Do you believe in ghosts?

  • Yes

    Votes: 120 11.9%
  • No

    Votes: 888 88.1%

  • Total voters


Oct 25, 2017
I can agree that there are things beyond our understanding but why would this energy, as you call it, be unaffected by other forces?
Maybe extrapolate on what you mean?
I fully think there's possibly even more than "energy". There could possibly be actual entities that exist beyond our perception among us. They very well could or would be affected by 'forces' in our reality, we just lack the means to perceive, detect or know them or how they interact with ours. Or how we affect them.

If there's a 4th, or 5th, or Xth dimension out there, that exists beyond our perception, 'anomalies', or 'ghosts', or unexplained phenomena, could merely be the shadows of those dimensional 'entities', energies, or otherwise, interacting with our reality.

Cosmos - Carl Sagan - 4th Dimension

Cosmos - Carl Sagan - 4th Dimension


Oct 28, 2017
I believe in the existence of the band (and Tobias Forge) and that they are good.

The supernatural stuff, not one bit.


Oct 25, 2017
I've had a few instances that couldn't be explained by normal means, so I'm going to land on yes. It's more fun than way at least.


Oct 28, 2017
Life is a lonely ass ride. It would be nice to have Casper the ghost as a friend but we're born alone, die alone and go into the night alone.


Aug 1, 2018
Maybe extrapolate on what you mean?
I fully think there's possibly even more than "energy". There could possibly be actual entities that exist beyond our perception among us. They very well could or would be affected by 'forces' in our reality, we just lack the means to perceive, detect or know them or how they interact with ours. Or how we affect them.

If there's a 4th, or 5th, or Xth dimension out there, that exists beyond our perception, 'anomalies', or 'ghosts', or unexplained phenomena, could merely be the shadows of those dimensional 'entities', energies, or otherwise, interacting with our reality.

Cosmos - Carl Sagan - 4th Dimension

Cosmos - Carl Sagan - 4th Dimension

But we can perceive them at least sometimes and from stories of ghosts, they are unaffected by the forces around us which is how ghosts have pretty much always been described.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
Absolutely not and I've had to make my peace with the fact when people close to me tell me they do I've got to humour that shit because the alternative can leave them wildly offended. Ghosts are not real.


Definitely not shooting blanks
Jan 5, 2020
Ghosts are fun and one of those supernatural things that would be basically impossible to prove don't exist because of how vague a concept they are in the first place.

Well it's incredibly hard to prove things don't exist. I can't prove that a silent green alien doesn't dance on my couch while I'm asleep. But I don't have any evidence of that so believing that isn't rational.

Ghosts are no different. Them being a vague concept doesn't change the difficulty in proving they don't exist. It's impossible to prove negatives fully. But that doesn't make believing irrational.


Dec 15, 2018
It would be very cool if they were and I enjoy ghost hunts and all the occult "culture" if you will but they're not real.


One Winged Slayer
Jun 9, 2019
I mean, "there's stuff we don't yet or can't understand" is just a really convenient hand-wave, in my view. Is it theoretically true? Sure, I guess. But you can use that justification to say you believe in virtually anything. Is Bigfoot real? Sure, but he exists in a dimension our consciousness can't perceive or access, or whatever. Just feels like a pointless notion to entertain if it's dependent on the idea that we literally cannot grasp it with human means.


Nov 2, 2017
Ghosts are fun and one of those supernatural things that would be basically impossible to prove don't exist because of how vague a concept they are in the first place.
I don't see how that's different from anything else supernatural related. I can't prove fairies and dragons don't exist, I just know they don't. Like ghosts and spirits. Doesn't make it any less fun to hear ghost stories or see ghost films etc!


Oct 25, 2017
No, ghosts are bullshit, and not even interesting bullshit where I'll listen to/watch stuff about them for entertainment. They're both fake and boring.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Clifton, NJ
I don't believe in ghosts, but I love watching those ghost video YouTubers, such as Nuke's Top 5, SirSpooks, etc.

And if ghosts did exist then we would probably have constant proof of them since so many people have died on this world.


