Do you agree with Biden's statement?

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    Votes: 554 47.9%
  • No

    Votes: 602 52.1%

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Nov 16, 2017

"At the same time, No amount of anger at the very real injustices in our society excuses violence"

BZZZT. Wrong. Incorrect. Not factual.



"At the same time, No amount of anger at the very real injustices in our society excuses violence"


"At the same time, No amount of anger at the very real injustices in our society excuses violence"


"At the same time, No amount of anger at the very real injustices in our society excuses violence"

(lmao when you apply the quote to this event)


"At the same time, No amount of anger at the very real injustices in our society excuses violence"



"At the same time, No amount of anger at the very real injustices in our society excuses violence"


You see how silly that fucking quote is for even a small handful of American history? Sure, we can know why he said it but it doesn't make it any better or even smart in context of whats going on in today's world.

Holly shit, does that statement just really miss the mark on whats at stake and really highlights who has to deal with the real fallout over this shit and who is in the bubble unaffected. And clearly Joe Biden is fucking unaffected.


We've been socialized to abhor it, to denounce it. Yet, our favorite movies and games blast peoples heads off with no care. The fact of the matter is, Violence is a part of our world and humans are extremely capable of it. In a perfect world, Violence is only a tool to be utilized in self-defense....... but our world is not perfect and ironically has been completely shaped by violence to begin with (Colonial Violence)

Lets break down why this quote is so aggravating:

1. Biden doesn't even denounce the fucking violence from police in the statement.

Nowhere in the fucking statement does Biden say the police in Philly did anything wrong. Theres no blame placed on law enforcement. No burden. Nowhere it says the police operate in a racist fashion. Nowhere it says our criminal justice system is biased. It doesn't say the police acted out of line or acted too rash.

Look very closely

Just a vague "violence of yesterdays shooting" mention.

But it does jump on those protestors! No justification! You are committing crimes! The cops who refuse to use non lethal gear they are issued, on a mentally distressed person who was kept at distance isnt a crime? okay. Looting isnt protest? So what was the Boston Tea Party? A riot? a crime? hmmmm

"it draws attention away from the real tragedy"

No you fucking goof, you distract your own attention away. The looting is DIRECTLY because of the death you fucking stable genius. The only person killed here was a black man but black people responding are being scolded about violence? What in the fuck? By him using that sentence, he puts all the blame on us and esentially gives the police cause to be justified.

2. White People as a whole have historically gaslit everyone into the misconception of Violence

White Supremacy is most efficient through controlling narrative and when we look at history, American Colonial White Settlers were some of the most violent and depraved groups to be documented. However, when you learn Public Edu American history, it is taught with an angle that such crimes against humanity that were done to found America were justified. It doesn't even dip a toe into the injustice of the natives. It doesnt say one word about the absolute horror of chattel slavery. It damn sure doesnt use violent as the term to define those events, more like unfortunate or dark period. Even though they are easily some of the most violent parts of our history. We fought the most violent war on our own soil literally over Racism. They def refer to the Civil War as violent but have you ever fucking heard anyone say that the response to the "real injustice of society" at the time had no excuse for it? Who is trying to be fooled?

Violence was the primer to shape our American society. Its the reason people moved around the country, why entire communities were created. This country will never ban guns. Ever. And for every documented act of violence among our white populace, its always justified in their eyes when discussed. From a sports game riot to a double homicide at a protest from an underage shooter

But heres where shit gets twisted. When Black People respond to their extrajudicial killings with violence against PROPERTY. FUCKING PROPERTY. The Govt wants to gaslight and equate like raging on a Target is equivalent to a black person losing their life for no fucking reason. They are not equal. They will never be equal. When I think back to this countries sick relation with us being seen as property, I begin to understand why this "debate" wants to show up. I dont condone trashing local peoples shit (esp community) thats dumb. but i dont give a fuck about a corp. (even thats dumb cuz they get paid off insurance but come up). CNN cried like children when people swarmed their HQ in GA this summer. THE NEXT MORNING, they replaced their front window and statue. Property can be replaced. Things get replaced. People cannot.

