
Oct 27, 2017
I was kind of curious to see if anyone else had a similar preference to neither drink nor smoke. It was just a decision I made as a pre-teen, as neither really held any attraction to me, and have not been tempted or regretted making the decision since.

I know a lot of folks who prefer one, the other or both, and that's cool/good for them. But for me, it was just never on the radar.

Is there anyone else who is in a similar situation? Or possibly decided to stop drinking or smoking after coming to a decision to do so? If so, why?


Oct 25, 2017
Frisco, Tx
I dont do either. Being the designated driver all through college honestly helped pay a lot of my bills. Ive never liked the taste of alcohol and find smoking (especially weed) the most disgusting habit in the world.

My vice in life is being addicted to sugar.


Oct 27, 2017
Drinking right now lol
I used to not do anything but peer-pressure got me LOL
Oct 25, 2017
I'm 30 years old.

I've never had any kind of alcoholic drink, done any drug, or smoked ever in my life.

There is absolutely no reason behind it, I've just never tried them. I guess part of it is that it costs money and I don't like spending money on things I don't need aside of video-games and actually essential things like food.

I will say that I'm interested in smoking weed someday, even if it's not a big deal if it never happens. Not sure how being drunk or being out of your senses even feels so I assume it will be a wild experience if it ever happens.


Oct 25, 2017
I have never tried either, even though there was plenty of temptation from young age by friends. Despite my religion, there are plenty of my people who drink but more I don't want to lose control. And smoking, never saw any positives about it. I'd rather try weed than anything.

Deleted member 46429

Self-requested ban
Aug 4, 2018
I don't drink or smoke.

Smoking has a lot to do with health issues, and while I don't think there's any health issue with me drinking, there's reasons why I don't. The closest thing to a non-medical drug I consume is coffee and sometimes tea, and I have a lot of coffee :/


Oct 27, 2017
I've never understood people who aren't curious about the effects of drugs. I can understand not shooting heroin "out of curiosity" and I can understand not making drugs part of one's routine. But never getting drunk? Never smoking weed? Not even once a year? Once a decade?

It's just so fucking weird to me. Like...are people terrified or what?


Oct 25, 2017
I've never really smoked, I think only the 1 cigarette, smoked weed for 3 or 4 years, 16-20ish. Used to drink a fair bit, but now it's really only special occasions. Last time I got proper drunk was probably 7 or 8 years ago.


Oct 25, 2017
Right here. I've had sips of alcohol. Different drinks. All vile. Drugs and smoking just don't make sense to me.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I used to kind of be like this because it never interested me, but I'm so glad I ended up trying things.

The pinnacle of living for me is social eating, drinking and smoking. I'm incredibly passionate about my job and my hobbies, but food, drugs and alcohol with friends is as good as it gets. I almost feel concerned for people that deliberately avoid these experiences.

Also: moderation. You don't have to be wasted every time you drink, you don't have to smoke a pack a day, you don't have to be perpetually high. I'm not looking to die of lung cancer but a cigar or cigarette once a year is something I can live with the risk of.

Deleted member 22750

Oct 28, 2017
5 years sober.
Don't really miss it.

When I drank I binged. So it had to stop.

I am the DD fairly often and it don't bother me.

I was never into smoking. From cigarettes to Mary Jane, I just never gravitated towards it.


Oct 25, 2017
I've tried alcohol and had drinks on occasion but it's like very few years if that for a specific occasion. Never been drunk because I apparently have a decent tolerance according to my friends and sister who do drink semi-regularly so I'd have to be really trying and I have no interest in that.

Don't smoke, never will and hate being around it because I have severe asthma.


Oct 27, 2017
I've never understood people who aren't curious about the effects of drugs. I can understand not shooting heroin "out of curiosity" and I can understand not making drugs part of one's routine. But never getting drunk? Never smoking weed? Not even once a year? Once a decade?

It's just so fucking weird to me. Like...are people terrified or what?

I think it just boils down to different reasons for different people. Maybe they have seen the negative effects one or the other have had on someone they know personally?

In my case, I don't see any logical reason I would want to drink or smoke. Some folks say it loosens people up, but I have never had any trouble interacting with other people, and there are plenty of other ways to relax. And the cost of drinking or smoking is something I could dedicate my money to in another endeavour or hobby.