Nov 1, 2017
Yeah - had 2 specific experiences at two different points in life.
One of which I saw a full body….apparition or whatever in my room. Saw it, jumped up to run out of there in a panic, hit a fish tank, hurt myself - it was a thing.
2nd time I was in the Air Force and had some issues in one specific room in an apartment out in this swamp area. Worst issue - heard something walk through my blinds as if the porch door was open, heard it walk across the room as if it was a person (2nd floor so floor creaks), touched my foot as it walked by my bed which elicited a lot of cursing, and jumping out of that bed by me - honestly thought I was just being robbed and that someone got in the house. Blinds were still swaying like someone walked through them. Turned every light on in the house and searched everywhere - nothing. Said fuck that and went to sleep at a friends the rest of the week.


Oct 25, 2017
i'm open to the idea of them existing and I won't discount someone who says they saw them but i haven't seen any so i don't really believe in them.

~110 billion people have died on planet earth in the time our species is around, we would be overflowing with ghosts if everyone stayed around. I guess if you believe only a small percentage stay it would seem still that number should only increase over time so more and more people should be experiencing ghosts.


Unshakable Resolve
Jan 10, 2019
nah, and i never realised how strongly i disbelieve until i was hallucinating faces moving around the room one night. never once thought about the possibility of ghosts and rolled over and slept like a baby

if they were actually ghosts then coldest moment of my life so far

I am a Bird

Oct 31, 2017
No I do not, and I think the reasons why probably are going to be pretty established by the end of the first page, so I won't even get into that.

More interesting, to me, is why so many self-identifying Christians believe in ghosts. Don't you believe that you go to either Heaven or Hell when you die? What is the Holy Mechanism through which the egoic soul becomes indefinitely stuck on Earth? Or is a ghost more like a visitor from the dimensions of Heaven and/or Hell? If so, can we ask them what the respective vibes are like? What book of the Bible explains all of this?

I imagine ghosts, to some extent, transcend many different cultures, but I'm a southern American so the people I talk to who have strong feelings about this are almost all Christian. And I'd just be really, really interested in seeing a believer whiteboard it.

Depending on the denomination most christians that believe in ghosts don't think those are ghosts of people and more that they are demons or something masquerading as dead people to lead you astray.
the Bible does mention ghosts a few times but these are mostly connected with aforementioned demons, or God himself coming back with some people for a chat.

Most supernatural stuff in the south is more just cultural folk myth rather than being based on any religious texts.

Rygar 8Bit

Oct 25, 2017
Depending on the denomination most christians that believe in ghosts don't think those are ghosts of people and more that they are demons or something masquerading as dead people to lead you astray.
the Bible does mention ghosts a few times but these are mostly connected with aforementioned demons, or God himself coming back with some people for a chat.

Most supernatural stuff in the south is more just cultural folk myth rather than being based on any religious texts.

Think with that it's because the dead aren't supposed to rise until Judgement Day. No one is in heaven or hell yet just sort of in a sleep until Jesus comes back. So the church says if you are seeing ghosts those are actual demons pretending to be people.


Oct 26, 2017
Your brain interprets how you see the world. You may see ghosts but that doesn't mean they are real.

I am a Bird

Oct 31, 2017
Think with that it's because the dead aren't supposed to rise until Judgement Day.
That ghost just forgot daylights savings time.

By the way if you ever want a great laugh. Look up the history of every ghost detecting equipment.
All that crap and the idea that ghosts can interact with machines stems from those fake ghost portraits in the 1800s. Which the guy who first made them knew they were fake.


Dec 13, 2017
No, but I'm scared as shit by the thought. Ghost stories and movies are the scariest thing for me, the word itself makes me uncomfortable.

Dead Guy

Oct 25, 2017
Saskatchewan, Canada
I'm open to the possibility. There's so much about the world we still don't understand and we already know there's many forms of energy that can't be seen/felt and we only know they exist due to how they interact with the world (radiation, dark matter etc.). Don't think it's completely outside the realm of possibility that there are other forms of undiscovered energy that may account for 'ghosts'. Potentially a small glimpse back in time or something.

That said I believe the vast, vast majority of hauntings are bullshit made up just to drum up interest.

And yes I'm expecting the avatar quote

Hello Snake

Nov 25, 2020
I don't believe in them, but despite that I was still afraid of them, and wouldn't watch ghost movies until the past few years. Now I'm over it and like ghost movies.


Oct 28, 2017
Not a chance.
I'm surrounded by people who do though and they love those ghost hunter shows.
"What was that noise!!!!?" Oh I don't know, maybe wood or metal shrinking or expanding under temperature change that happens every day all day everywhere. 🙄

Like the hat?

