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T002 Tyrant

Nov 8, 2018
I mean it had some fantastic stuff but it was balanced out with a lot of pointless scenes that felt shoehorned in to make the film longer (like the casino planet), and the humour made me cringe inside (throwing away lightsaber and mobile phone signal joke are main examples). I also couldn't suspend my disbelief at zero gravity bombers.

I mean other Star Wars aren't prize pigs either and have flaws, but it just didn't connect to me on any level in comparison with other films in the original trilogy, I even preferred Revenge of the Sith and The Force Awakens.

I did however like the Porgs but I like Ewoks too {shrugs} and again had some great action set pieces and I enjoyed grumpy Luke and Rey's relationship.

I felt the film was a fun film overall but doesn't deserve to be anything above a "good" or "alright" however everyone either seems to gush over the film or absolutely hate it.

Whereas I seem to just think it's ok. Am I the only person who neither loved or hated the film? I feel quite alone when it comes to this.

I also feel alone in the fact that I don't share any strong feelings towards Marmite, I don't hate it and I'll eat it on toast and with cheese, but I don't think it's amazing either.


Oct 27, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
I settle more around the "Good not great" end of the spectrum, but yeah, in pretty much right there with you.


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah I'm 50:50 on it.

I think it had some neat ideas, but didn't fully commit to them.

I think it would be way way more interesting if Rey and Kylo did in fact team up to create a new post-light/dark galactic order, dismantling the republic/rebel dichotomy. Time to let old things die.

I also don't understand why Luke just vanished. Would have been more logical, and a more engaging visual if he'd been able to force project himself into the battle, but then his final scene showed him die from the wounds he would have got from that battle, rather than just disappear.

I hope they don't retcon stuff like Rey's parents being nobodies, just so that The Rise of Skywalker is like poetry (it rhymes).

Casino planet segment was dumb, Leia could have been given a great heroes death. I like the idea of a cynical, bitter & lonely Luke, but I don't think they quite nailed the writing.


Oct 25, 2017
I've cooled off on it a bit over the last year and a half. I still think like 75% of the movie is amazing and some of the most refreshing Star Wars content ever made and the deconstructions and themes of the film are great. On the other hand there's certain things about it that have really grown to frustrate me, such as the fact that the main characters barely interact throughout the film.

Deleted member 5666

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Oct 25, 2017
Second only to Empire Strikes Back as the best film in the franchise.

1. The Empire Strikes Back
2. The Last Jedi
3. A New Hope
4. The Force Awakens
5. Return of the Jedi
6. Rogue One
7. The Phantom Menace
8. Revenge of the Sith
9. Solo
10. Attack of the Clones


Oct 25, 2017
There was some good stuff and some bad stuff. I found it more disappointing than bad. I still need to watch it again sometime, but it deflated all the excitement I had for Star Wars.
Mar 30, 2019
I also did not either hate or love the movie. It was a well made film that took a lot of risks that I just don't agree with. I'm still glad RJ took them though.

For example, I was mostly dissappointed with Finn's arc, as I was looking forward to it the most. I'm still not sure what I wanted for him, but it just felt like retreading his cowardice from Awakens. Other instances just felt out of place or wasn't interesting to me.

I really loved Rey's backstory reveal, Kylo's arc, and even how Luke was treated at the end.

The whole tone was off throughout. I couldn't get into Rian's headspace for the emotional thrust he was going for. The contrast was jarring.

To be clear, being in a flux between liking and disliking doesn't mean I think it was mediocre. It has merits to it. I just can't get closure for the movie and the trilogy without seeing the third one.


Oct 27, 2017
It was ok imo

some great scenes (luke + rey, kylo + rey), some poinless (casino)

my main gripe was that stupid, STUPID holdo-"lightspeed attack"

it ruins star wars canon both historically and going forward.


Oct 26, 2017
I've learned that having a moderate opinion on TLJ is seen as somewhat suspicious by fans and haters alike.


Oct 25, 2017
While I hated the film, the worst thing about it is the indifference most people I know had about it. I don't know anyone who loved it, know a few that hated it, but most were just indifferent about it. I was indifferent about it when leaving the theater, and if it weren't for the internet always talking about it making me reflect on it, I'd probably be the same way.