We know why riots fucking happen. Joe knows why the riot happened. He says fucking nothing about the cause of it.

3. Im so fucking tired of the forgiveness angle (im sure others feel the same)

Ima keep it 100%. Christian dogma controlling bullshit. Forgiveness as a concept it itself has its merit

But forgiveness itself is one of the most personal principles. its a direct relationship between the abuser and the victim with ONLY the sole consent of the victim. It involves 0 outside stigma. Anything outside of that is irrelevant. Thats how forgiveness works, yet White Society bludgeons us with it constantly as a guilt trip for its continued violence. I can sit here and list case by case of all the offenses we were meant to forgive. We've been over this 1000 times. The violence continues. The death continues.

When it comes to white people dealing with their consequences of Racism, they are quick to scream about 'ruining lives', meanwhile on the other side, somebody is fucking dead or had to deal with some absolute bullshit over nothing even significantly consequential. Funny how that fucking works. Someway I keep rolling the die and it always land on this number. Every single story we are so quick to rush over that somebody is dead, its always about the goddamn murderers life quality in the end.

America beat our heads about Jesus.... Jesus.... A brown guy who preached nonviolence and was killed by the state. hmmmm. You know whats funny about Jesus and the Bible? they tell us he's the son of god, the image of perfection. The nigga died for our sins. He willingly let the state abuse him until he died.

Then the bible quickly tells us we are an imperfect image. It doesn't say to be Jesus, it says to be more like him. It knows we cant reach the standard. It knows nonviolence is not a feasible 100% perfect state thats attainable in someones entire life span. It always comes up. People really have "turn the other cheek" and "forgiveness" fucked up. You can only forgive so fucking much till your done.

Medgar Evar - peaceful nonviolent - KILLED
MLK - peaceful nonviolent - KILLED
Malcolm X - violence when necessary - KILLED
BPP - violence when necessary - KILLED

What the fuck do you expect when you assault people with oppression on a daily basis and do nothing? Why do we honestly expect people to sit back and take every insult and every attack with no response? all this cultural bullshit being dragged up and all of the original sins coming to roost in this country and nobody thinks anyone is going to feel threatened to act? The Government is violating the Social Contract and keep telling us to sit the fuck down and cry about it.

Dont fucking expect forgiveness for continual generational blood violence, who does that?

4. His small mention of the "solution" is fucking trash

"As a nation we are strong enough to meet the challenges of real police reform, including implementing a national use of force standard, and to maintain peace and security in our communities. That must be our American mission. That is how we deliver real justice"

Let me read to you how my brain reads this statement:

"Our goal is to put together a standardized conduct guideline on how the state will handle you with the goal being to maintain peace and security to our community (whos community?) This is our main focus. This is the only justice we will recognize"

...... This guy got 2 fucking paragraphs pitching for cops and one for how heartbroken everyone is. man fuck that bullshit. On top of that you say WE'RE taking away from protest??? You can't even fucking say the police killed anyone?!?! what the fuck

5. Who the fuck does this guy think he is? Who wrote this shit for him?

"At the same time, No amount of anger at the very real injustices in our society excuses violence"

WHAT? The segregationist is saying this?
The guy who was buddy buddy with Thurmond?
The dude who grilled Anita Hill?
The Crime Bill guy?
The "vote for me or you aint black" guy?
The guy whos answer to racial injustice by the state is to give police more money because the police definitely 100% do not misappropriate funds now?