Oct 25, 2017
Yes because I have had personal experiences that can't be explained any other way. I'd never try to convince anyone else though.


Oct 28, 2017
i'm open to the idea of them existing and I won't discount someone who says they saw them but i haven't seen any so i don't really believe in them.

~110 billion people have died on planet earth in the time our species is around, we would be overflowing with ghosts if everyone stayed around. I guess if you believe only a small percentage stay it would seem still that number should only increase over time so more and more people should be experiencing ghosts.
Unless ghosts need energy of some sort to manifest and it dissipates over time, thus removing their ability to appear / manifest / exist. Would also explain why they're not super common.


May 14, 2019
I don't believe in the supernatural in any capacity there's no evidence it exists. I'm open to it if it shows itself.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 24, 2019
Sure, I think ghost experiences can be super interesting to read about too. But I tend to believe more in the 'leftover energy' variety over things like poltergeists and such tbh. If ghosts do exist then I think they're harmless more than anything.


Oct 25, 2017
No, in spite of how much I would like to.

I know plenty of rational, intelligent people who swear they've had undeniable experiences with ghosts. But none of these have ever happened to me, and so I'm forced to conclude that these were just confluences of normal things that they perceived strangely for whatever reason. The normal universe can play weird tricks on our senses sometimes.


One Winged Slayer
Jun 9, 2019
Where are all the insect ghosts, come to buzz in your ears for all eternity for stepping on them?


Jan 27, 2018
I was a janitor at a very old school and saw plenty of shit late at night, most of which I cannot explain.

Like the hat?

Oct 25, 2017
I've always been curious about this. Why can't it be explained any other way? I've heard several folks say this before but I don't understand the reasoning.

Maybe it can be, i dunno.
I'll tell my experiences but first:

Reasons no one has any expectation to believe me are I no longer have contact with the friend in question, I do not have any of the evidence below, it's literally my word against everything a person thinks and believes beforehand, etc. So I would never even begin to expect anyone to think I'm not just misremembering or confused or there was something else going on or I was pranked or whatever. I only know what I personally have experienced, and there's literally no way I can prove it. I don't care if anyone believes me or not, and totally accept arguments that I've heard that maybe it was some weird psychosis moment for me and maybe it's all just in my head or whatever. No desire to try to convince anyone.

All that being said there are two events that I have personal experience with that both took place in the same building.

1) When I was 17 I was kicked out of my house by my stepfather, he was abusive, etc but that's another story all together. I stayed with a friend of mine for a little bit because his mom let me. The way his house was laid out was he was on the top floor, there was a middle floor where his aunt lived (widowed). The back enclosed porch area had been converted to his sister's bedroom (she no longer lived at home, it was just my friend and his mom. His brothers and sister had moved out and his dad had died years ago). Anyway my friend was on the phone with his girlfriend so I was just hanging out in that back room giving him some privacy in his room. The entire back of the building was enclosed, so the stairs that led down and all that. Anyway I was sitting in there and I felt a weird feeling so I looked up at the door that led to the stairs that led down (the floors were connected, it was a 2-flat.) I saw a guy looking in at me (it was a door with glass windows, like a porch door basically). I had never seen this guy in my life. I freaked out, I put my head down, I left the room, I went into my friend's room and described this guy because I was seriously in a panic. He said for me to wait a minute and went to another room and came back with a photo that had the guy in it. The guy was his uncle who used to live on the first floor with the aunt. Turns out the uncle had molested my friend's sister in the past. So its like this face peeking into a room that used to be the sister's room. It was weird as fuck. I had never seen the guy before, never seen the picture, didn't even know about the molestation thing, but it was the face that was looking in at me. I know that for certain.

2) We were dorks and thought it would be fun to "ghost hunt" in his building after that because like his dog used to just sit in the kitchen and growl at that back room for no reason, and after the face thing we were freaked. So he had a video camera. A few times we would go down into the stairwell and into the basement area recording in the middle of the night because we were dorks, like I said. Well one time we were recording, it was 1:50in the morning. My friend was spooked and was just like "lets go upstairs man" but I was like "lets just stay until 2:00, that's ten more minutes." He was like "no, we need to go now" so we went upstairs. We were looking back at the tape and there was a voice as clear as day that did not happen while we were down there. The moment I say "that's ten more minutes" there's a voice that says "in ten minutes you're dead" and then my friend immediately "no we need to go now". For the record we were whispering. This voice was not. I heard nothing while we were down there, it was only on the tape.