I don't think its a good film if it incites indifference to itself after people were always pretty enthusiastic about the others. Even the PT as poorly received as they were, still had people talking about them, and kids excited.

At this point, I think most are shrugging their shoulders when it comes to Star Wars, and while I expect TROS to be significantly lower in ticket sales, I think most people will end up catching it on Disney+ or showing up just to see how it ends without much enthusiasm. It'll still probably break a billion.


Nov 2, 2017
It's on the lower end of the 'its ok' spectrum. I thought it was flat, boring dreck with a little dose of stupid that looked good. So there's balance in the force I guess?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I mean, to me it absolutely doesn't go beyond blockbuster territory. I enjoyed it for what it was, took pleasure in arguing against sexist fanboys in the first few days after its release, but I lost interest in it pretty quickly.


Oct 25, 2017
Yes. I liked TFA better. Still miles better than any prequel though.

1. ESB
3. TFA
4. ANH
5. R1
6. TLJ
7. Solo
8. PM
10. CW

272772. Christmas Special


Oct 27, 2017
Yea. I don't hate the movie at all, but it isn't my favorite. I have a feeling that both TFA, and TLJ will get better for me after the Rise of Skywalker comes out. Much like with ROTS, this is the movie in the trilogy I've been waiting for.

3: ETB
4. ANH
5. TLJ
6. TPM
7. TFA

I loved both Rogue One and Solo.


Oct 29, 2017
It is funny because on paper is a competent movie, but it is a dumpster fire that makes it worse than episode 1 to 3.


Oct 30, 2017
I really love a lot of things about the film and actively dislike a lot of other things. So yes, overall, it stands as just "OK" to me; just above Revenge of the Sith. I think it had some of the highest highs of the series but also some of the lowest lows.


Oct 27, 2017
I didn't like that most of the movie was constrained to the Resistance fleeing the First Order. Felt like it limited the scope of it.


Sep 21, 2018
Yes. The problem is that the whole hate it love it thing got way out of hand, and the people that are just ok with it are lumped into one or the other. I know I have. It's like you're not allowed to find fault with it, which is why I've stayed away from discussing it here and other places.

Mr. Pointy

Oct 28, 2017
Yeah. TLJ is like a 60/40 film for me. It's a like a Star Trek episode where I like the A-plot (Rey/Luke/Kylo arc), don't care for the B-plot (the nuBSG plotline) and find the ending somewhat unsatisfying when the both stories meet up at the salt planet.

It's fine, but I have no urge to watch it again.


Oct 25, 2017
Working on my "The Scene in The Last Jedi Where BB8 Shoots Coins At the Guard Was Pretty Good But The Way Benicio Danced Was Not A Great Choice" OT.

Should have it ready by the time IX comes out.


Nov 2, 2017
I thought it was just ok too. I don't really have a compelling need to watch it again. I liked the Canto Bight scenes though.


Oct 26, 2017
Ya that's pretty much exactly how I feel, OP. It's alright. Has several good moments but it's held back from being a solid movie but way too much fluff and questionable additions. It absolutely *feels* like Rian wanted a more cohesive story but had overhead forcing him to add more levity and "fun" via Casino Shlock.

It's a movie I'd rewatch if put in front of me but I just don't have any inkling to go out of my way for it like any post-Original Trilogy movies.

Deleted member 7051

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Oct 25, 2017
I disliked it a lot at the start. It probably didn't help how much resistance there was against the audacity of someone disliking the movie, since that just made me dislike the movie even more.

It became harder and harder to even have sensible conversations with people since they were acting like not liking the movie was the equivalent of being a tasteless lowbrow idiot who wouldn't understand a good movie if it slapped them with a wet fish.

As time has gone on, though, and the conversation died down, I'm just becoming indifferent to it. It does some things well, it does other things not so well. It's not flawless but it's not the worst sequel since Alien 3 either.

I don't know if I'll ever intentionally watch it again but it's not like I'd turn it off if it came on TV one day.
Oct 2, 2018
I thought it was kinda meh and frustrating viewing; and found the casino planet shit seriously annoying.

Throne room fight was beautifully done.

Luke Skywalker was wasted and super Leia was embarrasing AF.
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