Go fuck yourself

6. Liberals already getting defensive for criticizing good ol Joe

Prob the main fucking reason of this entire thread. Because its already starting. You really got me fucked up. This statement is trash. It inspires no confidence in me for Black People in this country. And I already see back to norms starting to kick in if Biden takes power. Here's what liberals in general really need to understand, just because your personal dissatisfaction with BunkerBoy is now relieved, DOES NOT in any way mean we are any closer to the reform and changes we need for this country as whole. In fact, Biden does not support some things that would help certain groups. You need to be seriously prepared if the Admin does not show up and dragged us for our fucking votes again. 2021 will be hell to pay on that regard. Do not expect anyone to silence themselves on this Admin because "BunkerBoy is gone"

This shit is nowhere close to being over and every single day more and more people get affected by this bullshit


I honestly pray for the Dem Trifecta. Because it will be the one true moment we get to fully see how the soul of this country operates and we will get a clear vision on what this country actually is in the modern day.

Im no fucking idiot. I do not need convincing that Biden is the better option compared to the Jabba the Hut. But I dont have to be happy. I definitely dont have to sing his fucking praises until something is actually done.

And before anyone gets pissy about it, i already voted for his goofy ass shit and i encourage others to do the same.

However, its getting really clear who is just talking the talk. We dont owe nobody shit.


Oct 25, 2017
I think a presidential candidate is correct in making a statement suggesting that violence is wrong.


2020 Member Elect
Oct 30, 2017
Biden has to play it somewhat safe with that statement, if he doesn't it's fodder for people like trump.

and I do agree violence is an option but he just can't be the one to say it.


The Pyramids? That's nothing compared to RDR2
Oct 27, 2017
I disagree with it, but wouldn't expect a presidential candidate to say otherwise.


Oct 25, 2017
would you rather have him say "fuck yeah light it up y'all yolo ftp"


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
He's correct to make that statement as a presidential candidate but it's not the same statement that he could make as a private citizen. Given the position there's basically nothing better you can say

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Spot on OP, he completely sidesteps the issue of police violence and his repeated statements on events like this suggest he doesn't truly understand the problem.

Deleted member 864

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I don't fully agree with it, but do you expect a presidential candidate to say anything different?
Last edited:


Oct 26, 2017
Toronto, ON, Canada
Maybe when America has real democracy and real freedom there will be a President/VP ticket that makes earnest, hope-inspiring statements by proxy of having more than two actually viable parties.

However, Biden/Harris are running to win in battleground states, let alone America at large, and America at large is okay with the status quo after years of having to pay attention to the horrors that permeate American society in systemic fashion. Much like on a grander scale of Rob Ford to John Tory, America is going through their "let's go back to quiet, systemically-biased ways and forget about it all" phase.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't know what he can say that would please everyone, so I won't suggest what he could or couldn't say, and I won't say he just shouldn't say anything at all.

All I'll say is that I wish they'd stop killing us.


Oct 25, 2017
Maybe when America has real democracy and real freedom there will be a President/VP ticket that makes earnest, hope-inspiring statements by proxy of having more than two actually viable parties.

However, Biden/Harris are running to win in battleground states, let alone America at large.
lol America? Countries that have candidates for heads of state suggesting violence is fine are probably clownshoes


Force of Habit
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
The statement is wrong. Whoever wrote it or commissioned for it to be written seems to believe this is the statement that will appease most of the critical voting block. It is as shitty as it sounds.


Oct 25, 2017
Nah, but a statement like this is to be expected. Not really sure what politicians out there are saying burn it all down. Any examples?


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
It would be political suicide to not denounce violence and rioting.

It sucks but that's the reality we live in. He is trying to win an election next week and the people he needs to win that election are the people who need to hear him say this.

Deleted member 2761

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'm amazed that any of you expect progress at all when half the people you think are on your side will bend over backwards for the things this dipshit says.


Oct 27, 2017
Election is next week and this is happening in PA. He's going to both sides this as lightly as possible. It is what it is. He needs PA.