So those are my experiences that I don't expect anyone to ever believe but I literally have no other explanation for either of these events. I'd entertain any other options because generally I think of myself as pretty scientifically minded and for all I know there really is something that could explain it. But the whole not having contact with this guy anymore (we had a falling out) and not having the tape and all that, I have no qualms with anyone calling BS on me.
Last edited:


Aug 1, 2018
The Ghost I always see wears parachute pants. He hates that I just laugh every time I see him.


They're feeding off / have more residual energy, clearly.

Or perhaps that era is portrayed far more in popular media with ghosts than other eras?

Maybe it can be, i dunno.
I'll tell my experiences but first:

Reasons no one has any expectation to believe me are I no longer have contact with the friend in question, I do not have any of the evidence below, it's literally my word against everything a person thinks and believes beforehand, etc. So I would never even begin to expect anyone to think I'm not just misremembering or confused or there was something else going on or I was pranked or whatever. I only know what I personally have experienced, and there's literally no way I can prove it. I don't care if anyone believes me or not, and totally accept arguments that I've heard that maybe it was some weird psychosis moment for me and maybe it's all just in my head or whatever. No desire to try to convince anyone.

All that being said there are two events that I have personal experience with that both took place in the same building.

1) When I was 17 I was kicked out of my house by my stepfather, he was abusive, etc but that's another story all together. I stayed with a friend of mine for a little bit because his mom let me. The way his house was laid out was he was on the top floor, there was a middle floor where his aunt lived (widowed). The back enclosed porch area had been converted to his sister's bedroom (she no longer lived at home, it was just my friend and his mom. His brothers and sister had moved out and his dad had died years ago). Anyway my friend was on the phone with his girlfriend so I was just hanging out in that back room giving him some privacy in his room. The entire back of the building was enclosed, so the stairs that led down and all that. Anyway I was sitting in there and I felt a weird feeling so I looked up at the door that led to the stairs that led down (the floors were connected, it was a 2-flat.) I saw a guy looking in at me (it was a door with glass windows, like a porch door basically). I had never seen this guy in my life. I freaked out, I put my head down, I left the room, I went into my friend's room and described this guy because I was seriously in a panic. He said for me to wait a minute and went to another room and came back with a photo that had the guy in it. The guy was his uncle who used to live on the first floor with the aunt. Turns out the uncle had molested my friend's sister in the past. So its like this face peeking into a room that used to be the sister's room. It was weird as fuck. I had never seen the guy before, never seen the picture, didn't even know about the molestation thing, but it was the face that was looking in at me. I know that for certain.

2) We were dorks and thought it would be fun to "ghost hunt" in his building after that because like his dog used to just sit in the kitchen and growl at that back room for no reason, and after the face thing we were freaked. So he had a video camera. A few times we would go down into the stairwell and into the basement area recording in the middle of the night because we were dorks, like I said. Well one time we were recording, it was 1:50in the morning. My friend was spooked and was just like "lets go upstairs man" but I was like "lets just stay until 2:00, that's ten more minutes." He was like "no, we need to go now" so we went upstairs. We were looking back at the tape and there was a voice as clear as day that did not happen while we were down there. The moment I say "that's ten more minutes" there's a voice that says "in ten minutes you're dead" and then my friend immediately "no we need to go now". For the record we were whispering. This voice was not. I heard nothing while we were down there, it was only on the tape.

So those are my experiences that I don't expect anyone to ever believe but I literally have no other explanation for either of these events. I'd entertain any other options because generally I think of myself as pretty scientifically minded and for all I know there really is something that could explain it. But the whole not having contact with this guy anymore (we had a falling out) and not having the tape and all that, I have no qualms with anyone calling BS on me.

Sorry, it's not really about me believing you. I do believe you believe you saw and experienced these things.

I'm just curious on why ghost is the answer here. For the first experience, why could it not be an alien that took the form to fit in, for example? Why must it be the spirit of someone who has died?

As far as the second example, why must this be a ghost and not radio interference?

I'm curious about the thought process.


Oct 29, 2017
I was a night manager in a hotel located in a forest for 5 years.

I've seen plenty of shit and absolutely nothing was supernatural. Mostly it was petty crime, mentally ill people or stoned Britons.

edit: I've also had sleep paralysis twice and one time it was truly terrifying to me. Still I know it wasn't real, it wasn't a real python under my bed, lol.