And additionally, as one of the posters above mentioned, I also don't have a need to lessen my sense of control, at any time.


Oct 27, 2017
Would have an occasional cigar back in highschool and college years. Will have an occasional drink still. But never smoked weed in my life (always hated the smell). Never been drunk, or even finished a beer. Shit tastes so bad.
Oct 25, 2017
I've never understood people who aren't curious about the effects of drugs. I can understand not shooting heroin "out of curiosity" and I can understand not making drugs part of one's routine. But never getting drunk? Never smoking weed? Not even once a year? Once a decade?

It's just so fucking weird to me. Like...are people terrified or what?

It's just never been a thing in my life, that simple.

As I said above, I'm interested in smoking weed someday, sure helps to hear that it doesn't do you any bad.

But I dunno when it will happen, maybe never, who knows.

Stowaway Silfer

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I've never done either. Never had any interest and I don't feel like I'm missing out on a life that would be bettered by doing either.


Oct 27, 2017
Don't smoke or drink. My heart rate spikes when I drink, like intense anxiety so I stopped. Never interested in smoking.


Oct 27, 2017
I will admit that I used to have an addiction to Arizona Green Tea, with ginseng and honey. That stuff was so good, but too much sugar that I eventually stopped having it regularly. Same with Coca Cola. Used to love that stuff as a kid, but now if I even try a little, it tastes okay, but my body feels weird after about an hour.


Oct 26, 2017
Don't drink nor smoke neither. I have zero curiosity for breathing smoke, and i don't like alcohol taste.


Oct 28, 2017
I drink and smoke. Don't mind the drinking, love it, but I wish I wasn't so addicted to smoking. I hate it.
Oct 28, 2017
Don't smoke weed.

My worst experience was the night I got high and went into Carl's Jr. ordered 6 cheeseburgers to go because I had the munchies. While waiting on my order I had to take a piss so I went to the bathroom walked up to the urinal and let go. Some lady walks in behind me and starts screaming. Turns out I was pissing on the wall of the women's bathroom and when I realized what I had done I noticed there were no urinals so I was tripping so hard my mind was hallucinating. The manager threatened to call the cops so I ran and found a dumpster at an apartment building behind the restaurant. I jumped in to hide and fell asleep. I woke up later and noticed there was a broken N64 in its original box and a few games in the dumpster so I took it home and took it apart then put it back together and it worked. I spent the next 6 days playing Zelda Ocarina of Time for the first time in my life. I skipped school to finish it, missed all my tests and ended up having to do the whole semester over.

Don't smoke weed.


Oct 29, 2017
Never saw the appeal of either, especially considering the detrimental effects on health.


Nov 2, 2017
Pensacola, FL
Never smoked I've got asthma.

I stopped drinking as well. Wasn't a heavy drinker just beer (mmm all the holiday ales this time of year) but we are poor folks and its a waste of money. Adds up over time. Rather have that cash for games!
Oct 27, 2017
I've never done either one. I grew up in a household with neither ever done (I've literally seen my mom take one sip of alcohol over my entire life), and while I no longer subscribe to all of my family's beliefs, I still have no interest in either.


Aug 20, 2018

Dont get why would i deliberately slow down my brain functions due to intoxication in the name of 'relaxation'.

Dont get why would i deliberately stain my teeth & lungs with the same materials they used to pave roads (tar) in the name of 'relaxation'.

You do you i guess.


Oct 26, 2017
I have tried a little 4 pack of wine coolers.



Never had a desire to smoke or drink, but I at least wanted to try something that has SOME alcohol in it. I could smell faint alcohol smell in them. And it was hard to just drink them down (like you can juice or a soda) so it took forever to finish the 4, but I did. It wasn't awful. But it costs more than other more healthy beverages and there was nothing special about them at all. I lost all interest in exploring alcohol after that. I don't see what the hoopla would be about.

I didnt feel extra relaxed or anything.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I think it just boils down to different reasons for different people. Maybe they have seen the negative effects one or the other have had on someone they know personally?

In my case, I don't see any logical reason I would want to drink or smoke. Some folks say it loosens people up, but I have never had any trouble interacting with other people, and there are plenty of other ways to relax. And the cost of drinking or smoking is something I could dedicate my money to in another endeavour or hobby.