Oct 26, 2017
Encouraging one side to murder the other doesn't seem like a winning election strategy, especially when one of the strongest messages of your campaign has been about unity.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 6, 2017
Unfortunately this is what I expect from Biden and I assume his plan is just to try to bring things back to a pre-Trump America instead of actually addressing the systemic racism that exists throughout the country.
Oct 25, 2017
I don't agree, but let him get his foot in the oval office first. Not about to leave it to chance with an inflammatory comment rn before all the votes are in.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
No one running for President who wants to win is going to defend looting of businesses, even though righteous violence is one of the only effective tools against systemic oppression and injustice.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Oct 25, 2017
Do you honestly think that espousing the opposite viewpoint is going to get him elected?

Deleted member 18944

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Excused violence and justified violence are two different things, and I think Biden should have worded it as such.


Oct 25, 2017
No. Violence against oppression is very easily justifiable. Not always the best option strategically, but absolutely justifiable.


Jun 5, 2020
What do you want him to say?

"Fuck the police coming straight from the underground. Young nigga got it bad cuz I'm brown"? And lose the election?


Oct 26, 2017
Y'all expecting a candidate running a unity platform and message to tell folks to hit the streets and square up? lol

The campaign is being extremely careful, cautious, and yes, quite passive when it comes to responses to injustice because the only thing the opposition can try to turn any sort of corner is to flip even a single iota of revolutionary speaking against him.

I don't fully agree with the statement, but it's exactly what I expect given the circumstances and environment


Nov 16, 2017
I think a presidential candidate is correct in making a statement suggesting that violence is wrong.
would you rather have him say "fuck yeah light it up y'all yolo ftp"
Do you expect a presidential candidate to say anything different?

I think a presidential candidate should denounce the violence committed by the police force which would fall under his executive branch

I also think that takes precedence over lambasting people destroying property

You can tell who read the thread tho before posting

Nothing Loud

Literally Cinderella
Oct 25, 2017
Agreed, the statement is garbage and false. For all the reasons you said.
However, America loves its falsehoods and it would be political suicide to say anything otherwise than what he said.


Nov 16, 2017
It would be political suicide to not denounce violence and rioting.

It sucks but that's the reality we live in. He is trying to win an election next week and the people he needs to win that election are the people who need to hear him say this.

He spent more time talking about riots than what caused them


Oct 30, 2017
Things we wouldn't have without "violent" resistance: 1. 40 hour work weeks, 2. abolition of child labor, 3. Independence from the British, etc. Treat people like animals and you get what's coming to you.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 6, 2017
Also this just screams using tragedy as a guerrilla campaign ad. Like why even mention Trump? Why not just take this moment to show sincere empathy and concern?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 2, 2017
It's not a "black or white" issue. Violence doesn't necessarily justify violence, but sometimes it does.


Nov 4, 2017
When the democratic party main points against trump is that he incites violence, they need to be careful against doing the same thing... at least so close to the election.

I don't 100% agree with him. Sometimes, violence is an appropriate response. But at the same time, I'm (personally) won't rise up against someone requesting a peaceful proposition. I'll at least her them out first. And really what Joe is suggesting is that there is a more appropriate response right now, and that is voting. Whether you agree with him about that or not is up to you.


Oct 25, 2017
I disagree with it, but also if he didn't say this he'd be commititng political suicide (right before election day at that) because you can't win the election without moderates and moderates are going to be turned off super hard if you justify the violence, regardless of right or wrong


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah I disagree with that.

I still voted for him because he's the only real option.


Oct 25, 2017
He's running for president against somehow who keeps blasting ads blaming him for the violence. What else can he say?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
When will Democrats have to stop playing both sides? We need to get rid of the fucking EC so we can stop pandering to those dumbass racist swing voters.


Oct 26, 2017
I disagree with it, but also if he didn't say this he'd be commititng political suicide (right before election day at that) because you can't win the election without moderates and moderates are going to be turned off super hard if you justify the violence, regardless of right or wrong

Nothing gets the suburban mom vote like murder!