the Isaac games which I really enjoyed.


Oct 25, 2017
i love the writing in this game, and its been an amazing ride so far

Oh wow, so on my very first run with Thief
I randomly copied an alchemist's spell early on that turns you into Bear form and heals you if you use it. I thought this would be a one turn thing but no, you literally become a completely different character ("Bear") for the entire run, complete with his own unique spells, level ups, and dialogue from NPCs. That was really awesome.

yeah, was pleasantly surprised with how far they took it.