And additionally, as one of the posters above mentioned, I also don't have a need to lessen my sense of control, at any time.

Can you expand on the "lessen my sense into of control" bit? I've heard this a lot from people who have never had alcohol or any perception altering drugs and I've never fullly understood it. I know, even personally, that from the perspective of someone who's never been drunk the neutral rational description of "you're less in control" seems like a negative thing. That said, this line really paints being drunk as you almost observing yourself from a distance, horrified at your hampered motor skills and lessened ability to think critically. In reality, you're not at all thinking about this and you just enjoy the inebriation.

You still feel fully like yourself. You just think less (unbeknownst to yourself) and everything is more fun.

I have tried a little 4 pack of wine coolers.



Never had a desire to smoke or drink, but I at least wanted to try something that has SOME alcohol in it. I could smell faint alcohol smell in them. And it was hard to just drink them down (like you can juice or a soda) so it took forever to finish the 4, but I did. It wasn't awful. But it costs more than other more healthy beverages and there was nothing special about them at all. I lost all interest in exploring alcohol after that. I don't see what the hoopla would be about.

I didnt feel extra relaxed or anything.

This is a deliberately bad way to try drinking. Treat yourself to a nice bar with great mixed drinks sometime.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't smoke. Aside from health concerns that I have about smoking in general, it also a very expensive and uneccessary habit for me to take up.

I do drink though, but only in situations in which others are drinking.


Mar 30, 2018
I don't smoke or drink. I can only taste the alcohol in alcoholic beverages so it's not enjoyable to me at all.


Oct 27, 2017
I have not developed the taste for alcohol, so I've never drank more than 3 or 4 sips in my entire life. Never smoked and have no intention to start.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
North Carolina
Unlike my classmates I think I took the whole avoiding peer pressure to heart and stayed away from it. I'm 25 now and the only time I smoked a cigarette was during a play in college. I inhaled it on accident and fucked up my throat. Had a sore throat for 2 weeks so I was doubly sure I made the right choices in my life. As for alcohol? I just think it tastes like shit to just mediocre.


Oct 27, 2017
No to both.

Alcohol tastes gross to me.
Smoking is gross.

Also, have better things to spend money on.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Bay Area, California
Don't smoke weed.

My worst experience was the night I got high and went into Carl's Jr. ordered 6 cheeseburgers to go because I had the munchies. While waiting on my order I had to take a piss so I went to the bathroom walked up to the urinal and let go. Some lady walks in behind me and starts screaming. Turns out I was pissing on the wall of the women's bathroom and when I realized what I had done I noticed there were no urinals so I was tripping so hard my mind was hallucinating. The manager threatened to call the cops so I ran and found a dumpster at an apartment building behind the restaurant. I jumped in to hide and fell asleep. I woke up later and noticed there was a broken N64 in its original box and a few games in the dumpster so I took it home and took it apart then put it back together and it worked. I spent the next 6 days playing Zelda Ocarina of Time for the first time in my life. I skipped school to finish it, missed all my tests and ended up having to do the whole semester over.

Don't smoke weed.
I think there was something else in your weed dude


Lead Designer, Iridium Studios
Oct 25, 2017
I've never done either.

Not much of a reason, really, but I usually need a reason to do something, not a reason to not do something.


Oct 25, 2017
I used to kind of be like this because it never interested me, but I'm so glad I ended up trying things.

The pinnacle of living for me is social eating, drinking and smoking. I'm incredibly passionate about my job and my hobbies, but food, drugs and alcohol with friends is as good as it gets. I almost feel concerned for people that deliberately avoid these experiences.

Also: moderation. You don't have to be wasted every time you drink, you don't have to smoke a pack a day, you don't have to be perpetually high. I'm not looking to die of lung cancer but a cigar or cigarette once a year is something I can live with the risk of.
I think it's reasonable to be fearful of addiction. I'm pretty sure drinking in moderation was debunked and it's more marketing speak by alcohol companies.


Nov 15, 2017
Drink yes but only at friendly gatherings
Smoke is wack for my lungs but in other substances such as snacks yea
LSD on the other hand...